Lilith Cohen Retribution

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Lilith Cohen Retribution Page 13

by William Manning

  I lied. Connie offered him no such deal.

  “Fine there is some Secret Service agents she can’t trust, their names are Elliot Bauer, Julie Martinez and Dan Foster. Colvin has a small army going to assault the UN. They won’t be dressed in Company uniforms. They’ll be dressed like Islamic extremist.”

  I look at him inquisitively “Incase this goes south he won’t have to worry about it being traced back to him.” He nods. “False Flag operation. Yes, clever girl.”

  First I am a stupid bull dyke now I am a clever girl. If I was any less of a woman, I’d have a complex right now. “Who’s leading the assault?”

  “Some newcomer to the company. Some crazy Irish bitch with a bad burn on her neck. That fucking redhead gives me the goddamn creeps.”

  Venora... shit. Colvin is using her to do his dirty work now.

  Lauren steps forward with a sardonic grin. “Are you telling us, Venora O’Brien is my fucking replacement? She turns to me. “Lilith, Colvin has officially lost it. Since your escape and his wife dying and me walking away has sent him over the edge.”

  “What do you care? The man ordered a hit on you and your family.”

  “I don’t. All I’m saying is, Colvin never used to be this reckless, but his wife falling ill and then your nanites failing to cure his wife sent him into a downward spiral.”

  “Yeah, I’m just crying a river for the poor grieving Mr. Colvin. Anyway, I got all the info I need, Lauren. He’s all yours.”

  She looms over him clutching her Sig. “Wait you said Connie would cut me a deal!”

  I cross my legs and lean back in the chair. “Oh, yeah that was a lie. Connie told me to get more info out of you and then dispose of your ass. So have a nice afterlife.” Her jaw tightens. “Sweet dreams you piece of shit.” His eyes become like a deer in the headlights and tears pour from his eyes. “Wait! Wait!” He cries and begs. Lauren ignores his pleading. She raises her weapon and shoots him twice in the chest once in the head. She shoves his body into the frigid waters, sending him to his watery grave or Davy Jones’s locker as pirates would say.

  She sighs and whips around with her gun on me. “I’m sorry, Lilith. I thought it over, and I just don’t trust you or your people. It was me who gave Colvin the idea to have Karl seduce you. I had your friend kidnapped twice, and I tried to kill your friends. If you really expect me to believe you’re going to let that fly, you must think I got dumb bitch stamped on myforehead.”

  I glare coldly at her. “Lauren, if I wanted to kill you, you’d went overboard with that asshole. Use your head. I’m the best chance your family has.”

  “Maybe, but that still doesn’t change the fact you’re Colvin’s cash cow, and I am going to take that away from him by slaughtering the cow. I promise I’ll make it quick.”

  Before she can fire, I yank my gun and put two in her chest. She falls overboard. “Damn it!”

  Fuck there goes our Intel floating in the Atlantic. However, I don’t blame Lauren I would’ve done the same.

  I was going to tell VP it was Colvin who killed his son, but he deserves to die with unanswered questions.

  I put the boat in drive leaving them behind in the dark, icy waters. I feel like shit for lying to the kid, but his mother shouldn’t have tried to kill me.

  I arrive at the shore just a few miles from where I took the boat out. I notice Zasha is nowhere in sight. She must've gotten concerned about Lauren and assumed I killed her.

  I call Connie. “Lauren is dead.”

  She groans. “Agent Cohen, was there a part of my instructions you didn’t understand? What the hell happened?”

  “She saw killing me as a way to give a final fuck you to Colvin, and she didn’t buy we were trying to help her. Plus we got bigger problems. Venora is involved in the plot to kill you.”

  She sighs in frustration. “Stand by, Agent Cohen. I’m sending someone to extract you. We will discuss this more when you return.” Hanging up the phone, I gaze back at the watery grave I left Lauren in.

  Despite all that she’s done to me, I really didn’t want to kill her. I’m not a mother, but I understand why she’s done the things she’s done. It was for her daughter.

  After 30 minutes of waiting, Dominic arrives to give me a lift. “We’ve got big problems. Colvin is going to kill Connie tomorrow at her UN press conference, and Venora is leading the attack,” I say, c losing the door.

  He glances over at me. “What?” his voice loaded with shock.

  “Yes, and how come I wasn’t told about the conference?” “Well, one you’re not on her Secret Service detail you’re her agent and two, how do you know this?” Connie must’ve not told him yet.

  “The Vice President admitted it on tape. He wants The Oval Office and Colvin wants to shut Connie up and shut her investigation down.”

  “That would only drive the investigation deeper.” I glance over at him. “Not if you make it look like a terrorist attack. He plans to have mercs dress like Islamic terrorists, so the whole country thinks it was a wellorchestrated terrorist attack. Meanwhile, Colvin stays squeaky clean.”

  “All the while he gets another war profiteering racket in motion,” he adds.

  “Pretty much,” I respond.

  We head through the Blight Districts, a colony of lost souls and shattered dreams. The people here are shadows of their former selves. This area used to be known as Brooklyn; now they call it the Blight District. The Poor are not allowed to cross the bridge without proper papers. Those who don’t have the appropriate documents are either shot or arrested depending on how combative they want to be. If you’re a child and have the unfortunate pleasure of being born in the Blight Districts of America; odds are you will die of starvation or at the hand of the elements, or end up in a gang or turned into a prostitute against your will. However, if you’re fortunate, you will make the cut to join the military or be picked up by some talent scout.

  Calling this placea ghetto is too kind. It’s more like a cesspool of violence and filth, where the inhabitants are on a fast track to death. Colvin’s company thrives on places like this. He profits off the local crime syndicates with their drug rackets, prostitution rings, and black market arms. America does not exist for these people you can see it in their faces, their eyes dead with hopelessness and desperation.

  We get stopped at the Brooklyn Bridge by the Relocation Units who are clad in grey riot gear and heavily armed with bullpup rifles and pistols strapped to their legs. He asks for our proper papers, and Dominic shows the Nazi douche his documents, and we’re cleared to go through. “My apologies, ma’am, and sir. I had no Idea you two were working with President Kimura.”

  He gives a quick nod. “No worries, son. You were just doing your job,” Dominic replies.

  Riding across the bridge, I notice an orange glow beams across the horizon. “We have you a room squared away on the floor above the TOC.”

  “Thanks. I was starting to wonder if I was going to have to sleep on the floor.”

  Gazing across the murky skyline of Manhattan, the city lights pierce through the mist. Snow falls heavily— great more bleak weather to add to this already grim world. Most people can’t stand the cold weather, but it doesn’t bother me as much as most. Maybe it’s all the Arctic Training. But that training doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a nice hot bath and perhaps a willing man or woman to keep me warm of a night. On the bright side, the cold weather gives me an excuse to wear leather jackets, so it’s not all bad. About now hypothermia has probably kicked in for Lauren if she hasn’t died from her wounds yet.

  Chapter 13

  I step into Connie’s office and hand her the recording. “I’m not your protection detail, but I strongly advise you to cancel the press conference.”

  “No, Agent Cohen. This is what Colvin wants is for me to become intimidated and hide in some presidential panic room. No, I will not grant him the satisfaction.”

  “Ma’am, with all due respect, Colvin doesn’t give a damn if you’re i
ntimidated, and he doesn’t want you to hide… he wants you dead, and he wants to make it public. Hence the reason he’s using Venora to carry out the assault. He wants it to seem like Islamic terrorists assassinated you so the VP can justify declaring war on Syria granting Colvin another war profiteering racket.”

  “Agent Cohen, a full -scale war with Syria is inevitable. The civil war there is becoming a world issue it has increased the rise of terrorist attacks all over the globe.” Connie stands and strolls over to her office window gazing at the skyline. “It’s a shame we couldn’t get Lauren. She would’ve been a valuable source of Intel. She could have gotten us easy access to Colvin.” She turns and smiles. “But, no matter we will manage.” She sits down in her chair and rubs her forehead. “Anyway, what of Lauren’s wife and daughter?”

  “Alive. As for their whereabouts, I haven’t the slightest idea.”

  “So two of our assets are in the wind now.” “Zasha lost all her privileges with Black Reign. She’s out in the cold woundedand desperate so she should be easy to find.”

  “Very well. I will put our spies on it.”

  I cross my legs. “I know it’s not my place, but please cancel your visit to the UN tomorrow before you end up dead.”

  She smiles coyly at me. “That’s sweet, and I’m touched, but no.”

  As stupid as she is acting you wouldn’t know she was ever in the field.

  “Connie, if you won’t cancel the speech, at least put me and Dom on your protection detail.”

  “No. You two are in charge of the TOC while I’m gone. Besides, I already have an agent with me. Josef.”

  “Connie! Cancel the goddamn speech! Don’t get me wrong Josef is more than capable of being your protection detail, but he’s just one guy, and according to the Intel I gathered, there is going to be several assassins coming after you including some may be within your Secret Service staff.”

  She turns her head to the side and forces a grin. “It’s not up for discussion, Agent Cohen. Now if you have nothing else to add, I would appreciate it if you leave. I have to prep for the speech and prep for the press interview.” Her voice slightly pompous.

  I stand up and lean on her desk. “With all due respect, ma’am. You’re making big goddamn mistake and stupid one at that.”

  Her jaw tightens and her eyes narrow. “Thank you, but drop this topic.”

  “You’re needlessly putting yourself at risk and others and I am sure I don’t have to remind you, you’re the president of the United States and more importantly; the Head Director of the Hunters. Cut the bullshit and sit this one out. You’re smarter than this.”

  She leans back in the chair jutting out her chin. “Agent Cohen, I understand your concern for me and I appreciate it, really. But do not ever! Speak to me in that manner again. Are we clear, Agent Cohen?”

  Her arrogance makes me want to yank her out of that damn chair and slap some sense into her. She’s been a politician way too long. It’s turned her brain into mush.

  “Don’t put yourself out there like this.”

  She turns eyes down to her electronic notepad. “Your disagreement is noted. Now, please leave.”

  Leaving the office, I get on the elevator.

  To hell with it go and get yourself martyred then you stupid bitch.

  Connie must have a lot of faith in him, but either way, I just hope Mr. From Russia with Love, remembers his training. He’s going to need it when the shit hits the fan especially with Venora stepping on to the chessboard.

  Stepping off the elevator, I amble down a sable marbled hallway to my room. My quarters is roomy with a flat screen on the wall and a cozy bed along with a glass computer desk and glazed sienna wooden floors.

  I slip off my coat and toss it on the bed and kick off my boots.

  I hate being in this fancy room. I can’t help but think about those poor bastards suffering in the Blight Districts. After seeing those places for the 10th time in my life, I still feel guilty for living in the Wealth District and always having food. But short of leading a coup on the governments of the world, there’s nothing I can do except kill Colvin who is making things worse for them. However, it will just be some other greedy asshole to fill the vacuum. I hope Connie is trying to change things in America and she’s not just full of shit like every other corrupt piece of shit in D.C.

  I sit at the desk in front of the window overlooking the Hudson and open my laptop and check my email. Antonia sent me an email with a heart and kissy face emoji. It was such a relief to learn Antonia doesn’t want any serious relationship because I have no desire to go down that road again.

  Lilith, I hope to see you again soon. It was nice to hang with you outside of work. Anyway, you take care of yourself. I hope we can spend time together again soon, but like your career, it’s hard for me to plan anything. We both lead unpredictable lives, so I am not looking for a committed relationship only companionship… someone to unwind with if you know what I mean. Anyway, gotta run, command is sending us out again.

  I’d love nothing more than to hang with her again, but the mission comes first. I strip off my clothes and crawl into bed and drift off to sleep.

  I’m awakened out of a deep sleep by someone shaking me. Rubbing my eyes, I see its Dominic standing over me. “Dom, what the hell, its 4 am?” my voice groggy.

  “Lilith, I need you to get dressed and grab your sniper rifle.” I scoff. “Why? Connie ordered me to stay away so that’s what I’m doing.”

  “She’s letting the political side of her go to her head she’s been in politics far too long. It’s dulled her instincts.”

  I wanted to turn back over and say to hell with it, but he makes a point Connie has forgotten what it’s like to be an assassin. Politics has made her lazy in the head.

  I crawl out of bed. Most men Dom’s age would’ve averted their eyes when they see a naked woman crawl out of bed, but I’ve walked naked in front of him so many times its lost its effect on him.

  I stroll over to my closet and slip on my black tactical uniform and boots along with my drop leg holster. After slapping a fresh mag into my Glock, I slide some extra mags into the pouches on my belt.

  “Okay, let's head to the armory and gear up,” I say, walking toward the door. I stop in my tracks and stare at him with confusion as he walks to a picture of a black dragon I failed to notice earlier. He shoves the frame aside and pushes a gray button. The bookshelf slides to one side and lights flicker on; Illuminating racks of firearms and various blades.

  Well shit, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to me.

  I have to duck entering the room, but when I get inside, I can stand straight up. One group of racks on the wall is stocked with various sniper rifles. Browsing the rifles, I see my baby — the bullpup bolt action Accuracy International Lapua 338 Magnum, Just like the one I used back in Israel.

  Pulling the rifle from the rack and grabbing a few magazines of 338’s. Dominic removes an M14. It has a black walnut stock along with a black barrel and dual scope: one for close range and the other for long range. We leave the armory quietly and head down to the SUV loading our weapons. Dominic racks the slide on his chrome 1911. “Geez, you’re still using that antique?”

  He shakes his head. “This thing will nail a person’s coffin shut just as well as that Glock of yours.”

  He had me there both our guns are 45’s. But still, I love giving him shit.

  “Whatever you got to tell yourself, old timer.”

  “Fuck you, Lilith.”

  “Sorry, old men aren’t my thing.”

  He lets out a loud groan. “Can we just get to the damn UN?” He rubs his head.

  “Sure thing, boss man.” I put the truck into gear and head to the UN.

  If Connie doesn’t want us there, we will just have to disobey orders. I’m not letting her chum the waters for Black Reign.

  While heading down the empty streets of Manhattan, I Light up a cigarette and exhale smoke from my mouth. “Damn, Lilith. Even to thi
s day the Blight Districts still fucks with my head.”

  Smoke billows from my nose as I glance over at him. “Me too, but there’s not a damn thing we can do about it.”

  Back in the day, you’d see homeless people roaming these streets, the occasional junkie and hooker, now nothing because the government moved all of the people, they deemed as threats to the rich. They had to declare Martial Law to pull off such a removal.

  He turns to me. “You ever think it will go back to the way it was?”

  A haze of smoke drifts from my mouth. “No. The rich like it like this, and if the politicians try to change it back, they’ll bitch and moan and protest. Cut off those big fat payoffs they’re getting.” I flick ash out the window. “In this world, if you don’t have money, you don’t have freedom. Freedom only applies to the rich now.

  He lets out a sharp sigh. “Sadly, you’re right.” “Since the first major civilization the rich have always shit on the poor, and it will never change. Don’t get me wrong they’re good rich people out there, but not enough to matter. The American dream only comes for the rich now. If you’re poor, well your shit out of luck.”

  Over the years, I’ve watched governments change and become more oppressive. Connie thinks she can bring the world back to the way it was before the economic problems, but she’s wasting her time and energy they’re too many hidden powers working against her.

  We park in an alley next to a high-rise office building sitting opposite the UN. We exit the truck and grab our rifle cases and gym bags full of ammo. Dominic hurries over to the side door with bolt cutters and cuts the lock on the vacant building under renovation. The place seems to have power, so that’s good we don’t have to use the stairs.

  “We need to head up to the 10th floor to get a good angle of fire,” he says.

  We ride the elevator up to the 10th floor. Stepping off the lift, we jog to the room across from the elevator. The door is locked. I lean my rifle up against the wall and kick the door, and it flies inward smacking the wall on the other side. I extend the bipod on the weapon and set it on the window ledge. The window is tall and broad; it should give me good maneuverability. I sit on the stool scanning the perimeter with the rifle scope. Dom leans against the wall and takes a sip from his flask. “When Connie gets here, I will join up with Josef and help him locate the journalist before he interviews Connie. You stay out here and provide overwatch.”


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