The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes

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The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes Page 12

by Nzingha Keyes

  Chapter 11:

  So now my life’s a story book but shall I take a second look?

  School, it was back to school after the break which seemed much

  longer than a week for so much had happened in such a short time.

  Back to miserable math classes but on the bright side a week was

  the end of February, the 28th is my birthday. And my boyfriend

  now went to my school as well as Alias. Back to…safety. But at

  the moment that was still in store for tomorrow. Should I still be

  scared about the whole crazy demon thing, cause I am. Maybe

  I should shake it off or something. But now Im back home in the

  City. It’s like eleven thirty so I should get off the computer and

  Stop writing I should talk to Alias and them. My mom asked how

  Was my week and said that I missed a whole bunch of calls from

  Kitty but I’m not calling because I’ll see them tomorrow. I really

  Should get to bed and let my beloved bunny sleep because he looks

  Royally pissed at being awake this late, but he’s not nipping me


  “Christophe!!!” she squeaked as she opened the window to let him in. Should I ask him now or later? She thought.

  You squeaked” he laughed.

  “You flew in my window!” she said excitedly.

  “Relax, my Jewel. It is dark, your mother is sleeping and- whoa!” He lost his balance and fell on the bed. “and what?” she said confused.

  “You-uh…clothes” Christophe said in a jumble. That’s the first time he’s stuttered on anything, so cute, wait…clothes-oh! She thought remembering all she was wearing was a tight-ish tank top and underwear as she lay on her bed playing with Geliebt-Dämon.

  “Sorry!” she said as she pulled on shorts feeling her face turn about seven shades of red.

  “My fault for not…knocking but you tempt me, kid,” he said tauntingly.

  “Do I?” she joked back relaxing some.

  “and don’t call me kid, I’m almost fifteen for your information,” she said.

  “And in July I’ll be seventeen, so what were you doing before I flew in?” He asked glancing toward the purple and black laptop.

  “Oh nothing, finding new music for my never-ending playlist,” she said flipping it closed with a yawn. He has eyes like Alias, the hazel with the specks of green but his are more special, specks of…green, gold and…amber, how beautiful, she thought.

  “Okay Jewel, I just came by to tell you to be careful,” he said seriously as he got up and kissed her hand. “That’s all?” she said pleasantly as her eyes fluttered closed beginning to welcome sleep.

  “No, and for this,” he said as she started to open her eyes and gave her this death defying kiss. “Night, Amethyst,” he said as he left back through the window of her room on the sixth floor with shy smile

  Stupid, sexy, boy, she thought breathlessly as she opened her eyes. Now I can’t sleep, she smiled flipping her laptop back open even though technically school was later today. It was then she remembered that he had told her to be careful. But he hadn’t told her of what.

  “Hey kiddo, suns up time for school,” her mom yelled through the door.

  “Ugh…I’m up” she mumbled back as she rolled out of bed looking at the twenty or so posters on her white walls. She pulled on a plain white shirt and black jeans and yanked her hoody out the closet and pulled her hair into a ponytail. Pouring a bowl of smores cereal and milk into a bowl and ate as her mom questioning her on her week at sunny’s house. A week with my best friend, her little brothers and her little sister. That’s not a sleepover that’s a week long migraine, she thought while she nodded at her mother while she ate.

  “You’re going to be late its 7:30,” Her mom said.

  “Okay,” she said eating her last spoonful of cereal. Her sneakers were by the door along with her book bag. “Later mom,” she said with a yawn.

  Ugh Romania felt way too much like summer for me to be back in the city already, and school no less, she thought. “Hey moonlight!” Amethyst heard a voice from down the street; she had forgotten she was at the bus stop.

  “Hey sunny, what up?” she asked noticing that her brothers were nowhere to be seen.

  “Where be the runts?” she said informally.

  “Oh, walking by alone for once. I haven’t heard from you in a week!!! What happened!!!” she yelled. Shit, what do I say? I found out I was half demon, got kidnapped by three boys and might be getting us all killed? She thought.

  “Sorry, I was uh hanging out with my new boyfriend,” she said unintentionally.

  “Your new what!? Since when? Who is he?” she said in a blur that was way too fast for 7-ish on Monday morning.

  “My boyfriend, uh since like Wednesday, Christophe,” she said back as she pulled out her metro card to hop on the bus. They talked and laughed the whole bus ride to school.

  “So when can I meet him, since he goes here?” Sunny asked.

  “Uh,” Amethyst said as she shook out her long-ish brown and blonde hair, “now” she answered. Christophe walked up with that interstellar smile. Damn, I can never get used to that, she thought.

  “My Jewel and her…best friend I assume” Christophe says calmly. Amethyst glanced over at sunny, who had the cheesiest smile ever until,

  “Oh my god,” Sunny said.

  “Uh I think you got her kind of…star-struck,” Amethyst giggled.

  “Oh, deepest apologies uh, sorry I don’t know your name. However I’m Christophe,” he said in his far too adorable Romanian accent.

  “Oh you can call me sunny, nice to meet you,” she said.

  “You as well, catch you later Jewel,” he said as he softly kissed her cheek and ran off to get his schedule.

  “Where did you get him!?!” Sunny yelled once Christophe was out of earshot.

  “He’s Alias’s older brother,” Amethyst replied with a smile as they walked inside

  Third period algebra, she and Alias were passing notes back and forth that were mainly about nothing…or they started out that way anyhow.

  Hey, did my brother tell you yet?

  Stop being cryptic Alias, did Christophe tell me what?

  You know if Christophe cared about you he would have told you before now.

  Told me what Alias?

  That the dudes that through the rock through the window is coming for you

  …I knew that much…they saw me

  And that what the little girl said was similar to “you’re the new one, the strongest weapon or threat”

  Um okay but why do I need to know that?

  He really has you love drunk, doesn’t he?

  What the hell are you talking about?

  Think about it Amethyst, You can be used as a shield to ward off whatever they’re going to do when they come. He using you as a shield you’re just a pawn in Christophe’s little game.


  I mean, why else would he go out with you so quick?

  And all it took was that and even though class wasn’t over, the teacher was yelling and she’d probably get in trouble, Algebra class was over for her. She grabbed her books and opened the classroom door, “Fuck you, Alias,” and then left. Of all the mean things to say, he had to say that? She thought. Just when I thought he might be a semi decent person he tries to…no way. It can’t be like that, can it? Christophe wouldn’t do that but….Her thought trailed off. As much as she didn’t want to stay at school, she had to talk to Christophe, soon.


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