Do Me (Irresistible Husband)

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Do Me (Irresistible Husband) Page 8

by Sheryl Lister

  “You two are so crazy.”

  “Can he bring it in the bedroom?”

  Of the three friends, Felicia was the most uninhibited and good sex had been part of her criteria for as long as Londyn could remember. No sense wasting time with a man who can’t curl your toes or at least make you wet, she’d always said. “We haven’t gotten that far yet.” Not for lack of chemistry. The fact that he’d brought her to orgasm while she was fully clothed told her he’d definitely be able to bring it—and then some. Somehow, he’d been able to detect that small part of her that was still broken, that still feared she wouldn’t measure up when it came to sex.

  “Have you at least kissed the man?”

  “Yep.” She couldn’t hide her smile.

  “Aw, sookie, sookie. Look at that smile. Braxton’s lip love must be on point,” Monique said, grinning.

  Her eyes drifted closed. “He’s a great guy—generous, attentive—and there’s something about him that has my pulse racing and, at the same time, makes me feel protected.” Londyn opened her eyes and found Felicia and Monique staring at her. “What?”

  “You’re falling in love with him,” Monique said.

  “It’s hard to keep from falling for a man who treats me as if I’m special.” She would never forget how he’d eased her embarrassment when she accidentally made the comment about forever. Any other man would have accused her of trying to push him to the altar. His promise to cook for her even if what they had didn’t last still resonated with her. She most likely wouldn’t think about holding him to it, but it was nice of him to offer.

  Felicia grasped Londyn’s hand. “I truly hope this works out for you guys. You deserve to be happy.”

  “Me, too. But if it doesn’t…” She shrugged.

  “When’s the next date?”

  “We’re going to the movies tomorrow. I have to admit, this is the first time I’ve been with a man who plans dates down to the smallest detail. But I think it’s part of his personality.” Londyn had also noticed that Braxton appeared to think more than he talked, and he was far more organized than her. And Londyn considered herself to be very orderly.

  “I would think so with his career. Working with computer networks requires organizational, analytical, and critical thinking skills,” Felicia noted. “Are you saying he’s boring?”

  “Not at all. We have a great time together.”

  “And you’re going to have a better time once you do the do with him.”

  She threw a carrot at Felicia. “Is that all you think about?”

  “What?” she asked with a laugh. “I’m just going by the vibes you’re giving off, and if you sit here and say you haven’t thought about it at least once, lightning is going to strike your butt.”

  Monique scooted her chair away. “Let me get out of the line of fire.”

  Londyn tried to maintain a glare, but failed. “I can’t stand y’all.”

  “That’s what I thought,” Felicia said, lifting her glass in mock toast.

  They finished eating while laughing. Felicia and Monique were a pain in the butt sometimes, but Londyn loved her girls and she didn’t know what she’d do without them. She overrode their protests to help clean up and walked them to the door.

  “Thanks for dinner and find out if those two friends are single. Nique and I will be happy to do a triple date.”

  Monique shook her head. “After that last one, I don’t know, girl. I might need some time to myself to get over that fiasco.”

  Londyn hugged them both. “Be safe.”

  “I will,” they chorused.

  Smiling, she returned to the kitchen. It took her a quarter of an hour to restore it to its former state. She turned off all the lights and walked down the short hallway to her bedroom. The light was blinking on her cell, indicating messages. Her parents had emailed a few photos of them on the beach and on one of the tours they’d taken. Their faces held so much joy. They had worked hard and deserved this time. She deleted the two spam emails. Braxton had sent a text an hour ago to see if she’d decided on a movie. She had narrowed her choices to two and sent the reply. When she had initially suggested they play it by ear and select one once there, he’d countered with sending her the movie selections for three nearby theaters. Londyn got the feeling that he didn’t do much on the fly. A thought popped into her mind. It was time to shake things up.

  Friday afternoon, Braxton sat at his desk thinking about Londyn. It had only been two weeks since their dinner, but he’d missed spending time with her. She ‘d gotten under his skin so effortlessly, reminding him how monotonous his life had become. Outside of work, spending time with his family and two friends, Braxton’s routine rarely varied. Each week looked exactly the same. Although, as of late, he, Cole and Axel had started canceling their weekly meet ups because they each had found that potentially special woman. He just hoped none of their newly established relationships ended in heartbreak. Especially his own. Londyn had danced herself into his life and was steadily working her way into his heart. He tried to rationalize that they’d only known each other a month, that he couldn’t be falling in love in such a short period of time. Apparently, his heart hadn’t gotten the memo because everything in him said she was the one. Logic had ruled his life up to this point. However, he had a strong feeling that this time would be different. Rotating toward his computer, he checked his schedule. His last appointment had been canceled, which meant he could leave a little earlier.

  Braxton picked up a folder and a brochure from the center where Londyn worked fell out. Once again, his mind traveled to his past. After talking with her, he’d googled pornography and sexual addictions and got the shock of his life. While he had never progressed to that level, reading all the information cleared up a lot of things for him. It had taken an old college classmate’s obsession to change Braxton. The guy had wanted to celebrate the end of senior year with a movie marathon. After less than an hour, Braxton left and never watched another adult film again. That had been almost fifteen years ago, and the urge had not come back. For that he was grateful.

  His cell buzzed. Seeing Tonya’s name on the display sent a chill down his spine. His niece never called him during a workday. “Hey, baby girl.”

  “Happy birthday, Uncle Braxton,” Tonya sang.

  He let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, baby girl. But what are you doing calling me at work? You almost gave me a heart attack.”

  She giggled. “Oops, I’m sorry. Can you come over tonight? I made you a cake.”

  “I appreciate that, Tonya.” He didn’t want to cancel his date, but he didn’t want to offend Tonya, either. “I have plans for tonight, but I can come by early tomorrow, and you can sing and everything.” She had inherited her father’s off-key voice, but she sang with so much enthusiasm that no one had the heart to tell her.

  “Do you have a date?”


  “Really? Mom, guess what? Uncle Braxton has a date tonight,” she yelled.

  Braxton scrubbed a hand down his face. Great. “Tonya, why are you calling for your mother?”

  “So, little brother has a date, huh? That’s what I call a great birthday present.”

  “Hey, sis. I was telling Tonya I could come by tomorrow for the cake.”

  “She’s going to a sleepover later tonight for the weekend. Can you just stop by for a minute around seven? You don’t have to stay long and you can even bring your date. We’ll sing, you blow out the candles, then you two can be on your way. It wouldn’t happen to be the woman you were dancing with at the wedding, would it?” Debra asked slyly.

  “What makes you think it’s her?”

  “I saw you on the dance floor with her, Braxton. You were totally into her. Now, answer the question.”

  “Yes,” he muttered.

  “So, you’ll come.”

  “Yeah, I’ll stop by for a few minutes.” What else could he say?

  “I can’t wait to meet your date. See you later.”

bsp; Disconnecting, he groaned inwardly. He didn’t think he and Londyn had reached the meet-the-family stage yet. But he couldn’t disappoint his niece, either. She’d had him wrapped around her little finger since birth. And if his mother got wind of it… He groaned again. Braxton picked up the phone and sent a text to Londyn asking if she minded a short stop before their movie. He deliberately didn’t mention his birthday. For him, it was just another day and he didn’t need a celebration.

  As he powered down his computer an hour later, Londyn’s reply came through: Sure. No problem.

  Braxton had enough time to shower and change into jeans, a long-sleeved tee and boots before picking up Londyn. When she came toward him wearing body-hugging black jeans and an off-the-shoulder fitted gray top, with a sexy runway strut, he was glad he’d suggested meeting in the lobby. Had he gone up to her place, he wouldn’t have left until he had touched, kissed and tasted every inch of her body. “Hey, baby.”

  “Hi, yourself,” Londyn said, coming up on tiptoe to meet his kiss. Hand-in-hand, they walked out to his car. “Both movies start after eight, and with all the advertisements at the beginning, we should have more than enough time to go by your sister’s house.”

  “Hopefully, it won’t take long.” However, knowing his sister, she’d find a way to delay them leaving until she finished her interrogation. “How was your week?”

  “Long,” she said with a chuckle. “I’m glad it’s the weekend.”

  “Same here.” They’d acquired two more projects and he’d taken up the slack because the other architect still hadn’t returned from his leave. They passed the thirty-minute drive conversing quietly interspersed with moments of silence while music played softly. Braxton parked in front of his sister’s house and debated whether to ask Londyn to wait, but his sister appeared in the doorway before he could utter a word.

  Londyn shifted in her seat to face him. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you didn’t want me to meet your family.”

  He studied her. She was right in a way, but not for the reasons she most likely assumed. “That’s not it at all. I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable. Remember what I told you at the wedding?”

  “About your mom trying to marry you off? Yes.”

  “My sister is the same way and they both can be a little…overzealous. I’d rather be the one to decide the direction of my relationship with you without any interference from my family.”

  A small smile curved her lips. “And have you decided the direction of this relationship?”

  “Yes, and I’d be more than happy to show you anytime you want.” Despite his sister watching from the porch, he leaned over and slanted his mouth over Londyn’s in a deep provocative kiss, willing her to feel just where he wanted them to go. “Any other questions?”

  She cleared her throat. “Oo-kay. Um…so no. We should probably get out before your sister comes over.”

  Braxton sent an unhurried glance over to where Debra stood. Thankfully, the darkness and his tinted windows prevented his sister from seeing them clearly. “You’re right.” He went around to her side to help her out and then started up the walkway. He kissed Debra’s cheek. “Hey, sis. This is Londyn. Londyn, my sister Debra.”

  “It’s really nice to meet you, Londyn,” Debra said with a bright smile.

  “Nice meeting you, too.”

  “You guys come on in.” She held the door open.


  Braxton froze. He met his mother’s smiling face and wanted to flee.

  “Happy birthday to you,” the group standing in his sister’s living room sang boisterously.

  “I am so gonna get you,” he whispered to Debra.

  She merely smiled and kept singing.

  He glanced down at the amused smile on Londyn’s face as she joined in the refrain. Loud applause and whistles sounded as the last note faded away.

  “I take it today’s your birthday. Happy birthday.” Londyn gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

  “Yes and thank you. I’m sorry, I didn’t know she was going to do this.”

  “It wouldn’t have been a surprise if you did,” she said wryly.

  “I like you, Londyn,” Debra said, laughing. “Come meet the family.”

  Debra—” Braxton released a deep sigh when Debra whisked Londyn off.

  “Happy birthday, old man,” Cole said, his arm firmly around Malaya’s waist.

  “Happy birthday, Braxton,” Malaya repeated, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

  “Thanks.” Braxton hoped the fact that she had come with Cole meant that things were changing in his friend’s favor.

  Axel clapped Braxton on the shoulder and smiled. “Happy birthday.”

  He eyed Axel and Cole. “How is I talked to both of you last week and neither of you mentioned this?”

  “Hey, your mom and sister promised bodily harm if we said anything,” Axel said, raising a hand.

  He grunted. “I thought you guys canceled the Friday night get-together because you had something else to do?”

  Chuckling, Cole said, “I did. Coming to your surprise birthday party. Is that Londyn?”

  “Yeah. We were supposed to go to the movies.” Braxton shifted his gaze to where his sister stood introducing Londyn to their mother.

  “Guess that’s not happening tonight,” Axel said. “And unfortunately, I can’t stay all night.”

  “Why not?”

  “You know why not.”

  Braxton nodded. “Oh, that’s right, because Friday nights are reserved for Naphressa.”

  Axel shrugged. “It is what it is.”

  He opened his mouth to say something else, but saw that his mother had that pleased smile on her face and Londyn in an arm lock. “I’ll be right back. I need to rescue Londyn from Mom before she scares her.” His long strides covered the distance in a few seconds. “Hey, Mom.” He placed a kiss on her upturned cheek.

  “Happy Birthday, baby. I can’t believe you haven’t brought Londyn to visit. She was just telling me about her job. I think it’s wonderful that she’s able to help people who need counseling. You should bring her to the family dinner.”

  Braxton saw Londyn’s eyes widen and knew it was time to get away. “Mom, I want to introduce Londyn to a few more people. Thanks for the party.” He grabbed Londyn’s hand and nearly dragged her across the room and into the kitchen. Placing his hands on her shoulders, he pulled her close. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine. Your family is really nice.” She eased back and searched his face. “The question is are you alright? You look slightly bothered.”

  He ran a hand over his close-cropped hair. “I just wasn’t expecting all…all this.” He gestured toward the family room.

  She folded her arms. “What you really mean is that you need to have everything planned down to the minute detail and this threw your schedule right out the window.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “No? When was the last time you gave in to wild impulse or allowed yourself to be spontaneous?”

  Braxton didn’t answer because he couldn’t. And how had she read him so easily? “Is this an official diagnosis, Dr. Grant?”

  Londyn shook her head. “I don’t need a degree to figure you out.” She hugged him. “You just hit the big four O. New decade, new attitude. It’s okay to do something spur-of-the-moment occasionally, baby. Your family went through all this trouble to celebrate you, so let’s go enjoy it. We can postpone our movie date until next weekend.”

  Baby? Braxton’s heart skipped a beat. “Am I your baby?”

  “I think I’d like you to be my baby,” she said with a shy smile.

  “Well, I know I want you to be mine.” He kissed her. “You’re good for me, Londyn.”

  “I’m finding you’re the same for me, too.”

  Taking her hand, he led her back to the party. “I’d like you to meet my friends, Axel, Cole, and Malaya.” They all greeted each other and Londyn struck up a conversation with Malaya.

  “She seems like cool people.” Cole said, quietly.

  “She is.” And Braxton was falling in love with her.

  Chapter 8

  Saturday evening, Londyn zipped and buttoned her jeans, then pulled on a pair of low-heel ankle boots. Braxton would be picking her up for their postponed movie date shortly. His reaction to the birthday party had been on her mind all week. After their talk in the kitchen, he’d loosened up and enjoyed himself, but in her estimation, he needed to learn to go with the flow sometimes. It was time to help her baby—and he was definitely her baby—let go. A smile flitted around her mouth and she grabbed her phone.

  She was still smiling when Braxton arrived. “Hi.” Braxton kissed her until she melted against him. When she opened her eyes, he had that pleased male smile.

  “Hey, beautiful. Ready?”

  “Yes.” He helped her into her jacket.

  “Which movie did you decide on?”

  “Actually, I didn’t.”

  Braxton stared at her, obviously confused. “Okay,” he said slowly. “What exactly does that mean?”

  She looped her arm in his. “It means I want to do something different, something reckless and impulsive.” Myriad expressions crossed his face. “Trust me.”

  “I do.” He didn’t say anything for a moment and she could feel his struggle. “Okay, what did you have in mind?”

  Giving him a winning smile, Londyn said, “You’ll see.”

  “Londyn, I’m going to need directions, or at least an address.”

  “No you won’t because I’m driving.” Londyn held up her keys. “And if you say one thing about not allowing a woman to drive, you’ll never see that peach cobbler and ice cream again.” She punctuated each word with a poke in his chest.

  He chuckled and gently took hold of her hand. “That’s hitting pretty low, but I’m going to go along with it because I need that cobbler. And I need you,” he added, his eyes locked on hers.

  She could barely breathe and her heart pounded hard against her chest. If she hadn’t already been falling in love with him, his words tonight would have pushed her over the edge.


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