Book 1: Treoir Dragon Chronicles of the Belador World, Book 1

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Book 1: Treoir Dragon Chronicles of the Belador World, Book 1 Page 6

by Dianna Love

  “They were more foolish than dangerous.”

  Glancing around first, Evalle returned to Daegan. “Anyhow, the bottom line is the worst thing that could happen with Atlanta on edge is for your dragon to show up in public, Daegan. If we can find out who is behind the threat and stop them without any bloodshed or exposure, the media will blow off tonight as a stupid prank. Then they won’t be so quick to jump at the next anonymous tip. But if you shift and fly through Atlanta, it will be game over. We’ll all be outed to the humans. Then we’ll be hunted simply because they fear the unknown. As Beladors, we’d have our hands full just staying alive and protecting each other’s backs, but the human families of Belador warriors would also be at risk. Having a war with the humans would turn bloody and destroy any semblance for Belador family life.”

  She had a valid point.

  Much as Daegan hated to admit it, he couldn’t expose his dragon in this world. Additionally, he couldn’t use his powers most of the time either or the humans would see it.

  How was he supposed to protect his people with his greatest weapons out of reach and no way to shield them all in one place?

  Tristan stopped short. “I just heard from Trey. Devon Fortier hasn’t checked in for the last two hours. Trey sent two teams to search his area. No one can find him or Renata. Trey hasn’t heard from her or Noah, another out-of-town Belador. I told Trey I was with the two of you so he’ll send all of us a message of anything new. I also told him what we’d heard about an expected attack on Beladors tonight.”

  Daegan’s muscles tensed with the need to mount an attack and lead the charge to defend his Beladors.

  The tension of holding himself back riled Ruadh. Kill enemy.

  His dragon only echoed Daegan’s deepest desire. He’d hated war, but he had never hesitated to jump into battle. Soon, Ruadh, Daegan soothed silently, which eased his mind as well.

  Evalle asked, “Who are Renata and Noah?”

  “Renata is a badass female Belador from South America,” Tristan replied. “We teamed her up with Devon. Noah is skilled as well. He came in from the UK, but said he knew Atlanta well from having lived here for three years during college so we let him patrol alone. Other than that, we’ve been partnering local warriors with our people coming here from other countries.”

  “Devon has faulty telepathic ability.” Evalle sounded hopeful that this could explain a Belador being unable to communicate with Trey.

  Daegan angled his head at Tristan to address her point.

  “You haven’t been back long enough to know all the details, Evalle, but we’ve brought in over fifty additional Beladors. That means we always have a Belador close enough to help another pair.” Tristan slowed his steps and looked down, shaking his head. “Even Devon could contact at least one of our people with so many around. Renata had no problem with telepathic communication. Neither did Noah.”

  Evalle planted her feet at the edge of the trees and squared her jaw. “We don’t have time for any more planning right now with three of ours missing.” She snapped her fingers. “We need our allies.”

  Tristan’s eyebrows jumped at that. “Who?”

  “Adrianna for one, and Isak for another.”

  “I thought those two were at war,” Tristan said.

  “They’ll just have to call a damn truce,” Evalle snapped.

  Daegan brought up, “Isak is a good choice if he has no conflict of choosing sides between us and humans.” Isak happened to be one of a small group of humans who knew about the Beladors and other preternaturals.

  Evalle shook her head. “I have no doubt he’ll step up to help us. He will definitely protect other humans, but he has friends in our community, too. I also think he’ll do anything to keep Adrianna safe, regardless of their chilly relationship right now. His electronic surveillance and intelligence rivals that of any government.”

  Even Tristan admitted, “He did supply key information when we were hunting for you.”

  That information had gained Isak ally status from Daegan.

  A dark thought passed over Evalle’s eyes at the mention of her ordeal, but she lifted her chin like the powerful Alterant she was and continued. “We need Adrianna, too. She’s key to managing Isak so he doesn’t take things into his own hands.”

  Tristan gave her a look that questioned her sanity. “Are you on crack? Ask Adrianna to manage Isak? You want to piss off a witch who literally holds Witchlock in the palm of her hand?” He referenced an ancient witch power Adrianna possessed through no desire of her own.

  Daegan lifted a hand to intervene in what was tipping toward a quarrel. “Evalle makes a sound argument for contacting Isak.”

  Holding up his hands in defeat, Tristan said, “Okay, got it. We’ll hope for the best.” He turned, leading them into the copse of trees they’d reached. Tristan possessed the ability to teleport, but not a natural gift. He’d been given what he called a witch highball and some immortal blood while imprisoned by Macha.

  Once he stood in the center of the dark spot, Tristan turned to Daegan and Evalle. “Here’s my plan. I’ll find out the last place Devon and Renata were before they went dark then I’ll ... ”

  Trey’s voice boomed in Daegan’s head. Three Beladors have been reported captured and are to be used to prove preternaturals exist. That just broke on every local news station. Media teams are on the way to three locations. One is downtown in the area around the big Ferris wheel. Another one is Sandy Springs on a building under construction near the mall, and another location is around that UnveilCon in Buckhead. What do you want me to do?

  Based on Tristan’s and Evalle’s deadly quiet posture, they’d received the same message.

  Daegan replied to Trey, Send teams of six to each location. Tell them to wait for me, Tristan, or Evalle. Tell them not to approach anyone until one of us arrives, which will be in less than a minute.

  Got it. Trey’s presence in Daegan’s mind vanished.

  Turning to Tristan, Daegan ordered, “You head to Sandy Springs since the location did not sound specific. You can move around best with your knowledge of the area and being able to teleport. Evalle, do you know about the UnveilCon in Buckhead?”

  “Yep. Heard about it when I got home. I have a good place to arrive unnoticed. I’m envisioning the top of a one-story coffee shop in that area.” She dropped to stretch her body out, only touching the ground with the toes of her boots and her hands. “Send me.”

  Daegan pointed at her and she vanished.

  Tristan repeated, “Please don’t shift, boss. Like Evalle said, this could all be just to get a clear shot at your dragon.”

  A snarl ripped out of Daegan, but not at Tristan. He could not fight a war with his hands tied. “We will know soon enough who is behind this.”

  With a grim look on his face, Tristan teleported away.

  Daegan recalled a short building close to the large entertainment wheel in the middle of downtown Atlanta, but had no idea if people would be able to see him arrive.

  Following Evalle’s example, Daegan squatted down to remain on his feet while maintaining as small a shape as possible while teleporting.

  He would not expose his people to humans for anything, but neither would he allow even one to die.

  A woman’s voice with a Latin accent screamed in his head. Help me, Daegan! They're killing me! I am Renata Sanchez. I am Belador. Please, someone, help me.

  She screamed a blood-curdling sound.

  Chapter 4

  Tristan arrived in Sandy Springs two blocks from the mall often crowded on a Saturday night this time of year with summer shopping. He stood very still, because a cluster of humans were huddled just fifteen feet away with their backs to him.

  Sirens whined somewhere nearby but didn’t seem to be heading this way. Only ten miles north of Piedmont Park, he’d expected more rain. Water dripped on everything from grass to leaves on trees, but no more drizzle. For now.

  Humans in the military were known to have a developed
sixth sense, which alerted them to someone watching or approaching. This group of twenty-to-thirty-year-olds were too excited about whatever had their attention to realize they’d left their backs unprotected.

  Strolling up calmly, Tristan asked, “What’s going on?”

  One woman jumped all the way around to face him. She slapped a hand on her chest. “You scared the crap out of me. Where’d you come from?”

  Three more turned to glance at him and gave a casual look at their surroundings before resuming their observation. No sixth sense there.

  He gave the woman an incredulous look. “You didn’t see me walk over here a few minutes ago? I’m just looking for a good place to watch what’s going on. Heard the media was headed here.”

  “I don’t know. We haven’t seen anything yet.” She gave him her back, easily dismissing him.

  That easy acceptance made her prey in his world. Good thing he was here to protect humans, not hunt them. But first, he had to find out who had threatened a Belador’s life.

  Another female in the clueless group twisted to send him a sexy look and pointed when she spoke. “We’re waiting to see what flies off that building.”

  Tristan’s gaze snapped up in the direction she indicated. He stepped around them. In his peripheral vision. he could see the crowd growing and the media trucks setting up at the base of the twelve-story office building under construction. Shiny glass exterior walls had been installed, but two roll-off trash bins were full and miscellaneous materials had been piled around.

  No one appeared around the edge of the roof.

  He had to get up there and do it fast.

  But he couldn’t just blink out of sight with all the wide-open area between him and the building. He started running toward the building, not giving a damn that he might look like a human international track star.

  Trey shouted in his head. Just heard from Devon. He’s on top of a building in Sandy Springs. A troll with crazy energy has his hands bound and is going to throw him off head-first.

  I’m here, Trey. Tell him I’m coming.

  Will do.

  Tristan gave Trey the location of the building for the six-man team Daegan had ordered to each of the three areas, and for Trey to remind them to wait for directions from Tristan.

  He was still sixty feet from the foundation of the structure when someone powered up a spotlight.

  Throngs of people holding their phones tilted up to film someone’s death got in his way and pissed him off. Tristan shoved them aside to the sound of curses shouted at him.

  He swallowed his own curses for anyone wanting to capture someone’s murder for the Internet.

  Not someone.

  These humans probably thought a supernatural being was some kind of monster, not a person.

  Or did they think this was just a media prank?

  Someone shouted, “Look up there!”

  A woman screamed, “Oh, no!”

  Instead of looking, Tristan ran between two large news vans and teleported away. Tough shit if someone saw him. They’d have to prove it happened.

  He appeared on the roof, surprising a troll all the way across to the other side who clutched Devon’s body that lay stomach down on the parapet wall.

  Tristan shot across the roof.

  The troll pushed Devon off.

  Chapter 5

  Evalle appeared on the gravel roof of a coffee shop in Buckhead, the upscale wine-and-dine district for the affluent in Atlanta. Roofs were one of the best landing spots she knew of for teleporting to at dark. She only knew her way around this area from having patrolled at night to hunt preternatural predators, not to wine and dine.

  Lifting her head to check beyond the dark roof, no one noticed her from the sidewalk. They were dressed in a mix of costumes, many characters she recognized. They laughed and cut up, probably happy not to be in the middle of a downpour. The bloated air still soaked her clothes, but nothing more than a misting rain fell.

  Where was Noah? She sent a message to Trey. Evalle here. Has anyone found Noah?

  Trey replied, Stand by.

  Quinn’s familiar voice with a British accent came into her head. Evalle! I am in Buckhead.

  Quinn! Evalle probably shouted that too loud telepathically. Any idea where Noah is?

  Unfortunately, yes. Quinn gave her directions for where he waited a mile away.

  I’m on the way. She hurried to the backside of the building, saw no one outside, and leaped to the pavement behind the busy coffee shop, then took off. When she reached Peachtree Street, she struggled to weave her way through bands of people on the sidewalk.

  Were all these people here for the first UnveilCon?

  Who came up with that idea?

  And why was it out here in Buckhead in early summer when the big paranormal con happened every year during the fall in downtown Atlanta?

  Who knew?

  She only cared to find Noah, a Belador who deserved to go home to his friends and family after helping out, not be targeted by some lunatic supernatural.

  She almost fell over one of the many thin scooters dropped on sidewalks around the city when someone had reached their destination. The scooters required an app to activate them, but she didn’t have time for that. She grabbed up the one by her feet and started pushing it away.

  An alarm beeped loudly. Argh.

  Ignoring people glaring at her, she flicked her fingers covertly in the direction of the sound. Something made a pop. She moved the scooter again and no sound screeched. Dropping it off the sidewalk and onto the road, she took off running in that space between the road and sidewalk. She jumped on and used kinetics to spin the front tire fast.

  This was not her Suzuki GSXR motorcycle still in pieces in the garage, but she managed to zoom down the street quickly, passing cars.

  People turned and pointed. Jaws dropped.

  Let them figure out how her scooter went so fast any way they wanted.

  In less than a minute, she reached the spot where Quinn had told her to meet him.

  He had a dignified profile clothed in one of his pricey suits, but lacking a trench coat to protect it this time. The British clip to his words came from his education in England, but he had a face carved of old world Russian features with a thin nose, narrow jaw, and light blue-gray eyes. Standing next to a bus stop shelter, he watched for her like a lighthouse beacon searching the dark night.

  She raced up to the shelter, propped the street scooter against the covered structure, and hurried to him.

  Quinn opened his arms and gave her a quick hug. “I’ve missed you and want to catch up as soon as we can, but first we save Noah.” Releasing her, he got down to business and pointed. “This way.”

  “Good to see you, too, Quinn. I thought con events tonight were going on in a warehouse a few miles from here.”

  Without turning away from where he pushed politely through the crowds, he gave a short nod. “That is correct, but the media has swarmed this area in the last few minutes. I got here as soon as Trey put out a call for three locations. I was closest to this one.”

  “I’m glad.” She’d met her two best friends, Quinn and Tzader, when the three of them were captured by Medb warlocks a few years back. Those two had been the extent of her world at that time, but she now had Storm and her adorable two-foot-tall rescue gargoyle, Feenix, plus more friends than she could count on two hands.

  Her heart had always held a raucous party whenever she thought of her man, but everything between them had strengthened even more during bonding. She’d never known love, not the kind she shared with him. If anything, it had made her more confident, but she did miss having him at her side.

  “Shit!” Tired of bogging down in the crowd again, she told Quinn telepathically, We need these people out of the way.

  I agree, but we can’t very well tell them we’re looking for a supernatural predator.

  True, but she had an idea.

  Evalle cupped her mouth and added a bump of power when she
shouted, “Be careful where you step. Looking for my boa constrictor. It’s out here somewhere. Please don’t hurt it, but keep small dogs away.”

  Women began screaming in panic.

  Actually, men too. Everyone was doing their best to get away from Evalle. That worked exactly as she’d hoped, because no one had a specific exit point, which would have meant a stampede. Instead, the fifty to sixty humans right around them dispersed quickly in multiple directions.

  Quinn glanced at her. “Mean, but–.” His face jerked past her. “Noah!”

  Some people had moved away, but a crowd of at least eighty still gathered between them and two people staged at the entrance to a building.

  Driving his body like a human wedge, Quinn raced into the throng with Evalle right behind him, then he hit his brakes abruptly.

  She skidded to a stop, barely avoiding hitting him.

  Large television cameras propped on shoulders and phones held up to capture the main event. Personal videos were being shot from everywhere in a semi-circle crowd standing around steps to an elegant office building. The smooth stone finish reminded her of other buildings erected long ago when land cost far less than now in this area.

  Six steps up led to a half oval-shaped landing fifty feet across and twenty feet deep, which allowed plenty of room for business visitors to come and go.

  The doors appeared locked with a panel for punching in numbers to enter.

  Someone close to six foot tall stood in a dark blue robe with a hood, tanned feet in sandals, and what appeared to be stubby male hands holding a young man off the ground without touching his body.

  No wonder these people crowding closer had not budged when she shouted.

  Don’t come here. It’s a trap, screamed in Evalle’s head in spite of the Belador victim showing a calm face.

  Quinn winced, having clearly heard it as well. “We have to be careful or we could kill Noah.”

  She tried talking to Noah telepathically. Do you know what being has you in its grip? Finding that out would help her and Quinn come up with a way to attack the guy in the robe without putting Noah at greater risk.


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