The Eyes of the Goddess

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The Eyes of the Goddess Page 5

by Kanu Crystal

  Sometimes she would catch Himeko staring at her with this cold and calculating look and other times these red eyes would be staring at her so intently that it took her breath away. Around anyone, she was just normal Himeko, but alone Himeko was different. Alone she would find any reason to drape herself over Isia. She found herself just sitting alone one second and the girl in her lap the next. It was off-putting to have her always wrapped around her, but at the same time, it felt right for Himeko to do so. So, she never complained.

  During their hunting trip on the first full day, Himeko had run her hands through Isia's fur in such a way that it started to make Isia pant. Himeko had told her that she loved her fur and from that point on she would ask Isia to shift for her and curl up in her fur in odd places.

  It was now the 4th day and Himeko was reading a book while she lounged on Isia in the royal rose garden. Oasis was out shopping, and her sisters went with. If she were in humanoid form, she wasn’t sure how this beautiful romantic garden would affect the mood. To avoid that mouth that tasted of fire and honey, Isia shifted and walked them through the royal gardens. They found a spot and Himeko pulled out a book.

  They had court soon, and since going back to the room to get a change of clothes would make them late, she decided to just go in a second skin. She now had a few finished suits and lay about outfits done by the seamstress but most of the fancier items still had not arrived. She didn’t really feel like wearing clothes that cost more money than she hardly ever held, so the second skin was perfect.

  Himeko turned a page from her book and without looking up she asked, "Would you like to lay your head in my lap little wolf?"

  That was another thing she was getting used to or trying too, Himeko had become a shameless flirt when they were alone. Huffing, Isia moved her head further away from that tempting lap. The rose bushes hid them mostly from sight but sitting like this was mostly innocent. "If that makes you so uncomfortable, you could shift back, and I can lay my head in your lap."

  Closing her eyes, because the princess was just outrageous, she almost missed the scent of another wolf close by. She stood, making Himeko catch herself or risk bumping her head. "Rude wolf."

  Isia ignored her and watched the entrance to their little corner of the rose garden. She let out a low warning growl bracing her paws apart and waiting. The man that walked in the entrance broke Isia's heart. It had been six years, but he had grown to be the spitting image of his father. Their father.

  "Heir, Champion." the Alpha bowed to them both. Tac, Alpha of the White Mountain pack, smiled at them both, but those cobalt eyes seemed to settle on Isia. "I was hoping to speak with you Isia, you and your sisters. If you have a chance..."

  Himeko's hands were in Isia’s fur, almost gripping. "I’m afraid it won’t be today, my Champion, and I seem to be late for court."

  Tac bowed again and stepped aside. The only reason Isia could move was that of the fist tight in her fur. As they passed her brother, her eyes never left him. She never spoke about it, but she remembered Tac well. She had no idea why it had never occurred to her that she would meet the Alpha of her old pack again.

  He didn’t follow, and she was grateful for it. She wasn’t ready to face the White Mountain Pack just yet. Himeko pulled her along the halls, and Isia could feel red eyes on her as they headed to court. In her wolf form, Isia was huge compared to the princess. She also moved faster, so she had to watch what she was doing or risk dragging the princess along.

  "Isia?" Isia looked over to the questioning woman, their eyes locked as soon as they met. "Are you ok?" Himeko leaned in close and whispered. "Want me to kill him? I can do that you know I am a princess."

  Isia snorted in laughter and Himeko smiled at her. "We don’t have to go to court. We could go to my room and just talk."

  Isia shook her big wolf's head, she didn’t want meeting her brother to be a big thing she would have to talk about. She knew Himeko meant just that, that they would just talk. Yet she didn’t want to and as weird and boring as the court was, it was better than bringing up the past. Himeko's fingers dug deep into Isia's fur as they walked along the hall in relative silence.


  They were in their seats at court in no time, Himeko beside her father, and beside her, Isia dozing off on the floor. For the last four days, they attended afternoon court. Alphas and leaders came to ask for something, like more lands or longer hunting seasons. It was dull. They kingdom seemed to be in tip-top shape and most of this shit they could have dealt with on their own.

  Isia could tell that Himeko was asking questions through mind link with her father as she studied and learned. She was also patting Isia like she was a common house pet, but she didn’t mind. Himeko’s hands felt nice and it was putting her to sleep.

  When the Herald called for Tac, Alpha of the White Mountain pack, Himeko's hand went still in her fur. Isia suppressed her growl only by closing her eyes shut and focusing on her breathing. He was an alpha and he had a right to be here. If she made a scene it would look bad for Himeko.

  "Your Immanence, I would like your permission and the right to hunt down my mother's killer and claim back my sisters to White Mountain. " it was only the four of them, the Herald and two guards in the hall, yet it felt like everyone was taking in the silence.

  "Murder? And what proof do you have of this act? Or that the killer yet lives?" the king turned to his daughter who stood still. For everyone else, it appeared that Himeko didn’t move. Yet the nails digging into her fur told Isia that Himeko was anxious.

  "I wounded my brother Tie, but he got away from me along with a few other brothers that sided with him. They move in and out of many pack lands, lands that I cannot cross. If I could just have the permission to hunt him..."

  "What proof do you have? I will not ask again."

  Tac stole a glance at the princess. "My sister, Isia, witnessed the crime." Isia stood at his statement but did not deny or approve it. Instead, she stared at Tac.

  Dorvo didn’t miss a beat. "And you know for sure that he lives?"

  "Aye Emperor, he...he is the Rogue king.”

  Isia began to pace behind the thrones. Her tail twitching, something was wrong here. The Rogue king was just an alpha of rogues and bandits. The name king was an insult all its own, for only humans had kings and many kings did not have honor. There had been many rouge kings over the years. They popped up, they stole from the wrong clan or pack, and then they were hunted down, most of the time by the army itself.

  So why ask to hunt down Tie? Why wait this long? Killing the King has consisted of a thankful act but not one that granted you any awards. You were pack-less as soon as you became rouge so it’s not like Tie was dishonoring the White Mountain. So, what? Isia looked at Himeko. She was calm outwards, but she could see the rage venting off her eyes. She looked at Tac, the fool wasn’t looking at the king, and he was looking at Himeko.

  Isia shifted and walked over to her brother. The way he looked at her naked body made her skin crawl. "So, for six years you have been catching our brother’s scent in the wind and you have done nothing about it?"

  "He was weaving through many territories, I could do nothing." he almost sounded like she was whining.

  "Nay? And how do you know the king is your brother? Did you see him?" the Emperor got up and lifted his hand to assist his daughter up.

  "Hmm. There is no award for killing Kings, Alpha." Himeko stood up as she spoke. "But revenging the death of a parent would be necessary for one seeking courtship with an Heir. In fact, such dishonor would take you right off the list of single alphas’ I can pick my first consort from." she said nothing else, just turned to leave.

  "I have been told it was him. It’s my right to hunt him down. And I admit, I want your hand, if it got out that the king was my brother, my chances would fall even more. So if they found out that my mother was killed dishonorably, and I did nothing about it." Isia stared her brother down. He looked at the emperor then back to her. “Sister...”

  "I am not your sister. You have shamed yourself and your pack enough now, go home. You seek to honor our mother only to sit your ass near power."

  With a growl, she turned and followed her princess out. She stopped long enough to hear the king laughter.

  Chapter 8

  Back in Himeko's room, the princess watched as her wolf paced back and forth. She was in her human body and naked now, but the anger radiating off her was not the mood Himeko was hoping for. It was distracting as hell to watch those breasts bounce up and down as she stomped back and forth but still not what she was hoping for.

  In truth, Himeko had no idea how to seduce anyone much less her uptight wolf. She could ask Oasis, but the other princess tended to side on the tack of extreme everything, so it would have to be her last choice. Since the first night, Himeko wanted her. wanted that dream to be real and the fire in it to burn her.

  For now, Himeko needed to focus on her wolf. In the meeting, her father had told her to through mind link, that Tac had felt wrong before closing the link completely. She had no idea what to do with that information, and from the angry look on Isia’s face, it would only worry her more.

  "Are you ok?"

  "Yes," Isia didn’t even look up just kept pacing.

  "Your brother..."

  "He is not my brother."

  "Ok, Alpha Tac, what he said, is it true?"

  "Is what true?"

  "That you saw it?"

  Isia stopped pacing. Isia looked up at Himeko then started pacing again her tail flicking from side to side. "Yes."

  "So, your mother was..."


  "You don’t have to talk..."

  "It’s fine.” Maybe it was being raised as royalty but the cutting off words were starting to grate on Himeko’s nerves. That and the fact that her wolf was so upset. It was making Himeko miserable.

  "Are you..."

  "Yes, look. Tie killed my mother in her sleep, I tried to stop him, he almost killed me, Tac came in and saved me, my father entered saw my mom's dead body and attacked Tac. Tac won, my father ran with me and my sisters. Good enough?"

  Not really. "Isia..."

  "I don’t need your pity."

  Himeko took a seat on a sofa and contented to watch Isia for a time. She was already resolved in making sure this king was tortured slowly just for the anger her wolf was feeling. "Isia ...?"

  "Yes princess." the bite in Isia's voice irritated Himeko more.

  "Your tone is noted, Champion."

  Isia stopped pacing and turned fully to Himeko. "Tac's plotting something."

  "I have no doubt. He wants my hand. Though many just...."

  Isia stumped closer. "No Himeko, Tac was different from the rest of my siblings. He wasn’t officially kicked out of the pack, but he lived on the far edges of our land. I never thought of it until now, but I wonder how he got back to the village that night, just in time to help."

  "What are you...?”

  "Maybe Tie told him of his plans, they were litter brothers. You see how close my sisters and I are, I wonder."

  "You think Tac knew you mother was going to be..."

  "Why he was in the village, was he seeing someone and if not, how did he know about Tie." Isia had already resumed pacing so Himeko just sat back. If Isia wasn’t going to listen, then Himeko would just sit back and enjoy the show.

  “It doesn’t make….he was. Fuck him.”

  “Do you want to…”

  “No. it is not important.”

  Himeko stood, grabbed some knitting and walked out the door. She was at the end of the hallway, when Isia, draped in a long robe-Himeko’s robe- caught up. The wolf let out a long growl. "Where are you going?"

  Himeko smiled as innocently as she could. For some reason, that robe on Isia made her heartache. She liked it, and as a dragon that hoarded everything with a fierce jealousy, it felt just a bit too right. "Oh, I can speak in your presence now?"

  Isia's frown was instant and cute. She looked appalled and quickly and slowly started rubbing her own arms. "Princess, I’m so sorry.”

  Why was this hot to Himeko? Seeing Isia look so shy and innocent did something to Himeko. "Well, seeing as you are now paying me attention, I wish to go out to the market." Isia stood and began taking off that robe that looked just delicious on her. "No, I want you to come as human."

  "If you would give me a few minutes to get dressed, my princess, I will be more than happy to escort you." Himeko loved it when Isia called her 'My Princess'. It sounded possessive and Himeko took it that way. It made her feel loved.

  Back in the room, Himeko waited for Isia. She put her sewing away and grabbed a light coat instead. Isia didn’t make her wait long and she was ecstatic as always with the master tailors work. Isia wore a black suit and shiny black shoes. Her bright red dress shirt fit perfectly. She had lazily not buttoned her two top buttons and she was holding a tie of the same color as her suit with red and purple stitching.

  In the last few days, Himeko was trying and purposely failing at teaching Isia how to tie a tie. It was a skill she had learned early for her own suits but enjoyed doing way too much for Isia. Himeko suspected that Isia knew that Himeko enjoyed doing this thing. She also suspected that Isia enjoyed the ritual of it just as much as Himeko did. Today she left it loose so Isia wouldn’t need to button up her shirt. Besides, she loved looking at her cocoa skin.

  "If we bring in Tie, your mother’s murder would be investigated. The kingdom must stay out of pack deaths unless it crosses over territory lines. I can have them ask about your mother." Himeko patted both of Isia's shoulders and stepped away.

  “If Tac was involved, then he will kill Tie long before they would get him back here for trial. Maybe I should go instead?" Isia placed a lock of Himeko's black hair behind her ear. Their eyes met, and electricity passed between them before Isia took one of Himeko’s arms in hers. They walked out of the sitting room and proceeded down the hall.

  "I can have a trusted general sent with Tac. Tell him to keep an eye on him. Do you need to know, or is bringing him to justice what you really need?"

  Isia looked down at the floor, seeming much younger than her seventeen years. "…I think so. I think Aisi needs it more. She fought with mother the night before and I think she blames herself. Maybe if she knew, she wouldn’t have so much anger in her heart."

  Himeko stopped them. Turning to Isia and lifting the wolf's head up. Himeko smiled at those confused blue eyes. "I understand, Champion. I will have Tie brought here alive."


  "Enough, my wolf, this is stressing you. I will have it done.” Himeko patted her face and started them both down the hallway.

  Isia got close to Himeko’s ear and whispered for only her to hear. "…thank you." Himeko nodded and wondered why those words made her blush.

  Chapter 9

  The marketplace was full of beastkin running back and forth, yelling and laughing. The first time Isia was here, she felt like it was alive. When her sisters or Oasis's guards was here, she felt just a bit on edge, but with just Himeko and her, she was completely on guard. As they walked, many Kin walked out of the way, bowing at the waist. Some tried to approach, but Isia snarled at them and they backed away.

  When a woman and her child got too close, she growled at them and sent them skidding away. Himeko laughed, shook her head, and pulled Isia closer. She placed her hand over Isia's heart and smiled. "Be at ease, my wolf. There are guards everywhere. I am safe."

  Isia looked around her and saw that all the guards were looking at Himeko. She relaxed just a bit, but every part of her was still very alert. "You need more guards."

  "Are you saying that you cannot protect me?" Himeko looked at her with a pout.

  "No, it would just be better for my peace of mind."

  "It’s better for mine if my champion was not afraid of children."

  Isia sighed and huffed a bit. She was right. Isia took Himeko’s arm and walked towards the area of th
e market that sold jewelry, gems, and other shiny things. Himeko loved shine. Like any dragon, collecting gems and gold came naturally to them.

  As she watched Himeko rub a gold necklace like it was a kitten, a scent that was beginning to aggravate her today came up behind them both. She looked at Himeko’s happy face and then at the two guards that were inching their way closer in a nonchalant way. Happy that the guards were close enough to watch the transfixed princess, Isia smiled and waited for the scent to come closer.

  Once the male was right behind her, she whirled around, grabbed his neck, then took his feet right from under him. When he hit the ground, the hand that was crushing his neck slowly began to shift into claws biting down into his skin . "Ah, Alpha Tac." Her voice came out cold and musical.

  He was still looking up at her with both fear and amazement. Their matching blue eyes stared at each other in challenge. His voice was choked as he spoke, though he tried to make it seem less so. "I see the Champion is at top form. They have been teaching you well?"

  She said nothing, just squeezed her hand deeper into his neck, blood dripped from the skin her nails dug into. She heard two growls near her, but she refused to look away. This male wanted Himeko, and as alpha and male, he had a better chance than she would ever have. Maybe she should just kill him now. Such weakness didn’t deserve to touch her princess. She should just kill him. As she thought it, the coward dropped his eyes, his submission made the growls stop.

  She snarled as she released him and stood up straight. Two males wearing the ram head shirts of the White Mountain pack were staring at her with hatred in their eyes, so she took a step toward them. Instantly the taller men looked away from her eyes. The two bear guards that had prevented the two from protecting their alpha, were grinning and nodded to her.


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