It's Not Your Money

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It's Not Your Money Page 13

by Tosha Silver


  You know by now that Divine Order is neither attached pursuit nor downtrodden passivity. You align with the highest outcome and let yourself be guided to the right actions at the right time. And sometimes with a specific problem, the correct route is simply to wait. You’ll know when a door opens. If you trust that all needs will be answered, you’ll never have to convince anyone, change their mind, or prove your worth. The situations and people in energetic harmony with you instinctively already know and arrive at the right time.

  Divine Order? Wait. You mean that, intrinsically, the Divine is exquisitely patterned? You mean that it’s not actually Divine Disarray that I’m doomed to be sweeping up after until the end of time? You mean that the emotional chaos I’ve attributed to Creation is just a wee bit of projection based on—among other things—the emotional chaos of not bonding with my parents? You mean that if I know something to be beautiful and good, then God does as well, and with a knowing that includes more love and perfection than I can comprehend?

  Maybe this could work. Maybe I could invoke the optimal patterning that I know to exist and trust it to belong to Love as part of Divine Order. Maybe this is a kinder relationship than I’d ever imagined. Oh please, let this be true!


  You may have noticed this yourself. After doing these practices for a while, the attachment to somber rule books about how to be spiritual falls away. You sense this extravagant power of grace and intelligence waiting to engage with you ever more deeply, sometimes in the most unexpected ways.

  For me, you have really put the fun back into knowing the Divine. I remember God every moment now, the One I knew as a child. I remember sitting with this Love, being certain of my safety and my place. Now that feeling is back, and it’s amazing, familiar, and too moving for words.

  Thank for teaching me how to offer. There is such power in surrender. The moment I offer all back to God, a sweet sense of relief washes over me, regardless of whether “the answer” comes fast or slow.

  Thank you for my new ability to let the answers come as they wish. And for telling stories of the funny ways things unfold . . . with God. This lets me move with ease and grace through difficult times!

  Finally, thank you for reminding me that every day is not only a conversation with God, it’s a love affair. I feel madly in love with It. And as I love, I am gloriously guided, protected, and carried through the days. All I must do is invite and open, which gets easier every day.

  Because I was so ready to learn all of this, your work came.

  So here’s a prayer for opening to this Love.

  Dear Lord, help me trust that there is a Plan far beyond what I can see through my veil of fears and illusions. May I move in harmony with Your Flow, knowing in every moment all needs will be met and You Alone guide me. Fill me with Your nourishing and extravagant Love. I am Yours, You are mine, we are One. All is well.


  I have one final story for you. A few years ago, I was at the home of a friend as she hovered on the brink of death. For many months, she’d been slowly declining from colon cancer, and her friends and family had all gathered around.

  This was a woman who’d been very accomplished by the standard yardsticks of our culture. She had two children she loved deeply. She’d made a great living as a celebrated costume designer and even won a couple Golden Globes for her work. She owned a cozy home in Marin County, one of the loveliest parts of California, filled with exotic treasures from her trips around the world. She’d had a life many people might envy.

  Well, if you’ve ever been at a deathbed, you know people can move into amazing clarity as they prepare to cross to the Other Side. That’s what happened here. A kind of preternatural lucidity seemed to fill this woman, and as she spoke, I knew I was hearing a message I’d carry to my own last breath.

  She said in a wavering, wistful voice, “I have only one huge regret—that I never gave my life to something beyond my daily desires. I had two great children and so many chances to be creative. But every step of the way, I only did what I thought would make me happy. I never once asked God, ‘How can I serve You? I mean, really, how can I serve You?’ Who knows what might have happened if I had?”

  The skin on her face was so pale and drawn, it was almost transparent. Her son, who was sitting on the bed holding her hand, whispered urgently, “Mom! It’s not too late. If you want to ask that, you still can.” She smiled at him for a long time and closed her eyes.

  The tangible peace and lightness that entered the room as she departed made me certain that she finally had.

  And who knows how that may have affected, well . . . everything.

  Final Meditation

  Focus on your breath for a moment, breathing in calming energy and breathing out any worry or fear. As you breathe, feel yourself relaxing into a deep and quiet place inside, a place that’s always been waiting for your return.

  As you rest there, imagine one more time that all your finances are offered to this radiant Love. You can turn your hands to the sky and see all of it, every concern, every burden, every bill, offered back to Love. You can say, “You know my every need and now, finally, All is Yours. Let the Highest occur in every way.”

  Feel the peace and the release of that.

  But take one more step. Imagine, now that the money has been fully offered, something else wants to be offered as well.

  Your whole Being.

  And you are ready.

  You feel this all-knowing Force of Love has been waiting for You. It now fully accepts and rejoices in your sacred offering. Of yourself. All of you. Without any need to become more deserving.

  Without any need to improve. You have been worthy to belong to Love all along.

  In fact, You are Love Itself.

  Love owns you now.

  Relax and feel this for a few minutes.

  Then open your eyes.


  This act of letting the Divine take the lead takes practice and commitment until it develops a life of its own. So here are some resources that can support you during this process. The first few are available on my website:


  Living Outrageous Openness Forum. This online community started in 2015 to truly help people let the Divine take the lead. Included are weekly calls with me and a private Facebook group of people from around the world.

  Classes. Several classes on the website give extensive additional information about topics in this book.

  Both Psychic Development and Psychic Development 2.0 (for help with cords and chakras)

  Shifting Desires into Preferences

  Balancing Giving and Receiving

  Offering: The Key to Joy

  Invite the Inner Kali Power

  Full Abundance Change Me Prayer. If you enjoy using this prayer, you can easily get it on my website. There’s a complimentary version to download and also a lovely high-resolution version to purchase that’s suitable for framing.

  Social Media. You can also find me almost every day on Instagram or my Facebook author page. I love sharing examples of the wild ways the Divine constantly intercedes when we finally begin to pay attention. Come join me!


  There are some good resources if you want to go deeper into the roots of the beautiful and ancient spiritual practices of offering and surrender.

  The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

  Bhagavad Gita

  Any of the poetry of Rumi and Hafiz

  Florence Scovel Shinn’s The Game of Life and How to Play It


  One of my favorite sayings is that if God wants you to do something, She’ll either give you the strength to do it or She’ll bring the right help. I guess in this case, She did both. There are many people who saved my butt during the lengthy process of creating this book, and I apologize in advance if I’ve forgotten anyone.r />
  First, my good friend and manager, Matt Klein, treated me with patience, kindness, and humor every day of this journey.

  Stephanie Tade, my astonishing Buddhist-warrior agent, also was (and is) an amazing friend and supporter. I bow to her for listening with compassionate attention whenever I had a passing fit or two, and for making magic happen.

  Gratitude to Patty Gift and Lisa Cheng for their thoughtful and courageous navigation of this complex process. Thank you, Anne Barthel, for arriving in the final hour to victoriously carry us across the finish line with eloquence and grace.

  Melissa Russo, the initial editor who knew how to brilliantly transform the transcripts of the original It’s Not Your Money course into workable documents, was invaluable!

  Kelly Malone (aka the Portuguese Dancing Queen) was the second editor who fine-tuned the entire piece to get it ready for submission. Without her Aries enthusiasm and humor, coupled with her remarkable skill for always knowing the right word at the right time, I’d never have been able to finish. She’s become one of my most cherished friends.

  Dr. Christiane Northrup has been my texting cheerleader and ally from the very beginning. I appreciate her with my whole heart.

  Natalie Haggerty, my Snake Queen writing companion, did months and months of FaceTime study hall sessions with me. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without her.

  David Lane continued to be a source of hysterical inspiration and help, just as he was for all my previous books.

  Bodi Regan, Hanna Weare, Sarah Buscho, and Sarah Drew have been enormous and faithful friends to me forever. Thank you.

  Then there was the Calvary of healers who arrived to bring me back to health when I sustained serious injuries to both knees right in the middle of all this—Kerry Haworth, Matthew Graham, Andy Lesko, and Rodney McBride.

  And thank you to the hundreds of gorgeous souls who signed up for the initial It’s Not Your Money online course. Your enthusiastic encouragement helped make this a book.

  Finally, a deep thank you to Shaun Herman Merkord . . . just because.


  Tosha Silver graduated from Yale with a degree in English literature, but along the way fell madly in love with yogic philosophy. For the past 30 years she’s taught people around the world ways to align with Inner Love. She’s the author of Outrageous Openness, Change Me Prayers, and Make Me Your Own. She lives near San Francisco, where she runs an online school called Living Outrageous Openness, which offers ongoing support to those who follow these beautiful, ancient practices. Find out more at

  Tosha particularly enjoys finding fresh, funny ways to embrace the Divine while avoiding conventional jargon and clichés at all cost. She loves how the sacred and mundane are truly One. Love Itself begins to lead when it is sincerely invited—by anyone.

  The Universe is a Divine party.

  Come as You are!

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