Shadow in the Desert (Shadow SEALs)

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Shadow in the Desert (Shadow SEALs) Page 11

by Becca Jameson

  She shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not getting married. I’m happy with my life the way it is. My mother has almost given up nagging me. If she’d just let go of the notion that my life isn’t full without a man, we could maybe almost be friends again. Instead, every time I’m with her, I have to listen to yet another lecture about how old I am and how much harder it will get with each passing year if I don’t settle down. Oh, and did I know James is still single?”

  Ajax chuckled. “I’m sure he is. If he couldn’t find your G-spot, I’m betting he didn’t find anyone else’s either.”

  She swatted at him playfully, making him lean back in mock defense.

  “Stop. That’s so crude. No one believes in a G-spot anyway.” She rolled her eyes.

  He came up short, freezing. “Serena… Baby…” He was at a loss. It was one thing for her to think orgasms were elusive, but she was so misinformed about G-spots. And she was about to get educated.

  She groaned. “Don’t be that guy.”

  “What guy?” He chuckled. My God, she’s cute.

  “That cocky guy who thinks he and he alone can show a woman the stars and the sun so that she’s ruined for all other men. It’s so…cheesy. This isn’t a romance novel. We’re on the hard floor of a deserted cabin in a third-world country.”

  “That last part is true, but I can assure you even women in third-world countries have amazing sex.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Besides, I feel as though you’ve set up a challenge.”

  She shook her head rapidly. “No. Definitely not. I’ll take your word for it and move on. It will be easier in the long run for me to hold on to a sliver of hope that you could be right than to have it proven you are full of dog doo-doo.”

  She continued to shock him, and he narrowed his gaze. “Last night all I did was kiss you, and you were practically begging me to continue.”

  “I did not.” Oh, that sexy flush. “Don’t be ridiculous. And besides, you did more than kiss me, if you’ll recall.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “That tiny graze against your nipple?” He’d hardly noticed it at the time, but she had.

  She shivered. “Do you have to be so crude?” she asked quietly as if someone might hear them.

  He chuckled. “Nipple? That’s crude?”

  She shrugged. “Yeah. Sort of.”

  “Baby, I’m going to get much cruder in the next hour.”

  Chapter 13

  Serena shuddered, her eyes wide. “I think that’s a bad idea.”

  “Okay, how about you let me kiss you like last night, and then we’ll see how you feel about my plan?”

  She narrowed her gaze. “Just a kiss?”

  “Yep. I would never take anything from a woman that wasn’t offered to me. Know that right up front.”

  “You’re going to be disappointed then because all I want is a kiss.”

  “Really now… Then what was that last—”

  She clamped a hand over his mouth. “Stop. Don’t say it again. I was temporarily insane or something. Maybe I was feeling vulnerable. I don’t know. It was a fluke.”

  He grabbed her hand and held it in place, kissing her palm.

  She let out a little gasp and her body trembled slightly. From a kiss. To her palm. “Ajax.” Her voice was breathy.

  He couldn’t wait to unpack all her misconceptions. Well, most of them. He’d keep his pants on. “So, may I have that kiss?”

  She shrugged. “Knock yourself out.”

  He gripped her hand and dragged it up above her head, planting their threaded fingers against the bedroll before he lowered his lips to hers and nibbled around, not giving her much, just a hint, just a taste. A reminder.

  She arched slightly toward him. Her traitorous body was going to change her mind faster than even he thought possible.

  He kissed a path to her ear and then her neck.

  She tipped her head to one side, her breaths coming out shallow and rapidly.

  When he teased his way back to her mouth, she sighed. Finally, she said, “I thought you were going to kiss me…”

  He grinned inside, in victory. “I am kissing you,” he murmured against her mouth.

  She licked the seam of her lips, which meant her tongue touched his lips too. “You’re not. Do it for real.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He tipped his head to one side and deepened the kiss, his tongue stroking alone the same path hers had a moment ago.

  She shuddered as she parted for him and let him stroke her tongue with his.

  When he gave a slight suck, dragging her tongue in deeper, she whimpered.

  She was so responsive. She had no idea her entire body was participating in this kiss. Her legs were restless and she kept squeezing them together. Her chest arched several times.

  He wanted to see every inch of her and kiss every spot too. But he needed to take his time. This was new to her, and he wanted to be sure she consented to every single step.

  It almost wasn’t fair to tease her like this when she had her heels dug in, insisting she wouldn’t be able to orgasm and that the G-shot was a myth. He didn’t have a choice though. Until she knew, she didn’t know what to expect.

  He also wanted to savor this gift of time with her. Chances were when this was all over, she would return to her home, resume her life, and never give him another thought. After all, this was the very definition of an intense situation. People felt strongly when the air around them was filled with danger and uncertainty.

  Serena had an amazing life ahead of her. Whether she continued to work for Charley helping arrange good deeds around the world, or she went in a different direction, he doubted she would give much thought to the former SEAL who took up residence in her life for a few measly days.

  He was a greedy man, however, and he would return her to her regularly scheduled life armed with a totally different outlook about sex and lust. Hopefully, she would change her mind about spending her life alone and decide it would be worth it to put herself out there and find a life partner who adored her and worshiped the ground she walked on. He was out there. Waiting for her.

  Ajax already hated the guy.

  He continued to kiss her, paying close attention to her reactions, waiting for her to start panting with need.

  Eventually, she wrenched her mouth to the side, breaking the kiss, gasping for air. “That’s… You’re good at that,” she murmured.

  He released her hand and slid his palm down until it rested on her waist. He stroked her belly with his thumb, an inch below her breast, close enough to make her want more.

  When she arched into his hand, she held her breath. She was so fucking gorgeous. So raw and open and innocent. A blank slate that he was going to paint, at least the first layer. “More?” he asked.

  She sighed, her lips trembling. “Yes,” she breathed out.

  He slid his hand under her shirt and let it settle in the same spot, on her bare skin but not touching her anywhere intimate.

  Her hand came to his biceps, and she gripped him hard. He didn’t think she was aware she was tugging him, silently pleading with him to touch her breast.

  He resumed kissing her instead, enjoying the frustrated moan followed by the continuous whimpering that made his cock so hard it was pressing against his pants. It was going to have to take a rain check. This was all about her.

  He wouldn’t even have the ability to masturbate here in this cabin. He sure wasn’t going to excuse himself to step outside and rub one out.

  Serena tipped her head back, elongating her neck.

  Ajax took the opportunity to kiss down her chin and plant nibbles all over the sensitive skin of her neck. When he let his hand slide up an inch so that his thumb grazed the edge of her breast, she lifted her torso off the mat.

  Jesus. Most women didn’t get this turned on until they were stripped naked and had a tongue in their pussy. Serena was a firecracker.

  He let his thumb rub more directly, slowly smoothing his palm up higher until he grazed her nipp

  “Oh.” That one sound came out as a gasp and a plea.

  Ajax rose above her and grabbed the hem of her shirt. He needed to see her. All of her. He’d start with her chest and then move to her pussy when she was a writhing ball of need.

  She didn’t stop him from pulling her shirt over her head, but when he reached under her for the clasp of her bra, she stiffened and bit her lip, meeting his gaze.

  “You want me to stop, baby? I will.”

  She shook her head. “No. But, uh, could you at least grab the blanket?”

  “Are you cold?”

  She flushed. “No…”

  He widened his eyes. “You don’t want me to be able to see you?”

  She nodded, biting into her bottom lip. “No one has seen me naked before, Ajax. I’m… unnerved.”

  “You had sex…with that James guy. You said you had sex several times.”

  She swallowed.

  He groaned. “In the dark? Under the covers?”

  She nodded. “He was very…modest,” she murmured.

  Ajax thought that was an understatement and there was more to it than simple modesty, but he wouldn’t press the issue. Tonight was about Serena, not her weird ex.

  “Well, I don’t want you to hide from me like that, baby. Let me see you. Let me worship you. Let me show you what all the hype is about. I’m not going to remove a stitch of my clothing, so don’t worry for a moment that I will end up with my cock out. It’s not going to happen. But the rest? Don’t deny me the visual. Please, baby.”

  Her sexy flush deepened, probably because he’d used the word cock. She was trembling and grasping at him and writhing even though they’d taken a pause. Finally, she nodded. “Okay.”

  Blessed angels. He deftly unfastened her bra. When he drew it down her arms and set it aside, she shivered.

  He was hovering over her, so when she covered her gorgeous tits with her hands, he gently took her wrists and pulled them away. He stared at her fucking sexy chest, the soft swell of smooth white skin making his mouth water. Her nipples were perfect little points, jutting upward, begging for him to flick his tongue over them.

  Still holding her hands away, he planted them at the sides of her head and leaned forward so that his mouth hovered over her chest. He breathed on her, watching the tips stiffen further.

  When he finally flicked one sexy bud with his tongue, she cried out, squirming so much he could barely hold on to her. Seeing her react so strongly made his cock harder. He willed his dick to stay down, wishing he could actually convince it to see reason.

  Serena was panting as he flicked the other nipple and then lowered to suckle the tight bud.

  He released her because he wanted his hands on her. He wanted to cup her tits and worship them with his mouth.

  She writhed beneath him as she grabbed his biceps. “Ajax…” His name was a breath whooshing out of her. “Please…”

  He doubted she knew what she was begging for or even realized she was begging him, but he kissed his way down her flat stomach and swirled his tongue around her navel. He slid his hands to her pants, unbuttoned them, and lowered the zipper.

  She was alternately pulling and pushing on his shoulders as he tugged her pants over her hips and down her legs. He was glad they had removed their hiking boots earlier because the last thing he wanted to do right now was pause to untie her boots and pull them off. He was desperate enough trying to get her pants off.

  As soon as he managed to free her of the cargo pants, he grabbed her thighs and parted them, pushing them open. The sexiest creature he’d ever seen was sprawled out in front of him wearing nothing but practical white panties.

  He wanted them gone too, but he figured he should take his time. She was still shaking and flushed from the removal of her bra. He could see her fighting not to cover herself, her hands sliding up toward her breasts and then fisting just beneath them.

  He kept his gaze on her as he held her legs steady and nibbled a path up her inner thigh.

  She whimpered, wiggling violently. Her hands came to his shoulders again, this time definitively pushing. “Ajax.” She gasped.

  He kept kissing his way up her leg until he reached her panties. When he did, he planted a soft kiss right on her pussy. She would barely be able to feel it through the cotton.

  “Ajax,” she shouted. “What…” She squirmed, using her heels to push herself backward. “Don’t… I mean you shouldn’t.”

  He lifted his face, marginally confused, although nothing should shock him at this point. Whoever James was, the kid needed to watch a few videos. Lordy. “I shouldn’t what? Go down on you?”

  She gasped again as if the idea were blasphemous and preposterous.

  He crawled up her body, kissed her briefly on her lips, and then met her gaze. “I’m so totally going to eat your pussy, Serena, and you’re going to scream when I do so. Just try to keep it down so wild animals don’t come to the door.” He was only half-kidding. It was a concern of his.

  She swallowed several times, her eyes wide and wild. “You don’t have to… I mean, people really do that?”

  He gave her a lazy half-grin. “Yes. People do that. I’m going to do it. You’re going to love it.”

  “I don’t know.” She looked skeptical, eyes narrowed. “It seems…weird. I don’t think I’m comfortable with it.”

  His turn to narrow his gaze. “Please don’t tell me that on top of everything else, your church doesn’t believe sex should be enjoyed.”

  She bit her lip.

  He groaned. “That’s so… There are no words. Barbaric. After I make you come, are you going to feel guilty about it?”

  “Probably.” She squirmed again, shoving at his shoulders even though she was incapable of causing him to so much as budge, and he had no intention of letting her.

  He sighed and dropped his forehead toward her chest for a moment, needing to pull himself together. There was no way he was going to let this gorgeous, sexy woman with so much vibrant life in her live even one more hour thinking sex wasn’t something to be enjoyed.

  He didn’t want her to think she was incapable of enjoying it, but he also didn’t want her to feel guilty about it as if she shouldn’t enjoy it. He just needed to figure out how to get her over the line.

  He started by kissing her again, which caused her to soften and relax almost instantly. Kissing she could get behind. Apparently, it either wasn’t on her church’s list of no-nos or her brain simply scrambled so fast when he did it that she couldn’t stop herself.

  He kept kissing her as he stroked her breast again, and continued kissing her pliant body as he slid that hand down from the soft swell of her breast to the cotton between her legs.

  When he cupped her warm pussy, she arched her hips off the floor.


  He dragged his middle finger over her folds and flicked her clit through her panties.

  She moaned into his mouth, arching again. Beautiful.

  Next, he dragged his fingers along the edge of her panties where her pussy met her thighs. Stroking her over and over, teasing her sensitive skin. Finally, he reached under the edge and found her swollen folds.

  She wrenched her mouth from his, gasping for air. “Ajax…” Her voice was filled with trepidation this time. Uncertainty. The unknown.

  “I’ve got you, baby. Look at me.” He removed his hand but only to ease her panties over her hips. It was a challenge, one-handed, while watching her face.

  She pursed her lips as she found his gaze. “I feel like I’m out of control,” she murmured.

  “Yeah. That’s the idea.”

  “I can’t think when you touch me like that.”

  “I don’t want you to think. Just feel. Let it feel good. Let it build. Trust me, God did not mean for women to spend their lives denying themselves pleasure. Man invented that to keep women under their thumb. It’s a myth. A horrible one.”

  She swallowed, uncertainty in her gaze.

  “I know
you don’t believe you’re less worthy or less intelligent or less anything than any man. You’ve shown that to me many times. You’re a modern feminist.”

  She nodded slightly.

  “Then why on earth would you deny yourself sexual gratification? Why should your partner get all the pleasure?”

  “I… I don’t know. It’s just ingrained in me.”

  “Well, let’s toss it out.”

  “I don’t think James got any pleasure.”

  Ajax flinched, his hand still pushing on her panties, trying to get them past her knees. “Please tell me the man reached orgasm.” If he hadn’t, James had an entirely different set of problems.

  She flushed for the millionth time. “Well, yeah. I mean he came in the condom.”

  Ajax blew out a breath. “But you didn’t.”

  “Uh. No.”

  “And that was fair and equal?”

  She shrugged. “It’s just how things are.”

  “It’s not. That’s a crock of shit, baby. Total bullshit. Pardon my language.”

  “Okay.” She didn’t believe him, but she was about to.

  He rose up, finished pulling her panties off, and then dropped down between her legs. He held her thighs open and lowered his mouth to her pussy before she could protest this time.

  The moment his tongue found her clit and flicked it, she cried out.


  He swirled his tongue around the swollen bundle of nerves over and over before he sucked it into his mouth and flicked his tongue rapidly over the tip.

  It took a lot of strength to keep her from squirming out of his grip.

  He thrust his tongue up inside her next, loving her taste, loving how damn hot and tight she was. And so fucking wet. Her pussy was swollen, the folds so sensitive that she flinched every time he stroked them.

  “Ajax.” This time his name was a plea. Thank God.

  He returned to her clit, sucking and flicking and teasing as he eased a finger into her tight channel. And damn she was tight.

  Her entire body went stiff, and she planted her feet, lifted her hips as much as he let her, and screamed. Her orgasm shook her body violently. He could feel her clit pulsing against his tongue. It went on longer than the average orgasm, and before she was fully done coming, he thrust two fingers inside her.


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