The Lion's Purpose

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The Lion's Purpose Page 21

by Billie Willow

  Carter sighed and walked over to the doorway of the room that led to the corridor before turning to look at Seb and answering “It could be a few days before your friend recovers, and I don’t think he’d want to be waking up here. It’s best if we get him back to his own home and since I’m part of your crew now, I’m coming with you”.

  “If he wakes up” Seb spat out, Lara felt a pang of dread in the pit of her stomach at those words. She didn’t want to think about the possibility that he may not wake up. “If he doesn’t. I’m bringing you back here myself” Seb finished, before walking over to Archer, lifting him gently over his shoulder and following Carter down the hallway.

  Lara tried to get up but fell back to the bed, she was weak and felt drained. Before she could attempt to get up again, Jen came over and put Lara’s arm over her shoulder for support. As Lara stood, leaning against Jen, she looked down at the tiny bullet that remained on the bedside table where Carter had thrown it. Such a tiny thing had such a big impact. Watching Archer get shot by this tiny bullet and the fear that she had lost him forever, confirmed to Lara how much she needed him and how much she loved him. She quickly leaned over and picked up the bullet, placing in her pocket before continuing to walk out of the room. Together, they all followed Carter down the hallway and back out the cave before making their way to their car.

  Chapter 34

  “Four Days…it’s been four days Carter!” Lara spat out as she stormed into Carter’s tent. He was sitting on a camping chair, the generator running as he watched the small TV that was set up on a fold out table, drinking something dubious out of a flask.

  He glanced at her and shrugged before turning back to the TV, so, she moved to stand directly in front of it and tried again. “Shouldn’t we be seeing something after four days?” Lara’s patience had run out. She had been sitting by Archer’s bedside since they had returned to his home in Riverstone, four days ago, leaving his room only to have her meals with the others in the dining area of Archer’s home. A part of her wanted to admit that she had seen a hint of colour returning to his pale face and that his lips weren’t quite so blue, but she couldn’t be sure if that was Carter’s work or just her imagination.

  Carter sighed and sank further into his camping chair “It’s not like there’s a timeline for these things, Lara. We just have to wait it out”

  Lara walked over to the second camping chair that Carter kept in his tent and sat down, she knew this wasn’t Carter’s fault, he had already helped enough just trying to revive Archer. Besides, he’d never admit it, but she could tell he was worried too, after all, if Archer didn’t wake up, he wouldn’t have a place in the crew anymore. “Sorry. I shouldn’t take it out on you, it’s just… it’s just hard not knowing, you know?” She looked up to see him looking back at her with eyes that held sympathy.

  Carter nodded at her before reaching out, offering her a drink from his flask “Drink?”

  Lara smiled but shook her head, she knew it was Carter’s way of trying to make her feel better. Ever since they had arrived here four days ago, he’d insisted on living in a tent by the side of the house. At first Lara thought it was ridiculous since Archer’s home could easily fit them all, but now she was starting to realise that Carter wasn’t used to being around people. He was used to living in the wild, and liked to keep his distance, so when he had offered her a drink from his flask, she knew that was his way of extending an olive branch.

  “I’ll see you at dinner?” She asked as she stood from the camping chair

  “7pm as usual” Carter said, smiling. As much as the mysterious man enjoyed his time living alone in his tent, keeping a distance from everyone, she could tell he looked forward to their daily congregation around the dinner table.

  Lara stepped outside of Carter’s tent as a soft breeze tickled her face, it was late afternoon now and she knew the fragrant scent of Seb’s cooking would soon be filling the halls of Archer’s home. Seb seemed to enjoy being the designated chef and she had to admit, he was good at it, but she couldn’t say the same about the 90’s rock songs that he bellowed out at the top of his lungs while cooking each night. Nonetheless, it had become routine over the last four days – Lara would spend most days in Archer’s room, watching him lie peacefully as she sat alone with her mixed emotions of grief and hope. Carter would hang out in his tent, watching TV and drinking, only going into the house for snacks and meals. Seb would usually spend the day playing Xbox or going into town to buy food for dinner that night, and Jen, well she stayed in her room a lot of the time, on occasion she would go out into the forest where she’d stay for hours on end, trying to work out a way to get her animal back, but so far nothing had worked.

  Lara placed her hand in her pocket and felt the small bullet there. She had been carrying it everywhere the last four days. It served as a reminder of the moment her heart was ripped out of her chest, the same moment Lara realised how real the mating bond was. When she had seen Carter pull the bullet out of his chest, she was filled with hope. That’s also what this bullet was to her, a symbol of hope.

  That didn’t stop the emptiness and grief from taking over though. Like black ink, her anguish was spreading slowly through her body, swallowing her up in sadness. She had been losing her appetite over the last few days, much to Seb’s annoyance, and her panic attacks had been slowly increasing since Archer’s death. He wasn’t there to stop her anxiety, and on more than one occasion she had blacked out next to him on the bed from the panicked state she was in. Maybe this is how the broken mating bond destroys a mind she thought.

  The breeze blew her hair against the side of her face and brought her mind to the present, interrupting her thoughts. Lara turned towards the front of the house and saw Jen walking down the front porch towards her, smiling “Come on” she said in a light-hearted way.

  “Where are we going?” Lara said as Jen continued to walk past her and into the clearing.

  Jen stopped and turned back to face Lara, she crossed her hands over her chest and smiled “I’m going to teach you how to communicate with your panther. I may not have my animal anymore, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t know everything there is to know about shifters, so I’m going to teach you”

  Lara hadn’t seen Jen smile like that before, maybe it made her feel better to be out of her room and around shifters, or people in general since she was no longer locked away from the world, but Lara didn’t have confidence that her panther would respond to communication right now. She could feel the animal inside her retreat a little more each day, she was still reeling from Archer’s death and had already withdrawn so far that Lara could barely sense her there at all. She also knew that wallowing in the possibility that Archer may never wake up was sending her mind into a crazed frenzy, so anything that could keep her train of thought away from that, was a welcomed distraction.

  Chapter 35

  Archer felt cold. The type of cold that seeps into your bones after spending hours out in the rain on a winter’s night. Why was he so cold? There was an ache in his chest, it wasn’t intense, but it was enough to make him hold his breath against the pain.

  He tried to think of the last thing he could remember. He recalled standing in the clearing with Lara. Zane was there as well and stood behind them, making sure they followed Dr Seville towards the trees that lined the forest. Dr Seville. The thought of the evil doctor brought back a memory that made the pain in Archer’s chest ache a little more. He shot me. He replayed the moment in his mind, the doctor aiming the gun at his chest and pulling the trigger before he could shift or think of his own plan of attack. He remembered feeling like his chest had exploded and he fell to his knees. He recalled falling to the ground and reaching out for Lara in a final attempt to hold onto his mate and his life as it slipped through his fingers before his mind went dark.

  Lara, he thought. He remembered the excitement in Zane’s eyes as the wolf shifter raked his gaze over her body as she stood watching Archer, just before he was swallowed
by the darkness. He knew what Zane had on his mind. With no mate to protect her, it was obvious he wanted to have his way with her, and Archer had been helpless to do anything. Lara! he cried out her name in his mind but was met with only darkness.

  He tried to open his eyes. He only managed to flutter them open for a split second, before an explosion of light stung his eyes and they watered, forcing them closed again. He wanted to sit up, to search for the light that had assaulted his eyes, but it felt like his brain wasn’t corresponding with his body and he could only manage to twitch his fingers slightly. He lay still for two more breaths before he tried moving his hand again, this time using the energy he could feel increasing inside him with each moment that passed. His fingers twitched a bit more and he managed to clench his fists now, gripping some form of material in his hands. It felt soft and cool as he held it tightly between his palm and fingers.

  He squeezed his eyes before attempting to open them again. This time it worked, and he was faced with the light that had made his eyes water. He was staring up at a ceiling with a black pendant light hanging from the middle of the it. He recognised that black light, it was the same one that was hung above his bed. He must be back in his own bed, his own room, his own house…but how? He tried to lift his head but the ache in his chest intensified at the movement. He winced and laid his head back. Two more breaths and he tried again, this time using his arms to aid him as he managed to sit up, slowly. He pulled himself against the headboard of his bed and looked around. The light that he had seen earlier was the afternoon rays of sun that were streaming in through his window. The orange and pink hues of the sky reflected into his room telling him it was probably late afternoon, but what day was it? How long had he been out? and how did he even get here? Reluctantly, afraid of what he might find, he looked down to see his bare chest. The only clue to show that his memory was, in fact, not a nightmare, was a tiny scar where he had been shot. The wound had healed but he would forever be left with the small scar as a reminder of the day he almost lost everything, the day he almost died. Almost? He thought to himself. How could he be sure he wasn’t actually dead right now?

  Archer placed his index finger over the scar and felt the rough surface, if he was dead would he be able to feel that? It was then that Archer suddenly felt his lion come back to life inside his mind, like it had woken from a long sleep as it yawned and flashed it’s long, sharp canines before staring intently through Archer’s own eyes, searching for his mate.

  Lara. Archer needed Lara. So much time had already been stolen from them. From when they were forced apart in the shifter prison, to when they went their separate ways for two weeks to give Lara the time and space she needed after what she’d been through. Archer wanted to see her, needed to see her and make up for lost time. He knew he was in his own home and there was no reason for Lara to be here, but he could scent her around him, scent that she’d been in this room recently. He could feel the animal inside pacing impatiently as Archer was struck with the sudden urge to go downstairs and find her.

  He could feel his heart rate increasing at the thought of seeing Lara again, of seeing her beautiful smile and those light brown eyes that he could stare into forever. The need to see his mate, overpowered his need to rest as he willed his body to move. Slowly, his mind began communicating with his limbs again and he managed to swing both legs to the side of the bed. He was wearing a pair of black slacks, but he didn’t know how he’d managed to get into them. He tested his weight on his legs as he lifted himself slightly off the bed, a pins and needles sensation ran through them as the blood in his veins began pumping to his feet. He was no longer feeling weak but more…out of practice. Like his legs weren’t used to holding up his weight. How long have I been lying down for?

  After another attempt, he managed to stand on both feet, one arm propping himself up against the bed. He pushed off and tried to stand to his full height, not holding onto anything for support, but instead he toppled backwards towards his bedside table. He only just managed to turn and catch himself with both hands before he fell completely. After a few more tries, he was able to take a few steps forward on trembling legs until he reached the end of the bed. He took a deep breath and strode a few more steps to open the door to his bedroom. By the time he reached the top of the stairs that took him down to the kitchen area, his muscle memory had activated, and he was able to walk more smoothly, only needing to hold onto the wall of the corridor lightly to steady himself.

  The sheer focus on his attempt to walk again had consumed all his attention, but now that he stood at the top of the stairs looking down to the open plan area of the kitchen and dining room of his house, he noticed how quiet it was. He wasn’t sure if Seb and Jen had still been living at his place while he’d been unconscious or if they had even survived Dr Seville at all. The thought made his lion let out a low growl as a wave of protectiveness pulsed over him. He needed to protect his people, his crew. His crew? He thought suddenly. He had never wanted to be part of a pride or crew before, but the thought of being Alpha of his own crew made his lion stand on four powerful paws and let out a roar of approval. Alpha? Was he truly Alpha material? He had never entertained the thought before, he believed himself too weak to be in such a commanding position, too weak to be a leader.

  Archer raked his gaze over the kitchen and dining area below, there were a few dishes in the sink that he didn’t remember using the last time he’d been home. Suddenly, the sound of a strange male voice broke his thoughts “It’s good to see you’re awake.”

  Archer looked over to the lounge where a strange man sat, watching TV. He had long blonde hair tied back into a low bun and green eyes that held a level of power that Archer couldn’t quite understand, yet neither Archer nor his lion could sense that this man was a shifter.

  “Who the fuck are -” Archer grated out through his dry throat but was interrupted by the distant sound of a female’s laughter. It sounded as though it was coming from the clearing beyond his front door. He knew that voice, the soft sound that made his heart beat faster and made his instinct pulse with a strong urge to go to his mate. It was Lara.

  He felt his strength and energy return, the need to hold onto the walls and furniture for support no longer necessary. His body had seemed to recover entirely just from the sound of Lara’s laughter as he put one foot in front of the other and strode down the stairs, past the strange man that remained seated on his lounge. Archer’s only priority right now was to get to Lara, to his mate.

  He reached the door handle with trembling hands and pulled back the door, the glare from the afternoon sun blinded him for a moment. He lifted his hand to shield his eyes and as they adjusted to the light. He lowered them to reveal Seb and Jen standing nearby, staring up at him with matching shocked expressions on their faces, but it was what he saw past them in the clearing that took his breath away.

  Lara. She was standing wearing blue jeans with one tear at the knee and a tight white t-shirt that hugged her curves and breasts. Her wide smile wavered for a moment as she followed Seb and Jen’s gaze up to the top of the porch. Her expression became serious as she raked her eyes over Archer’s body, starting at his feet and when she neared his face, her eyes widened and she lifted her hand to her mouth, stunned. She wore her long brown hair down, cascading past her shoulders, one side tucked behind her ear. She lowered her hand and the edges of her mouth curved into the biggest smile he’d seen on her pretty face yet. The smile lit up her entire face and the edges of her eyes crinkled at the emotion. That smile he thought. That smile would have started his heart again if he really had died, and he would die a thousand times over just to see her smiling the way she was right now.

  Archer took a step forward but stopped when he saw Lara burst into a run, she ran through the clearing, past Seb and Jen and up the stairs of the front porch before she launched into him, her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist. Archer was silently grateful that he had recovered his strength as he caught he
r in his arms, preventing them from tumbling backwards. They held each other for what felt like hours. Archer would have stayed like this forever, if he could. His hands were wrapped around her back as he buried his head in her soft brown hair against her neck, smelling the sweet, fruity scent of her shampoo.

  The sound of Seb clearing his throat made Archer lift his head and place Lara’s feet back on the ground, although he couldn’t take his eyes off her. He heard Seb say awkwardly “We’ve got to head into town, so uh…we’ll give you guys some time to catch up”

  “I’m coming with you!” the strange man yelled from the doorway behind them and Archer watched the man as he strode past and joined the others walking towards the car, Archer’s car that is. Archer would have a problem with that, but right now, his car was the last thing on his mind. Archer turned back to Lara, looking into her eyes as the sound of car doors closing echoed through the clearing. The engine roared to life before they drove away, leaving Archer and Lara alone.

  “You must be starving” Lara said as she led him into the still opened front door “sit down and I’ll make you a sandwich”. Archer followed Lara inside and sat down at the kitchen bench. He wanted to say so much to Lara, to continue the conversation they were having before Dr Seville interrupted it, to ask her questions about how long he’d been unconscious and what had happened to everyone. Instead, he found himself entranced by her body as she gracefully made her way around his kitchen to make him a sandwich, as if she already knew where everything was. He was mesmerised by the way her hips moved as she walked from the pantry to the fridge and the way her backside looked in those tight jeans made him want to take her over the kitchen counter until she screamed his name in ecstasy.

  Archer coughed against his dry throat, reluctantly dragging his thoughts away from Lara’s body to attempt a conversation, “So, uh, what happened with Dr Seville? And, uh, Zane? The last thing I remember was…was him looking like he wanted you for himself.” Archer couldn’t help but let out a growl as he relived those last moments before the darkness overtook his mind. Lara stopped buttering the bread on the counter top and looked up at Archer, he could sense a level of sadness and anger exuding from her. She looked down again and continued to butter the bread, it was obvious she didn’t want to relive those moments.


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