Game of Thrones, 287
General Motors (GM), 81, 83, 87
George Bush Intercontinental Airport, 316
George Washington University, 39
Georgia (Republic), 164
Georgia (state), 318
Gere, Richard, 78
Germany, 255, 259, 284, 293
Gershwin, George, 158, 162–63, 165, 166
Gilbert, Paul, 16, 323
Gilot, Gary, 175–77
Gingrich, Newt, 215
Glezman, Chasten, 129, 220, 264, 325
background of, 284, 288–89, 291, 293
challenges as a “political plus-one,” 296–97
coming out, 293
domestic life with PB, 21, 297–99
education of, 137, 284, 289–90, 293
introducing PB to parents, 291–93, 294
jobs of, 137–38, 289–90, 297, 300
meeting PB, 42, 284–85, 287–88
PB’s proposal to, 300–301
rapport between families of PB and, 294–95
support during DNC chair campaign, 314, 316, 317, 319
wedding of, 301–2
Glezman, Sherri, 289, 291–92, 293, 294–96, 302
Glezman, Terry, 289, 291–92, 293, 294, 295–96, 301–2
Glickman, Dan, 39
GM (General Motors), 81, 83, 87
God Quad (Notre Dame), 173
Goldberg, Isaac, 121
Goldsmith, Steve, 186, 189
Goodnight, Greg, 86
Goodwin, Richard Chapman, 38
Gore, Al, 39–40
Grace (co-president of College Democrats at Notre Dame), 224
Graham, Lindsey, 54
Grand Traverse County, Mich., 291
Grand Trunk Western railroad bridge, 136
Granger, Ind., 19–20, 111, 226, 227, 298
Grant, Ulysses, Jr., 36
Grantz, Brian, 261, 302
Great Lakes Loons, 288
Greene, Graham, 45
Greene, Harold, 256
Green Party, 40
Gregg, John, 217
Halberstam, David, 187, 188
Hamann, Mary, 121
Hamann, Mike, 111, 113, 118, 121–22, 123, 125
Harris, James, Jr., 116–17
Harris, Jeff, 89–91, 92, 93, 95, 98
Harrison, Jaime, 316
Harrison Primary Center, 225
Harvard, 10, 29–30, 71
Holworthy Hall at, 36–37
Institute of Politics at, 38–39, 40, 41, 201
Kirkland House at, 40
Leverett House at, 46
Massachusetts Hall at, 37
Memorial Church at, 38, 53
Memorial Hall at, 37, 47, 71
military service members from, 37–38, 71, 72
rally on Iraq War at, 52
Tercentenary Theater at, 53
website of, 41
Weld Hall at, 37
Widener Library at, 53
Harvard Business School, 61
Harvard Crimson, 41, 42
Harvard Square, 35, 36, 42
Harvard Yard, 36, 37, 40, 46
Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 45
Heitkamp, Heidi, 315
Helak, Leon, 22
Helbling, Jeff, 61, 62
Hendrix, Jimi, 160
Hesburgh, Ted, 154
Hinge, 287
Hockenberry, Raina, 256
Holcomb, Eric, 208
Holtz, Lou, 23
Holworthy Hall, 36–37
Holy Cross Church, 121
Holy Cross College, 22
Horvath, Eric, 191, 322
Houston, Tex., 314, 316
Howard County, Ind., 81, 86
Howard Park, 134, 138
Hudnut, Bill, 151
Huffington Post, 227
Hussein, Saddam, 51, 52
Hyde Park, 61
ICE, 224, 226
Illinois, 70, 72, 75, 76, 107, 235
see also Chicago, Ill.
India, 180
ethnic backgrounds of political candidates in, 114
Ku Klux Klan in, 211, 223
law on mayor called into active duty, 234–35
people employed by auto industry in, 81
reactions to Religious Freedom Restoration Act of, 210–17, 267, 269
recruiting for down-ticket races in, 88
Regional Cities program of, 206–7
reputation of, 210–11
see also specific cities and counties
Indiana Economic Development Corporation, 206
Indianapolis, Ind., 80, 99, 105, 111, 141, 186, 203, 204, 212
Indianapolis Motor Speedway, 204
Indianapolis Star, 216
Indiana State Central Committee, 113
Indiana Transmission Plant 2 (ITP2), 81, 100
Indiana University, 158
Indiana University South Bend (IUSB), 135, 159, 162, 164
Indiana Urban Mayors Caucus, 209
Institute of Politics (IOP), 38–39, 40, 41, 201
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 153, 133
IOP (Institute of Politics), 38–39, 40, 41, 201
Iowa, 64, 69, 70–71, 72, 74, 75, 116
Iraq, 63, 98, 242, 255
fall of, 52
PB in, 51, 55
war in, 50, 70, 235, 243, 253
Irv (PB’s neighbor), 272
ISIS, 253
Ismail, Raghib “Rocket,” 23
Israel, 43
Italy, 248
ITP2 (Indiana Transmission Plant 2), 81, 100
IUSB (Indiana University South Bend), 135, 159, 162, 164
J. C. Penney, 19
Japan, 252
Jara family, 170
Jaworski’s Market, 123
Jefferson Boulevard Bridge, 133, 134, 140
Jefferson Intermediate Center, 137
JIFFI, 180
Joe (in PB’s running group), 131, 132–33, 141, 164
Joe’s Tavern, 18, 108
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, 30, 31, 35
Johnson, Lyndon B., 187, 188
Jones, Kelly, 280
Jost, Colin, 212
Joyce, James, 33, 231, 303
Juárez, Mexico, 229
Julia, Raul, 27
Kabul, Afghanistan, 237, 246–48, 251, 255, 257, 329
Kagan, Elena, 87
Kandahar, Afghanistan, 253–54
Kansas, 23
Kathy (PB’s neighbor), 272
Keaton, Michael, 214
Kennedy, Bobby, 122
Kennedy, Caroline, 32
Kennedy, David, 150
Kennedy, John F., 15, 30, 32, 37, 43, 71, 72
Kennedy, Joseph, Jr., 71
Kennedy, Joseph, Sr., 71
Kennedy, Ted, 32, 40, 41
Kennedy Park neighborhood, 329
Kentucky, 95, 96, 298
Kernan, Joe, 108–10, 202, 261, 263, 306
Kernan, Maggie, 109, 110
Kerry, John, 40, 54, 70, 250
Keynes, John Maynard, 65
King, Karl, 113
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 153, 154
Kirkland House, 40
KKK (Ku Klux Klan), 211, 223
Koch brothers, 311
Kodanashvili, Vakhtang, 159
Kokomo, Ind., 80–82, 86, 100
Kountry Kidz Day Care, 51, 42
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 211, 223
Kyushu, Japan, 252
La Follette, Bob, 312
LangLab, 301
LaRouche, Lyndon, 36
LaSalle Park neighborhood, 18, 170
Las Cruces, N. Mex., 8
La Señorita, 289
Latin America, 24
Lee, Robert E., 155
Leno, Jay, 213
“Letter from Flyover Country, A” (Buttigieg), 308
Leverett House, 46
Lightcap, Mrs., 124
Lincoln, Abraham, 30, 1
Lindsay, John V., 4
Little Caesar’s, 11
“Livin’ on a Prayer” (Bon Jovi), 302
Logan Airport, 46
Long Island Rail Road, 30
Los Angeles, Calif., 314
Louisville, Ky., 279
Lovett, Lyle, 99
Lubang Island, 252
Luecke, Steve, 105, 107, 110, 174–75, 177, 281
Lugar, Dick, 102, 202, 211
Mahuad, Jamil, 38
Main Street Coffee House, 108
Malta, 8
Manchester United, 22–23
Manhattan (Allen), 166
Mantel, Hilary, 127
Marks, Kenny, 118
Mar-Main Pharmacy, 7
Marshall County, Ind., 132, 272
Martin, Ms., 9
Martinez, John, 184, 185
Martin Luther King Center, 150
Martin’s Super Market, 5, 7, 11, 19, 119, 296, 320
Massachusetts Hall, 37, 287
Mather, Cotton, 43
Matthews, Dave, 160, 172
McAllister, Lt., 73
McCain, John, 38
McCarthy, Carolyn, 30
McDonald’s, 295
McGovern, George, 312
McKinsey & Company, 55, 59–60, 61, 64, 69, 77, 80, 90, 92, 147, 202, 236
McNamara, Robert, 187–88, 189, 196
McRae, Jason, 254, 255
Memorial Church, 38, 53
Memorial Hall, 37, 47, 71
Memorial Hospital, 131, 213
Memories Pizza, 214–15
Mendoza College of Business, 172
Mercedes-Benz, 139, 220
Merriman, Steve, 161–62
MetroLab Network, 179
Mexico, 8, 26, 135, 161, 222
Miami, Fla., 163, 314
Michigan, 75, 78, 136, 159, 284, 289, 295, 305
Michigan, Lake, 61
Michigan Street Bridge, 140
Milwaukee, Wis., 290
Mishawaka, Ind., 19, 135, 139, 258
MIT, 36
Mo (owner of Club 23), 102
Mogilevsky, Maxim, 159
Monde, Le, 36
Money Pit, The, 131
Montgomery, Jennifer Anne (mother), 24–25, 72–73, 105, 140, 159, 160
home of, 21
move to South Bend, 8, 9
at Notre Dame, 12, 44, 172
during PB’s mayoral campaign of 2011, 120–21, 124
at PB’s return from Afghanistan, 261, 262
at PB’s wedding, 302
reaction to PB coming out, 266–67
visit to Glezmans, 294–95
Montgomery, Russell, 72–74
Morgan, Butch, 111–13, 136, 315
Morris Performing Arts Center, 158, 165
Mount Ayr, Iowa, 72
Mourdock, Richard, 84–86, 87–88, 92, 101, 102, 114, 208
M.R. Falcons, 204–5
MSNBC, 314
Mueller, James, 317
Muhammad, Gladys, 18
Mullen, Pete, 5–6, 7
Munich, Germany, 22–23
Munson Medical Center, 290
Murray, Iowa, 69
Murray, Lieutenant, 233, 234, 236
Mussorgsky, Modest, 159
MySpace, 41
Nader, Ralph, 40
National Architecture Foundation, 270
National Geographic, 26
National Honor Society (NHS), 225–26
Naval Station Great Lakes, 78, 238
Navarre, Pierre, 115
NBC News, 307
NCAA, 212
Neal, Mark, 237–38, 239, 261
Netflix, 197
New Mexico State University, 8
Newsweek, 104, 115, 156
New York City, N.Y., 16, 105, 137, 179, 285, 314
New York Times, 215
NHS (National Honor Society), 225–26
Nick’s Patio, 124
Nokomis Park, 21
Nolan (intern), 97
Norfolk, Va., 239, 260
North Dakota, 315
Northside Hall, 159
Northwestern Michigan College, 290
Nozick, Robert, 57–58
Obama, Barack, 86, 202, 222, 268
congressional campaign of, 69–70
drawdown announcement in 2014, 249
marriage equality and, 215
PB’s ride to Elkhart with, 218, 219–20
in presidential election of 2008, 69, 70–71, 99
in presidential election of 2012, 83
role in auto bailout, 82, 83
support for Perez as DNC chair, 307, 318
O’Bannon, Frank, 109
Office, The, 240
Office of Personnel Management, 77
Office of Science and Technology Policy, 179
Officer and a Gentleman, An, 78
O’Hare Airport, 163, 290, 300–301
Ohio, 72
OkCupid, 287
Oklahoma City, Okla., 102
Oliver Hotel, 16
Oliver Plow Company, 13
O’Malley, Martin, 166–67, 184, 186, 189
O’Neill, Tip, 226
Onoda, Hiroo, 252–53
Osco Drug, 11, 17
O’Shaughnessy Hall, 172
Owen County, Ind., 211
Oxford, see University of Oxford
Paddy’s Legal Beagle Pub, 100
Pakistan, 50, 246
Paraguay, 121
Parent, Roger, 138
Parker, Dan, 91
Parks and Recreation, 136, 329
Past Out of Town News, 36
Pavey, Jesse I., 326
Pawlowski, Brian, 262
PBS, 187
Peate, Cherri, 223–24, 328
Pembroke College, 58
Pence, Karen, 204, 205
Pence, Mike, 204–6, 207–10, 212–13, 216, 217, 267, 291
Perez, Tom, 307, 314, 316, 318, 319
Philippines, 252
Phillips Andover, 71
Phoenix, Ariz., 54, 70, 314
Pictorial Souvenir of South Bend, 13
PINE, 41
Pittsburgh, Pa., 73, 179
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, 155n
Porgy and Bess (Gershwin), 165
Porter, Peter Augustus, 38
Portland, Ore., 179
Potawatomi Indians, 155n
Princeton University, 71, 72
Progressive Student Labor Movement, 40
Pryor, David, 38–39
Przybysz, Randy, 114
Purdue University, 23, 73
Qatar, 254
Quiet American, The (Greene), 45
Quimby, Mayor (char.), 146
Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 160
Racine, Wis., 227
Rawls, John, 57, 58
Reagan, Ronald, 24, 43, 163, 215, 219, 222
Regional Cities Initiative, 206–7, 208, 209
Reich, Robert, 40
Repubblica, La, 36
Republican Party, 28, 30–31, 109
Reuther, Walter, 15
Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin), 158, 162–63, 165
Rice, Tony, 23, 24
Riley, James Whitcomb, 99
Ringgold, Iowa, 69
Rio Grande (river valley), 8
River Lights, 133–34, 288
“Road Not Taken, The” (Frost), 42
Rob (intel analyst), 245
Robertson’s Department Store, 17, 19, 322, 325
Rockne, Knute, 12, 23, 173
Romero, 27
Romney, Mitt, 83
Roos, Kathryn, 119–20, 125, 237, 239, 261, 262
Roth-Douquet, Kathy, 71
Sacco, Nicola, 43
St. Adalbert’s Church, 224
St. Joseph County, Ind., 223
St. Joseph High School, 20, 25–27, 111, 148, 187, 261, 309
St. Joseph River, 13, 21, 132, 139, 155, 286, 329, 330
r /> St. Joseph Valley, 135
Saint Mary’s College, 21, 22
Salazar, Benito, 124, 212
Salih, Tayeb, 45
Sanders, Bernie, 30, 31, 221, 307, 315
Sanders, Colonel, 96
Sanford, Mark, 54
San Francisco, Calif., 80, 314
Saturday Night Live, 212, 214
Savitski, Edisher, 163, 164
Scandinavia, 130
Schaeffer, Frank, 71
Schellinger, Jim, 206
Schmuhl, Mike, 108, 110, 115, 118, 119, 125, 274, 282
School Corporation, 154
Schuster, Cheri, 113
Scott County, Ind., 8, 9
Scully, Father, 173
Season of Migration to the North (Salih), 45
Seattle, Wash., 80
Seigenthaler, John, 32
Seitz Park, 140
Serbia, 41
SF Motors, 139
Shakespeare, Rob, 133
Simpson, Al, 32
Simpsons, The, 146
60 Minutes, 228
Skyway Bridge, 61
Sorin, Edward, 115
South Bend, Ind.
during the Blizzard of ’78, 5, 6, 7, 8
celebration of 150th anniversary of, 155–57, 237, 282, 288
controversy over police department “tapes case” in, 274–77
decline of downtown, 11–12, 15–18, 279
Dyngus Day in, 122–23, 205
economic crisis of 2008 and, 81–82
economic growth by 2015 in, 157, 280–82
empty factories in, 11–12, 18
Farmer’s Market, 136, 211
fears of ICE raids in, 224–25
as a football town, 22
founding of, 115, 155, 155n
gun violence in 2012, 146, 149–50
marketing of, 13–14
neighborhoods in, 18, 20, 21
nondiscrimination ordinance in, 210, 213, 265
per capita personal income in, 18
population of, 4, 18–19, 104, 281
U.S. House seat in 2002 in, 50
wastewater management in, 174–77
South Bend Brew Werks, 214
South Bend Chocolate Café, 105, 141
South Bend Chocolate Company, 112
South Bend Cubs, 219, 281, 288
South Bend Leadership Coalition, 271
South Bend Silver Hawks, 110
South Bend Symphony Orchestra, 159, 162, 165–66
South Bend Tribune, 203, 269, 272, 277, 280
book published on South Bend by, 13
on closing of Studebaker factory, 15
coverage of “tapes case,” 277
Daniels’s comments on South Bend to, 203
on debate in 1995 over renaming of street, 153
description of Oliver Hotel, 16
endorsement of PB in mayoral election of 2011, 118
op-ed on criticizing PB’s approach to streets downtown, 280
PB coming out publicly via op-ed in, 269–70
review of PB’s piano performance, 166
South Bend Watch Company, 14–15
South Bend Water Works, 108
South Carolina, 239, 240, 242, 251
South China Sea, 252
Shortest Way Home Page 34