The Heavy Crown: Washington, DC Chapter (Royal Bastards MC Book 1)

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The Heavy Crown: Washington, DC Chapter (Royal Bastards MC Book 1) Page 6

by Linny Lawless

  Roxi introduced me to her friend and hairdresser, Anna. “Anna did Lacey’s and my hair and makeup. She’ll get you all dolled up before we get in front of the camera.”

  Just then, Wrecker and Roadkill entered the suite with Sledge.

  “Welcome, my Bastard brother!” Heavy said as they approached, giving Sledge a bear hug. Sledge steered his eyes over to us girls.

  “The three of you ladies look fabulous!” he said, rubbing his palms together as his smiling eyes roamed down our bodies with approval. But his eyes steered back to Roxi as she batted her long lashes at him.

  Wrecker sat in a stool at the bar. “Hey Brace—I mean, Lacey, make a drink for us, would ya? Any of that real expensive shit that’s back there.”

  Lacey smiled, her starry eyes only lit up for him. “Sure, Wrecker!” She reached for a bottle of bourbon and struggled with opening the wax-covered cork. The bottle crashed onto the marble tiled floor. The glass shattered, splashing liquor everywhere. Her bottom lip trembled. “I’m so sorry! I’m such a stupid klutz.”

  Roadkill was there suddenly, towering over Lacey’s small frame. His eyes scanned her body, then he offered his hand out to her. “Step around the glass.” He grumbled low. That was only the second time I’d ever heard him say more than two words since I saw him almost rip Big Bobby’s head off at the Dollhouse.

  Lacey raised her head to reveal tear-filled eyes. She placed her small hand into his bear-like palm, and he walked her to the couch so she could sit down. I came to sit next to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder. “Are you okay, Lacey?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay,” she sniffled. She leaned close, whispering in my ear. “Wrecker doesn’t want me because of my ugly braces.”

  Roadkill turned and stormed out the door of the suite. That man was not just scary; he was so damn weird! Did he like Lacey?

  I wrapped my arms around her. “Well, he’s just a stupid oaf like all men are,” I whispered back to her. I wanted to knee Wrecker in the balls for hurting Lacey’s feelings. “Did you get high before you came here today, Lacey?”

  She leaned away and sniffled. “Yeah. I smoked a joint and took some Xanax. I’ve never starred in a porn film before. I’m a bit nervous today.”

  Heavy approached us after telling Wrecker to go find out what was up with Roadkill. I looked up at him as Lacey wiped her nose with the sleeve of her robe.

  “You okay, Lacey?” he asked. It just sounded so hollow, like he really didn’t care.

  “No, she’s not,” I said. “She’s never been in a film before. She’s not ready.”

  “She can sit out this time. It’ll just be you and Roxi with Sledge.”

  Wrecker walked back into the suite. “Roadkill said he’s heading down to the casino.”

  Heavy shook his head. “He knows he shouldn’t sit at the roulette table. He’ll lose several grand in the next fucking hour. Call and get someone to clean up the glass.” He turned and told me to follow him.

  I stood from the couch to let Lacey put her feet up and lay down. Roxi, Sledge, and I followed Heavy into the bedroom.

  We met the film director, Kane Legend. He was a tall, good-looking man with a very dark tan. He was all businesslike, telling us three to be aware of where the camera is at all times while we performed whatever positions he wanted us in. He said the lighting was really good in the room and that he’d shoot us on the one bed first. Then we would pose for still shots. He also went into detail about how he wanted to get Sledge’s cum shot on film.

  I sat in a chair in the bathroom with Anna while she did my makeup and put a curling iron to my hair, giving it thick wavy curls. I undressed and changed into the outfit Heavy picked out as his favorite for the shoot—a red lace push-up bra and panties that matched the red lipstick that Anna applied to my lips.

  When I entered the bedroom, Wrecker and Heavy were sitting on a couch. Heavy smiled at me with approval, but I was hoping for his death glare full of jealousy. Did it really not bother him to watch me suck on Sledge’s dick in front of him and everyone else in the room? All week Heavy was so gentle and caring when we fucked in every room of his house. He would hold me as we laid in my bed, but then he’d leave me in the middle of the night to sleep in his own bed alone.

  Sledge stood beside the bed. He was shirtless then but still wore his jeans. He started to kiss Roxi, running his hands over her naked body. Kane directed me to get on the bed and undo Sledge’s jeans to suck his dick. When he began shooting, I crawled on my hands and knees across the bed as Sledge licked on Roxi’s nipples.

  Sledge looked down at me as I sat to unzip his jeans. His dick was big and hard as a rock when I pulled it out. I stroked his full length with my hands and batted my eyes up at him. He groaned, shoving his thumb in my mouth.

  I couldn’t see Heavy as my back was turned, but I could feel his stare burning right through me.

  I climbed off the bed as Kane shouted, “Cut!”

  I stormed out of the bedroom, through the living room and out the door of the suite.

  My face collided into a big burly chest dressed in a suit jacket. I looked up to see the large man who’d grabbed me by my arms. He had dark eyes and a beard. His body was massive!

  “You should put some clothes on, Miss. You can’t walk around the casino like this,” he said in a deep voice.

  “What the fuck, Danika!” Heavy’s gruff voice came from behind me. I turned around to see that all-too-familiar look of rage in his eyes.

  “Hey, Brody, good to see ya.” Heavy approached, slapping the big man on the shoulder. “You comin’ in to watch the shoot?”

  The man named Brody chuckled. “No, dude. That’s all for your entertainment. I just wanted to swing by to see if you and your brothers needed anything. And Nolan Reynolds sends his regards.”

  “Thanks. The suite is a bit too fancy, but it’s a great location to shoot some good scenes for the film.”

  The men exchanged bro hugs, and then Brody left us, walking back down the long hallway to the elevator.

  Heavy wrapped a thick white robe over my shoulders. “What the fuck was that all about?”

  I growled at him as I slid my arms into the robe and closed it. “You really don’t care, do you?”

  “Care about what?”

  “That I was about to suck another man’s dick right in front of you!”

  He groaned, rubbing both hands down his face. “It’s just part of the gig, Dani. I’m not the jealous type. This is business.”

  Images like snapshots invaded my mind just then—my stepfather raping me, hurting me, shaming me, shattering me. Something snapped inside me, and the floodgates of emotion came gushing out. I screamed, grabbing fistfuls of my hair. “Don’t make me do this! I can’t anymore! I’ll run away!” I crumpled to the floor sobbing as I rocked back and forth at Heavy’s feet.

  He knelt down, pulling me into his strong arms, rubbing his warm hands on my back. “Shh, Danika. You’re safe. You don’t have to do anything. Just sit right here and let it all out.”



  I sat in the hallway and held Dani’s trembling body in my arms as she cried. When she quieted down to whimpers and hiccups, I pulled her off the floor with me. Her eyes were puffy, and she wiped her nose with the sleeve of the fancy robe.

  I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her on the lips. “Stay here. I’ll get your bag and tell Wrecker I’m taking you back to the house.”

  I headed back into the suite while Dani leaned up against the wall, tying the robe closed.

  Wrecker was standing there when I walked in, holding Dani’s bag. He rubbed the back of his neck and handed me her bag. “Is she okay, brother?”

  “No. She needs to let out some bad shit from her past. I’m taking her back to the house, and I’ll come back. Kane will just have to shoot some scenes with Sledge and Roxi.”

  “I got this, Prez. I’ll take Lacey home after the shoot and check on Roadkill. Just stay with her.”

  I gave Wrecker a hug, slapping him hard on the back. “Thanks, brother.”

  I took Dani down the elevator to the parking garage and got her in the truck. She was quiet on the ride home. She looked so small in that big white robe, staring out the passenger window. Once inside the house, I took her hand and led her to my bedroom. She climbed into the bed while I kicked off my boots, then I got in and held her.

  “Do you want to tell me what he did to you? I get it if you don’t wanna talk about it.”

  Dani clung to me, and this is what she told me:

  She never felt love from her mother growing up. The only grown-up who showed her any kindness or care was her dad, whom she barely remembered. When she was five years old, she could remember her mom and dad getting drunk and high, throwing things, and yelling at each other. The men dressed in blue and black police uniforms came and would talk to her with smiles. Some of them would ask her about the Dora the Explorer doll she carried with her everywhere. The policemen handcuffed her dad and took him away in a police car. As a little girl, she wondered why it was her dad, who was made to go away in the police car and not her mom. This happened more times than Danika could count, and then one day, her dad was gone. Danika’s mom told her he was never coming back because he found out that Danika wasn’t really his daughter. She was told she was a mistake and that her mom didn’t know who her real father was.

  Her mom dated lots of men as Danika was growing up. When she was thirteen, her mom met Larry Hodges. Danika’s mom said she finally hit the jackpot catching a man with a real job, who didn’t beat her like all the other loser men she had in her bed. Larry seemed nice at first and gave both Danika and her mom attention and kindness. Sometimes when Danika missed the bus, Larry would drop her off at school on his way to work.

  But then things started getting weird when she was going through puberty. There were times that Danika caught Larry staring at her chest or her legs with lustful eyes. Larry gave her more hugs to the point he got one from her every single day. They made her cringe as his hands lingered on her body. She began to believe it was her fault because Larry told her she was much prettier than her mom. He planned to take her shopping for pretty clothes when he got his next bonus check from work.

  Danika’s hateful mom could also see how Larry looked and touched her. She became jealous of her own daughter, screaming at Danika, “Larry would rather fuck a little whore like you than his own wife!”

  Larry Hodges raped Danika for the first time on her 15th birthday. She was a virgin and couldn’t tell her mom for fear she would get beaten or kicked out of the house. Larry made a deal with Danika—that he would protect her from her mom’s cruelty as long as she kept this secret they shared. That she didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant because Larry had an operation to fix that. The man knew what to say to make Danika feel safe. He was always gentle, saying the right words Danika wanted to hear and buying her nice things. For years he climbed into her bed at night and touched her body any chance he could get without being caught by her mom. Danika knew she wasn’t his first victim because he seemed so confident in the way he manipulated and abused her. Larry was living a good life, knowing he was able to fulfill his disgusting appetite for preying on young girls to satisfy his sexual needs.

  Danika saved five hundred dollars working part-time at the local consignment shop. She graduated from high school with a 3.9-grade point average. On her eighteenth birthday, Danika packed her backpack with clothes, climbed out of her bedroom window, and ran away. She escaped the monster who preyed on her for years. It was the same night she met me seven years ago.

  “You put me on a bus that same night and saved me from a fate far worse than I had just escaped from, Heavy.” Dani finished telling her story, her voice sounding so far away.

  I cupped Dani’s cheek and looked into her tear-soaked eyes. “My name is Hendrix. Hendrix Stone.”

  Dani didn’t tell me any more, so I just held her in my arms until we both fell asleep together in my bed.


  Larry Hodges was a middle-aged, heavyset man with brown hair that grayed at his temples. His eyes fluttered open, only to suddenly realize he was lying face down and naked on a bed in a shitty motel room that smelled like piss. His hands were bound behind his back with duct tape. He couldn’t open his mouth because it was duct-taped shut. He turned his face and saw me sitting in a chair with one ankle over my other knee while Roadkill stood next to me. Then he saw the big black man standing so close beside the bed looking down at him.

  The duct tape muffled whatever it was Larry was trying to say.

  “Hello, Larry,” I said. “Your heart is racing so fast—like you’re running a fucking marathon right about now. And you’re wondering why you’re naked and tied up on a bed in a piss-smelling, roach-infested motel room. Do you remember Danika Stevens?”

  Larry’s eyes went wide, shaking his head and mumbling against the duct tape.

  “Oh, come on, Larry, how could you forget a pretty girl like her? She was your stepdaughter.”

  He shut his eyes and nodded his head.

  “Danika told me everything. How you raped her when she was a virgin at just fifteen.”

  Larry began to cry, and tears ran down his cheeks while he shook his head. Roadkill lit up a joint as I told Larry what was going to happen next.

  I nodded to the black man. “I want you to meet my friend here, Tiny Tyrone. His little sister was raped and killed by some sick—and now dead—piece of shit just like you.”

  Tyrone started to undress, pulling his triple extra-large T-shirt over his head.

  “It’s kind of a joke...we call him Tiny Tyrone, but he’s not really tiny.”

  Tyrone unzipped his jeans and shoved them down along with his boxers. Then out came his dick—all ten inches of it. He wasn’t even hard yet. Tyrone spat in his big palm and started to jerk himself off while staring down at Larry’s naked ass.

  Tyrone licked his bottom lip when his dick started to get harder and bigger. Larry started up his muffled screams behind the duct tape again. Tyrone walked over to the end of the bed and climbed on it. He snatched Larry’s ankles and spread them wide apart, then moved closer to the crack of Larry’s ass.

  “You’re getting ready to feel what it’s like to be raped, Larry Hodges. Tyrone is going in dry and fucking your asshole with that giant black dick of his.”

  Roadkill handed me the joint and I took a long hit when Tyrone went to work, spreading Larry’s ass cheeks and grabbing his hips. Larry’s screams didn’t reach any ears outside the motel room when Tyrone rammed half his dick inside Larry’s tight asshole. He pulled out and thrust all of that big black dick inside this time while spanking Larry’s ass over and over again. Roadkill whipped out his phone and took a few photos for souvenirs.

  It took thirty minutes while Roadkill and I caught a buzz off the weed before Tyrone shot a full load of cum into Larry’s bleeding asshole. Tyrone climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

  I stood from the chair and walked over to the bed, where Larry blubbered on behind the duct tape. I pulled out my phone, grabbed a handful of Larry’s sweat-dampened hair and snapped a few photos. I clenched my jaw, baring my teeth. “I’m Heavy, the President of the Royal Bastards MC. I know where you live, what you eat, and when you shit. If you touch another girl again, I’ll send my sergeant, Roadkill, here, to pay you a visit. He likes to play doctor and will cut your dick and balls off with his surgical tools.”

  I inhaled hard, forcing snot up the back of my throat and spit a load in Larry’s eye.



  We slept together in his bed ever since I told him about my past. Within a few weeks, I saw a different side of Heavy, or maybe it was Hendrix. He was like Jekyll and Hyde. He didn’t give me that death stare anymore and was a little kinder to me.

  Kane Legend shot some good scenes with Roxi and Sledge that weekend at the MGM. Sledge rode back home with a grin on
his face, and he couldn’t wait to talk about his new porn-star life to their Cleveland Chapter brothers. Roadkill lost five grand in the casino. Heavy told me he had a few too many bad habits he couldn’t kick. One of them was gambling.

  Heavy was no knight in shining armor; he was far from it. Heavy was a bad man, a dangerous outlaw, and a Royal Bastard. Vengeance was justice in his world. I had to hold down the bile that threatened to rise from my throat when I looked at the photos on Heavy’s phone. It was Larry Hodges naked and bound with duct tape. I could see the whites of his eyes and imagined his muffled screams of pain behind the tape while the big black man raped his asshole.

  Heavy swiped his phone screen, showing more pictures of Larry and his bloody ass. “Tyrell’s dick measures ten inches. That’s before he gets it hard. He pounded into Larry’s ass for a good half hour. Once we cut the duct tape, he got dressed, and we let him go. He drove home with a bloody asshole full of Tyrell’s load. Roadkill will check in on Larry from time to time and cut his dick and balls off if he ever touches another girl again.”

  I was relieved and thrilled when Heavy offered me a job working at the Dollhouse. I didn’t have to dance, only bartend and wait tables, plus I could keep every penny of my own tips. On my first day at work, Heavy introduced me to the head bartender, Chasidy, who’d been working there for five years. She was straight-up and never fed Heavy any bullshit.

  Chasidy never fucked any of the Royal Bastards and told me it’s just business for her at the Dollhouse. “My pussy gets enough good dick elsewhere,” she said.

  I liked her instantly, and Heavy respected her as a business associate. Chasidy took me under her wing and trained me. She gave me all the info I needed to know about each dancer and some of the regular customers and their favorite drink. Heavy only trusted his prospects to be the bouncers, and Teddy, who carried my shopping bags, worked on most nights. Sometimes when the weather was nice, groups of men would go play a round of golf and then come to the Dollhouse to drink and watch the girls dance. Some of them were just college boys, and some were middle-aged men, the rich CEO types who had a wife, as well as a girlfriend, and even some grandkids. Some of these men were kept on a tight leash at home, so when it was time to hang out with their buddies, they really let loose. Chasidy told me to watch those types because they would get too touchy-feely with not only the dancers but bartenders and waitresses too.


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