Her Client- The Complete Series

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Her Client- The Complete Series Page 9

by Sally E Xander

  After another half hour of trying not to think of Jane, I called my other boss Mark to see if he needed me to babysit his son this week. Anything to keep my mind busy.

  “Hey, Angel. What’s up?”

  “Hi, Mark. I’m sorry to bother you, but you had mentioned your mother wanted to take a break or cut back her hours watching Ethan.”

  “Please tell me you can babysit this week.” The words came out desperate. “I’ve been working from home since my mother had to go out of town. Family stuff. And Ethan isn’t letting me get anything done.”

  “Mark, why didn’t you call?” I reprimanded. All he had to do was call, and I would have been there.

  “It’s Spring Break, and you’re young.” I knew him well enough to know he was pacing in his home office with the door wide open to keep an eye on Ethan. I pictured his hair sticking up in every direction. He always ran his fingers through it when he got frustrated. “I figured you’d want to enjoy some much needed time off from everything.” He stated.

  “I thought I would love it but I need to keep busy, or I’ll go crazy. I’ll be over as soon as I can,” I said while slipping into my shoes then went searching for my bag.

  “God bless you, Angel, and thank you!”

  I made it to Mark and Ethan’s in record time. It helped that traffic wasn’t so bad with most of the college students out of town.

  Mark answered the door with his hair in disarray. Just as I had thought.

  “Thanks again. I don’t have a lot of work to do today, but I wasn’t getting anywhere with my little monkey constantly getting into stuff.”

  Pushing him toward his office, I said, “I got him, and if you don’t mind, I thought I would take him to the zoo today. It’ll probably be crazy busy there but it would be nice to get him out of the house, and it’ll wear him out.”

  He turned and pulled me into a hug. “Have I told you lately that you’re the best?”

  “You might have mentioned it a time or two.”

  “Well, you are.” One of the best things about Mark was how sincere he was. It was another reason why I enjoyed working for him. “Also,” he grinned, “if you can wait an hour, I’ll go with you guys at least for a few hours. I could use some sunshine too.”

  As I pretended to think it over, he shook his head trying not to laugh. “I suppose we can wait.”

  After a few hours of rushing from one animal to the next, I finally had a break. Sitting outside of the snake and reptile exhibit, I soaked in the sun. I couldn't be more grateful Mark was there to take Ethan inside since snakes weren’t my thing. Anything that used the word slithers to describe its movement sent creepy shivers down my spine.

  Ethan came bouncing through the doors dragging Mark behind him. “Angel, it was so cool. You should go in there.” I smiled and shook my head.

  “Maybe next time.” Not if I could help it. “I prefer animals with fur and feathers.”

  Ethan didn’t reply but managed to stop bouncing long enough to ask if we could get lunch.

  “Absolutely buddy,” Mark messed with Ethan’s hair as we headed to the eatery. As we stood in a ridiculously long line to order food, Mark’s phone rang. His lips turned up into a smile that lit his whole face. “I’ll be right back.” He moved far enough away that we could see him but couldn’t hear. From the way his smile grew, I figured he was talking to the reason he didn’t put his wedding band back on his finger. Good for him, but I was dying of curiosity. He never gave me details. Not that I expected him to since I was an employee, but I wanted to meet the woman who had him grinning like a fool.

  Just as Mark returned to his spot at Ethan's side, a woman I recognized from Mark’s neighborhood, called his name. She walked over putting a little emphasis in her steps. If I remembered correctly, her husband recently left her. And it seems she had her eyes set on her next target. Poor Mark. The woman looked like she was about to pounce on him. Not that I would blame her. Mark was a catch. But I had never seen him give any of the divorcee’s in the neighborhood anything more than a friendly smile or wave. He wasn’t a flirt or someone who searched out attention.

  “Hey Mark,” the women batted her eyes at him. He gave her a kind smile while sliding his hand around my waist then pulling me tight against him. The movement surprised me, and I stumbled a bit, but luckily his hold on me was tight. I was still wondering what he was doing when he kissed the top of my head. I stared up at him about to ask, “What are you doing?” when he winked. Then he spoke to the woman whose eyes were now focused on his arm around me.

  Her smile fell, and her mood turned cool. That was when I remembered her husband had left her for their nanny.

  Great, I was now the enemy.

  “How nice to see you,” she said with a sickly-sweet voice.

  “You too.”

  Her eyes strayed back to his hand that dug into my side. “Well, have fun.”

  “We will,” he stated. His arm didn’t loosen around me until his neighbor was out of sight. The moment he let go he sighed with relief then turned to me. “I’m sorry, I used you, but every time I go outside, she finds a reason to come over and talk to me and…she’s annoying.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “You know I’ll never be able to take Ethan to the local park again, don’t you?”

  “I figured, but I had to do it. She has a big mouth, and by this evening everyone is going to think we’re together which takes the pressure off of me.”

  Rolling my eyes, I asked, “So she’s not your type?”

  He shook his head.

  “What about the person you were on the phone with?”

  His face blushed, but he answered. “Yeah.”

  “Am I going to meet this person?”

  Mark finished chewing his bite before he answered. “You’ll know when it’s serious. If it gets serious.”

  He was so cryptic, it was driving me crazy. As if he could tell I was about to ask more questions, he stood and announced he had to get going.

  You can run, but you can’t hide. I was going to get it out of him eventually.

  An exhausted Ethan and I pulled into the driveway at the same time as the pizza delivery guy. Mark paid for the pizza then invited me to stay as he handed me dinner and he got Ethan out of his car seat.

  Even though Mark invited me to hang out and watch movies after dinner, I made my excuses to leave. This was Mark’s favorite time of the day with Ethan, and I didn't want to intrude.

  Once I was alone again, like every other time, my thoughts turned to Jane.

  Why did she cancel?

  Was I going to see her again?

  How could I be so stupid and fall for a client?


  Like a whirlwind, Becky swung open the front door, dropped her bags on the floor, then kicked off her shoes in different directions. Before I could say hello, she began regaling her Spring break conquests. The girl got around especially for being gone only a week.

  When she finally paused to draw in a breath, I managed to get a few words in. “It must have been nice seeing your mom.”

  “Ugh,” she stated knowing she didn’t have to explain. Mothers and daughters…. I got along with mine only because I was miles away from her and I never told her anything. If she knew what I did for a living or the number of men I had been with… well, it wouldn’t be good.

  “Oh!” Becky bounced to the door and lifted a stack of mail lying on one of her bags. She dropped it on the counter before she went to dig through the fridge. “You forgot to check the mail this week.”

  She picked up one of my yogurts, and before she could ask, I said, “You can have it.”

  “Thanks, I’ll replace it when I go grocery shopping.” No, she wouldn’t. She never did. But then again, I finished off her ice cream this week, so we were good.

  Since Becky always picked up the mail, it never crossed my mind to check it while she was gone.

  I eyed the pile and noticed my name on a large envelope. My heart raced in my chest w
hen I picked it up and saw it was from my first-choice graduate school. I swallowed back the lump in my throat. I was afraid to open it and find a rejection letter but also excited at the prospect of getting into the program.

  Since I needed a few minutes to calm myself, I flipped through the rest of the mail and happily surprised to see a card from my mom.

  Holding both envelopes in my hands, I decided to open my mother’s first. Before I had a chance to read it, a twenty-dollar bill dropped out of the envelope which brought tears to my eyes. Inside she wrote,

  I know it’s not much, but maybe you could go see a movie or something.

  We miss you and understand why you didn’t come home. Maybe this summer?

  Love you, Sweetheart. Stay safe.


  Mom (and your father)

  I wiped away my tears knowing it was more than likely a sacrifice to send me the money.

  After setting the card aside, I stared at the next envelope. I took in a deep breath, and as I began opening it with my shaking fingers, Becky mumbled, “Finally. I’ve been dying here,” she said sounded a bit exasperated.

  I laughed, but it was the anxious kind that sounded as fake as it felt.

  My eyes went directly to the first paragraph.

  We are pleased….

  “I got in,” I whispered. “I got in!” I repeated over and over my voice growing louder each time.

  Becky put her arms around me giving me a big hug while talking a mile a minute about something. I couldn’t focus on her words because my mind was already making lists of things I needed to do. Like look for an apartment, a job, and I needed to find out how much it would cost to move out of state. So many things to do and only a few months to do them.

  Even though it was nice to have Becky excited for me, the one person who I really wanted to tell didn’t know me like that. She didn’t know I was a student or anything else about me. The only thing I knew about her was I liked being with her and she was my client. At least for a few more months…

  My stomach twisted at the thought.

  Graduation was in eleven weeks. Only eleven more chances to see Jane again. Then again, maybe not. Jane still hadn’t scheduled another evening. My time with her might already be up.

  My heart felt heavy in my chest as I considered that I might have experienced my first heartbreak. Whether it was now or in eleven weeks, I was never going to be the same.

  “We should go celebrate. My treat.” Becky announced.

  “Ugh. I wish. I have to meet a client. He’s taking me to some club,” I grumbled.

  Becky’s brows rose. “Ronald?” she asked.

  “Uh…yeah.” I guess Ronald got around.

  “He’s a dick but totally harmless or so I’ve heard. Some of the other girls talk about him.” Becky scraped the yogurt container and seemed disappointed that there wasn’t more.

  “What do they say about him?” The more information I had, the better for me to mentally prepare.

  Standing in front of the open fridge, Becky was on the hunt for more food. Good luck with that. “He’s some old geezer who’s in politics.” She looked over her shoulder and scrunched her nose. “He’s one of those assholes who’s on the board of every organizations that wants to take rights away from anybody who isn’t white, rich, straight and male.”

  “Great,” I moaned. He didn’t sound harmless.

  “If it makes you feel better, he has yet to get it up for any of the other girls he’s hired.” Becky shut the fridge and twirled around to lean in toward me. With a voice filled with humor she said, “You might be the lucky one.”

  I shoved her away in annoyance. Was I going to have to have sex with a man who was against everything I supported? I wasn’t so sure the money would be worth putting up with a man like that.

  “On the positive side,” Becky said sounding a bit more serious. “I’ve heard this private club is…interesting. In one room, they have platforms set up where people have sex, and everyone can watch.” Becky’s eyebrows bounced as her smile grew bigger. “Even though the guy is an ass, I kind of hope he picks me next so I can have a chance to go to the club and see it myself.”

  I had to admit, that would be interesting to see but not interesting enough to make tonight worth it.

  As I stood in front of my closet trying to figure out what clothes would be considered the edge of indecent, I received a text. When I picked up my phone, and my eyes landed on a photo of Jayla and Lisa, my jaw dropped, and I choked out an “Oh my God.”

  Did Jayla send this to everyone because… wow?

  I now had photographic proof that Jayla was a sex goddess. No wonder Lisa was so possessive of her. But now seeing Lisa wearing only a tiny piece of fabric, I realized she had hidden a sexy bod beneath the suits she wore to work.

  After catching my breath, I began noticing all the little details in the picture. The beach with the sun sinking into the ocean behind them. Their arms wrapped around each other with their lips pressed together. They both wore teeny tiny bikini bottoms. I suspected Jayla wore a thong since so much of her plump ass was showing in the side view photo. The contrast between Jayla’s dark skin, and Lisa’s who was a shade lighter made the photo appear more of a work of art then a snapshot. But what really stuck out was the ring on Lisa’s fingers.

  Not a moment later, I received another text.

  She said yes!

  That wasn’t a big surprise especially after seeing them together.

  I knew it, I texted back.

  God, who was the lucky person taking the picture? It was the most beautiful, sexy photo I had ever seen. Along with my smile came this sharp little pain in my chest. What would it be like to want to marry someone and commit to them for the rest of your life?

  As I stared at the picture, my heart sped up noticing how their naked breasts pressed together.

  I loved that feeling.

  Closing my eyes, a familiar warmth spread through me as I thought about Jane. The way her hard nipples grazed against my skin when she moved above me.

  As I drew in a breath, all thoughts of getting ready disappeared as I let myself think of Jane. I slipped my fingers beneath my now wet panties sliding them between my lower lips. With my other hand, I palmed my breast that now felt heavy and plucked at my sensitive nipples.

  I pictured Jane twirling her tongue around my hard nipples before sucking them into her warm mouth. With that imagine, my pussy pulsed with need. As I widened my stance, I slid my finger down my slit before pushing two fingers into me. My pulse raced, as I imagined they were hers.

  It had been too long since I touched Jane. Felt her naked body pressed against mine. Too long since she writhed against me when I fucked her with my mouth and then my fingers.

  As I pictured myself tasting her on my tongue, I felt my stomach tighten but it wasn’t enough. With my thumb, I circled my clit as I undulated against my hand picturing Jane making me come. Wishing we were touching, licking and tasting each other. My toes curled, and I bit my lip to keep from crying out when the orgasm hit.

  Unable to hold myself up, I fell to my knees barely managing to keep from crying out.

  I wanted Jane.


  The first thing I noticed when I met my client, Ronald was his wedding band. Could the guy be a bigger douche? Sadly, I found out pretty fast that the answer was yes. Yes, he could. No matter what Bev said, I had no intention of ever spending another evening with this man.

  Sitting in the back of a limo on the way to the club, Ronald talked nonstop about…himself According to him, he was a great guy, wealthy, smart, had a good sense for business.

  Just ask him.

  He also claimed to have connections with very important people in case I needed anything. “We could always find a way for you to repay me,” he stated. My body shivered at the thought.

  I spent the whole ride holding a fake smile and nodding my head. Not that he noticed since his eyes barely left my breasts or my thighs that he k
ept rubbing with his clammy hands.

  When we stepped inside of the infamous Fox Mansion, I finally saw a bright spot in the evening. The sex club was impressive and nothing I had imagined. At least from what I could see. It was sophisticated, well lit, and to my surprise sex wasn’t happening everywhere I looked. At least not where I stood. The room we were in, people were just having drinks and mingling. It made it seem a little less threatening.

  Fox Mansion was definitely more impressive than the high-powered men that circled Ronald. Especially after they began measuring their dicks. I had never heard, so many men at one time brag about themselves or their conquests.

  Not a word had been said between them that hadn’t made me want to vomit. They discussed what a shame it was that the women they worked with were too ugly to sleep with. When one of them complained about having to hire a certain number of women, they all chimed in.

  My date, the self-proclaimed good guy, let his hand fall to my ass as he spouted, “I appreciate women. Especially when they are on their knees or on their backs with their legs spread.” The crowd laughed. When he winked at me, I had to swallow the bile that rose up my throat. With barely contained rage, I lifted my drink to my lips to hide my disgust. There was no way, I was going to fake a laugh for this ass.

  When a man who looked vaguely familiar asked to speak to Ronald alone, I excused myself to go to the lady’s room.

  Since I was in no hurry to return to my date, I did a little exploring, at least on the main floor. As I walked down the hallway, I peeked into the rooms that had their doors open. A few were empty, and a few…. weren’t. In one room, it looked exactly as I picture a sex club. Dark, lots of leather and the sound of whips against skin.

  I had never thought of myself as a prude, but I was beginning to.

  Once in the lady’s room, I took my time checking my hair and makeup. Initially, I had been alone, but a few minutes into my stalling, a pretty brunette entered. Wearing a slinky red dress that showed off her curves and a lot of cleavage, she stood at the sink next to mine. In the regular world, her dress would have been sexy, a little risqué for a night out. Here? It was almost conservative compared to what other women wore here.


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