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by Claudia Linnhoff-Popien



  Experian, “Third Annual 2016 Data Breach Industry Forecast,” Experian, 2016. [Online]. Available: http://​www.​experian.​com/​data-breach/​2015-data-breach-industry-forecast.​html. [Accessed 18 5 2016].


  S. Kroschwald und M. Wicker, Kanzleien und Praxen in der Cloud – Strafbarkeit nach §203 StGB, 2012, pp. 758–764.


  Forrester, “No More Chewy Centers, Introducing The Zero Trust Model Of Information Security,” [Online]. Available: http://​solutions.​forrester.​com/​zero-trust-model?​intcmp=​mkt:​blg:​sr:​ts-airwatch&​scid=​701a00000025sCn. [Accessed 20 6 2016].


  H. Jaeger und e. al., “A Novel Set of Measures against Insider Attacks – Sealed Cloud,” in Proceedings of Open Identity Summit 2013, Lecutre Notes in Informatics, Bd. 223, 2013.


  J. Schmidt, “Zukunftssicher verschlüsseln mit Perfect Forward Secrecy,” Heise, [Online]. Available: http://​www.​heise.​de/​security/​artikel/​Zukunftssicher-Verschluesseln-mit-Perfect-Forward-Secrecy-1923800.​html. [Accessed 11 9 2014].


  H. Jaeger und E. Ernst, “Telekommunikation, bei der nicht nur Inhalte, sondern auch Metadaten geschützt sind,” in D-A-CH Security 2014 – Bestandsaufnahme, Konzepte, Anwendungen, Perspektiven, Ferven, 2014, pp. 191–202.


  S. Kroschwald, “Informationelle Selbstbestimung in der Cloud. Datenschutzrechtliche Bewertung und Gestaltung des Cloud Computings aus dem Blickwinkel des Mittelstandes,” DuD Fachbeiträge, 2016.


  B. Hayes, “Alice and Bob in Cipherspace,” American Scientist, 09/10 2012. [Online]. Available: http://​www.​americanscientis​t.​org/​issues/​pub/​2012/​5/​alice-and-bob-in-cipherspace. [Accessed 16 7 2016].

  Further Reading


  M. Borgmann, T. Hahn, M. Herfert, T. Kunz, M. Richter, U. Viebeg und S. Vow, “On the Security of Cloud Storage Services,” Fraunhofer SIT, 2012. [Online]. Available: https://​www.​sit.​fraunhofer.​de/​fileadmin/​dokumente/​studien_​und_​technical_​reports/​Cloud-Storage-Security_​a4.​pdf. [Accessed 23 9 2016].


  TCDP, “Trusted Cloud Datenschutzprofil Version 1.0, ed. Pilotprojekt Datenschutzzertifizierung für Cloud-Dienste,” [Online]. Available: http://​www.​tcdp.​de/​data/​pdf/​TCDP-1-0.​pdf. [Accessed 24 9 2016].


  Donar Messe, “iQ.Suite Watchdog FileSafe,” 2014. [Online]. Available: http://​donar.​messe.​de/​exhibitor/​cebit/​2014/​W327921/​iq-suite-watchdog-filesafe-ger-286785.​pdf. [Accessed 11 9 2014].


  1EP: 2389641, et al.

  Part XV

  Internet of Things

  © Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2018

  Claudia Linnhoff-Popien, Ralf Schneider and Michael Zaddach (eds.)Digital Marketplaces Unleashed

  66. Preface: Internet of Things

  Goodarz Mahbobi1

  (1)axxessio GmbH, Bonn, Germany

  Goodarz Mahbobi

  Email: [email protected]

  I am very happy and thankful to live in today’s world – with all the technological innovation and the transformation of society, factories etc. The rapidly changing technological environment can be compared to the generational transition: from my birth until the age of five, there was barely any technical revolution or rather not a visible one. At least it was certainly not comparable to the revolution of mobile development during the first five years of the life of my daughter from 2003 until 2008.

  If we want to predict the business world of tomorrow, we have to observe the purchase behavior of our children: they walk into a store, have a look at the products, compare the prices on the spot by using their smartphones and order the product online if the price is more favorable. I have not taught my children to do so. However I can see them applying this particular behavior almost daily. It is exactly how we sometimes save money. The same applies to the communication of the future. Today our children ask us why we are using old‐fashioned mediums like e‐mails in our company; messengers such as WhatsApp or the likes seem to be far less complicated …!

  Not only the purchase behavior of the next generation is changing, the whole society is. Therefore especially retailers must prepare themselves. New technologies are changing our lifestyle. The basis for this change is formed by the internet of things (or in abbreviated form “IoT”).

  In my point of view, the entire technical revolution of IoT is based on four main pillars Mobile Technology, Big Data, Cloud Computing and Collaboration (see Fig. 66.1). Those four pillars are framed by three additional components network and ICT infrastructure, IT know‐how as well as development of new business models. I will comment on each component in more detail hereinafter: Mobile Technology

  The entire way of communication has been completely changed by the widespread introduction of smartphones. Put in global terms, today even more IP‐based devices are in use compared to an everyday item like toothbrushes. This is an upward trend. I would even go as far as to say that, for example, in the near future all employees of a factory will only able to perform their daily activities by the use of mobile devices. Other industries will also have to deal with mobile technology, if they want to keep up with the current trends. In short: “no app – no business”.

  Big Data

  This term refers to the collection and analysis of data as well as the recognition of patterns within that set of data, as far as I understand it. New insights will be gained and future events can be predicted by the use of big data.

  Cloud Computing

  In the near term, the cloud will replace personal computers. In the United States of America, more than 67% of users make use of cloud services and benefit from the ability to store data externally. Moreover users are able to access and run their data from any physical place in the world. The trend “data everywhere” will further increase since cloud services are scalable and more cost‐effective compared to local storage devices.


  As previously described, the purchasing behavior is changing. Known processes in procurement and sales have to be reassessed. Based on those findings, we have to learn and adapt ourselves to the new generation. This phenomenon applies to all other areas: the current IT approach will change radically as well and consequently also the cooperation between people, processes, data and mobile.

  Network and ICT infrastructure

  The above mentioned trends are only viable and functional as long as we have an intelligent, fast and reliable global network at our disposal. Another essential factor to be considered is the security of that network. The amount of sensitive data that is sent over the internet will dramatically increase. Precisely for this purpose, the provision of a secure infrastructure is essential.

  IT Know‐how

  Anyone who wants keep up with current challenges needs qualified employees. In large organizations, the management has to be sensitized at first. Afterwards, the skills of all employees have to be further developed within the company. However, the focus is no longer just on employees. Rather the entire IT know‐how of the upcoming generation has to be enhanced. It is imperative to enhance the syllabi and training schedules and to continuously train teachers, so that they train and encourage the employees of tomorrow.

  Development of new business models

  The development of new business models is the result of all abovementioned components. Only those who understand and purposefully implement the concept are able to develop new business models on medium and long term. This is how one can maintain and expand its competitive advantage.

  Fig. 66.1Internet of Things

  IoT is the basis for all future concepts; this includes buzzwords like smart factory or smart city. The entire
transformation of the industry will be based on, not only existing but also secure, internet of things platforms. The fact that standards need to be defined is self‐explanatory.

  The technical revolution is accompanied by a shift of emotions, which must not be neglected. It is our duty to prepare today’s society. The next generation however, the generation of our kids, is already “digital savvy” and requires no special preparation, they need a lot more education in handling of technologies.

  We experience the emotional change very differently through our society. 20 years ago, it was unthinkable to entrust credit card details to a stranger. In modern days, all payment details are stored at companies such as PayPal or credit card institutions. In China people even make all payments on WeChat, a Chinese Facebook/WhatsApp equivalent. What we call modern technology now, will be a given in the future.

  IoT is not only altering the work environment, but it also affects our way of live. And we are just at the beginning of a fundamental transformation.

  © Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2018

  Claudia Linnhoff-Popien, Ralf Schneider and Michael Zaddach (eds.)Digital Marketplaces Unleashed

  67. Cloud Technologies – May ‘Fog Computing’ Help out the Traditional Cloud and Pave the Way to 5G Networks

  Robert Iberl1 and Rolf Schillinger2

  (1)Bayerische Forschungsallianz GmbH, Munich, Germany

  (2)Fachhochschule Würzburg Schweinfurt, Würzburg, Germany

  Robert Iberl (Corresponding author)

  Email: [email protected]

  Rolf Schillinger

  Email: [email protected]

  67.1 Introduction

  In the 2015 Gartner Hype Cycle [1], the Internet of Things (IoT) is assessed as being on top of the Peak of Inflated Expectations. This usually means that the hype surrounding IoT technologies will gradually subside while at the same time real world applications of IoT technologies will be seen more and more frequently. In order to fully tap the potential of these new IoT applications, however, a solid foundation for processing, transferring, and analyzing is imperative. Fog Computing and 5G networks are potential technologies to help exploit the full potential of IoT.

  Fog Computing is a relatively new concept, coined in the years 2013 and 2014 and originating mainly in the IT industry, not the research community. In short, Fog Computing describes the increasing permeability of Cloud Computing technologies across provider and consumer boundaries. Traditionally, the popular approach to Cloud Computing is to regionally centralize the computing power in large data centers whose architectures strictly adhere to Cloud Provider boundaries. As a result, these infrastructure architectures guarantee lower operational costs and stronger application security. The obvious need for redundancy and resilience is fulfilled through industry standard provisions within the Cloud provider’s sites (e. g. redundant SANs, highly available virtualization infrastructures) and by providing the possibility for other data centers within the Cloud provider’s own network to take over parts of the workload in case of a catastrophic failure to one of the sites. This approach is very common these days and scales to millions of users of a single service without a problem.

  Millions of users and sharply defined services are not the reality in an Internet of Things (IoT) setting, however. In the IoT, user figures are in the billion range and applications in the IoT are of a very diverse nature. The sheer amount of input data that will be received from globally distributed sources makes such central data processing structures less than ideally suited for these tasks.

  Another defining factor of the IoT is its “always‐on” approach that requires secure, reliable and performant network connections everywhere on earth. 5G networks can be designed to allow for such a connection for the billions of devices projected to join the IoT in the next years.

  In this chapter, the relation between Fog Computing and 5G networks will be analyzed by first defining Fog Computing requirements on mobile networks and relating some current 5G network architecture proposals to these requirements.

  67.2 Fog Computing

  According to Stojmenovic et al., Fog Computing “extends Cloud Computing and services to the edge of the network” [2]. A typical and frequently described use case for Fog Computing is the processing of the vast amount of data originating in the Internet of Things (IoT), with billions of sensors and mobile and stationary computing devices with varying performance profiles and a wide range of capabilities. Each of these devices is a potential Fog infrastructure node taking part in the execution of Fog services. Thus, actual computing workloads with an attached set of data and respective inputs and outputs are distributed and executed across these (arbitrary) nodes.

  In general, the distinction between Fog Computing services and traditional Cloud Computing services is not clear cut. An often cited distinction between the two concepts is just the “location” of the computing process itself. While the physical location of each running process is always known to at least the service provider’s backend systems, a strictly and unambiguously defined cutoff point for the distinction between Cloud and Fog cannot be defined. The further this process is moved toward the end user, the more likely the resulting construct is termed Fog Computing [2, 3], however.

  Distributing workloads in this fashion has a number of palpable benefits. A very frequently mentioned advantage is the Data Locality [2, 3], describing the obvious proximity of the data sources to the data processors. This is an essential property for systems processing data on IoT scales, as today’s Big Data systems do not require access to the raw data material in order to arrive at meaningful results. Careful extraction, filtering, and aggregation at the closest available nodes is an excellent countermeasure to data privacy and data security problems associated with transmitting IoT sensor data across the globe while at the same time limiting the consumed bandwidth.

  Lowered latency is another benefit frequently attributed to Fog architectures [2, 4]. It is important to note, however, that the described latency is not the latency of a user‐facing application but rather the latency with which data sources and data processors communicate. Low latency is essential for many applications in the IoT that do the above mentioned filtering and aggregation of data before sending it off to upstream data processing components in Cloud Computing centers.

  A further defining benefit of the Fog paradigm is its support for Mobility [5]. Many IoT scenarios like Vehicle Ad‐Hoc Networks (VANETs) require that the data processor constantly and reliably receives data from sources travelling at potentially high velocities [6]. Having data processors executing on potentially any node on the edge of the network renders this possible since the data processor can move alongside its linked data source by being migrated to suitable nodes within the data sources’ vicinity.

  Up until now, the research community as well as key industry players advocating the Fog allocated it the role of an IoT enabler but do not expand Fog Computing into a larger context. There is, however, the possibility to further extend Fog Computing concepts by simply relaxing the requirement that the Fog nodes at the network edge must be under control of either a single or of multiple but collaborating organizations. In such a – so far mostly hypothetical – scenario, the Fog would be extended to encompass locally available computing resources regardless of their respective operators, choosing the computing node solely on properties like its location or its current utilization.

  Considering this definition of the Fog, a future 5G network architecture needs to support the following functionalities in order to be a suitable platform for this type of Cloud evolution: Location Awareness – to permit data locality, the underlying network needs to provide location awareness functionality to its application layer.

  Quality of Service – to sustain reliable latency during connections, the network h
as to support QoS provisions and needs to be able to automatically broker suitable connection parameters.

  Mobility framework – to fully provide Mobility as postulated above, the network needs to combine Location Awareness, Quality of Service, and an intelligent protocol suite to form a Mobility framework.

  Security – Fog Computing has the potential to allow execution of arbitrary workloads on arbitrary nodes without a central instance that could reliable certify the security of both, the workload and the nodes. Therefore, the network has to provide basic and advanced security services in order to alleviate the security problems attached to this paradigm.

  67.3 Mobile Networks in the Context of Fog Computing

  In the mid‐seventies first steps towards cellular networks had been undertaken. While the first generation of cellular networks was purely analogue, a major step towards fully digital networks followed already with the advent of 2G networks. These networks, also known as GSM, were rolled out all over the world in 1992 and paved the way to groundbreaking inventions like roaming or data transfer over cellular links. Thus, GSM was the standard for the years to come.

  Mobile data transfers gradually became more demanding; this is why the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) became the core network architecture around the turn of the millennium. By combining aspects of the 2G network with new technology and protocols, the data delivery rate was significantly increased. In addition to being more secure than its predecessor, 3G telecommunication networks, by relying on bandwidth and location services, enabled the design of applications not previously available to mobile phone users. Today, most of the networks rolled‐out LTE technology, a so‐called 4G network. They are based on the International Mobile Telecommunications‐Advanced (IMT‐Advanced) standard. The core of these networks is purely IP based and consequently voice calls are carried via Voice‐over‐IP (VoIP). Moreover, 100 Mbps must be delivered as data speed, and multiple network types must be supported. Thus, going from 4G to Wi‐Fi and vice‐versa is a feature which is only hampered through network providers’ efforts. 5G networks are currently in the planning phase and will see widespread deployment within the next 4–5 years. The overall success of 5G networks is dependent on the development of a secure and robust environment that provides users with a safe, fast, and reliable connectivity and underpins the future generation of applications and services. 5G is not only a merger of fixed and mobile networks, it will also take into account sectors that are especially data‐intensive (e. g. automotive). 5G networks additionally appear to be the ideal underlying platform for smart services on the IoT since they facilitate the necessary mobility of intelligent data processing to arbitrary network locations while allowing to maintain the availability of smart gateways, also known as intelligent access solutions and their communication paths to the Cloud also considering Fog computing.


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