Hurt radiated off of her in waves as her eyes glassed over with tears. I couldn’t do this, I shouldn’t have done this, but I had to be rid of Natalie, for good. It wasn’t all about the money. She was threatening to go to the press, to tell them everything about our failed marriage and why she left me. I couldn’t let that happen. It would destroy my family, my reputation, and Liza would find out the kind of man I really was. This was the only way to be rid of Natalie and her hold over me. If Liza and I were engaged, Natalie had to take a single payout and finally sign the divorce papers I had been pushing for her to sign for years.
“Liza, please. I’m doing this for us, for my family. If I could tell you everything else, I would, but you have to know I wouldn’t jump into another marriage with just anyone.” I was losing control of the situation.
I glanced at my watch and cursed under my breath. I was running out of time. In mere minutes, the captain would announce our landing and Liza would be free to leave me in France.
“I can’t trust you. I thought I could, but I can’t. Everything you’ve ever said to me was a lie. Everything I thought I knew about you or about this”—she gestured between us—“was a lie. Why me? Why didn’t you choose one of the many female fans you have around the city to drag into this mess? Why did you choose me?” She begged me for the answer I didn’t want to give. Not yet.
I moved closer to her, crowding her against the door, and hoped she would feel the words I wasn’t able to say to her. Her hand slipped from the doorknob as I pressed her against the door with my body.
“Because I didn’t want any of those women. I wanted you.” My voice was husky with desire.
Liza closed her eyes. “Dammit, Jackson.” She looked up at me, a single tear falling, and I could see it in her eyes—the same thing I felt, what I was so afraid to say, and I knew she was afraid too, especially now. “I don’t want to get married like this.”
Her voice was barely above a whisper, but I heard her and the desperation that lingered beneath her words.
“We can have it annulled as soon as everything is sorted out with Natalie,” I heard myself say. It wasn’t what I wanted, and I would fight like hell not to let it happen, but if she needed to hear the words to give her piece of mind, then I’d say them.
Liza searched my face, her eyes moving rapidly, as if looking for an answer that wasn’t there. I could tell she wanted to trust me, that she wanted to believe me this time. I didn’t blame her for not trusting me in the first place.
With a sigh, her hands fell to my waist, barely touching me, though the heat from her small hands felt like it was singeing my bare skin.
“Okay, Jackson. Let’s do this,” she said with resignation. Her voice sounded so sad and spent, making me feel like the bastard I knew I was.
The captain’s voice boomed over the speakers just as I opened my mouth to respond. “Good evening, we are approaching our destination. If everyone could take their seats and buckle their seatbelts, we will begin our descent.”
We silently made our way to the bucket seats, each buckling our seatbelts. I looked at her from the corner of my eye and could tell she was holding back tears. My chest ached with the need to reassure her and tell her it would all be okay, but I wasn’t sure of that myself. So instead, I grabbed her hand and held on as the plane bounced along the runway.
I’m getting married.
The thought spun in my head, making me dizzy and almost distracting me from my fear of landing. Jackson’s hand was warm and firm on mine, and I wanted to cling to him but wasn’t sure about anything anymore. How was I going to marry him? I barely knew him. My stomach churned with anxiety at the prospect, especially since I wasn’t even sure he cared about me or even if I could trust him any longer. What would I tell Nicolette? What would I tell my father? There had to be a way to get out of this, but I wasn’t sure how. I already agreed and nausea built in my gut as the plane taxied down the runway, though it wasn’t from airsickness. The only thing I could cling to was the hope he was telling me the truth for once, and that an annulment would be an option after everything settled down.
When the plane finally stopped just outside of a private hangar, I wanted to jump up and disembark as fast as I could, but Jackson’s hand held me firmly in place. I watched the mechanical stairs being wheeled towards where the plane stopped, and was a bundle of nerves, jumping when he unclicked his seatbelt. Doing the same with mine, I pulled my hand from his, bending to gather my carry-on bag. I needed a distraction, and when the flight attendant came out to give us directions on everything, I focused on her instead of Jackson. His presence was like a vice, the heat of him behind me feeling like I was trapped, and I thought about my promise before he spilled the reason we were in France.
I told him I wouldn’t run.
My body was on autopilot as I followed him from the plane. He didn’t try to touch me again, or say anything, simply leading me to a waiting limo. Monroe was inexplicably behind the wheel and since I didn’t see him on the plane, I wasn’t sure how he arrived before us. But I didn’t have time to think about Monroe’s reappearing act, there were much bigger things to worry about. Like getting married. I almost groaned as I slid into the limo after Jackson. He kept sneaking looks at me from the corner of his eye but I couldn’t look at him. I was still processing, wondering how I was going to handle this whole thing and if I wanted to keep my word about not bolting the moment I had the chance. The limo rolled down the streets of Paris and I was so sick to my stomach with the news Jackson sprung on me in the plane, I couldn’t even enjoy the beauty and wonder of finally being in France. Though there was traffic at the time of night we arrived, we stopped in front of a large, ornate hotel shortly after leaving the airport.
“We’re going to stay here for the night,” Jackson said, his voice deep and comforting, even though I was out of sorts.
I nodded, still unable to speak.
“If you need space, I can book you a separate room.” He growled out the words because while he offered, I could tell he didn’t want me to have my own room.
Surprisingly, I didn’t despite the strangeness of everything. I needed to be near him, to assure myself he wasn’t only marrying me to be rid of Natalie. It was too soon, too fast, and yet I still wanted him to want to marry me. How fucked up was that?
“No, I want to stay with you tonight,” I croaked, my throat desert dry.
His shoulders seemed to relax a little and relief flashed across his face before he closed down on me again, turning away to snag my carry-on bag from Monroe’s hand. I shook my head slightly as I followed after him. Jackson gave me the surprise of my life, turning everything I thought I knew about our fledgling relationship on its head, yet he had the nerve to be grouchy and testy with everyone. It would have been comical if I wasn’t still in shock.
We moved through the hotel silently, checking in before following the bellhop to the elevator behind a cart filled with our bags. Monroe disappeared quickly and without explanation, but it didn’t matter to me. The only thing on my mind was Jackson and our new engagement. It all felt fake, like I was acting a part, which made me feel awkward once we were finally alone in the large penthouse hotel room. The beauty of the room distracted me for a brief time as I looked around at the baroque décor which all but screamed Paris. I loved it though it was a bit cheesy, and in spite of everything that was going on, a small smile graced my lips.
“You’re finally smiling?” Jackson was standing behind me to the right, and I didn’t startle by his silent presence the way I usually did.
“This room is so”—I searched for a better word but couldn’t—“Paris.”
Jackson chuckled, a bit of the tension dissipating with the sound. “I thought you would like it. I would prefer something a little more modern, but we’re only staying here one night.”
At his words, I began to wonder where else we were going tomorrow, but when his face grew serious again and he sauntered towards me, I forgot all about it.
“If you don’t want to do this…” he started, but I held my hand up.
Apparently, Jackson had been thinking about our conversation just as much as I was since we left the plane. Though I shouldn’t have, I felt guilty for the urge to run out on him. This was a lot to take in and I had every right to want to leave and not be a part of it, but I couldn’t bring myself to do so.
“I promised you I wouldn’t bail.” I let my hands fall to my sides as he moved even closer still.
My stomach fluttered as he approached, so close I had to tilt my head back to look into his eyes. He was trying to disarm me again, to make me forget about our conversation for the night. I wanted to—the racing in my mind was starting to get exhausting—but I had to make sure of one more thing first.
“Do we have to actually get married once she agrees to sign the divorce papers, or is being engaged enough?” I had to know if we were going to the next step.
Jackson blew out a breath between pursed lips and ran a hand through his tousled curls. “In order for the divorce papers to fully be processed, we have to get married. It doesn’t make sense to me either, but that was the way she had the prenup written.”
“What an odd stipulation,” I mused out loud, not meaning for him to hear me.
“I don’t fucking understand why she added it.” His answer let me know I wasn’t as quiet as I thought. “I think it was for monetary support, though she could have added guaranteed alimony and I would have had to support her for life.”
“Maybe she was being petty? If she couldn’t have you, she didn’t want anyone to have you.”
Jackson shook his head. “That doesn’t make sense either because I’m off the hook if I marry again.”
I shrugged because there was no way I could follow the train of thought of a crazy woman. Jackson began to pace the room, walking away from me. I almost regretted bringing up the whole thing again this late, because there was nothing more I felt like doing than climbing into the bed in the other room and going to sleep, but I had to know. If there was a chance I could get out of being married to a man I barely knew, despite our chemistry, I had to ask.
Suddenly, Jackson stopped and turned to me. He was on the other side of the room, near the double French doors that led out onto a balcony. His eyes were intense, as black as pitch, and he stalked towards me. Something changed in him again and my head was spinning with yet another mood swing.
“Jackson,” I said with a squeak of surprise as he scooped me up and lifted me into his arms before stomping towards the bedroom.
“We are done talking. I can’t stand to hear that woman’s name on your lips and I don’t want to think about her anymore tonight. I’m exhausted and jet-lagged, and right now I want you naked and underneath me, in this bed, before I collapse into oblivion.”
My eyes widened at his candor just as my body heated with his words. I wanted the same thing—to forget about what would happen tomorrow or the rest of the weekend and lose myself in Jackson. His eyes searched my face again as he set me gently on the comforter. I nodded, because the time for words was over, and stripped off my sweater and jeans as he did the same with his clothes. When we were both completely nude—him standing in front of the bed and me lying back against-pillows—we stared at each other for a minute. I drank in the sight of him. His broad, caramel-colored chest, chiseled abs, and slim hips. The sexy V leading to his proud erection, which curled up towards his navel, followed by thick, muscular thighs and calves. He was like a Greek god standing before me and I shivered, not because I was cold but because he was offering me all of himself, in marriage, and I balked at the idea.
Was I an idiot to fight it or an idiot for wanting it to be a real marriage? Those questions would have to wait until the morning because when his weight covered mine on the bed, I forgot almost everything besides the feel and taste of him as he consumed me once more.
A soft noise woke me and I startled, jumping out of a sound sleep to a standing position next to the bed. My heart was racing, my fight-or-flight instinct kicking in as I stood in a half-crouch, ready to attack. For a few seconds, I forgot where I was and who I was with. I blinked my eyes, looking around the room. Dim light filtered through heavy curtains, falling across Liza’s face where she slept fitfully.
The noise I heard was her, and I watched as she scrunched her face in her sleep, tossing an arm over her face. She made another soft sound, as if she were trying to speak or cry out, and my heart clenched to comfort her from whatever nightmare she was having. But that wasn’t something I was good at—I wasn’t someone who made others feel better, I was someone who made others uncomfortable.
All the fight leaving my body, I sat down on the edge of the bed and looked back at Liza again. My dick stirred between my legs, coming to life as I remembered last night. She had melted under my touch, giving into everything I asked of her without hesitation. Something about it turned me on again but also broke me in a way I couldn’t explain. How, after everything I had already put her through, was she still so willing to trust me?
Ignoring the urge to crawl back into bed next to her, I stood up and walked to where my suitcase sat on top of the dresser. After rooting around for a minute, I pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, tugging them both on before heading to the bathroom. When I returned to the room, Liza was sitting up, the sheet clenched to her chest with one hand and a sleepy smile on her face. I smiled back, unable to resist because of how relaxed and beautiful she looked with the lazy grin and halo of tousled, fiery curls.
“Good morning,” she said, her voice scratchy from sleep.
“Good morning. You should try to get some more sleep, it’s early. I didn’t mean to wake you.” I moved around the room without looking at her because I feared I would have to have her again. There was too much left to handle before we returned to the airport, and I couldn’t be distracted.
“I’m fine. I slept pretty well.” She yawned, covering her mouth with her hand before slipping from the bed.
My eyes roamed her body of their own volition, over her lithe curves and porcelain white skin, and I clenched my fists to keep from charging at her. I hadn’t expected her to get up, and the sight of her fully naked disarmed me for a split-second.
“I have some things to take care of, with my lawyer, this morning.” My voice was gruffer than I intended and Liza squinted her eyes at me, the way she usually did when she was trying to figure out my moods.
“All right, I’ll take a shower and get dressed, and meet you out there,” she said, turning her back to me and digging through her bag for clothes and toiletries.
The curve of her ass beckoned me and before I could stop myself, I had crossed the room to where she stood, my hands around her waist and my front pressed against the back of her. I kissed her neck, gently nipping at her ear afterward, and she moaned, pressing her ass back against me.
“I don’t know how you do this to me, but if I don’t leave this room right now, we won’t get anything done today.” I let go of her as she turned around and tried to pull me to her by wrapping her arms around my neck.
Liza chuckled and wagged her eyebrows at me. “I’ll be in the shower if you need me.” Without a backward glance, she gathered her things and headed towards the bathroom.
I groaned, readjusting my aching erection in my jeans as I followed her with my eyes. There was no time to waste this morning, however, and I didn’t go after her. I had everything planned down to the minute, and if we didn’t do everything that needed to be done, Natalie and her lawyer may cause even more trouble, where I was trying to avoid it.
Sulking my way into the living room, because I wanted to follow Liza into the shower, I opened my laptop where I had left it on the breakfast bar and perched on the edge of a stool. Frank was waiting for my call, because I told him to be, and I dug my phone out of my jeans pocket and punched the number in.
As soon as it connected, I started barking questions. “Did you get the documents notarized? Are
they on their way to me in France? There isn’t much time this morning, Frank.”
“Yes, sir, I had everything you needed sent out yesterday, and it should be there within the hour, just before you have to leave,” Frank said, an edge of discomfort in his voice. “But, if I may, are you sure that Ms. Livingston will sign the papers?” Frank was a worrier.
“Frank, I’ve told you time and again, she has to sign the papers because Liza and I are going to be married in three days, and if she doesn’t, we have to take this to litigation.”
“Are we certain that isn’t what she wants, sir?” Frank asked cautiously.
I sighed, gripping the phone so hard I thought it would disintegrate in my hand. “Dammit, Frank, how many times have we discussed this? Her lawyer assured me that Natalie was willing to sign the papers, if and only if, I was to marry again.”
“Okay, Mr. Radcliffe, I didn’t mean to upset you. Ms. Livingston and her lawyer haven’t been known to play by the rules before, and I was just being cautious.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that, Frank. I’ve done my research and if she doesn’t sign, this will become a long and ugly process for her, possibly making her lose out on the large lump sum payout she was promised. I think Natalie wants that money.”
“I think you’re absolutely right, Mr. Radcliffe. However, in the event that she refuses to sign, I have made up the paperwork to issue a court order to compel her, as well as the other information that you had me save, just in case.”
Though he was wishy-washy, Frank was the best at what he did and this was the reason I kept him on retainer.
“Good. Hopefully, it won’t come to that,” I said, my stomach clenching with anxiety.
The last thing I wanted was a messy divorce that played out in the media and aired all of my dirty laundry for Liza to see, but I wasn’t going to let Natalie win this time. If she thought I would roll over and let this charade go on a moment longer, she underestimated me. Even though there were things I didn’t want Liza to know about me and my past with women, specifically Natalie, I couldn’t stay married to her any longer. Liza was my priority and once I put a ring on her finger, I wasn’t planning on letting her go.
One Night Page 21