The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes

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The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes Page 15

by Nzingha Keyes

  Chapter 14

  One Bright Day in the Middle Of the Night

  It’s February 9th and- Alias’s thought was interrupted by a scream from Amethyst who looked like she was sleeping. He saw Christophe shaking her.

  “Wake up, come on, it was just a dream,” he was spying as Alias watched her stir from whatever nightmare she must’ve been having.

  “Horror movie screech much? What happened?” Alias asked. She looked around, confused about where she was and unsure of what to say.

  “Are you okay? Do you need something?” Christophe asked.

  “To get out of here as soon as possible,” she said in a voice just above a whisper.

  “What did you dream about?” Alex asked in unison with Kristen.

  “She can’t be right, it’s not possible,” Amethyst said in a mumble.

  “What are you talking about?” all three boys asked, but the little girl just smiled and laughed.

  “I am so right, that makes me your little sister or something,” she said laughing.

  “Oh yeah, prove it then!” Amethyst replied angrily. What are these two talking about? Alias thought. She’s arguing with a little girl about a nightmare, are you serious?

  “Look, only blood relatives can open the door,” Kristen said gesturing toward the door that she had entered through. The guy changed Kristen’s blood? Alias thought, not wanting to think too hard about it. “Okay so all you have to do is touch the scanner thing and the door will open,” Kristen continued.

  “Alias, can you touch it?” Amethyst asked shaking.

  “Why?” Alias questioned.

  “Because if you cant open it and I can, then that means-” she stopped talking but I understood. I walk over to the doors. Some kind of enchanted steel and reach left toward the scanner and touched it, BZZZZZT!!!!

  “Ouch!!!!” I yelped as it sent a shock through my body. “Screw that!!!” I grumbled. Amethyst inched toward it and touched it gently and the light on the scanner flashed and read: Access Granted for, Amethyst Lyell Alexander.

  She’s the direct daughter of the bastards that are out to annihilate all fallen angels as well as my family’s bloodline, great, Alias thought. He expected he to be happy to know who her family is or at least her father, happy to know she wasn’t going to be killed, he expected a lot but he didn’t expect what actually happened at all, she broke down crying.

  “Don’t cry, superhero,” Alex said, knowing that the inside joke always made her smile but this time it just made her crying even more. Christophe came over and held her tightly.

  “It’s no big deal, who he is, and this means that it will be easier to escape,” Christophe said.

  “But he wants me to kill you!!!” she sobbed.

  “What are you talking about? Why would he want you to do that? It was just a dream!” Alex said from across the room.

  “You kidnapped his daughter from her caretaker, took her to Romania and enlightened her about being a half demon, taught her how to fight the caliber and on top of all of that, he wanted you three dead anyways,” Kristen said laughing.

  “But I don’t want all of you dead…I like you Amethyst and I like Alex and Silver,” She said jumping up and down.

  “Bu-what did I do?” Alias asked.

  “I can read your mind, you know too much, that’s why you don’t talk, you think about what’s happening and you thinking is going to ruin daddy’s plan, besides all you boys are here cause you did something wrong, remember? I can’t even remember clearly what I did wrong to begin with…did my brothers even have something to do with it? Alias thought hard. What did I do wrong anyways…I keep being put here on earth for some reason…but what is it? If I remembered what I did the first time I was fifteen…I would just fix it and age and then die I guess…what did I do?

  “I can show you what you did wrong if you like, just go to sleep,” Kristen said and the he slowly drifted off to sleep against his will.

  “But why would you even do that?” He whispered right before his eyes shut and he fell asleep.

  “Come on monkey boy, just hop the gate and pop open the latch,” The older boys called out to me.

  “But what if I get caught? Or what if they have some kind of alarm system here? I asked. Now they were all yelling rude things at me and I didn’t feel like speaking in English anymore, but I did.

  “Fine, fine,” I said while I pulled myself up over the gate feeling my baggy black jeans start to get caught I twist and jumps over.

  “See, little man? That wasn’t so hard.” Nathan, the oldest boy yelled from the other side of the gate.

  “So why didn’t you climb your ass over here and open it yourself? I asked as I pushed up the latch and opened the gate for the others. Nathan shoved him to the floor,

  “watch who you’re talking to, kid,” he said. I knew better than to hang out with all 19 year olds. I knew Christophe said not to get involved with them, but so what? Christophe didn’t know everything, besides these guys were my friends anyway.

  “Nate, what are we doing here?” I asked. They had just broken into some old looking insane asylum and not that I was scared of ghosts or anything but this seemed really sketchy.

  “Look here,” Nathan said as he pulled out a zipper lighter.

  “You dragged me here so I could watch you get high?” I said in disbelief.

  “Not watch, this is where we take the first timers,” Nate said while the others nodded.

  “No, see I don’t like being forced into confusion,” I said.

  “Just for once, man, quit being so serious and understand us”. I stared at them for a while,

  “okay, I’ll do it.”

  Fifteen minutes later and I can’t tell up from down but I’m laughing, we were all laughing. “Oh man, a ghost!!!” J.D yelled and we all laughed while he ran. Everything had color and was so vivid and- a person appeared out of nowhere so I reached forward and touch him, than he vanished. It was someone I had never seen before. I was still laughing and then another one showed up behind Nate and he screamed cause it touched him and vanished. Then some more of the appeared in front of all of us and we ran out the building screaming our heads off,

  “AHHHH! There’s ghost’s out to take our weed!!!! Run!!!” we screamed. Once were in the doorway Mike looked at me, J.D, Nate, Lucas and Ben and said,

  “What do we do?!” And after that Nate had us climb up to where the vines started on the top of the roof.

  “Little man, you gotta throw the lighter on the plants and burn up the ghosts.

  “But why me?” I said with a smirk.

  “Cause man, you’re the only one who can make the jump from the roof to the floor,” and then I just nodded at all the guys and said I would it. The others poured whatever gasoline was in their lighters into the roof and the four of them climbed down. I set off the zipper lighter and jumped off the roof a second before the whole roof exploded.

  “Way to go little man!!!” They were yelling in my ears.

  “Ugh,” I groaned. I was starting to come down off of the high and then J.D yelled.

  “Where’s Ben!!!!” I thought…only four of them got off the roof…been must’ve fell into the fire when the roof blew up. I ran inside even though I had probably broken something jumping down and heard Ben screaming,

  “HELP ME!!!!” So I ran into the fire trying to get him and then…darkness.

  I was jolted awake by the dream,

  “Oh shit! That’s how I died!? That’s what I did?! That’s why I’m here?!” Alias said incredibly fast. “He awakens,” Christophe said.

  “I did that? Wait but why am I here? I died saving someone!!!!” This makes no sense.

  Kristen reappeared. “You know those people you thought were after your weed? Yeah they were five demons that you killed on purpose,” She said. “So you killed a human, your other friends died in a car crash and you killed five Calibers, you would not be here if you hadn’t opened the
latch to get inside the insane asylum, get it? None of that would have ever happened had you had just said no and listened to your brother and stayed away from them to begin with, but because you didn’t…now you’re stuck here…doesn’t it royally suck?” She said. One thing was dreadfully clear to him; if Alex was damned here because he killed one of their kind what was he in for if he had killed five? He knew for sure he had to get all of them, including Amethyst, the hell out of here. Or else they might be better off being in hell after all.


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