Tom Tufton's Travels

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Tom Tufton's Travels Page 6

by Evelyn Everett-Green


  "You can ride, Tom?" Lord Claud had said, as they saunteredhomewards from the poet's lodgings.

  Tom replied that whatever else he was lacking in, he mightcertainly lay claim to horsemanship; and the pair walked ontogether, Lord Claud sunk in thoughtful silence, his companionalways ready to give his attention to the sights of the streets,which had lost none of the attraction of novelty as yet.

  "Ho! ho! ho!" laughed a voice behind them; "Master Tom thegreengoose has found fine company!"

  "A fine comrade, truly, will he find he has got! What becomes ofall the strapping young fellows whom my Lord Claud takes pains tonotice and befriend?"

  "They are like the butterflies--flutter for a season and are nomore seen after!"

  "Or like the buzzing fly who is lured within the spider's web! 'Tiseasy fluttering in, but there is no getting out!"

  "Ay, ay, the gallows noose must feel mightily like the strand ofthe spider's web to the silly fly. And as the spider pounces uponhis victim ere it be dead, and sucks away its life blood, so doesthe hangman cut down his victim alive and cut out his living heart!Oh, 'tis a fine sight! a fine sight! Young Tom must e'en go and seethe next execution at Tyburn!"

  These words were spoken with caution, and yet every one of themfell full upon Tom's ears. These ears, be it noted, were very keenones, as is often the case with those who have tracked game andhunted the fallow deer in the free forest. Moreover, Tom had notyet grown callous to the sounds of talk and laughter in thestreets. He must needs listen to all he heard, and these phraseswere plainly meant to meet his ear.

  He glanced at Lord Claud to see if he had heard, but there was nochange in the thoughtful face. His companion appeared lost in hisown reflections, and Tom, dropping a pace behind, looked back tosee who had spoken.

  As he had surmised, it was the four bully beaux whom he had met atthe Folly the previous day. So much had happened in the interim,that Tom could have believed it a week ago. At his look they allburst into jeering laughter, but it did not appear as though theydesired speech of him, or any sort of encounter, for they plungedhastily down a side street, and Tom saw that Lord Claud had justturned his head to see what hindered his companion.

  "Pay no heed to drunken roisterers i' the streets, Tom," advisedhis mentor; "a quarrel is quicker provoked than mended, except atthe sword's point, and unseemly is brawling at street corners. Yonfellows bear you some ill will for my threat yesterday. They willdo you a bad turn if the chance offers. They are an evil crew, andmy Lord Mayor has been warned against them ere now; but it isdifficult in these days to give every man his deserts. London wouldbe depopulated if all who merited it were transported to theplantations of Virginia."

  A little later they met Harry Gay sauntering from one playhouse toanother. He looked with a sort of amused surprise at Tom, whopaused to send a message to Master Cale, to tell him that he wouldnot be at home that night, and was not to be troubled after in anywise.

  "Do you lodge with Lord Claud?" asked Harry, with a curious glancetowards the elegant figure sauntering on, and exchanging bows withthe fine ladies in the coaches.

  "I know not; but I ride forth with him ere long on some errand Iwot not of. Have no fears for me, good Harry, I can take care ofmyself well enow."

  "You have good confidence, my young friend. I trust it is not thepride which goes before a fall. It savours of peril to steer one'sbark over unknown waters, or to follow a road which leads no manknows whither;" and Harry nodded his head in the direction of LordClaud, with a gesture that was as eloquent as any words could be.

  "Tush!" answered Tom, with something of the careless indifferencehe had caught from Lord Claud and his associates; "I have come tosee the world, and see it I will. If there be peril, why, so muchthe better. I am sick to death of sitting at ease in the safeshelter of home. A man can die but once, and he had better livefirst."

  "Just so, just so," answered Harry with some emphasis; "that isexactly the sentiment I would most impress upon your inexperience.A man should live to drink the cup of life, ere it be snatched fromhis grasp."

  Tom nodded and passed on, not pausing to ponder upon the meaning ofthe words he had heard. Indeed, he had small time to ponder, forhis comrade was quickening his steps, and he had to hasten to reachhis side.

  "My stables lie this way. We will go and look at the hackneys, andmake choice of one fit to carry those great limbs of yours, myworthy friend. As for me, a light-made barb will suffice; but ittakes bone and muscle to carry all that bone," and he clapped hishand upon Tom's shoulder with a little laugh.

  The stables were neither very bright nor savoury according tomodern ideas, but for the times they were thought a marvel ofperfection. Tom's eyes soon got used to the dimness, and he wasquickly in a high state of rapture at the evidences of breeding andpace in the horses stabled there.

  That they knew their master well was plain, for all heads wereturned at the sound of his voice, and each animal gave a low whinnyof pleasure at the approach of Lord Claud. He took carrots from abasket and dispensed them with impartiality to his stud; and,meantime, he and his head groom talked together in low tones, andpresently Tom was called to the conclave.

  "Nell Gwynne will carry you best, Tom. But she may give you alittle trouble. It is not every rider she will brook upon her back;yet if you can master her, she will bear you to the world's endfaithfully."

  Tom approached the mare indicated, who looked at him, laying backher ears and showing the whites of her eyes, sidling a little overin her stall with the evident intention of trying to get a kick atthe stranger. But Tom coolly walked up to her head, and begancaressing her with a perfect fearlessness which presently disarmedher suspicion. She was accustomed to see men flinch and quailbefore her, and despised the race accordingly. But the few who badno fear of her she recognized as her masters, and she gave them thelove of her heart and the best of her powers.

  "That will do, Tom," said Lord Claud's voice from behind; "you havewon my lady's capricious fancy.

  "Bring up the mare and Lucifer in an hour's time, saddled andbridled, and fed for the evening," he added, speaking to theservant; "you will probably have them back some time tomorrow, butof that I cannot speak with certainty."

  He took Tom's arm as he left the yard, saying in his nonchalantfashion:

  "Sometimes after one of these affairs of honour it is well to takeoneself off for a while. Her Majesty is as much against thesettlement of private quarrels by the appeal to the sword as everKing William was. However, fashion is too strong even for goodQueen Anne. But it is better not to do more than wing your man. Ifyou kill him, you run a risk of getting into trouble. But I have nointention of doing so, unless he provokes me beyond endurance."

  "Is he a man of note?" asked Tom, with pardonable curiosity.

  "In his way he is; you probably would not know the name; but he hasfriends in high places: He and I have never loved each other. Hehas balked me more than once, and I have had my revenge at thegaming table and in other places, which he is not likely to forgiveor forget. The other day he sought to provoke me by almost openinsult. It was not a woman, Tom. I have enough on my hands withoutembroiling myself in affairs of gallantry. There are women,doubtless, who are worth the championship of honest men; but in ourworld of London town they are few and far between. Let them andtheir quarrels alone, Tom, if you would keep out of trouble."

  Lord Claud was speaking now with a sarcastic intonation ratherunusual with him. He was more thoughtful and grave than Tom hadever seen him, but the youth did not dare to ask the cause. Indeed,it seemed to him that a man who had a duel to fight upon the morrowwith a dangerous adversary had reason enough for gravity andthought.

  "Tom," said Lord Claud suddenly, breaking a rather long silence, "Ifeel sometimes that I have had enough for once of the trammels oftown life. I am weary of the slavery of levee, and gaming table,and playhouse. There are better things in life than foppery andidle dissipation. What do you think of it all, my honest Tom?

  "I find it vastly entertaining," answered Tom truthfully; "but Ifeel me something out of place amongst all the fine fops I meeteverywhere."

  "You would like to travel and see the world? There is another worldbesides that of London town."

  "I would see more of London town ere I leave it," answered Tomfrankly; "but I would fain see other things and places, too."

  "Wilt come farther afield with me, if I go?" asked Lord Claud, witha quick sidelong glance at the tall figure of his companion. "A manof thews and sinews, who knows not fear, is the comrade in whom myheart delights; but there be so few of them amid yon crowd ofpainted popinjays."

  The compliment tickled Tom's vanity, just as the preference shownhim from the first by so great a man as Lord Claud touched hisnaturally quick affections.

  "Let me but see this wonderful city first, my lord, and I willfollow you to the world's end!" he cried impulsively.

  "You shall have your wish, trusty Tom," answered Lord Claud, hisface clearing and his brilliant smile shining forth. "In sooth, Ihave no desire to quit it just yet. I would fain be one of those towelcome back the great Duke, who will be here ere the year closes;and you should not miss seeing the pageant which will greet thevictor of Blenheim. It may even be that the Duke himself will findemployment for his poor servants.

  "Hast ever heard of the secret service, Tom? No? Well, there beopenings enow for men of courage and resource. It may be that youand I may find work for us to do. When all Europe is at war,country with country, and kingdom with kingdom, there is work andto spare for trusty messengers, stout of heart and strong of arm.Who knows but that such luck as that may come in our way?"

  Tom listened agape, feeling as though his horizon were growingwider every hour. He had been scarce more than a week in town, and,behold, all life seemed changed about him. Already he had beenplunged into an adventure which would probably end in the spillingof blood; and now the prospect was opening out before him of traveland adventure of a kind of which he had never dreamed. It seemedimpossible that he could be the same raw rustic youth who, a fewshort months ago, was accounted the greatest roisterer of his owncounty. His doings in the past seemed just the outcome of boyishspirits. He had been nothing but a great boy in those days; now hefelt that his manhood was coming upon him by leaps and bounds.

  At Lord Claud's lodging a repast was awaiting them which was initself a further revelation to Tom. He was mightily hungry, too,and fell upon the good cheer with an appetite that entertained hishost. The food he found most excellent, though seasoned somethingtoo strongly for his palate. But the wines were less to his taste,and he presently made bold to ask for a tankard of homely ale,which was brought to him from the servants' quarters; Lord Claudleaning back with his glass in his hand, and smiling to see therelish with which Tom enjoyed the simple beverage.

  "Ah, the time was when I could quaff a tankard of ale with any man,and it may well be that I will do the same again in the future. Butnow, Tom, we must come and don riding gear, for the horses will beround ere long. Oh, have no concern as to that. My man will haveready all that you will need. But those silken hose and thatbroidered vest are little suited to the saddle."

  And, in very sooth, Tom found himself quickly fitted with a pair ofstout leathern breeches, a cloth waistcoat, and a pair of ridingboots adorned with silver spurs. A riding switch was put in hishand, and he stood flicking his boots at the top of the staircasetill Lord Claud joined him, dressed in a quiet and mostirreproachable riding suit, which became the elegance of his figurealmost better than the frippery of the first toilet.

  The horses stood at the door. Tom walked up to the great mare andrenewed acquaintance with her before swinging himself lightly tothe saddle. She made an instinctive dart with her head, as thoughto seek to bite his foot; but he patted her neck, touched herlightly with the spur, and sat like a Centaur as she made a quickcurvet that had unseated riders before now.

  The next minute the pair had started forth in the murky twilight ofthe autumn evening; but the moon was rising and the mists weredispersing. Before they had left the houses behind they could seethe road clear before them, and were able to give their impatientsteeds their heads, and travel at a steady hand gallop.

  Tom had approached London from the north, so that all this countrywas new to him. He delighted in the feel of a horse betwixt hisknees again; and the vagaries of the high-bred mare, who shied anddanced at every flickering shadow, kept his pulses tingling and hisheart aglow during the whole of that moonlight ride.

  Lord Claud said little. He too had need of some horsemanship, forthe black barb he rode was full of fire and spirit. Both riderskept a sharp lookout as they rode along, for there was never anysecurity from footpads and highway robbers once they were clear ofthe houses. However, there was no indication that any suchlight-heeled gentry were abroad that night, and the travellersreached the little hostelry whither they were bound without anyadventure.

  Here they were evidently expected. The host came out with an air ofgreat respect, and took their horses. Within, a plentiful supperwas prepared for them, to which Tom was ready to do justice afterhis ride, though Lord Claud ate little and drank less. Upstairs acommodious chamber with two beds had been prepared. A fire of logsburnt cheerily on the hearth; and it was plain that some valet hadbeen there earlier in the day, for night clothes and toiletaccessories lay about in profusion, to say nothing of a pair ofshining rapiers carefully laid upon the mantel shelf.

  Lord Claud took these down and examined them with care. Then hehanded one to Tom.

  "Just a few passes, trusty Tom, as is my habit ere sleeping thenight before a duel. I like to make test of the weapon with which Ishall meet my antagonist in the morning."

  Tom was delighted to show off his newly-learned skill, and wascomplimented by Lord Claud on his progress.

  "My adversary's second may desire to cross swords with you, Tom,"remarked Lord Claud as he began to undress. "'Tis a foolish habit;but you must not seem to shrink. Show him that you care nothing forhis sword, and I will then interpose to stop the second fight. Itmay not be offered; but, again, it may."

  And, as the pair prepared for bed, the elder man instructed hiscompanion in all the details of duelling, that he might be preparedto play his part on the morrow with confidence and aplomb.

  "I have a few excellent rules of my own, Tom, and I have never beenworsted once, and only once wounded. I neither drink, nor dice, nordance, nor weary myself the previous day. I go overnight to theplace of meeting, and I retire to bed early and sleep sound. I takea modest breakfast, without wine or spirit, an hour before themeeting; and I come to the ground with a head as cool and a hand assteady as though no such thing as danger or death existed in theworld. Some men pride themselves on sitting up and dicing anddrinking away the night, to show their own courage and theircontempt for their adversary. I prefer to show mine by leaving himprostrate on the field!"

  It certainly seemed as though Lord Claud's methods were good, forhe slept like a child all night, better than Tom did, who had beengreatly excited by the events of the day and the prospect of themorrow; and when he was dressed upon the following morning, stillin his sober riding suit that became him so well, Tom thought hehad never seen anybody looking so thoroughly master of himself andhis circumstances. The very glance of the eye seemed to bespeakvictory, as did the quiet resolution of the grave mouth.

  Breakfast over--an early meal taken by the light of candles, yetexcellent of its kind--and the pair went forth together, Tomcarrying the two rapiers, as it was his duty to do.

  The sun was just about to rise, and the mists lying over the riverand fields were growing silver in the light, as they came in sightof the group of elms which had seen so many foolish and bloodycontests between angry men, some of whom scarce knew why theyfought at all, save that it was the fashion.

  From the opposite direction three other figures wereapproaching--two tall men and one little one.

  "They bring a surgeon," quoth Lord Claud, with a
smile on his face;"perchance they are wise. For myself, I never trouble to do so. Icount a leech a needless encumbrance."

  Tom looked curiously at the two foremost men as they drew near. Oneof them struck him in particular. He was very tall and verystrongly made, though clumsy in figure and swarthy in face. He hadthe look almost of a foreigner, Tom thought, with black eyes thattwinkled with an evil and sinister expression, and never showedmore than as a slit between half-shut lids. He was marked withsmallpox, and had taken no pains, today at any rate, to disguisethe ravages of that malady. He walked a little in advance of hiscompanions, and when he got near to Lord Claud he stopped and madea sweeping bow, his eyes the while scanning Tom's face and figuremost closely.

  "This is not the gentleman who waited on me," he said in a raspingvoice.

  "No; that gentleman is laid up in his bed, and cannot keep hisappointment; but this one will do the business equally well.

  "Mr. Tufton of Gablehurst; let me present him to you, Sir James."

  The swarthy man looked Tom over from head to foot with an insolentstare.

  "A fine young cub," he said at length, "and well grown for hisyears. One of the gang, I suppose?" and there was an ugly sneerupon his thick lips.

  Tom looked at Lord Claud, wondering what the meaning of those wordscould be; but the quiet face looked as if carved in marble, saveonly that the eyes glowed like fire in their sockets.

  He signed to Tom to produce the rapiers; and the second man cameforward and examined and tested them, selecting that which hisprincipal should use. Then the ground was stepped, the most levelplace selected, and the two combatants stripped off coat andwaistcoat, and prepared for the fray.

  Tom drew his breath hard as he watched the commencement of thefight, and his face was full of anxiety, as he felt that the manaddressed as Sir James had weight and length of reach beyondanything that Lord Claud could command. But for a while both themen fought warily and without attempting to get to close quarters,and Tom began to lose his first breathless excitement, and to watchthe play of shining blades with more coolness and observation.

  Two rounds had been fought, and neither man was wounded. But whilstLord Claud looked just as cool and steady as at the start, the darkadversary was flushed and inclined to pant, and the beads of sweatstood upon his forehead notwithstanding the briskness of themorning air.

  Then Tom began to understand where Lord Claud's advantage lay. Ifhe could tire out his adversary by keeping on the defensive, thenat the last he might get his chance, and lunge at him when he wouldscarce be able to parry the thrust.

  It was easy to see that his weak point was slowness of recovery.His thrusts were quick and well planted, he had an excellent guardand mastery of the weapon; but he was slow in recovering aftermaking a lunge, and the longer the fight continued the more evidentdid this defect become. And it was plain that he was aware of it,for though he pressed upon his antagonist with great determinationand with much dexterity of sword play, he was afraid to takeadvantage of his longer reach and lunge at him boldly; for he knewthat if Lord Claud avoided the thrust, he would almost certainlyhave at him with a counter lunge before he had time to parry.

  And, in fact, that was what did at the last happen, after the fighthad lasted so long that Tom thought half an hour must surely havegone by. Both antagonists showed signs of weariness. It had evenbeen suggested that enough had been done to satisfy the claims ofhonour; but to that suggestion neither principal would listen.

  Sir James was much distressed. Sweat poured from his brow, hisbreath came in deep gasps, his face was growing purple. Lord Claudlooked white, but otherwise had not changed in aspect, and thedeadly battle light in his eyes was growing brighter and keener.

  His heavy antagonist now saw that nothing could serve his purposebut an exercise of sheer weight and brute force, and he pressed onand on with such fury that Tom almost cried aloud in his fear. ButLord Claud was wary and watchful; he gave way for a while, onlyparrying the thrusts, and that with not so much force as before;then suddenly Sir James made a furious lunge, and calling out in astrangled voice, "Have at you now!" he all but buried his rapier inhis adversary's body.

  All but--yet not quite; for just at the moment when it seemedimpossible to parry the furious stroke, Lord Claud made a curiousupward twist of the wrist, caught his adversary's blade and turnedit so that it glanced aside and passed him, whilst he sprangtowards him at the same instant, and saying quite coolly, "Sir,methinks your physician would recommend blood letting in yourheated condition," he thrust straight and true at his burlyadversary, running the shining blade into his shoulder in such afashion that the tip of the rapier reappeared red with blood behindhim, and he fell forwards with a smothered bellow like that of abull who is ringed, so that Lord Claud had need of all hisquickness to withdraw his rapier in time.

  Second and surgeon sprang to the side of the wounded man; but LordClaud said quite quietly:

  "'Tis no mortal wound. He has not got his deserts this time. Areyou satisfied, gentlemen, or do you want more with us?"

  The second looked up at Tom's stalwart figure, hesitated a moment,and then professed that he desired to carry matters no further.

  Lord Claud handed the rapiers to Tom, coolly resumed his discardedgarments, took off his hat with a courtly bow, and walked off withhis customary air of easy grace.

  "Come, Tom," he said, "we have managed that well. The brute willnot die, but will only keep his bed a while, and doubtless rise totrouble us again in days to come. They say he has never felt awound before, and boasts himself invulnerable. He will littlerelish the lesson he has had today. But he will never forget orforgive; so have a caution when he is your neighbour in anycompany. He will rail at his second for not pinking you; but 'twashis own words that daunted the man. He thought he saw in you averitable son of the forest, terrible in wrath, invincible inskill--" and Lord Claud suddenly threw back his head and began tolaugh unrestrainedly.

  "I did not understand him," quoth Tom.

  "Marry, no--and no need you should! You had better not understandtoo much of the things you see and hear in the world, honest Tom.And now let us to a more hearty breakfast, and back again to town.I must show myself today with a lordly grace, and prove to all theworld that I need shrink from no man's gaze. As for yon black bull,be sure he will breathe no word of this thing. It would ill matewith his pride for the world to know that he had been spitted likea capon by one whom he has dared to gibe at as the white hind ofthe forest!"

  Lord Claud's mood had completely changed. He was gay and merry, andeager after pleasure. He took Tom hither and thither to half adozen fine houses, where the ladies gazed with a certain awestruckadmiration at this "untamed son of the woods," as it pleased LordClaud to call him, whilst they loaded with favours the brilliantyoung spark, who seemed, when in the mood, to have power to win allhearts.

  He was a "dear tormenting devil," or a "mad fellow, but withal atrue Prince Charming;" and just as he talked sound sense andpolitics with the poet yesterday, so now he beat even the finest ofthe ladies and their beaux at high-flown nonsense about goddessesand heroes, and the Arcadian bowers where they made a pretence ofliving and moving.

  At the play, to which they went later, he moved from box to box,from tier to tier, taking snuff with the men, saying charmingnothings to the ladies; the centre always of a laughing throng,whose proximity must surely have been distressful to any persons sounfashionable as to desire to listen to what the actors weresaying. He even went behind and upon the stage, as spectators werestill permitted to do, although there was less of this confusionthan a few years before; and he was eagerly welcomed wherever heappeared.

  From the play they repaired to more gay houses, where Tom speedilylost his ten guineas at basset, but was too excited to care, andpaid over his stakes with a lordly indifference that did credit tohis powers of observation and imitation.

  It was long past midnight ere they bent their steps homewards, andthen, as it was far too late to seek the shelter of Master C
ale'sabode, Tom betook himself once more to Lord Claud's lodgings, andwas speedily sound asleep in the most soft and sumptuous bed it hadever been his lot to lie upon.


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