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by Lucy Riall

  114. Bernardi, ‘Garibaldi’, p. 44. This is a play on words: ‘campagne’ means both ‘campaign’ and ‘countryside’ in French.

  115. R. Grew, A sterner plan for Italian unity. The Italian national society in the Risorgimento, Princeton, NJ, 1963, pp. 291, 293.

  116. Regno di Sardegna, Camera dei Deputati. Seduta del 12 aprile, in Garibaldi in parlamento, 1. Dalla Repubblica Romana a Aspromonte, Rome, 1982, pp. 64–7; P. G. Boggio, Cavour o Garibaldi? Turin, 1860, to which see Brofferio's reply, Garibaldi o Cavour? Genoa, 1860. The comment from The Times is from 25 Nov. 1862, on the occasion of another attack by Boggio on Garibaldi.

  117. P. G. Boggio, Da Montevideo a Palermo. Vita di Giuseppe Garibaldi, Turin, 1860, pp. 5, 7.

  118. The Times, 15 June; L'Unità Italiana, 10, 18 April, 23 June and 3 July, in Rondoni, ‘Garibaldi nei vecchi giornali’, p. 49.

  119. Rondoni, ‘Garibaldi’, pp. 48–9.

  120. Eber's long article, which takes the reader from the camp above Gibilrossa to Palermo under siege, is in The Times, 8 June.

  121. Boston Courier, 10 July, also in Mack Smith (ed.), Garibaldi, p. 128.

  122. 16 June.

  123. See, for instance, the description of the French journalist Lockroy, Au hasard de la vie, p. 31.

  124. On Thomas Nast, see the article in Harper's Weekly, 11 May 1867, and A. Boime, The art of the Macchia and the Risorgimento, Chicago, IL, 1993, pp. 29–32.

  125. Garibaldi. Arte e storia, 1, p. 314.

  126. F. du Plessix Gray, Rage and Fire. A life of Louise Colet – pioneer feminist, literary star, Flaubert's muse, London, 1994, esp. pp. 299–307. She and Du Camp also loathed each other, and Du Camp was much more critical of Garibaldi in private.

  127. Monnier, Garibaldi; M. du Camp, Expédition des Deux-Siciles: souvenirs personnels, Paris, 1861; L. Colet, L'Italie des Italiens, Paris, 1863, vol. 3. Charles Arrivabene also wrote a book about his experiences (Italy under Victor Emmanuel, London, 1862), as did the artist De Fonvielle (Souvenirs d'une chemise rouge, Paris, 1861).

  128. Forbes, The campaign; A. S. Bucknell, In the tracks of the Garibaldians through Italy and Sicily, London, 1861; W. G. Clark, ‘Naples and Garibaldi’, in F. Galton (ed.), Vacation tourists and notes of travel in 1860, Cambridge, 1861.

  129. G. Adamoli, Da San Martino a Mentana. Ricordi di un volontario, Milan, 1911 (1892), p. 145, and see his more detailed description on pp. 141–6.

  130. Forbes, The campaign, pp. 130–1.

  131. F. Boyer, ‘Les Volontaires français avec Garibaldi en 1860’, Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, 7, 1960, pp. 129–30.

  132. Arrivabene, Italy under Victor Emmanuel, pp. 263–85.

  133. Mrs Burton Harrison, Recollections Grave and Gay, New York, 1911, pp. 133–4; another American described Vizitelly as a ‘bummer’ (a Union guerrilla): J. Johns, ‘Wilmington N.C. during the blockade’, Skedaddle, 12 April 2004, p. 17.

  134. 9 June; in Harper's Weekly, 7 July.

  135. 9 and 16 June.

  136. 16 and 23 June, 7 July.

  137. 28 July, 4 Aug.

  138. 8 and 29 Sept.

  139. See Vizitelly's illustration in the ILN, 23 June, and another portrait by Orsani ibid., 14 July. Die Gartenlaube's portrait is in n. 9, p. 133.

  140. ILN, 28 July. This picture had a wide circulation: published in Harper's Weekly on 25 Aug. and Die Gartenlaube, in n. 36, pp. 564–6.

  141. 21 July, 13 and 21 Oct. The paper was careful to state that the British volunteers were middle class and especially prized by Garibaldi, but it also confessed that they were motivated by a ‘love of adventure, as much, perhaps, as a love of freedom’. On this problem, see below, pp. 301–2.

  142. 14 and 21 July, 18 Aug.

  143. 21 Sept., 13 and 20 Oct.

  144. 8 Oct., 23 March 1861.

  145. See J. Plunkett, Queen Victoria. First media monarch, Oxford, 2003, pp. 48–52.

  146. 12 and 29 Dec.

  147. Halte-là Garibaldi!, p. 3.

  148. Both magazines' coverage of Milazzo is on 18 Aug.

  149. Published by Fratelli Terzaghi in Milan, 1860–2. See the programma at the start of the book, which explains the plan and layout of the album.

  150. Ibid., p. 78.

  151. See the various illustrations ibid., pp. 10, 12, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, 68; Induno's lithograph is on p. 2, the painting is in the Museo del Risorgimento in Milan, and it formed the basis for the departure scene in Alessandro Blasetti's 1934 film, 1860.

  152. Album storico–artistico, p. 4.

  153. Garibaldi. Arte e storia, 1, pp. 94–5.

  154. G. La Cecilia, Storia della insurrezione siciliana, dei successivi avvenimenti per l'indipendenza ed unione d'Italia e delle gloriose gesta di Giuseppe Garibaldi compilata su note e documenti trasmessi dai luoghi ove accadono, 2 vols Milan, 1860 (there were two different editions in Milan, and in Palermo the book was serialised in six parts, each with illustrations).

  155. F. Mistrali, Storia popolare della rivoluzione di Sicilia e dell'impresa di Giuseppe Garibaldi, Milan, 2nd edn. 1862.

  156. La Cecilia is best known for his Memorie storico–politiche, Rome, 1876–8; see also the ‘prefazione’ by R. Moscati to a 1946 edition of the memoirs.

  157. Among other editions, Mistrali produced Da Palermo a Gaeta. Storia popolare della campagna dell'Italia meridionale, Milan, 1861; a three-volume Storia anedottica politico-militare della guerra d'Italia nel 1859 e 1860, Milan, 1863; and a 442-page Storia anedottica politico-militare della guerra d'Italia, nel 1860 … Da Caprera ad Aspromonte, Milan, 1875.

  158. Gli abitanti della luna, Bologna, 1874; Vita di Gesù, Milan, 1863; Morte e testamento di Urbano Rattazzi, Milan, 1863. For a full list of Mistrali's publications, see Clio. Catalogo dei libri Italiani dell'800, Milan, 1991, 4, p. 3060. Pagnoni, the Milan publisher of his Garibaldi volumes, had specialised in historical novels and after 1859 began to publish works of a nationalist nature.

  159. Storia della insurrezione, 2, pp. 518–19; Storia popolare, p. 60.

  160. Dumas's first letter to Le Siècle was published on 25 May; the memoirs began on 8 June and were serialised throughout the rest of the month.

  161. M. Martenengo, ‘Garibaldi narratore. Vicende editoriali e stato attuale dei manoscritti’, Il Risorgimento, 55/1, 1996, pp. 90–1.

  162. Turin, 1860: the memoirs are inserted in the volume at pp. 9–86.

  163. G. Ricciardi, Vita di G. Garibaldi narrata al popolo … e continuata sino al suo ritiro nell'Isola di Caprera [9 novembre, 1860], Florence, 1860.

  164. L. de la Varenne, Vita del General Garibaldi, Bologna, 1860.

  165. A. Balbiani, Storia illustrata della vita di Garibaldi, Milan, 1860.

  166. Ricciardi, Vita, pp. 1, 6, 14–15.

  167. Balbiani, Storia illustrata, p. 12.

  168. These illustrations (printed by Rossetti in Milan) are, for example, preserved separately in the collections of both the Museo del Risorgimento in Turin and the Biblioteca di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea in Rome.

  169. Il Generale Garibaldi. Italia luglio del 1860; Storia di Giuseppe Garibaldi, Genoa, 1860; G. Marchese, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Turin, 1860; F. Santi, Vita aneddotica politico–militare del Generale Giuseppe Garibaldi, Milan, 1860 (this volume had the same publisher, Pagnoni, as Franco Mistrali).

  170. O. J. Victor, Life of Joseph Garibaldi. The Liberator of Italy. Complete up to the withdrawal of Garibaldi to his island home after the Neapolitan campaign, 1860, New York, 1860, pp. 5, 9–10, 81.

  171. [Anon], The illustrated life and career of Garibaldi, London, 1860.

  172. O. Féré and R. Hyenne, Garibaldi. Aventures, expéditions, voyages. Amérique, Rome, Piémont, Sicile, Naples. 1834–1848–1859–1860, Paris, 1861.

  173. Garibaldi, der Held und Befreier Italiens, dessen Lebensbeschreibung und Bildniss, Reutlingen, 1860; Garibaldi, das Haupt des jungen Italiens; sein Leben, seine Abenteuer und Heldenthaten, Berlin, 1861.

  174. Dr D. Burger, Een vorlooper va
n Garibaldi, Amersfoort, 1860; Garibaldi, zijn leven, krijgsbedrijven en avonturen, etc. (Met portret.), Haarlem, 1859; Garibaldi en de Profetiën, Amsterdam, 1860; Garibaldi en het Duizendjarig Rijk, gevolg van Garibaldi en de Profëtien, Utrecht, 1860.

  175. A. Altadill, Garibaldi en Sicilia ó la unidad italiana, Madrid/Barcelona, 1860.

  176. Dethan, ‘Réactions françaises’, pp. 198–9.

  177. V. Ottolini, Cacciatori delle Alpi (1848–59). Scene storicomilitari, Milan, 1860, pp. 119–29.

  178. Garibaldi in Sicilia, p. 5.

  179. D. Manuel Gil de Salcedo, Garibaldi y Procida, ó las Pasquas Sangrientas de Sicilia. Novela Histórica Contemporánea, Madrid, 1860; ‘Rendicion de Capua y triunfal entrada de S.M. el Rey Victor Manuel y el Garibaldi’, Barcelona, 1860.

  180. L'#afAne et les trois voleurs. Proverbe garibaldien en un acte et en vile prose, Paris, 1860, pp. 7–8.

  181. E. Atgier, Garibaldi le Filibustier, Rochefort-sur-mer, 1860 and 1861, p. 5.

  182. M. Barthélemy, Garibaldi ou le réveil du lion, Paris, 1861, p. 5.

  183. M. Roberts, Mademoiselle Mori. A tale of modern Rome, London, 1860; A. B. Edwards, Half a million of money, London, 1865; W. Somerville Lach Szyrma, Heroes of the day: Franklin and Garibaldi. Poems, Plymouth, 1860; M. Braddon, Garibaldi and other poems, London, 1861.

  184. BL, Lord Chamberlain's plays, ADD 52994 K and 52997 J (Garibaldi's excursionists by H. J. Byron was also published as The Garibaldi excursionists, London, 1860).

  185. Here I use ‘popular’ not in the sense of mass culture per se: see Samuels, The spectacular past, p. 5.

  186. G. M. Trevelyan, Garibaldi and the making of Italy, London, 1911, pp. 3, 296.

  187. F. della Peruta, ‘Il mito del Risorgimento e l'estrema sinistra dall'Unità al 1914’, Il Risorgimento, 47/1–2, 1995, pp. 32–70. I refer here to the final version of Garibaldi's memoirs, written in 1872, Le memorie di Garibaldi nella redazione definitiva del 1872, Bologna, 1932.

  188. See Mack Smith's comments on the effect of his book in the preface to the 1985 edn of Cavour and Garibaldi. A study in political conflict, Cambridge, 1985, pp. ix–xvi.

  189. Idem, ‘Cavour and parliament’, in idem, Victor Emanuel, Cavour and the Risorgimento, London, 1971, pp. 56–76.

  190. O. Chadwick, A history of the Popes, 1830–1914, Oxford, 1998, pp. 132–9.

  191. Trevelyan, The making of Italy, pp. 296–7.

  Chapter 10: The Garibaldi Moment

  1. In looking at the response to Garibaldi in Sicily, I focus largely on Palermo, where most of the nationbuilding effort was concentrated, and where there is a large collection of nationalist memorabilia kept in the library of the SSSP.

  2. ‘Album per la sottoscrizione alla spada di onore che offre l'Italia all'immortale eroe Giuseppe Garibaldi’, Naples, 1860. The Palermo record book is in the SSSP. The subscription ran into other problems, see Garibaldi to Federico Bellazzi, 22 April and 3 June 1861, Epistolario, 6, pp. 88–9, 113–15.

  3. 7 Aug. 1860 [henceforth 1860 unless stated], G. Piola to Bertani, in MRM, Bertani, cartella 11, plico xii, n. 62/8.

  4. 8 and 21 July, in NA, FO 165/134.

  5. 27 Aug., in Memorie di Angelo Bargoni, 1829–1901, Milan, 1911, p. 142.

  6. 12 and 13 June, Giacinto Scelsi to Crispi, in F. Crispi, Memoirs of Francesco Crispi. The Thousand, vol. 1, 3 vols, London, 1912–14, pp. 226–7.

  7. 15 June 1860, NA, FO 70/317.

  8. 17 June, in Crispi, Memoirs, 1, pp. 228–9.

  9. 1 July, I. Nievo, Lettere garibaldine, Turin, 1961, p. 27.

  10. M. Menghini (ed.), La spedizione garibaldina di Sicilia e di Napoli, Turin, 1907, pp. 76, 104, 117–19.

  11. See the analysis in N. Moe, The view from Vesuvius. Italian culture and the Southern Question, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2002, pp. 156–83.

  12. For a discussion of some of these issues, see F. Renda, ‘Garibaldi e la questione contadina in Sicilia’, in G. Cingari (ed.), Garibaldi e il socialismo, Rome and Bari, 1984; and for a broader analysis of the historiographical approach to which it relates, L. Riall, Sicily and the unification of Italy. Liberal policy and local power, 1859–1866, Oxford, 1998, pp. 1–29.

  13. G. Falzone, ‘Volontarismo siciliano’, in Atti del XXXIX congresso di storia del Risorgimento italiano, Rome, 1961, p. 147.

  14. L. Riall, ‘Elites in search of authority: political power and social order in nineteenth-century Sicily’, History Workshop Journal, 55, 2003, pp. 25–46.

  15. F. Brancato, Francesco Perroni Paladini, garibaldino e uomo politico, Palermo, 1962, pp. 31–5.

  16. Falzone, ‘Volontarismo siciliano’, pp. 166–70.

  17. Rosario Lentini to the Marchese di Torralta, in C. E. di Torralta, ‘La spedizione garibaldina del 1860 in alcune lettere di contemporanei’, in La Sicilia verso l'unità d'Italia, Palermo, 1960, p. 63.

  18. La Frusta. Gazzetta semiquotidiana, 10 July.

  19. La Costanza e la Supremazia d'Italia; L'Italia Redenta; L'Unità Italiana; La Guerra; Il Mondo Nuovo; Il Predicatore Italiano; La Libertà; and Il Garibaldi.

  20. Il Garibaldi, 6 and 23 June; Gazzettino della Sera, 27 June; L'Unità Italiana, 19 June (this paper should not be confused with the democratic paper published in Genoa). For Jourdain's article, see above, p. 249.

  21. 6 June.

  22. 4, 5 and 15 June.

  23. 19 July.

  24. 15 and 26 June, 21 July.

  25. 6 June.

  26. 13 Aug., 21 Sept.

  27. 9 June.

  28. 23 June; 13 Aug.

  29. N.d., 1, n.3.

  30. 21 June, and 6, 11, 14, 16 June.

  31. 12 June.

  32. Il Vessillo Italiano, 5 June.

  33. Il Garibaldi, 6 June; La Forbice, 5 and 6 June; L'Unità Italiana, 9 June; La Cicala Italiana, 13 Aug.

  34. See La Forbice (‘Quanto pasticci’), 2 Oct., and especially Tom Pouce (‘Signor Basile, if Garibaldi only knew!!!’), 3 Oct.

  35. See e.g. Il Garibaldi, 19 June; La Mola, 20 July; La Forbice, 21 July.

  36. 15 June.

  37. ASP, Ministero e Segreteria di Stato presso il Luogotenente Generale, Ripartimento dell'Interno (1818–1864), b.1608, f.pubblica spettacoli dal n. 1 al n. 3 da giugno a dicembre (which includes the programme and illustrations of the show).

  38. These flyers are in the Biblioteca di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea in Rome, and published in D. Bertoni Jovine (ed.), I periodici popolari del Risorgimento, 2 vols, Milan, 1959, 2, pp. 139–40.

  39. 9 June and 4 July.

  40. P. Chiara, Garibaldi dall'Italia alla gran giornata della Sicilia già mossa, Palermo, 1860; C. Pardi, A Giuseppe Garibaldi. Ode, Palermo, 1860.

  41. V. Navarro di Ribera, Il Garibaldi, Palermo, 1860.

  42. L. Capuana, Garibaldi, leggenda drammatica in tre canti, Catania, 1861.

  43. 12 June, quoted in F. Brancato, ‘La partecipazione del clero alla rivoluzione siciliana del 1860’, in La Sicilia verso l'unità d'Italia, p. 17.

  44. 5 June, ibid.

  45. From La Nazione of 29 July, in M. Menghini (ed.), La spedizione garibaldina, p. 446.

  46. Brancato, ‘La partecipazione’, pp. 18–26.

  47. C. S. Forbes, The campaign of Garibaldi in the Two Sicilies. A personal narrative, Edinburgh and London, 1861, p. 128.

  48. A. Mario, The red shirt. Episodes, London, 1865, pp. 3–4.

  49. G. Tricoli, ‘Il mito di Garibaldi in Sicilia’, Archivio Storico Siciliano, series 4, 9, 1983, pp. 90–1.

  50. Mario, The red shirt, pp. 3–4; G. Nuvolari, Come la penso, Milan, 1881 [1861], p. 299; G. C. Abba, The diary of one of Garibaldi's Thousand, Oxford, 1962, pp. 67, 71, 79, 84–5.

  51. Francesco Lanza, 5 Nov. MRM, Garibaldi Curàtulo, f. 470.

  52. 21 Dec., 23 March 1861, ibid., f. 268.

  53. C. E. di Torralta, ‘La spedizione garibaldina del 1860 in alcune lettere di contemporanei’, in La Sicilia verso L'Unità', pp. 55, 69, 73.

  54. Brancato, ‘La partecipa
zione’, pp. 24–5, 27–8.

  55. S. Salomone-Marino, ‘Garibaldi e le tradizioni popolari’, Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari, 1, 1882, pp. 459–60.

  56. G. M. Trevelyan, Garibaldi and the Thousand, London, 1909, pp. 306–7 (Trevelyan was told the legend by Giuseppe Pitrè); Tricoli, ‘Il mito di Garibaldi’, pp. 91–3.

  57. C. Duggan, Francesco Crispi, 1818–1901. From nation to nationalism, Oxford, 2002, pp. 179–80.

  58. S. Salomone-Marino, Leggende popolari siciliane in poesia, Palermo, 1880, pp. vii–xxii.

  59. E.g. ‘La rivuluzioni di lu 1860’; ‘Lu cummattimentu di Calatafimi’; ‘Lu sbàrchitu di Canibardi a Marsala’; ‘La trasuta di Canibardi a Palermu’; ‘Lu bummardamentu di Palermu’, in Salomone-Marino, Leggende popolari, pp. 343–53.

  60. Ibid., pp. 361–2.

  61. Idem, Canti popolari siciliani in aggiunta a quelli di Vico, Palermo, 1867, n. 741, p. 287.

  62. Idem, La trasuta di Garibaldi a Palermu. Storia popolare siciliana in poesia, Palermo, 1885, p. 10.

  63. C. di Mino, ‘Il Risorgimento italiano nei canti del popolo siciliano’, Rassegna Storica del Risorgimento, 18, 1931, suppl. p. 226: see also in S. di Paola, ‘Il mito di Garibaldi nella poesia italiana’, in F. Mazzonis (ed.), Garibaldi condottiero. Storia, teoria, prassi, Milan, 1984, pp. 512–13.

  64. B. Messana, ‘Dialogu tra lu Generali Lamoriciere e lu Cardinal Antonelli doppu l'entrata di Garibaldi in Napuli’, in Poesie liberali siciliani, Palermo, 1860, pp. 93–4.

  65. Salomone-Marino, ‘Garibaldi e le tradizioni popolari’, p. 461.

  66. Ibid., pp. 460–1.

  67. Salomone-Marino, La trasuta di Garibaldi, pp. 11–12.

  68. Idem, ‘Garibaldi e le tradizioni popolari’, p. 59.

  69. T. Cannizzaro, ‘Frammenti di canti popolari politici’, Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari, 7, 1888, p. 140.

  70. Salomone-Marino, Canti popolari, p. 288.

  71. Ibid., p. 287.

  72. Idem, La trasuta di Garibaldi, p. 9.

  73. Di Paola, ‘Il mito di Garibaldi’, p. 514.

  74. 18 Sept.

  75. These (very approximate) figures and those below are obtained from C. Cipolla, Le avventure della lira, Bologna, 1975, table. A6, p. 145, and


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