Howl for It

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Howl for It Page 26

by Shelly Laurenston


  She hated the sound of shifting wolves. The growls. The pain.

  The fury.

  “It’ll be over soon,” Billy told her. His shoulder brushed against hers. The guy seemed to be trying to comfort her, when he’d been the one caged moments before. “Gage doesn’t play with his prey.”

  That was supposed to make her feel better?

  Kayla glanced around the room. She saw claws and lengthening canines everywhere she turned. It looked like every wolf there—except Faye—was about to shift.

  She remembered another time. Another place. A big black wolf, one that came at her with his fangs bared.

  Gage had finished his shift. He stood in the middle of that snarling circle. Big, strong, dark. His body vibrated with fury as he bared his fangs.

  Her mother had still been alive. Broken, bloody, but breathing.

  Davis had shifted. His coat was white. His eyes burning so brightly. He pushed down with his hind legs, then leapt at Gage.

  She’d shaken her mother. Begged her to get up. Then Kayla had heard the growl.

  A growl broke from Gage’s beast. He swiped out with his claws, and blood spilled on Davis’s white coat.

  “First blood,” Billy said, excitement thick in his voice. “Alpha always gets—”

  The wolf had sprung at her from the shadows. She’d tried to run, and his claws had raked down her back. She’d slammed into the floor, and he’d been on top of her. His mouth had gone for her throat.

  The white wolf leapt up and sank his teeth into Gage’s throat.

  Then the door had opened. She’d told Jonah to wait outside. When they’d first arrived back at the house, something had been wrong. She’d known it. Because she’d heard her mother cry out for help. And she’d smelled the blood when she’d stepped onto the back porch.

  Jonah had said that he’d wait outside for her. Jonah had promised. She’d made him promise.

  Gage shook off the other beast. More blood flowed. The shifters in the room were shouting. Lifting their clawed fingers up as they cheered.

  Cheering for death?

  He’d broken his promise. Jonah had come in. Had she screamed? She couldn’t remember. Would never remember, but she thought . . . she thought she had. She’d screamed and he’d come to help her.

  Gage slammed his body into Davis’s. They both hit the floor. Didn’t get up.

  The wolf had attacked her brother. Biting and clawing and Jonah had screamed. She’d been crying. Begging the wolf to stop.

  “Stop,” Kayla whispered.

  The black wolf’s head jerked toward her. In that wild stare, was there any of Gage actually left? Only the beast.

  But when he turned to look at her, Davis used that moment to attack. His claws sank into Gage’s shoulder.

  Gage howled and the memories blurred in her mind. “You can’t distract him,” Billy growled to her as his arms wrapped around her and he pulled her back. She didn’t even remember stepping forward. “He needs to kill the bastard.”

  Killing . . . that’s all she’d known since that long ago night.

  She’d managed to get to the drawers near the kitchen sink. She’d crawled her way there. Kayla had yanked open the drawer and grabbed one of the knives inside. “Get away from him!” Her yell had distracted the wolf. He’d let go of Jonah.

  Gage knocked the other beast away. Attacked again. Again. More blood. More howls. Gage was definitely stronger, but Davis was a dirtier fighter. And Davis wasn’t giving up, no matter how much blood soaked his white coat.

  The wolf came at her. She screamed and thrust the knife out. The silver handle glinted in the light before it sank into the beast’s thick fur. The wolf stared at her, eyes burning bright, then leapt away.

  With that knife still in him, he’d run through the open door. Gage had his teeth at Davis’s throat now. No more cheering calls came from the wolves. Only silence filled the room.

  Like the kind of silence she’d known when the wolf left her alone in the house that reeked of death.

  Her mother hadn’t been moving. Her brother—he’d been so broken. Eyes shut, barely breathing. All because of a wolf.

  “Stay with me, Jonah! Stay!” Her hands had grabbed him. Shook him. “It’s gonna be all right . . .”

  Her father was due home soon. He’d get there. He’d take care of them all. Everything would be all right.

  Gage wasn’t ripping the guy’s throat out. Why not?

  Her breath burned in her lungs. She didn’t want to watch this anymore. She’d never wanted to watch.

  Couldn’t she have more than blood and death? Just once?

  She turned away and pulled from Billy’s arms.

  She’d managed to drag and stumble her way into the living room. She’d grabbed the phone so that she could dial nine-one-one, then, there, in the corner, she’d seen—

  Her father had already made it home.

  “What the hell is the alpha doing?” Billy asked, voice whisper soft. “He can’t let him live, the pack won’t let—”

  Kayla glanced back. Gage was shifting. Muscles and bones reshaping. The fur seemed to melt from his flesh. Golden, strong flesh.

  Davis was on the floor. Bleeding. Chest heaving. But not fighting, not anymore.

  The shifters—at least a dozen, maybe two—were muttering. Glancing around uneasily. But they weren’t attacking. For the moment, no one was.

  “You wanted to join Lyle,” Gage snarled and his voice was still closer to that of a beast’s than a man’s. “Then you fucking will. I’ll deliver you to him and the hunters.” His hands clenched. Hands now, not the paws of a beast. “From this moment on, you’re out of this pack. Banished. If any one of us ever sees you again, you’re dead.”

  Gage wasn’t killing Davis? He wasn’t going to rip the other shifter open right then?

  “You’re Lyle’s bitch, so he can cut you up himself. And I’m sure he will.” Gage turned away from the wolf. “You’re not worth my claws.”

  Billy whistled. “That is cold.”

  Gage’s eyes were on her now. He was stalking toward her. Naked. Powerful. He . . . hadn’t killed. Wolves killed. It was what they did.

  She knew all about the pack trials. Two wolves. They fought until death. Only . . .

  Neither wolf was dead.

  “I’m more than you think,” Gage gritted out, and she barely could hear the words. Barely—because her attention wasn’t on him then.

  It was on the beast behind him. The wolf that was now up, not looking nearly so injured. Up—and launching at Gage’s back.

  Kayla didn’t waste time on a scream or a warning. Billy was already charging for Gage. He slammed into Gage, knocking the alpha out of the way.

  But Davis wasn’t stopping. He charged for both men.


  Kayla yanked out her gun. Aimed in an instant, and fired.


  Because he’d jumped into the air, the bullet slammed into the middle of the wolf ’s chest. He fell to the ground, and landed with a thud.

  Gage tossed Billy aside. No one spoke. No one moved.

  No one, but Kayla.

  “I guess that ends the trial.” She lowered her weapon. Gage heard no emotion in her voice. And she was so pale.

  Her gaze swept the room. “Any other pack problems we need to solve?” Her tone implied there’d damn well better not be any.

  The wolves glanced his way. They had a dead wolf on the floor, one who’d died by a hunter’s hand. Not exactly the way a trial by pack was supposed to end.

  Gage looked back at Davis’s body. Such a waste. And why? Power? Why hadn’t the guy understood? Being alpha was a pain in the ass most days.

  You had to put the pack first, when you wanted something for yourself.

  I want her. A hunter, mated to a wolf.

  You had to turn on your friends . . .

  Billy wasn’t meeting his gaze. How was he supposed to soothe that one over? A little, “Oh, s
orry, man, I thought you were setting me up to die,” wasn’t gonna cut it.

  And you had to lie to the woman you’d claimed as your wife.

  Your brother’s missing. No. Jonah wasn’t. That line had been pure bull. Jonah was right where he was supposed to be—at Lyle’s side. But Gage had to keep her away from that compound. He couldn’t let her race back there. So he’d lied.

  I’ll save her brother. I’ll make everything okay.

  Davis’s eyes were closed. The silver bullet had lodged in his heart.

  The bastard had been his friend. “See you in hell,” he whispered. Funny. He’d always thought he’d get there long before Davis.

  “Get rid of the body,” he told Shamus. The redheaded wolf was glaring down at Davis’s form. Yeah, after all that had happened to him, Shamus sure as hell wasn’t taking betrayal well.

  I don’t take it well, either.

  Neither did Kayla. So he was gonna have to be real careful how he played this.

  Except . . . she was turning away. She kept her grip on her gun and she walked toward the door. The other wolves eased back for her, clearing the path.


  They might not like her, but they respected her. Bullets and death had a way of showing a woman’s spirit. No wolf within, but the lady was one hell of a fighter.

  She killed to keep me safe.

  And he hadn’t killed . . . because he wanted her to see him as more than a beast. More than a monster.

  Could she?

  “Kayla!” He hadn’t meant to roar her name so much as just say it, but the beast was too close to the surface for much control.

  She stilled and looked back at him. She had a “don’t-try-me” expression tightening her face.

  He held out his hand to her. Some things had to be done.

  For the pack.

  For me.

  Just in case something happened . . .

  “My wife.” Now these words were softer, but still growled. It was time to claim his mate in front of the pack. She wasn’t a hunter anymore. She was one of them.


  Confusion swept over her features. She glanced at the other wolves. Then back at him.

  Gage kept his hand up. The pack needed to see them as unified.

  Kayla licked her lips and took a step toward him. “Uh, Gage?”

  Shamus hauled the body out of the room. Left a trail of blood in his wake.

  Yeah, wolf pack life wasn’t exactly sunshine and paradise, but his Kayla wasn’t the sunshine type.

  He didn’t speak, just waited for her to come to him. And she did. With slow, uncertain steps, when she wasn’t the type for uncertainty, either. Her hand lifted and, hesitantly, her fingers curled around his. “What, ah, what am I supposed to be doing?”

  She’d taken his hand. And he’d take her. “This,” he said simply, then pulled her against him. His lips found hers in a hot, hard, openmouthed kiss.

  The pack cheered around him. Blood, sex, and violence—yes, they all understood those three things.

  He kissed her harder. His tongue tasted her. So good. The best he’d ever had.

  Never let go. No matter what happened. No matter what he had to give up, Gage wasn’t letting Kayla go.

  And that was why he’d married her. Not for the pack. Not to get Intel on her boss. Not even because she might be able to give him children since her scent marked her as a genetic match for a shifter.

  He’d just wanted her. So he’d taken her.

  His head lifted. Her lips were swollen. Red. “Mine,” he said simply.

  No one spoke.

  Kayla glanced around. “Um . . . mine?” She said and pointed at Gage’s chest.

  The shifters roared their approval.

  She winced.

  Damn but she was cute.

  Gage lifted her into his arms. She was all that mattered right then. She might not realize it, but he’d pledged his life to her with that one simple word.


  Mine to protect. To care for.

  Mine to put above all others.

  Some of the pack might be pissed over Davis’s death. Some wouldn’t think that a human should have been involved in the trial.

  Some might even be wanting her blood.

  Not anymore.

  With that one word, he’d given a warning. Any who touched her would regret it because . . .


  No one hurt what was his.

  He carried her from the room that smelled of death and blood, and he didn’t look back.

  When the bedroom door closed behind them, Kayla knew just what Gage had planned.

  Not like it would take a genius to figure this one out.

  “Gage, I need to find—”

  He kissed her. Lowered her feet to the floor, then pushed her back against the wall. Her wolf was aroused, no doubt about it. And, okay, maybe she was, too. The guy knew how to kiss.

  Hell, yes, he did. Adrenaline still spiked in her blood, making her heart beat faster and letting that wild heat inside of her surge ever hotter but . . .

  She pulled her mouth from his and sucked in a fortifying breath. “We have to—”

  “Fuck,” Gage said, voice guttural. “I need you.” His eyes blazed down at her. So bright. She loved the blue of his eyes. “Not about the pack. Not about hunters. I just need you.”

  Her breath seemed to freeze in her lungs. Wasn’t that what she’d always longed for? Someone who needed her? Someone who just wanted her, exactly as she was?

  Darkness, scars, and all?

  His hands tightened around her arms. “I didn’t marry you . . . because you might be able to give me children.”

  That whole mate thing again. It could make a girl tense.

  “I married you because I couldn’t breathe without tasting you.”

  Oh, well. She wasn’t even sure what to say to that, but the words sure made her feel good.

  Besides, it didn’t matter that she couldn’t toss out a ready comeback. Gage didn’t give her a chance to respond. He kissed her again. His aroused flesh pressed into her. Long, full, so thick.

  Why did I marry him?

  Not for the mission. Not because he was a job.

  Because I wanted him.

  She still did. Always would.

  So she didn’t push him away. Why couldn’t she have what she wanted? Couldn’t she just take it? Take him?

  Her hands wrapped around Gage’s powerful, broad shoulders, and she pulled him closer.

  She loved the way he kissed. The slow thrust of his tongue, the sensual press of his lips. She got wet just from his kiss.

  His hands slid down her body. Curved around her ass. Lifted her up against his cock.


  Her body was already eager for him. She rubbed against him and liked it when he tensed against her. Power. It could come in so many forms.

  His mouth lifted from hers. He stared into her eyes. “I’m not letting you go.”

  He wasn’t talking about that moment. She got that part. But she didn’t want to think about the future then. About what could happen—or who could tear them apart.

  Then he was kissing her neck and she could just moan and shudder because, oh, yes, that part of her body was sensitive. When he used the edge of his teeth in the lightest of caresses, her eyes closed and her tight nipples pushed into his chest.

  “Bed,” he muttered against her. “I want—”

  Her eyes opened. “No.” Because this was also about what she wanted. Her hand pushed against his chest. That wonderful, naked chest and all those fabulous muscles.

  Her sex clenched in eager anticipation. Soon he’d be thrusting deep and hard into her, but first . . .

  He was naked. His thick cock pushing up toward her. So she wrapped her hands around the aroused flesh that she craved. Stroked him. Pumped once. Twice. He swelled even more beneath her fingers.

  Her mouth had gone dry. She wanted to taste him.

  Kayla eased onto her knee

  “Sweetheart, you don’t have—”

  She put her mouth on him. That move shut up her wolf. The guy’s eyes seemed to roll back into his head. She licked him. Sucked him. Loved his taste.

  Her hands wrapped around the base of his cock as she took his aroused flesh into her mouth. Deeper. Deeper. She tasted him with each caress of her lips and tongue. Salty, wild. He tasted just the way she’d thought he would.

  His hands were slammed against the wall now. Not on her. Gage wasn’t trying to guide her movements or force her to take more of him. No. He was staring down at her with feral eyes. His claws were out—in that wall. And a ragged groan that was her name tore from his lips.

  She smiled up at him—then took him deeper.


  She wanted him to come and—

  His claws ripped from the wood. He grabbed her. She started to flinch away. His claws . . .

  “Never . . . hurt you.” His voice was barely human.

  But he wasn’t hurting her. He was yanking her clothes off, tossing them aside, and pretty much shredding the material with his claws, but he wasn’t hurting her.

  Then he was lifting her against the wall. The claws never even skimmed her skin. He lifted her up and parted her legs.

  Kayla guided his cock to the entrance of her sex. When he thrust, she arched toward him so that his flesh sank deep within her.


  Their eyes locked. She couldn’t look away from him. There was so much intensity in his stare.

  Her sex clenched around his cock. Thrust. Withdraw. Thrust.

  Kayla’s hands locked around his shoulders as she rose up and then slid down, pushing back against him. She wasn’t going to be able to hold back for long. She was too aroused. Slick, sensitive, her sex parted easily for the driving thrust of his cock. Again and again and—

  She opened her mouth, screamed his name. Kayla didn’t care who heard her right then.

  Then he came inside of her. A hot rush of release that just sent the pleasure crashing over her again. She held onto Gage, digging her nails into his flesh. Marking him because no matter what the hell else happened between them, there was one thing that she was sure of. One absolute thing.


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