No Place on the Corner

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No Place on the Corner Page 17

by Jan Haldipur

  social disorganization, aggressive policing producing, 152–53

  social isolation, 13

  social ties, 97–98; achievement-oriented young adults lacking, 48–53; employment opportunities impacted by, 52–53; immigrants and, 129–35, 137–40; justice-involved young adults and, 74–75, 77–79, 88; line-toers and, 52–60; parents and, 109, 112–13

  Southwest Bronx, 3, 6–7, 8, 9–11, 12, 13. See also specific topics

  Spofford Juvenile Detention Center, 142, 177n9

  staying straight, justice-involved young adults as, 73–79, 151

  stop and frisk, xi–xiii, 174n26, 177n4; arrests and, 24; blacks and Latinos disproportionately impacted by, 24–25; Bloomberg on, 90–91; citizenship and, 152, 164–65; clothing impact on, 43–48; conviction rate impacted by, 156–59; crime rate, in New York City, and, 22, 25, 26, 27, 90–91, 155, 168; Daniels, et al. v. City of New York and, 17–18; Davis v. City of New York and, 20; district attorneys impacted by, 156–59; Floyd, et al. v. City of New York, et al. and, xii, 20, 25; 42nd Police Precinct, rate in, 110; guns and, 91; immigrants and, 130, 133–34; justice-involved young adults and, 39–40, 75–77, 86, 89–91, 106–8; Ligon v. City of New York and, 20; line-toers and, 58–59; in Manhattan, 110–11; media coverage of, 1–2; parents experience of, 97–114, 151; Peters v. New York and, 23; police, cooperation with, impact on, 155–59; police, violent interactions with, and, 79–80; public space impacted by, 30–31, 34, 96, 101–3, 106–7, 152–53; quotas for, 163; reasonable suspicion standard and, 22–23; Sibron v. New York and, 23; Terry v. Ohio and, 23, 174n33; 13th Police Precinct, rate in, 110–11; Trump on, 168–69; 2011 peak of, 1, 110; witness testimony impacted by, 157–58

  Street-Level Bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Services (Lipsky), 32

  Summer Youth Employment Program, New York City, 72

  Syracuse, New York, 5

  Tactical Narcotics Team (TNT), 143

  the talk, 104

  terrorism, 94; Counterterrorism Bureau, of NYPD, and, 18–19

  Terry v. Ohio, 23, 174n33

  Thirsty Thursdays, 173n1; in 44th Police Precinct, xi; parents experience of, 100–103

  13th Police Precinct, stop and frisk rate in, 110–11

  tickets: parents paying, 101–3, 117–18; quotas for, 163

  TNT. See Tactical Narcotics Team

  the Tombs. See Manhattan Detention Complex

  Trespass Affidavit Program, 174n29

  Trump, Donald J., 168–69

  Turnaround: How America’s Top Cop Reversed the Crime Epidemic (Bratton and Knobler), 16

  Tyler, Tom, 155

  UF-250 form, 17

  veterans, parents as, 108–11

  vicarious victimization, aggressive policing producing, 108

  Vitale, Alex, 178n10

  War on Drugs, 29, 156

  Weber, Max, 28

  Weiman, David, 29

  West African immigrants. See Gambian immigrants; Ghanaian immigrants

  Western, Bruce, 29–30

  Wiley, Stephanie, 155

  Wilson, William Julius, 13

  witness testimony, 157–58

  Young Guns crew (YGs), 67–68

  Young Men’s Initiative, 65

  Youthful Offender adjudication, 176n10; felony convictions and, 74

  Zimmerman, George, 174n30

  About the Author

  Jan Haldipur is Assistant Professor of Sociology at California State University, Long Beach.




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