Brokenly Found

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Brokenly Found Page 7

by Nikki Bolvair

  When I was outside, I didn't slow down. I wanted to get far, far away from that snake and Tucker until Tucker caught my arm. "Hey! Wait up."

  "No!" I pulled my arm away and tried to keep walking, but he caught it again.

  I twisted around to see a cell phone up to his ear. He was talking to someone as he held onto my elbow, not letting me walk away. My chest was burning, and I was getting dizzy from the all the stress. I need to sit down.

  ".... Yeah, Van, just out in the open. I’m not sure, but.... Yeah, I’ll give you your key back." I watched him grimace and then say, "Not so good." He looked to me, "In fact, I think, she thinks I’m some kind of psycho."

  I heard loud laughing on the other end and tried to regulate my breathing.

  "I think she’s Tyler’s anyway," he murmured, his eyes narrowing when he saw I was having trouble breathing. He took my arm and moved me to a grassy area with a huge tree and made me sit down. I heard some noise from the phone and then Tucker’s face went red.

  "That was before I knew!" he growled out, sliding his hand through his hair. "Yeah. Yeah! Just get the damn snake back in its cage." And then he hung up and glanced towards me.

  I found my voice. "Who’s Van?"

  He grimaced once again. "The Zoology Biologist for that lecture hall. He also happens to be my brother. I knew you would pass by his door on your way to your next lecture and wanted to talk to you. I never thought it would quite go like that." He looked sincere, but I had my doubts.

  I glared at him as I held onto my stomach trying to calm myself down. I shifted on the hard ground, trying to relieve the ache. "So you just pulled me in there and acted all cocky! What’s wrong with you! What happened to bring a girl flowers first, huh?"

  The light picked back up in his eyes, "So if I—"

  "No," I growled out. "I’m not some ‘Hot Piece’," I stated, quoting what Tyler had said Tucker had told him, "that you can get your hands on!"

  Tucker's eyes went dark at the mention of the McGuire’s oldest son. "Tyler," he muttered, understanding where I had gotten that from.

  I grunted, getting up from the ground and wiped off my backside, feeling the burn in my chest yet again. I wonder if I re-injured it. "And you’re an idiot."

  He grunted a most sounding hurt. "I beg to differ."

  I punched him hard on his shoulder, "And what was that about?! ‘I beg to differ’ earlier, huh? Then you lunged at me! Geez, Creeper!"

  He lifted his hand to palm the back of his head as he looked away from me. "I begged to differ because I wanted a chance to change your mind and I ‘lunged’ at you because I saw the fucking snake."

  I pursed my lips and confessed, even though I was annoyed with him, "I thought you were psycho."

  He let out a chuckle, shaking his head, then shoving his hands into his pockets, "I never had a chance, did I?"

  "Never did, so quit beating up Tyler."

  His body tensed as he glanced off towards the left. I followed his movement and realized why. "We’re enemies." I turned back to him.

  "Daniels!" I heard Raina call out worried.

  He turned back to me. His eyes that had held an edge, now seemed to be soulless. "I don't like Tyler. See ya around, Rella." And then he left, making me wonder what happened between the two of them for them to hate each other so much.

  Chapter 10

  When Raina got to me, I could see she was concerned about why Tucker was around. Her face was pinched with worry as she put a hand on my shoulder and looked me over. I was currently in some pain from the tackle Tucker had given me, and it seemed she noticed.

  "What did he do to you!"

  I shook my head, waving off her concerns as I shuffled my way towards my next class.

  Nonchalantly, I asked her, "Would you believe me if I told you he wanted to talk, and we both ended up being attacked by a snake?"

  Raina’s snorted. "Good one, Daniels." I stayed silent as we walked and Raina’s eyes got big. "You’re serious?"

  I huffed. "As serious as I am about your brothers."

  "Whoa." She quickened her stride to step in front of me, effectively blocking my way to go any farther. Her eyes narrowed as she asked, "What happened. All of it, Faith, or I’m calling Wendy and my brothers."

  I stared at her, contemplating whether she would and broke, not taking the chance that she wouldn’t. "I guess we’re both not going back to our next lecture, huh?"

  Raina led me to her small SUV, and she started to drive. From the direction she turned I figured we were going toward the diner, but she drove right past it heading more into town.

  "Where are we going?"

  Raina gave me a quick glance before looking back to the road, "Urgent care. Your ribs must be killing you."

  I panicked. I didn’t need to be in any more trouble with Brady than I already was. "No. They’ll call Brady or Sarah, and I don’t want to bother either of them again. Just pull into the nearest drug store. We can pick up some pain meds there."

  Raina pursed her lips as she drove on, apparently not liking my idea, but didn’t cave to my demands either. Instead, she directed the conversation to the real reason I was this way. "I don't like that Tucker got you alone. When I tell—"

  "No! Please don't tell your brothers."

  "Why not?! He trapped you in a lecture hall with him! He could have done anything."

  I sighed and rested my head back against the headrest in defeat, and then I rolled it to the side to look out my window. "He didn't though. And what is the deal between them anyways?"

  Raina shook her head. "It's something that happened a few years ago. You'll have to ask Tyler."

  I sighed when Raina drove on towards where I figured an urgent care was. It didn’t matter what I said; she was still going to take me there.

  "So what did happen in there, Daniels? This time, I want all of it."

  I twisted my lips and gave her what she wanted. When I was done, she was even angrier than she had been before. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought she’d be breathing fire with her growling and nostrils flaring. She looked fierce.

  "The bastard! I bet he set that whole thing up!" she finally spit out, as her hands twisted on the steering wheel.

  Yep, no fire, but a hell of a lot of venom in her words.

  "He was just buying time until he had a chance! And with that stupid stunt, he could have seriously hurt you!"

  "I don’t think it was a planned thing, to be honest, Raina. He seemed just as surprised as me to see it there."

  "Uh-huh," she said with disbelief.

  I sat there and thought about what had happened in that lecture hall. He had pulled me in there and locked the door. I was scared he was going to rap—No. If he were going to do that, he would have gotten on with it. He wouldn’t have stopped to have a conversation. He wouldn’t have asked me out. His overbearing attitude seemed to be just who he was. When he lunged at me, I did have my doubts that somehow I had been wrong in my assumptions, but his surprise to the snake being in there was genuine. I was sure.

  Unless... unless he wanted me to view him as a hero. To give him a hero complex to gain favor in my attentions. If that was the case, then he was more dangerous than I thought. Not because I would ever view him like that, but because that would mean that he was scary good at manipulation and could manipulate in a moment’s notice. Even if it wasn’t planned.

  I hoped my first impression of him was right, and the one I had currently come up with was wrong. I didn’t need any more complication in my life. I had enough to last me into my next lifetime, if I ever made it there.

  I was jarred out of my thoughts when Raina pulled into the parking lot of a grocery store. I sighed, grateful that she opted to do what I had asked, instead of going to urgent care. I turned and gave her a sincere smile, "Thank you."

  She just gave me a pointed look and twisted her lips. "Don’t thank me yet, wait until I get you back to my house, and my brothers get a look at you. Then you can ‘thank me’ if
you still feel I deserve that sentiment.” She pushed open her door, and I reached for my seat belt to unbuckle, but sat back with Raina’s next words. "Don’t even think about getting out of this car with those ribs. I’ll be right back." Then she shut her door, leaving me waiting for her to come back.

  When we arrived at the McGuire’s household, we were met with Mrs. McGuire shortly after opening the front door, and that conversation went sideways.

  Yes sideways, not straight. If it had gone straight, it would have gone something like this....

  "Oh my, goodness, home already?"

  She would smile, then Raina would say something like, “Yes, Mom, we're home."

  And she would most likely kiss her mother’s cheek as she pulled me into the living room for a movie before she shot me up with pain pills.

  That would have been easy. Nice. But no, my life had to be complicated. That scenario would have been too easy, too normal. And you would think the forces above would have pity on me with all the heartache I had gone through in my short life. But no, I got drama. And Mrs. McGuire seemed to be high on it today.

  "Raina Tessa McGuire!" was the first sign that something was off and the second was what came next as her mother appeared with a hand on her hip, carrying something in the other.

  "Tell me, child, is there a reason I should be worried?" she asked, holding up a plastic zip-lock bag with what looked like condoms in it. They were both used and held a very colorful variety. Kane must have some unbelievable stamina to use that many. All I could think was... Stuff was about to hit the fan. And that’s how the conversation started out sideways. Thankfully, not my way, though.

  "Mother!" Raina shrieked as she reached over to try to grab the evidence, but failed as her mother pulled it out of reach.

  I would be interested in knowing how she got them all in the bag, but was satisfied with Raina’s horrified expression as she stared at them. I smirked. Bagged. Kane sure did that. Like, Every. Time. Such a good boy. Wouldn’t want any little ‘Kane and Raina combos’ running around just yet. Any child of theirs was destined to be a hellion on wheels with their genes.

  "Don’t think so, Dear." Mrs. McGuire glared at her daughter and then turned to head back down the hall, "If you want to do the hanky-panky in my house you should learn to clean up your evidence! Punishment deserved!"

  I think her mother actually had fun with this. Yeah, Raina was in her twenties, but she was living in their home, and no parent wanted to know, for sure, that their only little girl was ‘shacking it up’ in her childhood bedroom.

  I wanted to know what punishment entailed, because I honestly needed to be prepared. I knew I would eventually get to that stage with the guys, but if this is what she did when she found evidence, what would she do when she found out it was me moaning her sons’ names as I came.

  My breath caught as I imagined that moment. Holy Hotness. Geez, I think I was gonna need new underwear.

  After all of that, Raina made me take four pain meds and then had me lie down on the couch. I had been doing that for all of ten minutes when my phone rang. It was Tyler.

  "Where are you?" I groaned. I forgot to tell him that his sister took me home, or in this case to his house.

  "Raina drove me."

  "Why didn’t you just wait for me?" I could hear the confusion and worry in his voice. I glanced over to Raina, who was lying down on the other couch, shamelessly listening in to our conversation. I bit my lip. "My ribs started to ache again. She saw me and offered to take me home. I’m sorry. I forgot to tell you."

  "Did you take your pain meds?" His voice held concern.

  "Yep. I’m now lying on the couch watching a movie with Raina."

  "Tell her to go home. I’m coming your way."

  I grinned. "She is home. I’m at your house and guess what happened..."

  My phone was yanked out of my hands as Raina pressed the end button. She gave me a pointed look and pointed between the two of us, "I don’t think so, Girly. You want to keep what happened today quiet, so do I. Not a word."

  Chapter 11

  Raina and I were in the middle of our movie when we heard a car pull up, followed by another. The slamming of doors told me that it was time to split, but Raina did it before I could by throwing her blanket on me as she ran off. I threw her blanket off and sat up, trying to decide if I should run, or if I should stay. I tested my ribs. They felt good all hopped up on all that medication. I turned towards the first entrance to the living room when I heard the door, but didn’t see them yet.

  "Daniels!" a masculine voice called out. Which one, I didn’t know, but a playful urgency swept through when I heard my name called. I grinned. Time to go.

  I jumped up from my spot and ran out the far side of the living room through the second entrance. As I ran into the side hallway, I heard the guys enter the space I had just vacated. I giggled as I ran down the short hallway and turned the corner that led back to the front door.

  "Raina! Daniels?!"

  Lincoln was the first one I saw when he backtracked out of the first entrance of the living room. He saw me in mid-pause in the foyer. He looked confused, his crystal eyes scrunching up. I turned around, only to see that Kayden had come out of the hallway I had just left and Tyler was not far behind.

  I grinned. "Can’t catch me!"

  Faces cleared into amusement as I turned and ran up the stairs towards any room I could find. I squealed as feet thundered behind me. My side burned a little, but I was having too much fun to care.

  I raced into Kayden’s room and dived under his bedcovers not knowing what else I could do. I didn’t know their house very well, and there were only a few places I knew I could go. Kayden’s bed was as good as any. Besides, I really wanted some kisses today.

  I held my laughter as footsteps got closer and tried to see out of the blanket, but it was too thick. Anticipation was terrible even if this was fun. I tensed as I heard footsteps enter the room and the door close with a click. I couldn’t help it; I let a giggle free. I heard their heavy breathing, but no one took action. What were they doing? The bed never dipped, no hands grabbed out to get me and no kisses. I knew they were in here. I waited, squirming until I couldn’t handle it anymore and threw the blankets off to see all three of them grinning in my face. I pulled back with a yelp and tried to go back under the blanket, but it was useless as one of the guys climbed on top of me while the other two grabbed my arms to pin them above my head.

  "Get her!"

  "Pin those arms!"

  I was stuck and breathing hard as I stared into Tyler’s midnight blue eyes that were full of mischief. It was then that I realized the position I was in was a dangerous one, and Tyler knew it. I squirmed, trying to get free once again, but hands tightened, and I gasped as Tyler gave my underarms the slightest tickle.

  "Ahh! No-No-No!" I gasped half laughing. "Please, please, I give up."

  "I don’t know, guys," the Evil Kayden replied from the right of me. "I think we need more begging don’t you?"

  Lincoln chuckled to the left of me, "Look at her. Her face is all flushed, and she’s grinning. Naw, you’re right my dear brother, we need more of her begging."

  Tyler chuckled and leaned forward to tickle me again, "No-No-No!" I gasped out trying to squirm away.

  He laughed again as he sat back on his haunches, still straddling my waist. His eyes were bright as he tilted his head to the side, most likely think of a new way to torture me. "Hmm, what else is ticklish?

  "No!" I gasped when Tyler picked up his hand again to tickle me. "Please, I’ll"—I swallowed a giggle and tried to give my best innocent look—"I’ll do anything."

  "Anything?" Tyler questioned with a raised brow.

  "She said anything, brother," Kayden drawled out.

  I nodded in agreement as my eyes widened with fake innocence.

  Tyler looked to his brothers and smirked. "There is so much we could do with that statement."

  "I say we tickle her feet."

p; "No! Please!"

  "Well, she did say please..." Tyler put his hands at the bottom of my waist where his legs were straddling me and slipped his hand slightly under my shirt.

  Uh-oh. I was in trouble.

  "Tyler." I laughed when I realized what he was doing. "Come on!" I giggled not sure where this was going.

  Lincoln’s hands tighten slightly on my wrists as he laughed. "Yeah Tyler, bare skin tickling is the worst. Do it." Kayden chuckled when I let out another wail of protest and lifted my hips, trying to get Tyler off of me, but he didn’t move. If anything, he pressed down more on my hips, making me grunt.

  My breath caught, though, when Tyler’s cold fingertips brushed ever so slightly against my bare skin on my side, and that grin of his grew when he realized goosebumps had broken out on my skin, that I wasn’t unaffected by his touch. I squirmed once more, trying to shift away as his fingertips brushed lightly on my side near my hips once again. My mind was so focused on this action that I almost missed what Kayden was whispering in my ear when he leaned down.

  "How about a date, Faith?"

  That threw me for a loop. "What?"

  "We want a date," Lincoln echoed. He brought his crystal eyes into my line of vision, "You do want to date us, right?

  I rolled my eyes, then let out another squeak as Tyler's fingers moved to tickle me quickly. Lincoln moved back as Tyler leaned down, his eyes full of amusement, his mouth tilted in a smirk.

  "I’m sorry," he mocked, as his fingers were relentless at my sides. "What was that? I couldn’t hear you through that eye roll."

  "Yes-Yes-Yes!" I shrieked trying to get away from him.

  "Yes, what?" Kayden the Evil chuckled.

  "Yes, I’ll date you!" I shrieked as my lungs finally starting to burn with all the movement and playfulness that was going on. Then I heard a pounding on the door and the handle jiggle. "What’s going on?"


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