Biker Next Door

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Biker Next Door Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Anna-Beth wrapped her legs around him as she cried out. Her nipples had to be sensitive. Leaving them alone, he went to the button of her jeans, flicking it open. He didn’t waste any time removing the jeans out of his way. He wanted her naked, exposed, in front of him, for him to do as he wished.

  Her panties were much easier to deal with. He tore them from her in one tight tug, shredding the material.

  “Whenever you come to my house, don’t wear panties unless you’ve got your woman troubles.”

  She let out a laugh. “Woman troubles?”

  “It’s the only time you’ll be allowed to wear them or I’m going to spank this ass for disobeying me.” He quickly spun her around so she was bent across the table. His hands touched her ass, spreading the cheeks wide. “And this is a fine ass to play with.”


  Anna-Beth had a feeling she knew what he meant about playing with her ass and touching her. He spread the cheeks wide and his fingers dived between her crack. She’d never been touched intimately there before. She couldn’t help but tense up.

  Rix wasn’t like any man she’d ever met before.

  “More of that later. I know what I want right now.” In quick moves, he had her spun around, legs wide, and he placed his hands on the inside of her thighs, keeping her in place. “Look at that pretty pussy.”

  She glanced down her body as he skimmed his fingers across her heated flesh. She was so aroused and she didn’t think it was possible to be this close to an orgasm.

  She hadn’t touched herself last night. She’d been too worried about him, but right now, she was regretting that.

  Only a few touches of his hand and she was ready to come.

  “How many men have eaten this pussy?” he asked.


  “Do I need to keep repeating myself?” He spread the lips, his finger circling her clit.

  She cried out. “No one.”

  “What?” he asked.

  “No one has, er, you know.” Her cheeks couldn’t get any hotter, could they?

  “Eaten this pretty cunt?”

  She shook her head.

  “Now that is such a shame. I’m going to have to rectify that.”

  Anna-Beth was about to ask him what he meant but there was really no need to as his lips did all the talking. His mouth moved between her thighs and she looked down. He held her lips open and his tongue danced across her clit, circling the tight bud. The pleasure was instant and intense, heightening her need for more.

  Down he moved, going to her entrance. He pressed his tongue inside her, and she arched up. His fingers replaced his tongue, continuing his teasing between each. He fingered her pussy as he licked her clit, or stroked her nub as he fucked her pussy. She was so close.

  There was no time to pace herself. No one had ever made her feel like this.

  The pleasure.

  The heat.

  The joy.

  She came with his name on her lips, screaming, and Rix kept her there at the peak. She shook from the power of it. Eyes closed, crying out, unable to control her body until he finally paused, letting her catch her breath, but there was no time. The sound of his zipper filled the air.

  Opening her eyes, she watched him.

  He took his cock out. It was long, thick. Ink decorated the base of his cock. His entire body was heavily inked. A bead of pre-cum leaked out of the tip.

  He grabbed a condom, tore it open, and slid the latex down his length.

  With his cock at her entrance, she stared into his eyes, gasping as inch by inch, he pushed inside her.

  He was big. Bigger than she’d ever had before.

  “Fuck, you’re tight,” he said. “I knew you would be.”

  She lifted up, wrapping her arms around his neck as he fucked her. He hadn’t taken her to the hilt yet, rocking back and forth. Using short, hard thrusts, he took her, making her his. When he did finally take her, he groaned.

  “I knew you’d be perfect. Fuck, baby, I hate to say this. I’m not going to last.”

  She didn’t get time to ask questions about what he meant as he took hold of her and started to fuck her hard. The table rocked beneath their weight and he cursed, suddenly lifting her up and resting her against the corner of the wall.

  Rix was so strong as he started to fuck her.

  Any protest left her as he blew her mind, the pleasure of his cock filling her.

  “Fuck, yeah, fuck!” He filled her one last time and she felt him come, the pulsing of his cock as he filled the condom.

  She’d never been with a man who’d come so fast.

  “I know that was disappointing, but that’s fine.” He pulled out of her and let her steady herself before he let her go. “It has been a long time, but get your ass up to my bedroom.”


  “You think I’m going to let you leave or call that a day? Not a chance. The first time was going to be fast, but the next time, you better be ready. I’m coming for seconds.”

  She went to get her jeans, but he stopped her.

  “No, I want you naked.”

  This had never happened to her before. She stepped over the debris of the party and glanced back. Rix leaned against the wall, removing the condom.

  Rather than leave, seeing as she was naked, she went up to his bedroom. There were messes everywhere apart from his room.

  After going inside, she sat on the bed and waited.

  She didn’t know what she expected, but seconds later, Rix stood in the doorway, another condom on his dick.

  “Spread your legs. I want to see your pretty pussy.”

  Go with it. Don’t think.

  She opened her legs, watching him.

  “Touch yourself.”

  Sliding a hand between her thighs, she waited for further instruction. This had never happened to her. She was being reckless. She didn’t stop touching her clit. Sliding her fingers up and down her lips, teasing herself. She’d already come and she didn’t think it was possible to have a second one so soon.

  “Move up the bed.”

  She did as he asked.

  He knelt on the bed, moving up between her thighs. “Touch my dick.”

  Anna-Beth stopped stroking her pussy to wrap her fingers around his length.

  He started to touch her.

  “Watch me,” he said.

  She glanced down to see him stroking her. His thumb touching her clit, rocking back and forth, around then down. He worked her body, and she closed her eyes. He stopped, tutting, making her keep her gaze on him.

  His thumb moved down her slit to her entrance and he pushed inside. In and out, he moved. All the time, she worked his cock, which was once again rock-hard.

  He changed his thumb for his fingers. Two of them moved in and out of her. Finally, he added a third, and she whimpered at the tightness.

  “You’re going to have to get used to me fucking you, Anna-Beth. I’m only going to have you serve my dick, and I’ve got a big appetite for fucking.” He suddenly let her go and he sat beside her. “Climb on.”

  This was taking her out of her comfort zone but rather than deny him, she followed his lead. She straddled his waist and he lifted her up, holding his cock, and she slowly moved over him.

  She gasped, crying out at just how big he was. He held her there, taking both of her hips into his hands and slamming her down on the length. Gripping his shoulders, she marveled at how good he felt.

  There was pain as well as pleasure. It was heady.

  She didn’t want to stop.

  “You have no idea how fucking amazing you look right now.” He curved his hands around to her ass, holding on to her. “Now, I want you to take my cock. Fuck yourself with it.”

  Using his shoulders for leverage and his help to guide her, she worked up and down his length, taking him deeper. It was odd at first.

  Slowly, she found a pace that worked for her. Each bounce at the hilt took him a little deeper. When she got used to taking what she wa
nted, he let go of her hips, but he wasn’t done touching her. He fingered her clit.

  “You’re going to come all over my cock and then I’m going to find my release, Anna-Beth. Reward me. Come for me.”

  She cried out.

  There was no way she could come so soon. She had to tell him, but she couldn’t. His fingers dancing between her slit, finding her clit, teasing her, it felt so good. She didn’t want him to stop.

  The pleasure came to her hard and fast and as she came, she screamed hard.

  “Yes, fuck, baby, that’s it. Take me. Use me.”

  She didn’t think she could take much more, and Rix took over. He held her hips and worked her pussy, bouncing her on his cock, thrusting up with each downward plunge she took.

  He growled, cried out, and then, paused.

  He came.

  Again, she felt each pulse as she collapsed against him. She didn’t know how it was possible for him to do this to her.

  Her heart raced. Her body no longer felt like her own, but at the same time, she didn’t care. She was his at that moment, and there was no fighting it. What was the point? In a matter of minutes, she’d had more pleasure than she’d ever had in her entire twenty-nine years.

  This wasn’t forever, but it was for right now.

  Chapter Four

  Rix couldn’t keep his hands off Anna-Beth. The few tastes he’d had of her weren’t enough. He wanted more. He was greedy like that.

  She giggled as he pulled her against him.

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I do. Your house is completely trashed. Please.”

  “Babe, even before the party my house was trashed.”

  “I don’t know how you can live like this.”

  He recalled her house. “I won’t be staying long.” He intended to be a good boy and then be back at his clubhouse, dealing with his men. Using Night was tiring, but with this woman to keep him entertained, his luck was on the up.

  “You won’t.”

  “Nope. I intend to move on when I get the chance.” He winced at how bad that sounded.

  “Oh,” she said. “Well, it doesn’t matter. I don’t intend to live here long either. It is just a stepping stone to the luxury mansion and all that.”

  Rix sighed. “I’ve got a clubhouse and my boys. They’re waiting for me.”

  “I get it. I do.”


  “No, not really.” She glanced around the room. “Look, I don’t know what it is you do for a living and I really don’t think I want to know. Whatever this is, I’m happy for it to be just some fun, you know, for us. While we’re neighbors and all. No commitments. I’m happy with that.”

  Normally, he’d be more than happy but watching her, he didn’t like it.

  Someone decided to use that moment to knock on his door, which only served to piss him off.

  “Give me a moment.” He walked away, glancing back to see her bending down to pick up used bottles. This wasn’t going how he wanted. Fuck.

  That was what he should have done, continued to fuck her, but instead, he’d offered to make her lunch, not that he could cook worth a damn.

  Opening the door, he found Night on the doorstep. The sound of tinkling bottles drew their attention.

  “This a bad time?” he asked.

  “You could say that.”

  “I can come back.”

  “Nope. It’s fine. Come on.”

  He closed the door behind Night. “Anna-Beth, this is Night. Night, this is Anna-Beth. My neighbor.”

  “We met last night,” she said, holding her hand up in a wave. “I’ll keep on cleaning.”

  “I’ve got to talk to him. I’ll be out in the yard if you need me.” He let himself out the back as Night followed. His man pulled the door closed.

  “You think it wise having her here?”

  “She didn’t call the cops last night.”

  “You’re right. I’ve got rumor that one of the capos sent in a woman to spy on us,” Night said. “You know his underboss? He was the one to let me know this morning.”

  “Do we know who the woman is?” Rix asked.

  “Not at the moment. I’m waiting for another call back. Once we can identify the woman, we can move on.”

  “It’s easy, find the women who are recent.”

  “Rix, it’s not that simple. We have new women hanging around the club every single day. We can’t just pick and choose. It’s not like that.”

  “Fuck. I don’t like this.”

  “We can’t do anything about it,” Night said. “Not until we know more.”

  “You tell the boys they don’t go near club pussy. You keep them at arm’s length. You make sure they act like something big is going down.”

  “Why?” Night asked.

  “Simple, that way we find out which one is desperate to know all of our club info. She’ll need to report to her boss at some point with something.” He ran fingers through his hair, glancing back into the house, catching sight of Anna-Beth.

  “I did a full background check on her. She doesn’t have any connections to the mafia. She’s clean. Just a boring accountant.”

  “I could have told you that, and she’s not boring.”

  “Look, Rix, the boys need you to deal with this shit and get back to base. They don’t like not wearing their cuts. It goes against everything they know.”

  “I know,” Rix said. “I didn’t say this shit was going to be easy. We’ve got a plan mapped out. The one with the least amount of casualties.” He couldn’t look away from Anna-Beth. Around his home she went, picking up bottles and trash. She worked like a fucking machine.

  Cleanliness was clearly a big deal to her.

  “What are you going to do about her? Is she going to become part of the club?” Night asked.

  “She is none of your business.”

  “Fuck, it is my business right now. It’s my job to protect you and leaving you here, it goes against my fucking job. You can’t even turn away from her for five minutes.”

  Rix turned his back and gave his enforcer his full attention. “I know you take my safety seriously, but remember who I am. Remember what I’m capable of.”

  “Just because she’s not part of the mafia doesn’t mean she can’t be used as a mole or have some other purpose. You’ve got to be careful. You don’t know her.”

  “Like you said. She’s a boring accountant.”

  “And if I’m wrong?”

  “When are you wrong?”

  Night looked ready to explode.

  “I’ve got this.”

  “Rix, she’s a law-abiding citizen. Whatever you’ve got with her, it can only stay here. She won’t fit in with our way of life and the club. The boys won’t trust her.”

  He gritted his teeth. The boys would do as they were fucking told. He knew Night was only trying to help and to keep him from making any kind of mistake. He’d never once taken an old lady. In forty-five years, he’d been alone, fucking his way through a bunch of women, and some of them didn’t even have to be single. Married women would throw themselves at him. Old ladies didn’t. They were only after one man, and that was the patch of the man they wore.

  “I think it’s time for you to leave,” Rix said. “I don’t like this conversation and I don’t want to shoot you with your own gun.”

  Night rolled his eyes. “It was a big mistake coming here. It’s too fucking neat and clean. Until next time.”

  Night went back through the house, leaving the back door open but slamming the front door closed. The roar of the motorbike was heavy in the air.

  Anna-Beth came to him and glanced around the yard. “Do you want me to leave?”

  “No, I promised you food.”

  “You’ve got nothing in your fridge. There’s not a lot you can cook.”

  “I don’t cook. I’d probably end up killing you with food poisoning or some shit. Nah, I was going to order. You like pizza?”

  “I can eat pizz

  He entered and ordered them both a couple of large pizzas with extra cheesy garlic bread. The conversation he had with Night had given him an appetite. Being back at the clubhouse was where he was going to go.

  He’d picked this peaceful town, with its nice street and families with regular nine-to-five jobs for a reason. While he was here, the mafia couldn’t send out any goons to take him out. They had soldiers and hitmen for that thing. Here, he was his own kind of person and he didn’t have to keep looking over his shoulder.

  “I’m going to go and grab a few things from my house.”

  He didn’t argue and he watched her return with a vacuum and several polishing cloths. Rix helped her finish up cleaning his house while they waited for the pizza. By the time it arrived, he was starved but his house was completely spotless. He was fucking shocked.

  The floor didn’t have a single cigarette butt or food anywhere.

  She was a fucking goddess.

  Even still, this was only temporary with her. He couldn’t bring a boring accountant into his world, it wouldn’t work. She couldn’t even handle his home being a mess, let alone the clubhouse, and those boys loved to party every chance they got.


  Sitting at her desk Monday morning, Anna-Beth found numbers really fucking boring for the first time in her life.

  She opened up the first file and glanced through it, and she didn’t want to do any of it. She’d woken up alone this morning, the first time since she’d had sex with Rix. A couple of his club guys had arrived last night, and she’d excused herself home. She didn’t have a clue what she was doing with him.

  The sex was out of this world. It was crazy good. Even now, thinking about it, she wanted to leave, go find Rix, and well, have him all over again.


  She wasn’t a needy woman. Whatever it was or what they had, she wasn’t going to start bugging him every second of every single day.

  “Hey, Anna-Beth,” Martin said.

  She looked up to see one of the accountants. He was in his late thirties, had a wife and a couple of kids, and liked to rub it into everyone’s face just how happy he was.


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