Grave Peril

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Grave Peril Page 5

by Lynn Hagen

  “I don’t think it’s him,” Cannon said and explained why.

  “Well, we’ve got shifter volunteers keeping an eye on the roads leading in and out of town. If Koehler makes it here, it won’t be by car.”

  “Have you been checking trunks?” Now that was something Jimmy would do. The guy had an ego, was self-important, and lived a certain lifestyle since he’d worked for Davila, but he also had a mean streak in him, and what Cannon did couldn’t go unchallenged. Jimmy wouldn’t let it go unchallenged.

  “Random checks,” Malik said. “We’re not stopping cars with kids or elderly people.”

  “And that’s the kind of car he would hijack.” Cannon cursed.

  “We’ll tighten our searches,” Malik said. “We won’t let him get to you or your mate.”

  “Thanks.” Cannon hung up. Jimmy was too damn good, and even though Cannon knew Malik was earnest, if Jimmy wanted to get to Cannon, nothing would stop him.

  He wasn’t sure what had changed Richie’s mind, but they needed to talk. Grayson was right when he said the more Richie knew, the better he would be able to keep himself safe. And his mate had to work tonight.

  That would be the perfect opportunity for Jimmy if the dirty cop knew about Richie. There was no way he would know, so Cannon had to keep his distance while still trying to keep an eye on the human.

  The sexy little redheaded human who made Cannon’s blood catch fire.

  He snapped his head up when someone knocked on his door. Cannon pulled his gun free and looked out the window. With furrowed brows, he opened the door.

  “Okay, here’s the deal,” Richie said as he brushed past Cannon and entered the room. He used his hands as he talked, throwing them around wildly. “The last guy I was interested in turned out to be a junkie. He kept secrets from me, big ones, and even though there’s nothing going on between us, I don’t like feeling as if you’re hiding something.”

  Richie crossed his arm and tapped his foot, as if waiting for Cannon to spill his guts.

  He guessed now was as good a time as any to let Richie know about his world and the trouble he was in. Richie was demanding answers. Cannon just hoped his mate could handle the truth.

  Chapter Five

  Richie held up his finger when his cell phone rang. Dang it, he was about to get answers from Cannon, but this was the third time Braydon had called since Richie had left his room.

  “What?” He hadn’t meant to sound irritated, but he hated when someone repeatedly dialed him. Clearly he couldn’t answer his phone if he didn’t pick up the first time.

  “We need to talk, now,” Braydon said.

  “Your lecture can wait.” Richie started to hang up.

  “Wait! You really need to hear this. Don’t you dare hang up on me.”

  With an aggravated sigh, Richie lowered his phone. “I’ll be right back.”

  He walked out of Cannon’s room and closed the door behind him. “What’s so important that it couldn’t wait?”

  “I know you’re still seeing that detective, but I need to tell you something about him.”

  “What?” Richie let himself into his room and sighed at the feel of the cool air on his skin. He didn’t plan on leaving either his room or Cannon’s today. Sweating was overrated.

  “Not over the phone,” Braydon said. “Can we meet? Bistro, in about ten minutes. I swear this is important.”

  Crap. That meant he’d have to get into his car with no AC in order to drive into town. At least Bistro had central air. “Fine, but make this quick. I was in the middle of something.”

  Richie planned on getting his answers from Cannon. There would just be a slight delay.

  “Ugh, I don’t want to know what you and Cannon were doing.” Braydon hung up.

  Richie tucked his phone, wallet, and keys into the pocket of his shorts before he left his room. He jumped into his car, lowered all his windows, and drove to town. The air blowing around in his car was like being fanned by the flames of Hell.

  By the time he reached the coffee shop, Richie was miserable. He made a dash inside and simply stood there, trying to cool off.

  “What took you so long?” Braydon grabbed his hand. “I ordered you a strawberry lemonade drink.” He handed it to Richie. “Let’s have a seat.”

  Richie saw familiar faces as they sat at one of the tables. The sheriff and his extra-large boyfriend were in line. Steven, and his boyfriend, the guy who owned half the town, were at a table looking at their laptop, snuggled close and whispering to each other. Russell, Maple Grove’s handyman, had an ice cream cone in hand as he walked out the door. Even Dr. Bjord and his sexy assistant were there, treating themselves to some refreshing drinks.

  Some guy walking past him dropped his wallet. Richie bent and picked it up, smiling when he saw the Marvel logo on it. “Hey, mister, you dropped this.”

  The tall, lean guy pressed a hand to his chest. “Thanks. My son gave that to me for my birthday, and I would’ve hated losing it.” He took the wallet and smiled. “He’s a huge Thor fan.”

  So was Richie. Who wouldn’t drool over the guy? “I’m Cosmo.”

  “Hank.” The guy shook his hand. “Have a nice day.” Hank smiled before turning to get in line.

  Richie took a sip of his ice-cold drink, sighing at how good it tasted as he listened to steam being released from the machine behind the counter. Who on earth was ordering a hot drink? They had to be insane.

  “Tell me what was so important that it couldn’t wait.” Richie turned to face his brother. “This better be damn good.”

  They took a seat in a corner booth. When Braydon spoke, it was in a hushed tone, making it almost impossible for Richie to hear him. “Cannon isn’t who he seems.”

  Richie rolled his eyes. “Here we go again. I know you hate him for what he did, but he’s not going to be in town for long, and sue me if I think he’s hot and want to have fun with him. It’s not like we’re dating or anything.”

  He wasn’t going to let Braydon spoil his fun. Normally Richie would’ve dismissed anyone who had held a gun to his brother, but there was just something about Cannon that attracted Richie like no one else had.

  Richie couldn’t explain why, either. He was experiencing some weird emotions, too. Like how upset he’d become at the thought of Cannon hiding something from him. The cop didn’t owe him a thing, yet Richie needed to know what it was.

  Even now, Richie wanted to rush back to Cannon’s room. Why the hell was he missing the guy? Someone he barely knew?

  Braydon looked around before settling his attention on Richie. “He’s not human.”

  It took several seconds for Braydon’s words to sink in, and then Richie burst out laughing. The heat must’ve fried his brother’s brain. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Braydon looked around again, which made Richie do the same. He noticed a few people looking their way. Dr. Bjord’s assistant, Moose, and Derek, Steven’s boyfriend. They gave him and Braydon curious looks.

  “We need to go outside.” Braydon got up and walked away. Maybe it was good that a doctor was at Bistro. Clearly Braydon needed one.

  Richie caught up to him by the bench outside the shop. “You need to stop spending so much time in this heat.”

  Braydon spun and glared at him. “I’m not joking around. There are things you need to know, Richie. Things I haven’t told you. But since you insist on seeing Cannon, I think it’s important that you’re fully aware of what you’re getting yourself into.”

  “Stop.” Richie held up a hand, frustrated and already sweating again. “This is insane, and you need to stop this madness. Of course Cannon is human. What else would he be, an alien?”

  “According to Arturo, he’s a black panther shifter.”

  His brother had said that with a straight face. Not even a twitch of his lips to say he was joking.

  “According to Arturo? What makes your boyfriend such an expert?” Richie walked over to the large tree behind the bench for sh

  “Because my mate is a lion shifter.” Braydon scrubbed his hand through his red hair. He wasn’t kidding. Braydon seriously believed what he was saying.

  “I’m going to get Dr. Bjord. You stay right here.” Richie started to walk away, but Braydon grabbed his arm.

  “First, Dr. Bjord is a medical doctor, not a psychiatrist. Second, I don’t need him. I can prove what I’m saying.”

  This outta be good. “Fine, prove it.” That way Richie could show his brother that he needed some serious help, and Richie was gonna kick Arturo’s ass for not letting him know that Braydon was sick.

  “Give me an hour,” Braydon said. “Come home with me and I’ll show you.”

  “I have things I need to do,” Richie said. “I have to work tonight and need my rest, too.”

  “Please.” Braydon touched Richie’s arm. “Humor me.”

  The desperation in Braydon’s blue eyes worried Richie. He loved his brother to pieces and would do anything for him, but this was completely insane.

  Cannon wasn’t human? Arturo was a lion shifter? Was there mental illness in the family and their parents had never told them? Worried for his brother’s mental health, Richie nodded.

  As they climbed into Braydon’s car, Richie looked back at his. His thoughts went straight to Cannon, and a small part of him wondered if there was a grain of truth to what Braydon was saying.

  Dread settled in his gut as they drove. It didn’t take long to get to Braydon and Arturo’s house. Richie didn’t even notice the cool hush of air over his heated skin when he walked inside.

  His steps felt like lead, and he had an urge to turn around and run back to his car.

  Arturo appeared in the archway to the kitchen. Richie and the bouncer had been friends for years. He trusted Arturo and felt comforted by his presence.

  “I told him,” Braydon said. “And just like you said he would, Richie wants proof.”

  “I still say this is a bad idea.” Arturo eyed Richie. “This is something Cannon needs to handle.”

  Braydon jabbed a hand at Richie. “My brother deserves to know, Arturo. Especially the way Cannon was acting around him. What if they are mates?” Braydon turned to Richie. “Have you slept with Cannon?”

  Richie’s jaw dropped. “That’s a personal question that I’m not answering.”

  Braydon turned back to Arturo. “They haven’t slept together, so I’m sure he hasn’t told Richie anything.”

  Richie hated how Braydon knew him so well. One look and his brother had known the truth. Damn him. Richie and Arturo might’ve been friends, but he didn’t want Braydon blasting his business in front of the guy.

  “I need you to keep an open mind,” Braydon said. “Don’t freak out.”

  “He’s gonna freak out,” Arturo argued. “I really think this is something Cannon needs to deal with.”

  Braydon glared at his boyfriend. “Just do it.”

  “Do what?” Richie stared between them, wondering if Arturo was just as crazy as Braydon. In all the years he’d known Arturo, the guy had never shown any signs that he wasn’t all there. In fact, Arturo was the most down-to-earth guy Richie knew.

  Arturo clenched his jaw. He glanced at Richie before he pulled his shirt off.

  “Whoa!” Richie took a step back. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Was Arturo really about to get naked? The guy was sexy, and had a nice body, but Richie didn’t want to see it. Arturo belonged to Braydon, and why in the fuck was Braydon letting his boyfriend strip?

  “I don’t want to ruin these clothes,” Arturo said. He moved behind the couch so Richie wouldn’t see his junk.

  “Trust me, I don’t want you to see him naked, but this is the only way,” Braydon said. “I’m just trying to look out for you, Richie. I’m not doing this to be mean or, as much as I wish you wouldn’t deal with Cannon, keep you away from him.”

  Arturo suddenly disappeared. Richie blinked several times. His brain was trying to rationalize where Arturo had gone when he noticed fur.


  The back and mane of the animal was visible from over the couch. Then a lion padded forward, and Richie screamed. He threw his strawberry lemonade drink at it and ran for the door.

  Braydon caught Richie and hauled him back. “He won’t hurt you, and Arturo understands everything we’re saying.”

  “But…but…” Richie’s heart was beating out of his chest. He clung to his brother as he stared at the lion, who had plopped down on the floor as if he wasn’t a danger and wouldn’t eat them.

  “Now do you believe me when I say that Cannon is a black panther shifter?” Braydon patted Richie’s hand. “I know it’s a lot to take in. I freaked when Arturo told me what he was.” Braydon turned to face Richie. “We’re mates. In their world, that means fate handpicked me for Arturo. We have a deep bond that can’t be broken, and my happiness and safety are Arturo’s main concern.”

  Richie felt dizzy. He couldn’t imagine Cannon turning into an animal. Was that the secret he’d kept from Richie? Was that what he was going to tell him in his motel room?

  “I think I need to sit down.” Richie looked toward the couch and decided standing was better, though his knees shook and he felt as though he’d collapse at any second.

  The lion got up and padded away. A moment later Arturo returned, fully dressed. “Sorry, buddy, but I could never tell you what I am. We guard our secret, and I would appreciate if you kept this to yourself.” Arturo narrowed his eyes. “I know you can’t keep a secret to save your life, but I’m asking you to keep this one.”

  Richie finally sat, wishing he hadn’t thrown his drink. He needed something to quench his parched throat.

  He glared at Arturo. “Just when you think you know someone. Who else at work can do that?”

  Arturo shook his head. “Not telling you. If you really are Cannon’s mate, he can blow your mind even further. My promise to Braydon is done.”

  “But Cannon doesn’t know anyone in town,” Richie argued. “How is he going to tell me who is human and who isn’t?”

  Richie couldn’t believe he was having this conversation. He thought he would have to seek help for Braydon, for his delusions. Now it was Richie who felt as if he needed to lie on a couch.

  Arturo shrugged. “Fine, Ash is a shifter.”

  Ash, Richie’s coworker and fellow bartender. The guy with an easy-going smile and charming personality.

  “Bayne and Wilder, too.”

  The other bouncers at Pump. Richie felt as though he’d stepped into a whole other dimension where up was down and nothing made any sense.

  Arturo swiped his phone from the coffee table when it started to ring. Richie leaned back, still rattled from seeing his friend change into a lion.

  “Hang on.” Arturo held his phone out. “It’s for you.”

  “Me?” Richie looked at the phone in Arturo’s hand. “Who is calling for me on your phone?”

  “Just take it.”

  Richie grabbed the phone and pressed it to his ear. “Hello?”

  “You shouldn’t have taken off without letting me know you were leaving,” Cannon said.

  Just hearing the deep tone and the concern in Cannon’s voice made Richie miss him. That was nuts! The guy wasn’t even human, and they’d just met. Richie shouldn’t be missing him with such a deep ache.

  Was Cannon really his…what was that word Braydon had used? Mate?

  Richie cleared his throat. “I wasn’t aware I had to tell you my every move.”

  “We still need to talk.”

  That was the last thing Richie wanted. He needed time to process what he’d learned, to come to terms with the fact that his perception of reality had altered.

  Instead of answering Cannon, Richie hung up, set the phone aside, and stood. “Take me back to my car.”

  Braydon nodded. “I’m sorry you found out this way, but you needed to know.”

  Richie was also pissed that Braydon had kept such a mi
nd-blowing secret from him. They were close and usually told each other everything.

  Like how you told him about seeing Cannon? Richie growled at himself. That was different. Wanting to sleep with someone wasn’t the same as keeping an astronomical secret.

  The ride back to town was quiet. Braydon didn’t say a word as he took Richie back to his car. When he got out, so did Braydon.

  “Richie, talk to me.”

  Richie held up a hand. “I just need time.”

  He walked away, passing his car as he headed toward work. It was way too early, but it was Thursday, which meant Ash was putting away the stock that had been delivered yesterday. Richie didn’t want to be around Ash, not when he now knew the truth, but he didn’t want to go back to the motel, either.

  He stepped through the back door and headed to the main room. Sure enough, Ash was there. He looked up and stared at Richie with a curious look. “What’re you doing here, Cosmo?”

  Richie sat at the bar. “I need a damn drink.”

  Ash stopped unloading boxes and crossed his arms on the bar. “Okay, handsome, tell me what’s going on. Since when do you drink during the day?”

  A bubble of laughter escaped Richie. “Are we seriously playing the bartender slash therapist? In case you’ve forgotten, I am a bartender.”

  Ash smiled. “Even therapists need therapists. What’s got you coming in hours before your shift?”

  Maybe Richie wasn’t capable of holding a secret. He was dying to talk to someone who didn’t have a biased opinion. He nibbled on his lip and wondered if he should say anything to Ash. But didn’t Arturo say that Ash was a shifter? Surely talking to him wouldn’t be breaking any rules.

  “What kind of shifter are you?”

  Ash was smoking freaking hot, even though he was older than the other bartenders. His smile was infectious, and even though Richie was still wigging out about all of this, he couldn’t help but smile, too.

  “What little birdie tipped your ear?” Ash scratched at his low-trimmed beard. “Truth be told, I’m surprised you hadn’t figured it out before now.”

  Richie was surprised he hadn’t either. He worked with at least four shifters, and he’d been completely clueless. “Does it matter how I found out? Where’s my drink?”


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