Our Contest

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Our Contest Page 33

by Phillip Murrell

  Mr. Polite feels blood trickle down his nose.

  Damn you, Melanie, he thinks.

  More blood trails down his eyes. Through sheer determination alone, he continues to make his force shield ascend.

  The crowd cheers more support. Mr. Polite pushes harder. He also pushes faster, as best as he can tell. Suddenly, he feels nothing.

  Mr. Polite opens his eyes and scans his surroundings. He doesn’t see any remnants of the green energy shield anymore. All he sees is the scorched black ground lined with glass in front of him for miles, but the energy is gone.

  “Look!” the reporter says as he points.

  All heads turn up, and several explosions in space are visible. Whatever Mr. Polite did, the laser field isn’t coming back.

  Mr. Polite feels the hands of several pat him on the back. Despite his bloody appearance, they all want to shake his hand and congratulate him. Mr. Polite accepts all praise with a dignified “Thank you.”

  “Holy shit! That was beyond amazing!” the reporter screams.

  Mr. Polite, without looking at the man, snaps his neck 180 degrees. The reporter crumples to the ground, and all of Mr. Polite’s admirers run for their vehicles that brought them here.

  As they flee, Mr. Polite shouts, “It’s rude to curse!”

  Claire, along with everyone else on the bridge of the Womb, shields her eyes as the boreship outside suddenly explodes. This catalyzes a chain reaction that leads to the destruction of the ten nearest ships to it.

  “What was that?” Mother screams to Drorus.

  Claire is scared by the outburst. Mother is seething fury right now. Not even Abel can calm her down. He appeared suddenly a few hours earlier, after the power went out to the bridge. Claire received confirmation that the Templars were behind the blackout and fighting through the ship. The ship is apparently extremely large and the fighting is fierce.

  “Ot Her, it would appear the ISH found a way to destroy your mightiest weapon,” Abel says.

  Mother reels on Abel. “That is not possible! You interfered!”

  Abel seems genuinely offended.

  “I did not. I was here. In fact, I tried to talk my Templars out of the attack, but it appears they knew what they were doing. That being said, they could not have destroyed the boreship. They are fighting their way to this room. Judging by the sound of your updates, they are winning, too.”

  Claire has to suppress a smile. She covers her mouth with her hand not holding Iris as she relishes in Mother’s embarrassment. Claire’s ears perk up when Leebuch offers a suggestion to appease Mother.

  “Perhaps another glass of nectar?”

  Mother doesn’t respond but holds her glass out for a refill. Leebuch promptly pours from a fresh pitcher. She offers some to Abel as well, and he accepts.

  “Very nice, thank you,” Abel says as he sips from his goblet.

  Mother drinks heavily from her glass. It’s conspicuously unladylike. She finishes it in one gulp. Leebuch quickly provides a refill.

  Claire hopes that the nectar and ambrosia will be offered to her again, but the Malignant have paid so little attention to her since the power cut off that she thinks she could simply walk out of the room if she wanted. That would most likely lead to certain death in the halls of the ship, but it’s nice to know that an escape may be possible today.

  “I do not know what you are up to, Father, but—aargh!” Mother begins.

  She claws at her throat and falls to her knees. The honor guard quickly surround her, but they seem unsure on what to protect her from. Blood spills from her eyes, ears, and mouth. She sweats profusely and must have soiled her robes as a stench fills the air and assaults Claire’s sense of smell.

  Claire watches as everyone panics. Even Abel acts confused. Two people appear to be in complete control, Leebuch and Drorus.

  Mother throttles her leaking body, screams a final frustration, and lies still. Leebuch steps over her body and checks her pulse.

  “Mother is dead,” Leebuch announces.

  “Mother will celebrate her predecessor,” Drorus announces.

  He kneels before Leebuch. All the other Malignant do the same. Claire watches as even Abel offers her the slightest bow of the head.

  “I assume my goblet was poisoned with Flarin as well?” Abel asks.

  Realization dawns on Claire. She remembers the reports of a new chemical weapon from a year earlier. Apparently, it wasn’t the myth she had reported on afterwards.

  “Yes,” Leebuch answers. “I surmised your optimal augmentation would protect you.”

  “It did,” Abel says with a nod. “It actually gave the nectar a spicy undertone that I rather enjoyed.”

  “That was an unanticipated bonus, Father.”

  “Thank you, Mother.”

  Leebuch smiles as Abel offers her the honorific that he consistently denied the previous Mother.

  “We are in agreement that Our Contest shall end?” Leebuch asks.

  “We are. Please recall your troops from Earth, and I will tell my people to cease their attack. Technically they will have to walk in here to officially claim the bridge, but they deserve the rest. It shouldn’t take them much longer,” Abel says.

  “I agree,” Leebuch says.

  “Please apologize to your captains on other ships. Due to Votary’s power, I must steal some of their parts to return power to this vessel. Do not let them worry, I will replace what is taken with augmented versions. I doubt Votary will feel the need to personally inspect my repairs,” Abel says.

  Leebuch nods with a smile. “I will personally see to it, Father.”

  Abel carelessly waves his hand, and all power is restored to the Womb. The sickening feeling in Claire’s stomach finally abates as gravity is restored. Claire is bewildered by how easily the Malignant accepted the blatant assassination of their leader and vowed support to her murderer.

  Aliens, Claire thinks.

  “Admiral Drorus,” Leebuch says.

  “Yes, Mother?” he responds.

  “Please let the Herdarian Collective’s envoy know that it is safe to hop into system for us to officially begin relations.”

  “Yes, Mother.”

  “Mother?” Claire asks.

  All heads turn toward her.

  “Yes, Claire?” Leebuch asks.

  It feels good to have a mother refer to her by her actual name.

  “Who are the Herdarian Collective?” Claire asks.

  “The beings that Ot Her referred to as animals. We have prepared for this moment and will welcome them into our galaxy.”

  “Can I quote you on that?” Claire asks.

  A restored Iris floats over Claire’s shoulder. The comforting hum brings a smile.

  “Absolutely, Claire, but we have more pressing obligations to complete first. Your world will not end. There is no longer a species called ISH. We will speak tomorrow.”

  “May I at least call my fiancé and producer to let them know I’m still alive?”

  “Absolutely. I will have the capability delivered to you.”

  “Thank you, Mother.”

  Elemental attacks of every variety smash into the shield that Thumbnail created. Votary fires his assault rifle at the nearest attackers. He ducks behind a depowered turret that the Malignant never had a chance to use on the Templars.

  “Are you alright, Votary?” Seal Pup shouts.

  “I’m fine. How’s Xibalba?” Votary answers.

  Votary glances at the Templar as he recovers from extreme exhaustion beneath the shield. Most of the Templars huddle beneath the protection and fire their weapons. Votary isn’t lucky enough to use the barrier Thumbnail created. He’s thankful that Karmic and Nijigen are drawing most of the fire away from him.

  Thumbnail aims his hands at the wall of Malignant marines approaching the
Templars. Mini-rockets fire from eight tubes surrounding each wrist. They pass through the protective shield and head straight toward the enemy. Thumbnail giggles as he eliminates over a dozen warriors with a single barrage. The few people left standing fall soon after. They have dozens of frozen shurikens, courtesy of Seal Pup, sticking from their bodies. Their warm blood quickly melts the augmented throwing stars.

  Votary watches as Thumbnail charges another squad of Malignant marines. The rookie Templar recklessly assaults a superior enemy and becomes isolated, though Seal Pup quickly follows. Thumbnail seems to realize his error as the Malignant point their hands and send augmented fireballs at him.

  “Shit!” Thumbnail exclaims.

  Thumbnail throws his hands up to protect his face. Thankfully, Seal Pup was close enough to intercept the fiery attacks. A shield of water surrounds the two Templars. The fireballs fizzle out but continue to splash against the liquid barrier. Votary tries to direct more Templars to aid the two, but the other Templars are too busy with their own life and death battles.

  Many Malignant attacking Seal Pup and Thumbnail are killed by return shots from Thumbnail’s wrist rockets. Seal Pup is too busy keeping up a shield to protect them; he can’t go on the offensive. In fact, his liquid water shield hardens to ice from the continuous assault of both fireballs and streams of fire that resemble a flamethrower.

  “Get back!” Seal Pup screams.

  He kicks Thumbnail and launches the new Templar back toward the safety of his portable shield. Two Malignant marines continue to pressure Seal Pup. His ice shield melts, and Seal Pup is enveloped in the flame streams.

  Seal Pup fully transforms into a being of solid ice. Steam pours off his body as the Malignant advance while blasting him with their power. Votary fumbles with his rifle to clear a jammed penetrator. No other Templars seem to notice Seal Pup’s plight.

  Votary finally clears his rifle and aims at the two marines. Their heads jerk as pens perforate their skulls. Simultaneously, both send a massive blast of augmented fire at Seal Pup. As their bodies rest on the floor, Seal Pup is gone.

  “No!” Votary screams.

  Before Votary can let in any more misery, he watches as water vapor converges and quickly forms the normal, blue-armored body of Seal Pup.

  Seal Pup seems just as surprised. His hands race over his body and pat multiple parts. “That was different.” Seal Pup looks at Votary and nods. “We’re even now.”

  Votary laughs. He aims his rifle and fires at more Malignant attacking with swords. Seal Pup sends his trident into the lead attacker and follows this attack with boiling water. The Malignant numbers are dwindling.

  “For Father!” a gray shoulder Malignant marine shouts.

  The woman charges the last five foes currently engaging the Templars. Before she reaches them, the lights return throughout the Womb. Floating bodies and viscera fall and coat nearly every inch of the floor. The sudden brightness clearly confuses the combatants. They’re further confused when Abel speaks. He isn’t present, but his voice seems to fill the entire vessel. Still, it doesn’t seem too loud for Votary.

  “My Templars, Gudz, and Malignant. Lower your weapons. The war is over. We are one people again.”

  Flaimeson, Caliber, and the Malignant immediately cease their attacks. Karmic and Nijigen do not. Karmic shoots his Gudz shotgun into one of the remaining Malignant. The ball bearings easily break through the augmented rock shield that forms and ends his life.

  “Stop!” Flaimeson and Caliber shout as one.

  Nijigen somewhat halts his attack, but his blade arm still severs the leg of a Malignant marine. The man screams as he tries to stop the bleeding.

  “Stitch, help him!” Caliber screams.

  Stitch hesitates. She glances at Votary.

  Votary is equally confused, but he’s always trusted Abel before.

  “Do it,” Votary says.

  Stitch rushes over to the wounded Malignant and quickly repairs his life-altering injury. The surviving Malignant pat Stitch on the back and express their gratitude.

  “Does someone want to explain what the hell just happened?” Thumbnail asks.

  “Is it not obvious?” Flaimeson asks.

  “No,” all Earthborn Templars say as one.

  “We have a new Mother,” Caliber says. “Mother and Father have ended Our Contest!”

  The Malignant cheer with her.

  “So, just like that, the war is over?” Seal Pup asks.

  “Just like that,” Flaimeson confirms. “Well, technically we still have to secure the bridge.”

  Caliber bounces with obvious excitement.

  “Yes, but nobody will molest us now. We can quickly run over there,” she says.

  “Then, let’s get to it,” Thumbnail says.

  “No,” Votary says.

  All eyes turn to him.

  “We may not have started this together, but we are going to end it together. If nobody’s going to attack us anymore, we’re going to get our injured first. We’ll claim the bridge as one team.”

  “Hell yeah,” Seal Pup says.

  “Great!” Caliber says. “That gives us more chances to interact with those who are no longer our enemies.”

  Votary doesn’t respond. He turns and walks back down the corridor that he left his injured in. The other Templars follow him. He hears the sniffles of many. To his disappointment, many of the Malignant follow, too. They chatter with Flaimeson and Caliber as if they weren’t trying to kill each other moments ago. The strange interaction unnerves him.

  Claire watches with fascination at how easily the Malignant prepare for the Herdarian Collective. She’s also amazed at how quickly her opinion of them has transitioned from fear to wonder. It’s amazing what the difference of one leader can mean.

  “Claire, we have linked your recorder with Earth communication systems,” Drorus says. “You may call your spouse now.”

  “Thank you,” Claire says. “You didn’t have to do this yourself. I’m sure you have far more important things to take care of.”

  “You helped us with our transition from conflict to brotherhood. You are chief among my priorities.”

  Drorus says nothing else. He bows his head to Claire and continues overseeing the important tasks that Leebuch has given him.

  “So, can you link a video call with Sergeant Benji Tanner?” Claire asks Iris.

  The floating recorder blinks an orange light. After a few seconds, a visibly shaken Benji answers.

  “Hello?” he nervously says as a Malignant marine on Earth walks out of view.

  Claire feels a knot form in her throat as she looks at the holographic display of her fiancé. She isn’t sure how they can see each other so well, but she isn’t going to complain about Malignant technology. She can’t bring herself to produce words. Tears easily fall down her face. Benji seems to have the same problem. He falls to his knees and weeps.

  “Claire?” he asks. “It can’t be. This must be some sick augmented trick.”

  His doubt gives her the ability to speak again, albeit through her own tears.

  “It’s me, baby. I was never killed. Mother faked it to hurt people like you.”

  Claire turns around so Benji can see her full body. Benji continues to weep. It hurts her. She can only imagine what he must’ve gone through during the past few hours.

  “This is your line,” Claire says. She tries to laugh, but she fails. Benji still cries. “You were supposed to say something along the lines of recognizing my fat ass anywhere.”

  Benji doesn’t laugh, but he does smile. That small bit of progress forces Claire to laugh hysterically. Benji soon begins to laugh, too. Many Malignant on the bridge cast curious glances at Claire, but she ignores them all. She and Benji laugh for what seems like an eternity.

  “What happened up there?” Benji asks. “I
thought the world was ending, then the Malignant just stopped attacking.”

  “The short answer is their war with us is over. It’s too complicated to go into details right now. In fact, I’m still trying to sort them all out. Once I do, I’ll report for the world. You just make sure to take care of yourself.”

  “Are they going to let you come home?”

  “They haven’t brought up the subject, but I’m certain I’ll be in your arms again with my legs wrapped around you soon enough.”

  “I’m glad the Malignant didn’t destroy your crass persona. I want my Claire back the exact same way she left.”

  “I love you, Benji. I have to go now. It looks like the Malignant are about to speak with the Herdarian Collective.”


  “The animals. I can’t miss reporting on this.”

  “I understand. I love you, too. Get home to me soon.”

  Benji blows her a kiss. Claire blows one back. With much hesitation, she ends the link. Claire sighs and fights back a fresh wave of tears. It just occurred to her that Benji easily could have died this night.

  “Mother, the link is ready,” Drorus says.

  Leebuch nods. She sits in her throne. A hologram of a human-sized parrot stands in front of Leebuch.

  “Mother, I am pleased in your success equality,” the parrot squawks.

  “Thank you, Volki,” Leebuch responds. “We have a few inter-political things to establish here first. We await the Gudz force to arrive and officially claim the bridge, but hostilities have ended.”

  “That is information of optimal levels,” Volki says.

  Claire smiles. It was hard enough before to understand Malignant English.

  Thunderous applause commands Claire’s attention. She looks to the main entrance of the bridge as the doors slide open and cheers of support spill in. Leebuch and Abel share a smile as they wait.

  First through the door are jubilant Flaimeson and Caliber. Both have their helmets off and embrace many of the Malignant crew as they walk. Next in is Votary. He does retain his helmet, but he isn’t the only one as the remaining Templars file in. Some of the Earthborn Templars have their helmets off. Mother and Drorus’ conversations makes it easy for Claire to identify the Templars by their real names. They all look like a mixture of emotions that combines suspicion, fear, doubt, excitement, adrenaline, and exhaustion, especially Kimmy Schultz. The thick blood covering their armor screams the level of battle they had to go through to work toward the bridge.


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