Irresistibly Dashing

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Irresistibly Dashing Page 6

by Victoria Arabpour Pinder

  He let himself out of the office. Guards followed just behind him at his side and he returned to his suite.

  Hopefully Sarah was there. This afternoon was the party for the wealthy and upper class citizens to see him and Sarah. He’d find out if the officers had kept their word about his aunt’s arrest and then he and Sarah would return home to Miami.

  As he opened the door, he noticed one of the maids, who had the same build as his grandmother, clean the mirrors on the wall and smile at him like she was happy he’d visited.

  People like her voted and mattered.

  If he did his part and his father won, did he increase the safety of his family, and in exchange help people like the older woman retire?

  Beau walked in and saw Sarah, dressed in a light blue silk dress with beading and her hair and makeup all done, sitting in a chair. She stood as he neared and her staff backed away without revealing their faces. She crossed to him and squeezed his hand as she asked, “How was the meeting with the chief of police, sheereen-am?”

  Staff was still in the room but he continued to hold her hands as they were in their private quarters. “Excellent. You seem ready for the party.”

  The staff started to disappear and once no one else was in the room, she said, “Yes. I’m ready to make you proud of me.”

  “You are enough for me.” He rested his forehead to hers and decided to just ask now so she’d consider it. “Sarah, I was thinking we should stay for a few days?”

  Her intake of breath was audible and her lips parted. “Seriously? Why?”

  He’d shocked her and Sarah needed time to trust that he would keep her safe. Beau massaged her arm. “I know it’s a lot, but if we represent my father’s interests and stay, we can move things along faster. I’d rather fly back knowing Mariam’s final fate and see the election through.”

  Her gaze met his and in that moment he didn’t move. Her brown eyes were mesmerizing and he could practically see her thinking. Then she nodded and said, “If you think it’s best. I’ll help. The election is in a few days, but you need to promise not to leave me alone for too long?”

  His lips curved into a grin. She wasn’t running away or yelling at him. He kissed her forehead and said, “Right now you’re all I have as family too. I won’t leave you alone. I need you next to me.”

  “Okay, I’ll do what I can to help.” She closed her eyes and lifted her mouth to be kissed.

  Today he'd won more than just assistance from the palace guards and the chief of police. He was winning Sarah’s trust and that mattered more than his father’s election as she’d be his wife forever if he won her heart.

  Beau pressed his lips to hers--she was the sweetest desire he’d ever had and soon he’d win all of her.

  Sarah's dress was blue, long, completely silk, and covered her entirely while making her feel almost naked at the same time.

  Until marriage to Beau, her cheap clothes or hand-me-downs either pulled, were too tight, or made her sweat. She’d always been aware of her clothes, in a negative way.

  In Miami, she’d upgraded to linens, fine cotton, or other quality materials for her clothes. Beau's mother, Ava, who always acted like a Queen even without her crown, had helped her pick things that suited her figure.

  Those clothes hadn’t prepared her for a gown made of silk and hand-sewn jewels embedded in the lightweight material--she sparkled.

  Beau's eyes brightened with appreciation as she walked toward him and took his hand. In their room, no one would argue that a married couple touching was inappropriate. And here, she needed him as he was all she had that reminded her of her own life.

  Sarah didn’t pull away or over-rationalize that. Instead she held his hands and smiled at him. “So now that I look like a princess, can we go do that election appearance? And afterward is the party?”

  He traced her cheek and chin. “Yes. You look exquisite.”

  Her skin tingled and she hoped he’d kiss her. She listened to make sure no servants were still around and heat rose to her cheeks as she said, “You’ve never said that word to me before.”

  “I… I never saw you… like this.”

  She crossed her arms, uncertain how else to stop the heat inside her at his comment. In a defensive tone she quipped, “All gussied up like we’re off to prom?”

  “You’re way sweeter than my prom date.”

  “It’s the clothes, not me,” she said fast as she didn’t ever want to think about Beau with anyone else. She instantly regretted being so prickly. There was no reason to push him away. Beau wasn’t out to hurt her.

  He didn’t move a muscle or flinch at her words. “It’s the whole package. I already thought you were beautiful and smart and funny, but then I’m biased because I’m in love with you.”

  And there it was. Her insides melted. Maybe she could trust him. Unlike everyone else in her life. The thought was irresistible and she waited for his kiss though he made no move to do anything of the sort. “I’ve never thought of myself as loveable, and I don’t know what to do when you don’t even blink at my… sharp tongue.”

  He shrugged. “I realize that your "sharp tongue" is a defense mechanism, but I’ve been waiting to ask why. What happened to you, exactly, that started this?”

  Sarah motioned for them to go but kept her arm in his to stay connected to him as they left the suite. She didn't pay attention to where they were as she stared at his profile. “You are very observant, Beau.”

  He patted her arm and then let her go as they were now walking in the palace hallway and in the public eye. “Only with people I care about,” he said quietly.

  As they made it to the stairs she shook her head and said, “Now that’s a lie. You notice more than anyone. You were the one to refine the program that allowed security to follow Arman and Natasha and help your brothers, even if they had no idea the amount of fine-tuning that took with your sharp eyes.”

  “And you talking to me kept me sane, while you caught some miscoding too.” Servants lined the halls as they made their way upstairs and he stopped talking. She didn’t blame him. They were being watched. She squared her shoulders and walked with him toward the open glass doors trimmed in gold.

  The roar of the crowd outside the building made her belly twist. The crystal chandelier would illuminate behind them, glowing light as they walked outside on the square picturesque veranda like on the postcards of Versailles she’d seen. She tensed as she couldn't forget where she was again. She’d sworn to protect him if she had to, and on the veranda they would be exposed and vulnerable to anyone on the lawn.

  Her skin was hyper-aware as they neared the door. A servant opened it for them and Beau whispered, “It’s pretty simple from here. We walk out, wave, and then go upstairs, head on the balcony, and wave again.”

  Right. The crowd was gathered to see them, or mostly Beau. He was the absent king’s son. She walked beside him as he held his hand out and waved. She whispered through her smile as the crowd yelled in a language she didn’t understand--from the cheers and welcome tone, she assumed they were happy. “There are a lot of people, thousands possibly.”

  Her muscles were tight and her skin was pins and needles. No one ever saw her and no one needed to see her now. The dress was a mistake.

  He continued to wave and said, “You’re doing great.”

  They finished greeting the throng on the palace lawn and reentered the house where she could breathe again.

  At least for a second.

  Being the focal point of a roaring crowd was not her forte. Hopefully formal events would grow easier with practice. But as the door closed, and servants were still lined up on either side, suddenly blood rushed in her brain and she met his gaze as they walked. She’d faced the crowd without humiliating herself and now she was on top of the world. Sarah couldn’t stop herself from talking. “I don’t… you asked why I developed a sharp tongue.”

  He bumped into her shoulder and kept his head down as they continued through the palace.
“You don’t have to tell me right now, if it stops you from smiling--that must stay in place.”

  She couldn’t seem to stop this urge to explain. She wished she was able to hold his hand. “I can smile and talk. I’m talented like that.”

  They walked up the stairs next to each other, ignoring the servants who stood in line near the walls. “Okay, so what happened?”

  Perhaps she should have told him before now. Then not everyone would hear, though she quickly reminded herself that the people around probably didn’t understand her English. “After my grandmother died, I really didn’t have anyone watching out for me. My parents had me when they were super young and my grandma raised me until I was eight. When she died there was nobody to feed me, or enforce that I took a bath, or care when I went to bed.”

  They reached the top step and he stopped. She stood next to him, and when she glanced up at him, she saw his face was white as he said, “I’m sorry.”

  A film of tears formed but she wouldn't cry. It almost felt like she talked about someone else. She motioned for them to walk forward. When he took a step, and she stayed next to him, with all this energy coursing through her, she continued to spill her guts to him.

  Somehow confronting a crowd made her jittery and also made it easier to talk now as she said, “I watched out for my little sister, who was five, but then my parents were forced to take care of us and slowly they started to change, I guess. They found my sister more willing to forgive them, but I blamed them for years as I missed my grandma.”

  They passed through a grand room with mirrors and gems everywhere in the walls. “So you raised yourself.”

  Together, they kept their steps in sync through to the other side of the ballroom to a set of glass doors, heading downstairs toward the second floor balcony that overlooked more of Hoskell's citizens. “I suppose I did, but trusting people… that’s hard.”

  As staff in blue and gold uniforms opened the door, Beau said, “One more time to wave. Are you ready?”

  Business. Right. For once she was part of a team and she wasn’t unnerved by facing the crowd. “Yes.”

  When they entered the balcony the cheers were so loud that they drummed out her heartbeat.

  Television cameras had lights on her. She saw spots but she stayed beside Beau, who waved everywhere. They made it the edge and both waved.

  One they had completed the circuit, Beau led her back into the sparkling walls of the ballroom and she stayed next to him as he said, “That was easier than I thought.”

  The same. But she didn’t say it. She walked with him as she said, “It also feels pretentious and like a huge phony. In most universes I’d be one of the faceless people, not standing here in all this abundance. Are we really going to help these people or is this just some game where the rich get richer and steal from the poor?”

  “You’d never be faceless. Your face glows.”

  Only to Beau. Her heart beat differently near him, but she ignored the sense she belonged with him as she said, “We need to be honest with these people.”

  “We will.” The staff started getting out of line once she and Beau passed. Seeing them must be the signal to move and the ordeal was over for them too. “You were flawless today.”

  Had he not heard? She’d never told anyone before, not like she'd told him. “I just told you why. I don’t feel like a princess, in my heart.”

  He pointed to the windows that still had brightness of the day shining in as he said, “We have a few hours before we need to show our faces at the party later.”

  Right. The party. They left the ballroom and headed back to their private quarters on the same level though the other side of the palace. “What are you saying?”

  They turned the final corner to their quarters as he said, “Let’s go back to our room and relax. I’m sure your attendants will return to dress you for the party.”

  Fair. There probably was a costume change. His mother hadn’t mentioned all the clothes though she had briefed her on what to do, but she wouldn't argue. Sarah shrugged. “There is probably another dress for tonight though I’m hoping I won’t mess up the makeup too much if I start sweating if too many people stare at me.”

  They entered the suite and once the door closed, he checked the lock and then turned toward her. “I was hoping we had time for just the two of us.”

  Her eyes widened and steam rose inside her again as adrenaline raced in her veins. “In our shared bedroom?”

  He stepped back and said fast, “No pressure. I mostly want to talk.”

  Oh. Maybe Beau was being cautious with her. She sighed and hoped the next outfit wasn’t difficult to change into as she asked, “Talk?”

  He nodded and then walked with her toward the couch as he said, “Yeah.”

  She sat beside him and her dress spread around her like she was someone special as she pouted. “Now I’m disappointed.”

  He froze but his eyes were wide. “Wait, what?”

  Sarah had to be honest. “I’ve come to like your kisses, Beau.”

  His intake of breath made her pulse skip. “That’s new.”

  Her lips tingled and she wanted him to kiss her again. Part of her hoped he would though she shook her head and said, “Don’t read too much into it.”

  He let his hand fall on hers and then didn’t move it as he asked, “So what attracted you to Aaron?”

  Huh? Her nose curled. That was the opposite of what she'd expected Beau to bring up. “I never want to talk about that jerk.”

  His thumb ran up and down the back of her hand. “I’m not asking about him really. I was wondering what it was that had you saying yes?”

  His touch sent a small thrill through her skin that grew everywhere. “I thought he was sweet and actually interested in me.”

  His gaze narrowed. “What had he said?”

  After telling her sister about what had happened, and Bianca not listening, she feared explaining would make her sound foolish. Maybe she would, but she didn’t think Beau would laugh at her. “He walked with me to the grocery store. Walked me home from work.”

  His eyebrows lifted as he asked, “At the movie theater?”

  Her heart thumped. Beau had looked up her life entirely and remembered that she'd had one job that offered a W2. Working there had been a window into how others lived, to view families like his that cared about each other. “Yeah. He was sweet when no one before him had been, but now I see it was all a lie just to get me to have sex with him.”

  His touch raced up her arm though he was gentle and kind and still the same Beau she'd spent every day with for months as she said, almost in a whisper, “He never called in the morning.”

  That was an understatement. She gazed up and she swore she saw a reflection of understanding in his expression. “Or ever showed up again. I was just a game to him.”

  His deep voice sounded as if he spoke from a quieter place in his soul as he said, “That’s not possible for me.”

  And maybe, just maybe, the inkling that Beau was better than anybody before him was the truth. Sarah argued anyhow as she gazed at his fingers, intertwined with her own. “Everyone has free will and can do what they want.”

  Neither said anything for a moment. She glanced up at him and saw his dimples as he said, “You do realize you’re the only other American near me, and more important… my wife.”

  The desire that was in her veins continued. She batted her eyes. “Which you take seriously?”

  Beau scooted closer and kept his head down. “I wasn’t lying when I said I love you.”

  She sighed and wished she could throw her arms around him and just kiss him senseless. What came out instead was, “I find that hard to believe.”

  He swallowed and she watched his Adam’s apple go up and down as he said, “It’s true.”

  No more defenses. Not now. She’d find them again if she needed them, but for now she freed her leg from the silk to curl on top of his as they sat on the couch. “Here's the thing…”

  Beau was hard. Her thigh told her. Confidence raced through her as he asked, “Thing?”

  If she kissed him, he’d kiss her back. At least she hoped so as she ignored the heat in her cheeks and said, “Yeah. The thing is… I’m starting to believe you, and that scares me.”

  Without another word she pulled his head and neck down to her and kissed him.

  He didn’t protest. In fact the opposite was true. His lips pressed against hers. Inside her it was like she'd released butterflies from their cages as hope surged forth. Maybe, just maybe, Beau was the exception and he was someone who might love her.

  Beau understood he was close to tentatively earning Sarah’s trust. Tentative was a start, but he needed to go slow.

  Slow showed her that he wasn’t like Aaron and just there for sex.

  Slow showed her that he was trustworthy for the long haul.

  But, and the big but, here… his body was hard and ready and the need to have her, right now, grew, undeniably big while he kissed her.

  So he let her go.

  Her tender lips pouted and it was like a siren call that begged him to kiss her again.

  Until Sarah, he hadn’t known he had self-control like this.

  Beau ignored his baser instinct and squeezed her hand. “Dance with me.”

  Her voice was breathless as she sighed and said, “There is no music.”

  He hadn’t planned on dancing, and it wasn’t like he was some smooth, sophisticated type. His muscles were in the way of grace according to his dance instructors, but he paid that no attention and hoped she wasn’t looking for amazing moves. “I can snap my fingers and Reza will bring an orchestra.”

  Her face went white as she shook her head, but she didn’t move away. Her nearness sent goosebumps across his body. “I don’t want an audience. How about, whatever music we can get on your phone.”


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