The Emperor

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The Emperor Page 9

by N. M. Brown

  McQueen had needed a break after that. Every corner he faced down, he was hit with more heartache and even now with Wendell’s body, it was getting no better. “Where did you go?” he muttered to himself, looking out of his apartment window.

  Wendell was last seen in St. Bernard’s park in a village miles away from Wapping Woods. You’d have to drive or catch a bus to get between the two and if Wendell had walked, she would’ve been spotted. No one saw her, no one reported a little girl walking the contry roads, so how did she get there?

  Sighing, McQueen entered his room, longing for his bed and as he climb under the covers, he told himself he would find Wendell justice. But despite his brave words, that imaginary nagging wouldn’t go away and those two, tiny words still rattled in his head.

  Be careful.

  Be careful.

  Be careful.


  Sharp heels echoed off the wooden stairs as plastic and paper bags clashed, waking Echo from her sleep. Her neck protested and her legs cramped as she uncurled from the seat arm.

  The sun had completely disappeared from the sky and the stars gleamed across the black expance. Wilson had curled on her lap for most of the evening, absorbing her heat but wandered away in the late hours, probably to find food. Echo hadn’t felt like moving, and now with the doors of Cardinal House opening soon, she needed to get moving. Stiches pulled as she shifted, and she wondered how she would manage tonight.

  “Oh, you're awake! I wanted to talk to you.” Anna cheeped like a happy bird.

  “If i wasn't awake before, I am now.” Echo snarled under her breath, slowly sitting up as every bone protest.

  Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she was surprised by the sheer number of shopping bags Anna had collected and they weren’t cheap brands either. Most of all she couldn't believe Anna had paid for it all, thinking about how much it would have cost. One of Echo’s first lessons from Twilight was how to take anything she wanted for free.

  Oblivious to Echo’s mockery, Anna dumped the bags and immediately started to rummage through them. “I was shopping today, and I wanted to buy something nice for Canice, for our date.” Anna explained despite Echo knew there was no date.

  Nodding like she cared, Echo made a bee line for her empty bookcase. Instead of novels or historic texts, it was stacked with the last dribbles of whatever she could grab from downstairs; one shot of theexpensive whisky, bourbon, vodka and rum each waiting patiently at the bottom of the bottles. Reaching into the shelves, she swallowed a mouthful of perfectly aged of scotch and thrived off the sweet burn. It soothed her thrumming headache and she was sad to see the last of it go. One last swirl around her teeth and Echo felt more perky than she had all day.

  “What do you think?” Anna asked with a pop in her step as she held up two shirts. “I think the salmon pink would make his golden hair shine. But then this gorgeous navy would bring out his eyes?”

  “Isn’t it a little early to be thinking Queenie will take you back in any sense of the word?” Echo’s mood hadn't improoved since she'd woken up, but she quickly changed when she realised a ‘friend’ wouldn’t say that. So, she forced a smile and poured an apology into her eyes. “What I mean is, you’ve only been to see him once, and it hasn’t gone well. My suggestion would be to forget Canice.”

  “That-… That makes no sense! I knew you were trying to take him from me.” Anna stamped her foot, fury burning in her eyes. But Echo quick held up two hands, soothing the woman.

  “No, no you misunderstand. I mean, why should McQueen take you back? The way I see it, he should be begging to come back to you.” She smiled as understanding dropped over Anna’s face. “He’s here in dreary Rippling and I don't think you realise that such a place could be perfect for the both of you.” She winked, laying the friendliness on thick. “We’ll show him how well you fit, how you two coudl be perfect here together and he’ll come crawling back.”

  Anna looked contemplative, but it was for show. Echo could tell she was already hooked on this idea. “You might be right, but i don't see how. This town is boring old people and historical stuff.” Anna scrunched her nose in disgust.

  Echo felt a tingle from her toes all the way up her spine. “Well…” She said, devilish thoughts running through her head. “I don’t know how you feel about ‘historical stuff,’ but I knew a place we can try that creates a word fun. We can go, you know, to see if it’s to your liking?”

  Echo watched Anna out of the corner of her eye, gauging her reaction. She already knew this girl liked to party; most of the shoes in her case had drunk scuff marks and she didn’t present herself like a woman ready to settle down in pullover cardigans and sensible shoes.

  Stood with one of the shirts in hand, Anna stroked it. “I don’t know. I haven’t the clothes that I would normally wear?” She mumbled. “And it was so expensive coming here. I dare say I have no money to explore the town.”

  Echo all but cracked her teeth as she forced a smile, grinding out the next words. “Don’t be silly. What did I say: me-casa su-casa? I’ll take care of everything; we’ll have an amazing time out.”

  Anna squealed and Echo had to restrain herself as the girl bounced over and gave her a hug. All Echo wanted to do was punch her, the scheming money grabbing whore. Never had Echo paid for a night out. She could twist any millionaire around her finger and drink in a physical lap of luxury any night of the week.

  “This is so exciting! I haven’t been on a night out with my friends in forever.” Anna squealed again and danced over to Echo’s wardrobe. Instantly she was drawing stuff out, holding them up and discarding them as she found her perfect outfit. “You’re so good to treat me.”

  “Of course. It’ll be my pleasure.” Echo answered as her raging inferno soothed into a simmering ember. She couldn’t lose her cool just yet. She had many miles to go before she got the answers she wanted and only time would tell if it was worth it. "And it better be.” She whispered to herself under her breath, her brightly painted lips curling into a smile around her wicked, wicked tongue. “Or it’s Irish lamb for dinner.”


  As expected, Jacob was ready with the car waiting outside the front steps. His diligence never got old and Echo was happy in the knowledge he would be there as and when she needed him.

  At the sight of the gleaming car, Anna let out another squeal. In fact, she was so excited, she dashed across the front entrance hall and smashed straight into someone she hadn’t seen coming.

  “There must be something about people leaving this place in a hurry and I’m somehow always in the way.” Sandi groaned as she brushed herself off. Looking Anna up and down, the mysterious girl just huffed to herself. “The other McQueen. Full of the same aura: broken hearts, tainted souls. Such a shame.” She continued to mutter.

  “Excuse me?” Anna asked, “You’ve met my husband?” She spat the word husband, as if staking a claim, making sure Sandi knew exactly who was taken.

  “Yes, in a similar situation to this actually.” She smiled and Sandi’s eyes darted to Echo. “He was running from a truth he didn’t want to face either.”

  That made Echo pause. Sandi was a live-in; always around the house, often with Jacob, but did little and contributed nothing. As far as Echo was aware, Sandi greeted the customers and scammed them out of money with fake card readings. As a matter of fact, Echo could see her tarot cards strewn all over the floor at their feet now. Some face the floor, a beautiful black and gold design of an owl on show, while only a few faced the sky.

  “Running? From what truth?” It was Anna’s turn to throw Echo a look and all the dark mistress coudl do was shrug. As she said, Sandi did nothing but spout lies of the future.

  “He grew some strong feelings; feelings that question him as the man he is.” Sandi explained… but didn’t explain.

  Echo rolled her eyes. Typical. “I’m sure he was just running because he’d left the stove on.” She summarised and nudged Anna to the door. “We’d better get
going or we’ll be late.” She smiled.

  “You should be careful.” Sandi said, side stepping into Echo’s way. “Spilt blood and broken vows won’t make you family here.”

  Echo choked on air as she looked at Sandi, a challenge in the woman’s eyes. It was as if she’d reached down a shoved a hot knife into Echo’s gut.

  Many a time Echo had done things for the Sins: evil, immoral things and she could put her hand on her heart swearing she’d do them all over again. Echo’s lips trembled; how dare Sandi question what made her a part of this house. Sydney had caught her of guard before, but she wouldn’t doubt herself anymore.

  If Echo had been paying attention, she might have felt Anna tremble, but it wasn’t until the crack of flesh on flesh, did she register the furry on Anna’s face.

  “You bitch!” She screamed as Sandi’s cheek bloomed with a rosy-red handprint. “You have no idea what you’re talking about! Canice and I will always be family!”

  Echo gaped in admiration. Even Sandi looked a little shocked, but all she did was straighten like she’d had this reaction before. “I cannot help what the Fates want me to say. I’m sorry it wasn’t to your liking.”

  Anna seethed, spitting a quote from the bible, storming out the front door. “Though shall not suffer at the hand of a witch.”

  Stunned in the foyer, Echo looked at Sandi who’d pulled out a tissue and dabbed her face were Anna’s spit had reached her. “You told a devout Catholic her future?” Echo aske in a mocking tone. “Did you not think it might be a bad idea?”

  Sandi raised her head and softly asked a question the made Echo shiver. “Are you sure it was the Catholic girl’s future I was telling?”

  Fear dribbled down to her stomach. “I don’t believe in clairvoyants.” She answered truthfully. No one could know the future with absolute certainty, and any number of factors could change it, as simple as just knowing it. Sandi just performed tricks.

  “Maybe that’s so.” Sandi nodded and through the open door, looked to the fuming Anna who sat in the awaiting car. Obviously, she wasn’t deterred from her free night out. “But not every vision I see is heard.” Glancing down, Sandi bent to pick up the cards strew across the hall. Echo didn’t offer to help, but just watched and listened, finding herself intrigued with the charlatan. “See, these cards already speak of a future. Who’s I can’t tell: hers, or maybe mine, or perhaps, yours.”

  That made Echo snort. “Mine? Really?” But there was that twist of curiosity that still had Echo rooted to the hallway floor. “And what does a mess of fallen cards tell you?”

  Sandi, haven collected her cards straightened and held four in one hand, the rest stacked in the other. “Not much, there are only four.” With a sudden sly smile, Sandi looked at Echo with a challenge in her eyes. “Are you sure you want to know. There’d be no going back?” Echo just huffed at the challenged and waited.

  Sandi turned one card around, showing a delicate, intricate card that had lots of stars on. “The Ten of Pentacles on its head. It means a loss, perhaps a loss of legacy, something you hold dear. Something you will lose, squander, discard, maybe banish … I cannot tell …but you will be lost without it. Left to move adrift, alone…”

  “Go on.” Echo found herself saying, despite ordering herself not to react. Any kind of reaction was how the charlatan would interpret her, make the reading personal, but so far Echo was only hearing gibberish.

  Flipping the second card, Sandi showed five swords; two lying flat on the ground. “The Five of Swords: a battle will be waged, a battle will be fought and who comes out on the other side…” Sandi didnt removed her eyes from Echo, not even to look at the cards in her hand. “Others plot your downfall, they strive for conflict and no matter the cost, they must win. They will betray you.”

  An ugly snort resonated from Echo’s nose and she had to smile at the hilarity of it all. “Who will betray me? You’re just talking at me; this has no personal touches?” She gasped, but Sandi was truly in a trance now.

  Every joint had locked up, her eyes had gone milky white, rolling into the back of her head, and sweat gleaned off her skin. Echo listen but didn’t believe, not because it wasn’t the answer she wanted, but because it was the same old bull shit. Betrayals and destruction, Hell and chaos. She lived and breathed that world. “Look, I appreciate your attempt but…” Echo continued but Sandi wasn’t finished. She had two more cards and she was going to speak.

  “Judgment. It faces you, watching you… a decision will be made, a promise you will keep, one you can’t break. It will save you and break you… help and hinder… love and loss….” She took one last, long hollow breath, “And the last,” A tear rolled down her face, “The Wheel of Fortune spinning forwards, turning… always onwards to a new destiny… a new direction… Life or Death. Heaven or Hell. Earth or the Underworld … The Gods will know your name. The dead will know your name…”

  Sandi passed out. With one ragged breath she slumped to the floor; her body limp and lifeless. It was only after a heartbeat or two did Echo see the rise and fall of her chest to know she wasn’t dead.

  “Well good luck with that.” Echo said to the empty hall. Just as she’d predicted, nonsense mixed with a little hysteria. Little did Sandi know Echo had the hysteria beaten out of her a long time ago.


  The cooling air from the open window hit Echo’s face, the busy Rippling night life washing over her. True night had dropped, and she could see Anna still fumed in the back of the car. They’d both been sat in stubborn silence since Jacob pulled away from the house, but Anna had hit her limit.

  “Well? Why did the bitch keep you?” Anna snarled, twisting to face Echo across the back seat. “Did you two want to laugh about me? Whatever she said, she was lying. She knows nothing. She can’t know anything.” Echo just let the girl fume. “I will get back with Canice and we will be happy.”

  Echo just sighed, “I told you darling, we’re not getting Canice back for you. He’s going to come crawling back all on his own. So, for now let’s just see if Rippling is somewhereyou’d like to stay?”

  “If Canice is here, of course I do.” Anna snapped, trying to fringe disinterest, but there was a sparkle in her eye. “And what do you think I might be interested in?”

  “The two things all woman love, of course! Dancing and drinks!”

  Anna smiled, suddenly her spirits lifting. “Now that’s something I can get on board with.”


  What had once been an old theatre, now stood converted into a stunning, other-worldly night club.

  Club Elphyne: home to the banished Fae.

  A lit waterfall trickled down the backdrop of the old stage; illuminated with soft pinks, pale greens and aqua blue. The water rushed over the stage lip collecting in a pool that was once the orchestral stand. A stunning chandelier that gleamed like starlight, hung in the centre and slowly turned, catching the light. The auditorium that would have once been full of chairs, was an open dance floor with the bar running in front of the stage.

  “Welcome to Club Elphyne!” Echo said dramatically as she and Anna sat in their own private box, overlooking the rest of the Club. Angry patrons below hissed at their V.I.P status, but Echo could do as she pleased. She was an honoured guest and tonight, so was Anna.

  The floor was polished white stone the twinkled as if covered in glitter and sat in the Grand Tier they could look down from their private balconey. Climbing vines grew out of beds buried deep in the foundation, filling the room with gorgeous orange, pink, yellow and purple flowers.


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