Breaking You: A Dark College Bully Romance (A Blackthorn Elite Novel Book 2)

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Breaking You: A Dark College Bully Romance (A Blackthorn Elite Novel Book 2) Page 6

by J. L. Beck

  Shit, I’m getting carried away.

  I don’t put her down until we get to my car, and when she’s back on her feet, I keep a firm hold of her arm. I don’t feel like chasing her through the parking lot right now, and I know that as soon as I release her, she’s going to run.

  “Get in on your own, or I’ll make you get in. The choice is yours.”

  “Fuck you, Warren! None of this is my choice! You’re a monster, a cruel, horrible monster,” she yells while struggling to break free.

  “Keep preaching your dislike, but no one is listening, sweetheart.” Opening the door with my free hand, I push her in with the other. Like I expected, she digs her feet in, fighting back against me, but she fails to understand something. I don’t give a fuck what I have to do to get her in this car. She’s getting in. Giving her a hard shove, she ducks her head at the last second before hitting the seat.

  “Now, be a good girl and stay inside, or you can kiss your scholarship goodbye. I don’t think the school would approve if they knew you are staying off-campus.” That gets her attention. She looks up at me with a different kind of panic in her eyes now. “Yeah, that’s right, I know about the money that’s supposed to go to on-campus housing.”

  “Warren…” The way she says my name, with so much helplessness, it makes my insides twist. She did this to us. She broke us. She ruined what we had. I can’t feel bad for her. Not when I gave her a chance. Not when I told her what would happen if she didn’t leave.

  Defeated, she places her hands in her lap and lowers her chin to her chest. I shut the door and quickly walk around, climbing into the driver’s seat. I start the car and the hum of the engine filters into the car.

  Backing out of the parking lot, I head toward my condo, which is only a couple blocks away. Harper moves as far away from me as she can, plastering herself to the car door.

  “Where are we going?” she questions, her voice quiet.

  Turning onto the street, I answer, “Not to your shithole, that’s for sure.”

  “You can’t just make people go places with you. It’s against the law, and crazy…”

  “You say that, but yet, here you are, in my car, headed to my place with me.” I grin and punch the gas.

  “Whatever is going on in that sick mind of yours, just do it already. I want to get it over with, so I can go on with my life without you.” Like you did before.

  “And ruin being able to have you do whatever I want, whenever I want?” I shake my head. “Yeah, I don’t think so. I think I’ll use you until I’m done and tired of you. Then I’ll toss you to the vultures.”

  A few minutes later, we pull into the driveway of the condo I share with Cameron and Easton. Harper doesn’t even blink when she sees the place. It’s far bigger than three college guys need, but it’s what we wanted, and since we can afford it, I don’t see the harm. I mean, what the hell else are we supposed to spend our parents’ money on?

  “I’m not staying here.” Harper crosses her arms over her chest and stares out the window.

  Grinning, I lean across the center console, and kill the engine at the same time, “You are because if you refuse, you’re fucked. If you don’t listen to me, or do whatever I tell you, you’re fucked too. Well, you’re fucked either way, literally and figuratively, but this is your best bet, so just go with it.”

  “I am not having sex with you, and I’m not getting out of this car.”

  “You really want to play this game?” I challenge.

  “It’s not a game, this is my life. My body. I’m not a doll, you can’t just do whatever you want with me.”

  “But I can…” I get out of the car and walk around. Harper gets out before I make it to her door, and I grab her wrist before she can try and make a run for it. “I’ll tell you what, you behave in there, and I’ll let you sleep in my bed with me tonight.”

  Harper snorts, “What makes you think that I would want that?”

  “It’s either with me, or I’ll make you sleep with Cameron or Easton. You know Easton, of course, seemed like you fancy him. Maybe you’d like them both at the same time? They’re my roommates.” For a split second, I think I just made a mistake saying this. If she tells me she would rather sleep with one of them, then I’ll probably end up killing someone tonight. No way in fucking hell is one of those douchebags touching her.

  To my relief, she doesn’t seem too keen at the thought. In fact, she looks a little nervous about the idea. “I definitely won’t sleep with them either. How about I sleep on the couch?”

  “How about… no?” I tell her and start walking her inside. Easton is still at school, but I think Cameron is here, which I dislike greatly. For the first time since moving here, I wish I lived alone. Not that I think either of them is stupid enough to try something.

  They know better.

  Dragging her into the house, I close the door behind us. Voices filter into the foyer. I can make out the voice of a girl, and the grunts must be Cameron’s. What the fuck, I told him no more fucking on the couch.

  “Oh, Cameron,” some chick moans, and I stop midstep, my gaze shooting to Harper. Her eyes grow wide, and her cheeks turn a soft pink.

  “Is he…” her words cut off, and I grin because anything that makes her uncomfortable is a win in my book.

  “Fucking a chick in the open…yes. Want to join them? Cam loves to share. Him and Easton share all the time.” It feels like I’m swallowing rocks as I say the words. Cam might share, but I don’t.

  “No,” Harper says like I just asked her the most outrageous thing. Why does she have to act so damn innocent all the time? It enrages me and turns me on at the same time. I know she’s already fucked a shit-ton of guys, so she needs to quit with the act. Then again, I doubt any of them could ever amount to what it will be like for her to be with me.

  “Boo. Since you aren’t interested in a threesome, we should probably go,” I turn down the long hall to my left, dragging her every step of the way. When I reach my door, I turn to her. “This is where the magic happens.”

  She doesn’t laugh or smile. In fact, she gives me a bored expression. Oh lord, we can’t have that. Wouldn’t want her getting bored on me.

  Opening the door, I tug her inside and then release her, before closing and locking the door behind us. Maybe I should feed her, or something. At the thought, I wonder if she’s been eating well? Does she even have enough money for food? She’s getting money for housing, so she must be using it somehow. Maybe that’s all the money she has unless Easton was right, and she works at the strip club.

  I start to strip out of my clothes, pulling my shirt off and tossing it onto the floor. Harper crosses her arms over her chest, the movement drawing my attention to her tits. Fuck, I can’t wait to see them again.

  “I’m not having sex with you, so if that’s what you’re planning to do, then just know it will be rape. I will never sleep with you.” She raises her chin up, and the defiance in her eyes enrages me. Is she trying to test me, to see if I’ll break? I’ll never admit it, but the fact that she claims she’ll never have sex with me pisses me off. It only makes me want to prove her wrong, make her beg for it.

  “That’s fine. I can have any woman I want. I definitely don’t have to rape anyone, but since you’re so sure you’ll never want to have sex with me, I’ll remind you of this the next time I have you on your back, your legs spread wide open as I feast on your pink pussy like it’s my last meal. All while you beg and plead for me to fuck you, I won’t even fucking blink…”

  “I was forced into that situation.”

  “Forced? That’s what you call coming on my tongue and screaming my name. Sounds like a really shitty situation.”

  She blinks slowly, and I notice the rapid rise and fall of her chest as I flick the button on my jeans and shove them down my thighs. My rock hard cock springs free since I’m commando, and Harper shakes her head, looking away before I get the chance to tease her.

  “I’m taking a shower, care t
o join me?”

  “I’d rather rot in hell, thank you.”

  “That can be arranged too.” I walk buck ass naked over to the dresser and pull out a pair of boxers and a T-shirt. “Put this on, and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what happens if you disappear while I’m in the shower.” I turn to her and find her staring at my backside. Her cheeks flame and she looks away knowing she’s been caught.

  I would never sleep with you, my ass. The girl is begging to be fucked.

  “Of course. Disobey the king’s rules, and he’ll take everything from me, including my scholarship. How could I ever forget that?”

  “Good, I’m glad you remember. I’ll be back in a few.” I do my best to shower quickly, but having some space between us helps ease the tension in my body. Being around her brings back old feelings, feelings I spent forever burying, trying to forget.

  After drying off, I don’t bother to wrap a towel around me, and just walk out naked again. I like the shade of pink on her cheeks too much not to. Walking back into my room, my dick is already semi-hard, thinking about who is waiting in my bed.

  I step closer and find Harper curled up in the center of the mattress, wearing the clothes I gave her. I don’t understand why I stop walking and just stare at her, but I do. She looks so majestic and beautiful like an angel. Her hand is tucked under her cheek, her lips slightly parted, and her breathing slow and even.

  Like this, I can really see her beauty, see the girl I fell in love with years ago. Even through the image she portrays to me, I can still see slivers of who she used to be, and I crave that part of her so badly, I’d give anything to have her back.

  No. She betrayed you. She didn’t want you. The thoughts leave an inky imprint on my brain, and I push them to the back of my mind.

  I can’t and won’t have her...I won’t. I’m not that same stupid boy with his heart in his hand. I’m more than that. Crossing the distance to the bed, I crawl into it, still naked. It’ll be a nice surprise for her in the morning.

  She stirs lightly as I move behind her, tugging her into my chest. Warmth fills my cold chest cavity, my heart thundering so loudly, I can hear it in my ears. Ignoring the stupid flutter of the organ, I tug the blanket from the end of the bed and pull it up and over us.

  “Mmmm,” she murmurs in her sleep, pushing back against my cock. Mmmm is right. In the morning, we’ll continue our little cat and mouse game.

  Burying my nose in her hair, I inhale her sweet floral scent, letting the smell sink deep into my lungs, I close my eyes.

  “Good night, Harper,” I whisper, loving, and hating this moment all at once.

  Don’t get attached!



  I wake up disoriented, unsure where I am at first. I try and sit up, but I’m tugged backward against a chest. What the— I guess last night wasn’t a nightmare. Part of me had hoped to wake up this morning and realize yesterday was just my imagination going wild. But apparently, this is my reality. Moving carefully, trying not to wake him, I scoot away. The sheets are softer than I expected them to be beneath my fingers. I don’t remember anything happening last night. Warren took a shower, and I changed but fell asleep before he was finished.

  So, I’m guessing he just let me be and fell asleep with me. Who knew he could make choices that didn’t revolve around being an asshole?

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Warren’s raspy voice fills the room. It has the effect of ice water being poured over my body. Involuntarily, I shiver, and my nipples harden against the thin fabric of my… well, his shirt.

  “Getting away from you.” I try and roll away, but instead, I end up on my back, with him hovering above me. Something thick and hard presses against my thigh, and my lips part on a gasp. Morning-wood. I don’t remember it being that hard when it was in my mouth.

  “Without helping me relieve this massive hard-on? I think not.” His chocolate brown eyes are still filled with sleep, but beneath that, there is a fire burning. The flames grow with each second, threatening to burn me if I get too close. And yet, I want to get close. I want to be burnt. I want to see him melt beneath my touch. I want to see if I have the same effect on him as he does on me.

  “I’m not fucking you or giving you a blow job. But I’ll beat you off.”

  Warren blinks, shock overtaking his features, and after a second, he talks, “Wait, you’re serious?” He rolls off me, landing on the mattress with a huff.

  I cock a brow. “Can’t handle being at my mercy?”

  His lips curve into a sinister smirk, “Show me your worst, baby. I like it hard and fast, think you can handle it?”

  I want to roll my eyes. I’ve never given a handjob myself, but I have watched enough porn to know how it works. Matter of fact, I’m a little excited to try it out. Shoving up into a sitting position, I let my gaze wander over his perfect body. It’s a shame such a horrible monster gets to look this good.

  Like a Greek god, his entire body is cut from stone, each muscle, each dip, and plane from his shoulders, down his chest, and over his abs, that lead down to a well-defined v. He’s perfect all over, and it’s disgusting, because someone as cruel as him, shouldn’t get to look like this.

  “Like the view?” He winks, and I feel my cheeks heating. Stupid hormones.

  “The view is nice. The person attached to it, not so much.” I reach for his cock, not even sure why I’m doing this. I shouldn’t want to touch him, not after all that he’s done to me, but I can’t deny myself this one chance to watch him break.

  He gives me a bored expression. “Stop talking and get on with the handjob, or I’ll find another use for your mouth.” I know it’s not an idle threat. He’s made it before and followed through. As soon as my hand makes contact with the silky skin, he hisses. I squeeze the flesh, reveling in the touch of his smooth length. Then, I start to move, up and down, up and down. His length moves through my hand easily, and after a few strokes, I peer up at him.

  His eyes are soft, his normally rough, hardened features are relaxed, and I swear, he looks ten times more handsome in this state.

  “Fuck, your hand feels so good.”

  I chew on my bottom lip, feeling my own arousal start to pool in my core. Warmth fills every pore on my body as I watch the mushroom head disappear and pop back up with each stroke. Warren starts to pant, his perfect chest rising and falling faster and faster.

  “Squeeze me, squeeze my cock like your pussy will.” I don’t bother to correct him, don’t bother telling him that my pussy won’t do anything for his cock. I’m too caught up in what’s going on, the way he melts into the mattress, practically begging me to keep going. Power surges through me, and I squeeze him tighter.

  “Fuck me, shit, keep doing that, and I’m going to come…”

  “Isn’t that the point?” I release my lip and whisper.

  A second later, he arches his hips and tips his head back into the pillows.

  “Shit, shit. I’m coming…” My heart rate picks up, and my stomach clenches. Heat bubbles over inside of my core, and I want him. I want him to take the ache away. I want my bully, the monster, to ease my pain. One last stroke, and he erupts. Sticky, white cum leaves his tip in quick thick ropes, and I stare at them, becoming mesmerized by them.

  My strokes become softer as he calms down from his release. When the last drops of his release bead the tip of his cock, and his whole body shutters, I pull my hand away. At the loss of touch, a coldness sweeps over me.

  “I can’t believe I thought you were honest when you told me you wanted to wait…” He shakes his head, and in a flash, I’m reminded of all the times he wanted to have sex, and I turned him down.

  He wanted me so badly, as badly as I wanted him, but I just wasn’t ready. I was insecure and scared, he was confident and didn’t have a worry in the world. It wasn’t that I didn’t want him to be my first, it was just I wasn’t ready yet. I was afraid. Of the pain, of what would happen to us afterward.

“Of course, that was all a lie. You were ready, all right. You just didn’t want it to be me.”

  Why does he keep saying these things? Like missing puzzle pieces, his behavior makes no sense to me. Why does he keep assuming that I’m experienced, that I’m some chick that fucks any guy that looks her way?

  “I don’t understand… I’ve never…” In a second flat, he goes from being relaxed and calm to the same horrid man he was before. A dark mask covers his face, taking the man I fell in love with when I was a teenager away.

  “Shut your fucking mouth.” He slams his huge hand over my mouth and shoves me onto the mattress on my back. Like a deer caught in the headlights of a moving car, I peer up at him. He looks like an animal protecting its meal. His eyes are so dark, no light can be seen in them. I whimper underneath his hand but don’t dare move.

  He looks as if he would snap my neck in a second if I did. Using his other hand, he trails it up my thigh, his nails scraping against my skin. Both pain and pleasure erupt inside me.

  “I can’t believe I used to want you, used to love you…” he laughs bitterly.

  When he makes it to the boxers I’m wearing, he dips a finger into the waistband and pulls them down my legs. This strange feeling consumes me, this is wrong, and I shouldn’t want this, but I do. I slightly part my legs, giving him a silent invite.

  Without a care in the world, he enters me, his thick fingers sliding into me with ease.

  The cruelness in his eyes makes my heart crack right down the middle, “I knew you’d be wet for me. This is your thing. You like it when I take from you.”

  I shake my head, trying to deny it, but there’s no point. He wouldn’t believe me anyway, not with the way my body is reacting to him right now. I can feel the pleasure building, his strokes growing faster, each dip inside, bringing me closer to the finale.


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