The Sleeper Must Awaken

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The Sleeper Must Awaken Page 8

by Kip Terrington

  The next slave before him lay on a stretcher, with no arms, legs, or tongue. The troll-kitsu hybrid stared up at him with her hazel feline eyes. Cat ears on a troll did not necessarily make the slave cute, but it did add a certain amount of kindness to her visage. Fortunately, Moes had spent a significant portion of his time with this slave and had healed much of the mental and spiritual damage inflicted over the decades. This troll-kitsu, named Molasses, was bound tighter than Joe had yet seen nor imagined possible. The slave mark, though primarily on her forehead, wove through the paraplegic’s body through mana binding wires.

  With his mana at full capacity, Joe knelt and placed both of his hands on her forehead. A message popped up in his HUD.

  Warning! You are attempting to break a Grand Binding woven by a malevolent mistress. Whether you succeed or fail in breaking the mark, she will be informed of your attempt.

  Do you wish to proceed with the attempt? Yes/No

  Before Joe could click yes, a half asleep Spooky flew in his face, hands held high.

  “Wait, Joe, let's at least talk about this first,” Spooky pleaded as she wiped sleep glitter out of her eyes.

  “What's there to talk about, Spooky? I'm going to free these people. It doesn't matter if their former owners find out,” Joe defended.

  “I know that! I'm not saying you shouldn't. I would just like you to pause for a moment so that we can assess this new wrinkle. When I was putting these people in order I had only asked how long they had been slaves. It appears that Molasses has a slave mark that’s unique from what you've broken before. At least let me perform a more comprehensive analysis before you continue,” Spooky cautioned. Molasses’s eyes filled with worry.

  “Are you awake enough to do that?” Joe asked.

  “I am. I just took a little cat nap. No offense, Molasses,” Spooky winked, but the feline troll returned a blank expression.

  “Molasses, is it alright if Spooky assesses you a little more thoroughly? It's not going to change anything. I will still do everything in my power to free you,” Joe reassured. Molasses had no tongue, hands, or feet to communicate, but the slave language of gesture had already dealt with these challenges. Tilting her brows downward, slanting her jaw to the side, and scrunching one shoulder, Molasses communicated, “I trust you” to Joe.

  “Proceed, Spooky,” Joe instructed.

  The dark fairy flew over the stretcher and scanned the troll-kitsu hybrid. Carefully, she examined the bindings placed upon the young woman. It was clear that she could not distinguish all of them as there were some she could detect that were far beyond her ability to see. The bindings within her vision, however, were intricate and meticulously woven throughout the slave’s body. It was unclear why this manner of binding had been deemed necessary or why one slave would be bound so much more securely than another. Unfortunately, from her assessment, it was unclear whether Joe would have the skill or ability to break this Grand Binding.

  “Molasses, your bindings are quite elaborate and complex. I had not anticipated this complexity and I don't know how many others have similar bindings, but it may be a challenge for Joe to break these types of bonds. Don't worry, Joe is not one to turn away, even from a seemingly impossible task, but it might be best if we moved you from your stretcher to the top of that mithril covered box. That is Joe’s place of power and it will give him the highest probability of breaking these bindings. Can we place you on top of it?” Spooky asked and Molasses immediately nodded the affirmative.

  Once again, Joe noted how Spooky seemed kinder than she had the day before.

  “I should have thought of that earlier. I was prioritizing speed, not necessarily efficacy. Thanks for the intervention, Spooky, and for not attempting to bump Molasses to the back of the line,” Joe said.

  “I may have made some poor decisions in the past, but trying to stop you from helping someone once you've started, well, that's a no-win scenario,” Spooky said.

  “I don't believe in…,” Joe began.

  “I know, you don't believe in no-win scenarios. Focus, Joe, you can do this,” Spooky said. Joe smiled in response. Carefully, Joe picked Molasses up and laid her down upon his place of power. She wiggled a bit.

  “I know, right? All of the ley lines that come together at that node really tickle the senses, huh,” Joe laughed as he put his hands on her forehead. Again, the message returned in his HUD.

  Warning! You are attempting to break a Grand Binding woven by a malevolent mistress. Whether you succeed or fail in breaking the mark, she will be informed of your attempt.

  Do you wish to proceed with the attempt? Yes/No

  Joe clicked yes and the new process began. Before he could say a word, he felt his mana and authority being challenged. A bar popped up in his vision with numbers under it.

  Grand Binding Structural Integrity

  100 out of 100

  “Slavery will not be tolerated in this kingdom. With the might of my arms and the strength of my will, I, King Joe, will abolish it,” Joe began.

  Grand Binding Structural Integrity

  99 out of 100

  “I, Joe, Master of the Five-Sided Castle, Defender of the Weak and the Oppressed, Holder of the Immovable, Abolisher of the Bunny Plague, Finger Gun Extraordinaire, declare that Molasses will never again be the possession of anyone or anything,” Joe said with confidence.

  Grand Binding Structural Integrity

  80 out of 100

  Joe took a deep breath, steeling himself and sensing his mana drain and replenish. Joe believed his efforts should have dealt more than 20% damage. Sweat began to bead on his brow, but he knew he couldn't lift his hands to wipe it away.

  “Before the conflux, this mesa had no castle, but now it stands as a true wonder. I am nearly a hundred years old and, in that time, I have gained in wisdom. It is a small amount of wisdom, but still important. I have gained the insight that, for all of my vaulted knowledge, I know almost nothing. One thing I do know, however, is that the natural state of all sentient beings is freedom. Evil in this world, and in all worlds, seeks to destroy liberty, but I stand against it. I will not lift my hands from Molasses’s forehead until I have broken this mark. This is my place of power, my stronghold. I will not be denied. Here, my authority will not be challenged,” Joe proclaimed through gritted teeth.

  Grand Binding Structural Integrity

  50 out of 100

  Though Joe’s place of power was regenerating his mana, Joe’s authority was insufficient on its own to break the intricate bindings. Watching Joe struggle, Spooky feared he would fail and Molasses would remain bound forever. In a moment of clarity and determination, she rushed to Molasses’s side. Landing lightly on the mithril table, Spooky resolutely placed her tiny hands beside Joe’s on the forehead of the paraplegic. Uncertain if it would make a difference, she spoke.

  “Throughout history, slavery has done nothing but destroy the spirit of both those in bondage and even those who chose to oppress. I will not allow such a cancer in this kingdom. I, Spooky Joy, Builder of Obsidian One, Secret Keeper and Covenant Maker, declare in my place of power that Molasses is free,” Spooky announced.

  Grand Binding Structural Integrity

  20 out of 100

  Suddenly, Molasses’s body seemed to tighten. Spooky was about to continue, hoping a longer speech would weaken the mark, until her eyes fully opened. She saw a binding line extending out from Molasses’s body. This strong invisible line went from Molasses’s head out toward the mountains. Following it with her E.I. vision, Spooky realized this invisible binding cord most likely led down into the Subterranean Caverns where the aforementioned malevolent mistress resided.

  The binding line began to glow brighter to Spooky’s eyes. It pulsed and then pulsed again. The pulsing came faster and faster until it was a nearly blinding strobe. Molasses’s eyes closed and when they opened again they were pitch black. Scanning her immediate environment, Spooky tried to understand what was happening. She saw several binding lines
heading in the same direction.

  Molasses’s mouth began to open and close as if attempting to speak. Then it closed and formed a soft smile that couldn’t hide the malevolence underneath it. Spooky noticed that the bindings around and inside the mouth unraveled. Then, the mouth opened wide and both Spooky and Joe saw a tongue grow where once there had been only scarring.

  “That's much better, isn't it? These hybrid trolls can regenerate so easily. When not bound, that is,” said a seductive voice that was more vulgar than enticing. It was clearly not Molasses.

  “We will not allow you, Malevolent Mistress, to hold Molasses as a slave any longer,” Spooky yelled, hoping she could quickly break the mark before the level of danger rose too high.

  Grand Binding Structural Integrity

  15 out of 100

  “A dark fairy with magical potential, that's surprising. Where did you come from, little one? I could have sworn the light fairies were successful in their decapitation. Who doesn't enjoy a good royal genocide every now and then, am I right? Though, on the other hand, it does thin the diversity of blood, and I do so hate it when delicacies are removed from my evening cocktail. Wait, what is that I sense from you? You're an infant binder, aren't you? What’s more, this experience right now has granted you perfect binding sight. You are so fortunate. Without witnessing me communicate through the cord, your sight might never have fully developed. It’s a rare talent. Congratulations on taking one more step in becoming a true binder like myself. The fact that you have any magic at all makes you a near impossibility. Clearly, you hail from the dark fairies’ royal family. Where have you been hiding all this time? The bigger question is… why haven’t you taken your place? Hehehe. Those little light-winged babies are going to be so annoyed when they find out,” the mistress said with an unsettling high-pitched giggle.

  New Fact:

  221- When a troll-kitsu laughs, feline dander is released into the air.

  “I, Avatar of Spooky Joy…,” Spooky began.

  “No,” interrupted the mistress casually through Molasses's mouth. Then, with an unreal explosion of black electricity, Spooky shot violently away from Molasses’s forehead. The dark fairy flew across the cathedral and impacted with the geodesic dome windows with a metallic thud. Having a hard exterior of dense metal, she survived the collision. Her limp unconscious body fell to the floor with one more clank.

  Joe wanted to run to her so that he could heal her, but right now his sense of triage told him he could not leave Molasses until she was freed.

  “Oh well, I guess I did the light feys’ work for them,” the mistress lamented.

  “Spooky called you Malevolent Mistress. Is that how I should refer to you?” Joe asked. Shifting her attention, she seemed to notice Joe for the first time.

  “Well, hello to you! What a day. I get to kill the last dark fairy of royal blood and meet a new beau. I don't know what you are, except yummy. Your face is mostly hairless, but you have the elegant jaw structure of a yeti. It is too bad that this hybrid doesn't have arms. I would love an embrace. As for what you can call me, you can call me anytime,” the mistress said playfully.

  “Okay, Anytime, let go of Molasses right now,” Joe said with no humor present in his voice.

  “That's not what I meant, and you know it. If you don't wish to be playful, so be it. Call me Mistress Alenia. I will not release this slave, as it is the property of my realm. Do you think it is simple to bind a troll hybrid? I can assure you it is not. You've already nearly ruined this Grand Binding. No matter how cute you are, I will not allow this to continue. Go,” the mistress commanded and a powerful black electric blast discharged from the hybrid’s head. This time, however, it wasn't against a dark fairy, it was against seven feet of pure muscle.

  Joe’s muscles locked up, but he maintained contact with Molasses and held his position. Through the spasming pain, he looked down at the possessed eyes of the hybrid paraplegic.

  “I'm not going anywhere,” Joe resolved.

  “Impressive. Pretty and tough- I like that combination. But now that you know what's coming, can you allow your body to go through that a second time? You can't have my hybrid. Her blood is too precious to me, too valuable. GO!” Alenia yelled. As the black binding energy began to build up, Joe noticed it was hurting Molasses’s body. As fast as he could, he began to release healing mana through his palms, cancelling out a strong electric blast.

  “Big, beautiful, and you have magic? You are quite a catch. In order for you to cancel out my attack so efficiently you must have some variation of Life Magic, you'll make a good slave. How did you obtain this hybrid?” Alenia asked.

  “I've almost broken this binding and I know how to counter your attack, you might as well just give up,” Joe said.

  “Unfortunately, I can't use my full power through a puppet like this. You'll require my actual presence to be subjugated. You are quite fortunate I am a rare beauty. A magnificent vampiress, like myself, comes along once in an age. I almost envy you the fortune of seeing someone like me through your own eyes, very exciting for you. Now, I just need you to come to me,” Alenia cajoled.

  “I'm not a puppy who comes when called. By my authority, I break this mark!” Joe shouted.

  Grand Binding Structural Integrity

  18 out of 100

  “That's interesting. Seems like your authority is getting less potent. That's probably because I'm around. You know, someone with real power. Someone you're afraid to even face,” Alenia whispered as if it was a secret.

  “Does that work on every man? Call them a coward and then they come running?” Joe questioned.

  “Usually it does. Men are kind of dumb,” Alenia said out of hand.

  “People can be dumb, but not every individual is. I don't claim to be a genius, but it's going to take more than calling me a chicken to manipulate me. I can feel you trying to strengthen this binding but here in my place of power I'm not weakening. You might as well let go. There will be no slavery in my kingdom,” Joe said.

  Grand Binding Structural Integrity

  13 out of 100

  “Bravo, pretty boy, your powers of deduction do astound me. I'm going to lose this slave to freedom, but you don't seem like someone who will stop at freeing one slave. How many others do you have with a Grand Slave Mark on them? One? Two? Or do you not even know? What are you? I can feel that this puppet is on a place of power, and I see a binding line connecting you to it. Are you a Champion? You are! But there’s more, you are unbound!” the mistress exclaimed. Joe winced as if slapped. “If I needed confirmation, you just gave it to me. Who would be so foolish as to summon an unbound Champion? I bet you already killed them and took over their kingdom. I need another Champion. I would sacrifice almost everything to possess you. If I knew where you were, it would be so much easier for me. As such, I'll have to take some rather drastic measures. I can feel your strength through the bond. You are extraordinary. I must have you! Once you free this hybrid, she can tell you how to find me. If you do not come to me within three month's time, any slave you now have with a Grand Binding will die,” Alenia said.

  “I won’t be coming. You are untrustworthy. Even if I did come to you, you would still kill the slaves. I will fight to free the slaves, but not on your terms,” Joe said.

  “You’re such a pill. But I love pills, so I will humor you. If you come to me within the time limit, I will release the slaves with a Grand Binding who are located outside of my territory. I swear this on my magic, I swear this on my longevity, and I swear this on my authority,” Alenia pronounced.

  A message popped up in Joe’s HUD.

  Take Heed! You are witness to a Binder’s Oath. Such an oath is not given lightly. If Mistress Alenia breaks this oath, she will face consequences to her magic, her longevity, and her authority.

  “What are you looking at? I’m down here. No matter. Soon all of your attention will be mine. If you don’t come to me, I will come for you. I have bought you at a hefty price. If yo
u come to me, I still lose a few slaves with a Grand Binding to freedom. If you do not come, then I lose them to death. Either way, you are bought. I can feel my control slipping, so I'll be leaving you now. See you soon, you big delectable debutante,” the mistress said.

  Molasses’s eyes closed and then opened once more, now with her normal troll-kitsu eyes, only filled with fear.

  “Don't worry, Molasses, she's gone. I can feel the binding weakening. You're almost free. Stay calm,” Joe said. Then he began to cast healing spells on the young paraplegic, hoping to remove any of the taint left by the possession. The healing energy was the feather that broke the binding’s back.

  Grand Binding Structural Integrity

  0 out of 100

  With the sound of a cannon firing, the mark broke and Molasses let out a gasp of relief. With the binding no longer holding back her ability to regenerate, all four limbs slowly began to heal.

  “Quickly, get her food now! I won't have her die of starvation and dehydration after she was finally freed,” Joe said.



  You have successfully liberated a slave puppet of the Great Mistress Alenia and, in doing so, have shone a new light on the problem of slavery that runs rampant across the face of this Moon.

  XP received:

  Base- 612, Voice of Monty Ring bonus- 612


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