Biker Next Door

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Biker Next Door Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2020 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-0-3695-0255-1

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Audrey Bobak


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2020

  Chapter One

  Rix turned the wrench on his bike. It didn’t need fixing at all. His machine was in perfect working condition as it always was. No, what he was waiting for was the vision of his neighbor, Anna-Beth. The little brunette had been able to avoid him for the last three weeks, ever since they both moved in at the same time. She offered him one sweet smile, and then nothing.

  Now, he wasn’t used to having to set up a little ploy to get any kind of pussy. After serving three years, he was on a limited probation period where he couldn’t be seen at the clubhouse, but that didn’t mean his boys couldn’t be with him. He also couldn’t be seen wearing his leather cut, which was fine. His boys knew how to handle shit.

  Getting three years for good behavior on possession of a weapon just went to show what a damn good lawyer the club had. He paid for the best. Anyway, he’d learned when he was younger just what was required and there was always a loophole. He found said loophole and his boys could bring all their shit here, he just couldn’t go there. He wasn’t wearing a cut, nor was he riding with them. Everything was running smoothly. He even had this place in one of the nicest areas within an hour’s ride of his club. Families who would be perfect in a nice little magazine. They all had it made here.

  Then, of course, there was his little accountant. He’d gotten her name on move-in day. His boys had gotten her checked out. Twenty-nine, single, never married, not even seeing anyone. A local accountant. She used to work in the city, but after a burglary, she’d wanted out, and within three months, she was living right next door to him.

  Beautiful, long brown hair, and when she wore it down, it graced the curve of her back. It made him think of having the length wrapped around his fist while he showed her a good time.

  As he ran his hand over the seat of his bike, he looked up, and sure enough, there she was. She owned a car she rarely used, often taking to walking. The suits she wore didn’t do her curves justice. He’d seen her out in the yard, pacing or even sunbathing. The last few days had been beautiful but not once had she worn a bikini. He’d love to see all those curves on display. She had nice, big, juicy tits, and he’d spent one too many days in the shower, working his cock, imagining those beauties right in front of his face. He wanted to suck on them so hard.

  Again, he could have any club woman he wanted. There were a lot who’d gladly fuck him into oblivion, but his dick was set on the woman heading his way. In her hands was a large bag of groceries. A couple of the neighbors stopped her to say hi. She had a beautiful smile.

  She made her way toward him, struggling to get her key out of her bag.

  “Here, let me help.” He took the bag, which was fucking heavy.

  “Oh, thank you,” she said.

  He saw her cheeks go a nice shade of red. She opened the door and went to take the bag from her.

  “Let me handle it. It feels like you picked up the whole shop.”

  “Just a few things.”

  He entered her home. Between the two houses, he was the one who owned the pool. The lady before him had said it was kind of a tradition to invite the neighbor around.

  Where his place still had a couple of boxes, Anna-Beth’s was completely clean and neat. Not a single box in sight.

  “Wow,” he said. “You really got the whole unpacking thing down.” He put her groceries on the counter.

  She glanced around her home with a laugh. “I don’t like mess of any kind. I have to have order. It’s just the way that I am.” She put her bag down and removed her jacket. “Thank you so much for bringing this in for me.”

  “It’s no trouble at all. I have my boys bring me stuff. In fact, do you like barbeque?” he asked.

  “Barbeque food?”


  “I do.”

  “Great. I’m having a cookout tomorrow. Some of the boys are coming. You should come around. Wear a bikini. I’m going to get some use out of that pool.”

  She looked down at her body. “No, I really shouldn’t impose like that. It wouldn’t be right.”

  “How would you be imposing?” he asked. “I’m the one who asked you over. Come on, live dangerously.”

  “I’ve got work to catch up on, and other stuff to do.”

  She wasn’t looking at him and he knew a lie when he saw one.

  “Too much work will kill you. You should never bring that shit home. Keep it in the office, and we’re neighbors. I don’t want us to get off to a bad start.”

  “We’re not. I think we’re handling everything really well, don’t you think?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.

  “Beer, food, and water, that is what’s going to make our lives awesome. It will be fun. Just some fun. That’s all you need.” He wasn’t going to take no for an answer. He wanted her close so he could tempt her.

  She went to push some of her hair out of the way but it was already pulled back into a ponytail. She had such full, kissable lips.

  “I promise this is all for us to have some fun. You deserve it. I’m thinking I need to hire you to put my shit into place,” he said.

  She chuckled. “Okay. I’ll be there. What time?”

  “Anytime you like.” He winked at her. “I will be waiting. If your sexy ass isn’t over at my place by nine, I’m coming to get it, Anna-Beth.”

  “I don’t know your name,” she said. “How do you know mine?”

  “I heard it. The guy who sold you this place. He called your name, and I put two and two together. It is your name, right?”

  “Yes. I don’t suppose you’d tell me your name?” she asked.


  “Hi, Rix. It’s nice to finally meet you. Officially, that is.”

  “Yeah.” He winked at her again. “It certainly is.”


  The following day, Anna-Beth looked at the time as her workload just seemed to increase. Being new at the accounting firm, she wanted to make an impression, but her record spoke for itself.

  Rix’s words followed her.

  Her father had died doing his work and so had her mother. Being a workaholic ran in her family. She nibbled on her lip. She always took work home. That was what she enjoyed doing. Work, nothing else. Her life was focused solely on it.

  The party, though.

  Would Rix really do what he said? Come and get her? No man had ever forced her to have fun. It had been years since she went out and dated, or did anything with the opposite sex.

  Would it be so wrong to want to?

  The workload would be here tomorrow or Monday. She didn’t have to do everything now, did she?

  Finally, at six, she decided to take her chances and logged out of her computer, getting to her feet. Nearly everyone had left and as she did, she thought about Rix. He was an interesting man. A biker. Someone from an MC. She didn’t know the name of his club, or who he was, but that didn’t matter. He’d been nice to her.

  She stopped off at the liquor store on the way home, pickin
g up a couple of packs of beer. She doubted it was enough and proceeded to make her way home. The walk was always long, but she liked it. Normally, it helped to clear her head of all the worries and stress of the day.

  This was what she did. The same old patterns.

  Anna-Beth thought back to the time in the city, waking up with a gun pressed to her head as they robbed her place. The men responsible were drug dealers after some quick money. They didn’t care about the trauma they were inflicting or who they were hurting. Both of them were in jail as she’d been one of many apartments hit.

  They’d even robbed a cop’s house as well.

  Anyway, she wasn’t going to think about that time. She’d never been so scared in her life.

  She got onto her street and hummed as she walked all the way down, coming to less than twenty feet away when she heard the music. His house was lit up, whereas hers lay completely dark.

  Taking a deep breath, she made her way to her home. She would change first. There was no way in hell she’d wear a bikini to any kind of party.

  She didn’t take her time inside her home, nor did she shower. Quickly throwing on a pair of jeans, and a top that dipped in at the cleavage, clung to her waist, and expanded out at the hips, she let her hair down. No makeup, nothing. After running a brush through her long locks, she settled on some flat shoes, and she was done. This wasn’t the kind of party animal she was.

  She left her bedroom, only to turn on her heel and look at herself.

  “What am I doing? I shouldn’t go over there.” She went to remove her clothes just as her doorbell rang.

  Who the hell would be calling on her?

  She made her way downstairs, opening the door before she even looked out. Sure enough, Rix was there.

  “I had this feeling you were debating coming to the party,” he said.

  “Er, no.” She looked down at herself. “I don’t really know how to … party. I think I’m going to stay in.” This was so fucking embarrassing. She hated this.

  He chuckled. “Sweetheart. We’re not having a rave. You look hot, but you’re going to be the only woman overdressed.” He took her hand. “I forbid you to ignore me.”

  She stumbled against his chest with a giggle.

  “That’s the spirit.” He pulled her door closed.

  “Wait, I’ve got to lock it.”

  “You don’t need to.”

  “But I do.” She thought back to the burglars. Her apartment had been locked then too with no reason for them to steal anything.

  “We’re going to be right next door. No one is going to steal shit and if they do, I’ll deal with them. Trust me.”

  She didn’t know him, but being in his arms, looking into his eyes, there was something about him that just screamed … protection.

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Good. Now, are you ready to party?”

  “Wait, wait, I got you some beer.”

  “Then you can keep it in your fridge, because my party comes fully stocked.” He winked at her and then she was in his house.

  He hadn’t been lying. Boxes were lying all around. Couples were already on the furniture. The leather cuts were nowhere in sight, which was strange. She had seen a couple of bikers visiting him but she’d never got a clear view of the MC he was part of.

  “You’re going to see some crazy shit. The boys don’t exactly know the meaning of getting a room.” He chuckled. “Come on.”

  The grill was already fired up. People were laughing and she instantly saw what he meant about being the only female overdressed. She was. The women were all in bikinis. Some of their shirts weren’t exactly in place.

  She was seeing a lot of naked flesh and tits. Even the men were close to being naked as well. This wasn’t like any kind of party she’d been to. There was so much flesh exposed. Oh, boy.

  “Don’t let it shock you.”

  “Shocked? No. I’m fine. I see this all the time.”

  “Then maybe you could close your mouth and stop drooling.” Rix handed her a beer and there was that wink which she just knew was going to cause her trouble.

  Chapter Two

  His boys were on their best behavior. Rix wouldn’t accept anything less from his men. They could party all they wanted, but he’d also asked them not to wear their leather. It helped with his record and meant he could be back in place as their president soon enough.

  Sipping at his beer, he watched her, waiting to see if she’d freak out. She was shocked but she hadn’t run back home.

  The clothes she wore looked more suitable for going out on a date to an open cinema than actually having a house party. The jeans hugged her curves and the shirt wasn’t too bad. He wanted to get his hands on her body. Even though he was sixteen years older than her, he wanted her. Age gap be damned.

  She tilted the beer to her lips, taking a sip. He watched her throat work, imagining his cock in her mouth, and her sucking on him. Fuck, now he wanted to fuck her. It had been a long time since he’d been with a woman. The brothers kept offering him the latest pussy. The women with the tightest, wettest cunts, but he wasn’t interested.

  Now the woman before him, he could gladly take her, fuck her, and have her over and over again. In fact, he couldn’t stop thinking about having her. She was a delight.

  “This is one hell of a party.”

  “Really? This is tame.”

  “You call this tame?” she asked.

  “Yeah.” He moved up close behind her so his lips were right next to her ear. “If it was a real party at the clubhouse, they’d be fucking right in front of our eyes.”

  “Oh. I don’t think that’s the kind of party I should go to.”

  “Why not? It’s a lot of fun.”

  “I’m not a fun kind of person.”

  He wanted to lick her neck and nibble on her flesh, let her know what she was missing out on. “I don’t know. I’d say there’s something there that says you just haven’t had the right kind of guy show you the best time.” He could show her a whole load of pleasure and fun.

  “Burgers are up,” his VP called.


  “Yes. Starving.” With how tight her nipples were, he could imagine her being starved for a whole lot of other things as well.

  She walked toward the line to get her food. He finished off his beer as his friend and enforcer came to him. “What is it, Night?” he asked.

  His friend held his hands up. “You don’t want to meddle with her kind.”

  “Her kind?”

  “She’s a civilian, Rix. You know this is going to end badly.”

  He and Night went back a long way. They were the first two to form his MC, but Night wanted the role of enforcer. He was deadly when it came to a weapon and had no qualms about killing a man.

  The man was a fucking machine. Deadly. He had saved his life many times. They’d been through hell together and if there was one man who he knew had his back, it was this guy.

  “In case you didn’t see, I’m a civilian now. I don’t have to go and follow the rules. She’s completely in my league.”

  “The mafia are closing in, Rix. They want answers to their shipment.”

  “They can suck on my dick, that’s what they can do.” Rix’s anger started to rise. He was pissed off. Entering into any kind of deal with the mafia was a risk and he’d taken one because he liked the capo. It was the biggest mistake of his life. The bonus thing about being locked up, he got the chance to meet a lot of interesting people who had a beef against the same man who’d set him up.

  The guns shouldn’t have been at his location when he got caught. It was a setup. He intended to lay low for now and keep the capo who had pissed him off on his toes. There would come a point when he reached out and when he did, Rix had something special planned for him.

  Until then, he was more than happy to live the life of an ordinary guy. He had things in motion and so long as he played his part, he was going to have everything he wanted.

p; Pushing his way past the line, he grabbed two burgers, handing one straight to Anna-Beth.

  “There you go, beautiful,” he said.

  The guys around him groaned.

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “A pretty lady should never go without food.”

  “Tell that to my hips.”

  “I happen to love your hips.”

  “You’re a natural charmer, aren’t you? You’re used to having your way with the ladies.” She looked toward a group of five women. He followed her gaze and chuckled.

  “Sweetheart, they chase the patch. Nothing more. I don’t have to work for their pussy.”

  “Right, of course.”

  Her cheeks were a delightful shade of red. “I like that I can make you blush.”

  “I guess I’m not used to being around guys like you.”

  “I’m not used to being around women like you,” he said.


  He moved to stand behind her. Was it cherry he smelled? “Look at the women. They keep glancing over here and I can tell you right now they don’t see what it is that you’ve got. Their tits and ass are all on display and yet, I’d rather hang with you, eating my burger.”

  “They want you.”

  “Yeah, they do. They want the reputation that being with me gives them. Nothing more. Me, they couldn’t care less about.”

  “You make it sound so cold.”

  “It is. In my world, I’m the number one trophy. If they could land me as their old man, and I take them as my old lady, it’s the jackpot.”

  She turned toward him. her brown eyes twinkling. “It’s like you live in a different kind of world.”

  “I do. Where I go, there are no rules.”

  “Then why are you living here and not with them?” she asked.

  “Simple, sometimes your world invades mine and I have to deal with the consequences.”

  “So, there is always a cost when it comes to your world.”


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