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Tempted by Love: Jack Jock Steele (The Steeles at Silver Island Book 1)

Page 19

by Melissa Foster

  “Oh God…Jock…” She panted. “Don’t stop.”

  He quickened his efforts, and her hips shot forward. He held her right where she needed him most, relentless in his pursuit of her pleasure.

  His name flew from her lips like a prayer. “Jock! Oh, oh, ooooooh—”

  He stayed with her, devouring her sex as it pulsed and quivered, and she panted out sinful sounds he knew he’d hear in his dreams. When the last shudder rolled through her, he pushed to his feet and crushed his mouth to hers. She didn’t pull away at the taste of her arousal. She feasted on his mouth as he feasted on hers, and fuck, that nearly sent him over the edge. Then her delicate hand slipped from his body and she cupped his balls, stealing the breath from his lungs. She fisted his shaft, stroking him tight and perfect, shocking his brain into gear.

  “Fuck.” He grabbed her wrist.

  “Did I do it wrong?”

  The innocence and worry in her eyes cut straight to his heart. “No. You’re incredible, but I want to make love to you.” And then he realized his mistake, and it was a big one. “Shit, Daph. I don’t have a condom. I didn’t think we’d end up here.”

  “I’m on birth control, and you said you were clean as a whistle.” She squeezed his cock, and he ground out a curse. “Is this whistle clean?”

  “Yes,” he said with a laugh. “I wouldn’t be naked with you if I wasn’t.”

  “Then…” She raised her brows in the sweetest, sexiest invitation he’d ever received.

  “You’re too fucking adorable for words.” He crushed his mouth to hers, needing so much more of her. He’d promised her slow, but he couldn’t hold back any longer. They kissed as they stumbled to the bed, and he laid her on her back, taking a long, lustful look as he came down over her. “You’re gorgeous, Daph. Know that, sweetheart, because it is true.”

  “You make me feel beautiful.”

  “Then I need to try harder, because you are utterly divine.”

  He lowered his mouth to hers, and as their bodies came together, waves of soul-drenching pleasure crashed over him. His emotions whirled and skidded, rendering him speechless. He crushed his lips to hers, and their bodies took over, urgently pumping and grinding, groping and clawing. Their kisses were deep and agonizing, both desperate for more. Their skin grew slick, the sounds of their lovemaking filling the room. Jock pushed one hand beneath her, cupping her ass as he took her deeper. She moaned into his mouth, and the vibration set his heart on fire. He reared up, needing to see her face. Her eyes opened, and he slowed his thrusts, savoring the feel of her tight heat, her hands holding him like she never wanted to let go.

  “I’ve waited so long,” he whispered. “You’re so…” He searched for the right words, but she was looking at him like he was the only man she’d ever wanted, and he clung to that, wanting to be that man, because that was exactly how he felt about her. “You’re everything, Daph. Everything.” Their mouths came together, and they found a new rhythm, slower, more intense. But slow didn’t last as their passion mounted, rising between them like the hottest fire. Tremors started in her thighs, her nails dug into his arms as her hips rose off the bed, and her head fell back.

  “Jock—” flew from her lungs as her orgasm crashed over her.

  Her hips bucked, and her body clenched so tight, heat skated down his spine, hurtling him into his own explosive release. He buried his face in her neck, gritting out her name as they rode the waves of ecstasy. Their climaxes went on and on, until they lay tangled in each other’s arms, too spent to move. He kissed her softly, their hearts beating as one as he ran his fingers through her hair, down her back, along the curve of her spine.

  She drifted in and out of sleep in his arms, beyond beautiful, with the sunlight illuminating her voluptuous body. A long while later, her eyes fluttered open and her lips curved up. “I just want to stay in your arms all day.”

  “I would like nothing more.” He kissed her softly, but it wasn’t enough for either of them, and they deepened the kiss. Their hands moved greedily over each other’s bodies, Daphne’s soft fingers pressing into his skin. Her touch was like a gift he couldn’t get enough of. He felt like he was floating down an endless river on the most luxurious ride, and he never wanted to get off. But he had a feeling today wasn’t totally theirs. “When do you have to get Hadley?” he whispered against her lips.

  Her smile grew, and she ran her fingers lightly along his back, making him even harder. “I love that you worry about her.”

  “She’s part of you. Of course I do.”

  “I have to get her in a few hours.” She cuddled closer, pressing against his erection. Her trusting eyes met his, and she whispered, “After we do that again.”

  “Aw, baby.” He moved over her, feeling free and whole for the first time in years, and when she whispered, “Love me, Jock,” he had a feeling he was already well on his way.

  Chapter Thirteen

  DAPHNE WAS STILL floating on air from her morning with Jock when she headed up her parents’ driveway late Sunday morning to pick up Hadley, thumbing out a text to Chloe. SOS. Need girl talk. She added an eggplant and a peach emoji and sent it off. She knew Chloe was on her weekly motorcycle ride with Justin and other Dark Knights, but she was dying to talk to her. She hadn’t been able to stop smiling since Jock had knelt in front of her in what she considered to be the most embarrassing moment of her entire life. She still couldn’t believe that had happened, much less how he’d made it seem natural to be caught using a vibrator.

  How had he known just what to say and do to make her not only feel at ease, but also beautiful and sexy? She wanted to bottle up the things he did and said, the way he touched her, looked at her, and revisit them later to make sure she hadn’t dreamed them up. After they’d made love a second time, they’d lain in bed for the longest time, nibbling on the treats he’d brought and talking about silly things, like their favorite seasons—they both loved fall and winter because of the colors and cooler weather—and their favorite colors—hers was rust, because it was unique and pretty, and his was blue, because it had always been blue. She’d thought it funny that he hadn’t had a reason. He’d asked about her plans for the day, and she said she was hoping to play with Hadley, answer forum questions for the book club, and get some laundry done. Although she was in no rush to wash her sheets. She loved having his scent on them. He’d said he was feeling inspired and hoped to write. Daphne tried to coax him into taking a shot at writing romance, since he was so good at living it, but he’d refused. They’d had a few laughs making up romantic story lines that he injected with death and gore just to get a rise out of her. He suggested they take Hadley out for ice cream that evening. She was thrilled that he was taking steps toward making things better with Hadley.

  “Mom?” she said as she walked through the kitchen of her childhood home, a modest four-bedroom Cape Cod with a glass breakfast room that Daphne had always loved. The rooms were rather small, and the furniture had been the same for as long as she could remember, but that consistency brought comfort.

  “In the playroom!” her mother called out.

  Daphne went through the living room and down the hall to the playroom, which they’d called the rec room when Daphne had been young. Back then it had been her and her siblings’ hangout, boasting a large flat-screen television, a computer desk, and two comfy couches. Now those couches were pushed against the wall and there were shelves and buckets filled with Hadley’s toys. The room was always in a state of chaos, littered with dolls, coloring books, plastic vehicles, and dozens of stuffed animals.

  It was a bright, sunny room, and in the middle of the floor Renee and their mother were having a tea party with Hadley and several of her stuffies.

  “Mommy!” Hadley jumped to her feet and ran to her.

  Daphne scooped her into a hug. “Hi, baby girl. Are you having fun?”

  Hadley nodded. “Auntie Nay is here!”

  “I see that.” Daphne glanced at her sister, who was looking at h
er curiously.

  Renee was tall and lean with high cheekbones and a perky nose, like their mother. She was into every fitness trend there was, from Pilates and kickboxing to hot yoga and mountain climbing. When Daphne had been a chubby thirteen-year-old wearing a D-cup bra, she’d been jealous of her gorgeous and popular fifteen-year-old sister. But then she’d overheard Renee crying one afternoon with a girlfriend about how she was too skinny and complaining that her younger sister had a better body than she did. Hearing that had affected Daphne so strongly, she’d gotten up the courage to talk with Renee about it later that night. Renee had told her that every girl hated their body, and that she’d give anything to find a way to love hers. That conversation had been the catalyst for Daphne to stop comparing herself to everyone else and to embrace her fuller body. She faltered from time to time, wishing she had fewer dimples or less cellulite, but more often than not, she was glad she could be comfortable in her own skin.

  Until she was naked with a man.

  At least that had been the case before Jock. Embarrassingly, she couldn’t wait to get naked with him again. She tried to push those thoughts away as she set Hadley down and said, “Where’s Dad?”

  “He and Sean had a meeting at the firehouse about the carnival,” her mother explained. The carnival was still several weeks away. Every year the firehouse ran a dunk tank, and it was always mobbed with single women.

  “Sorry I missed him,” Daphne said. “Renee, I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

  “I got that new line of clothes in for the boutique that I told you about. I picked out a few things for Mom. I knew you’d want to pick out your own next time you come by.” Renee pushed to her feet in her spandex capris and tight white tank top. She flipped her long chestnut hair—which she swore was dirty blond—over her shoulder, keeping her scrutinizing gaze locked on Daphne. “I’m glad I made it, because Hadley told us all about her new friend Doc. She seems to really like him.”

  “I love my Dock,” Hadley said matter-of-factly as she plopped down on her bottom to play with her stuffed owl.

  Daphne felt her cheeks burning and quickly looked away from Renee, who had somehow known with a single glance about Daphne’s first kiss, the first time she’d been felt up, and the first time she’d had sex.

  “Is he a doctor?” their mother asked as she got up to hug Daphne. Their mother was always on the move, but she never appeared harried. With delicate features and glossy light-brown hair cut just above her shoulders with a few wispy bangs, she looked like she belonged in a Hallmark movie. “Honey, are you using a new moisturizer? You are positively glowing. You have to tell me what you’re using, because my skin has been terribly dry this summer.”

  Behind their mother, Renee stifled a laugh, pointed to Daphne, and did several hip thrusts.

  Daphne turned away to hide her embarrassment and said, “No, Mom. I’m not using a new moisturizer.”

  “Really?” Their mother turned Daphne’s face toward her, inspecting it more closely. “Maybe it’s that tan you’ve picked up.”

  “You are glowing, Dee. Is Doc your new friend, too?” Renee waggled her brows. “Had said he gave her Owly and that he cried. Was that a cry of pleasure, maybe?”

  Ohmygod! Daphne was going to tape Hadley’s mouth shut and slaughter Renee. “He’s a friend of both of ours,” she said, ignoring her sister’s crying comment and nervously putting away toys. “He’s staying at Bayside, and yes, he gave her Owly, but he’s not a doctor.”

  “Then why do they call him Doc?” their mother asked.

  Renee smirked. “Maybe he likes to play doctor.”

  Daphne glowered at her.

  “Renee,” their mother chided. Her eyes moved between the two sisters. “What is going on with you two?” She gasped, and suddenly her face brightened. “Daphne? Do you have a new beau?”

  “Um…” Daphne suddenly felt like she was going to burst at the seams, but she didn’t know how to answer. She made a strangled noise in her throat and said, “Maybe? Kind of? I think so, but I don’t really know for sure.”

  “Oh, baby girl!” Their mother hugged her so tight Daphne couldn’t breathe. “I want to hear everything!”

  “Maybe not everything,” Renee said under her breath.

  Daphne shot her a pleading look.

  Renee took her hand and led her to the couch. “Okay, darling Daphne, talk to me.”

  Flanked by her mother and sister, Daphne said, “First of all, his name is Jack Steele. Jock is just a nickname given to him by the man he took care of for several years, and Had can’t say Js, so she calls him Dock. He’s a writer, but he stopped writing about ten years ago…” With an ache in her heart, she told them everything—from the first moment she and Jock had met and his reactions to Hadley, to the losses he’d suffered, his years with Harvey, and his struggles with writing and finding himself again—because it was the only way for them to truly understand who he was and the extent he was willing to go to for her and Hadley. “I can’t explain why, given the way he first reacted to Hadley, but he’s the only man who has lingered in my thoughts since Tim. And it seems the same for him, since we met last year.” She told them about their evenings together—leaving out the dirty details—and his apology gifts, the flowers, dinners, and how he was trying to figure out how to deal with his triggers.

  “Oh, honey,” their mother said. “Jock sounds like a very special man who has been through more than anyone should ever have to. If he’s willing to try to figure out how to move forward after everything he’s been through, he must realize how wonderful you and Hadley are. He sounds like a very smart man.”

  “Thanks, Mom. He is.”

  “How do you feel when you’re with him?” their mother asked.

  “He makes me feel like…” She looked up at the ceiling, knowing her blush and ridiculous grin were giving everything away. The truth flew out like confetti and glitter. “Like a desirable woman. Not just like a mom, although he likes the mom part of me, too.”

  “I bet he likes the part of you that your baby came out of,” Renee whispered for Daphne’s ears only.

  Daphne shot her a warning look.

  “I’m sorry, but you know I’m not great with touchy-feely conversations.” Renee’s expression turned apologetic, and she said, “It’s no wonder you two feel a connection. You’re the most caring person I know, and it sounds as though he’s very much like you. I’m happy for you.”

  “He is caring, and careful.” She wanted to tell them that he tested her boundaries carefully, too, but that was too private to divulge. “I’ve never been with a man like him. He looks at me like Dad looks at you, Mom, and it feels so different from the way it was with Tim. Jock notices things about me, things I try to hide from everyone. It’s a little scary to be with someone who sees me so clearly, but it’s a good scary. And with all the stuff he’s dealing with, he still thinks of me and Hadley, of our needs, our happiness. He’s thoughtful and protective toward her, even with his limitations. He worries about making sure she doesn’t feel like his reactions are her fault.” She looked at Hadley playing with her owl and remembered how honest he’d been with her and how he’d sprang into action when she’d toddled toward the water. “I know not to make too much out of it yet, but I like him a lot.”

  “I’m so happy for you, honey,” their mother said.

  “I’m really happy for you, too,” Renee said. “I’ve got my eye on a new guy at my gym.”

  “Really? What’s he like?” Daphne asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ve only seen him a time or two, and we haven’t talked yet. But who knows. Maybe we’ll both get lucky.”

  “It’s like I keep telling you girls,” their mother said. “Relationships are like golf. If you don’t get a hole in one the first time, don’t give up. Sometimes you have to try lots of different clubs and angles and stances, use a lighter touch, or a tighter one, and keep at it until you get it in the hole. And then practice, practice, practice. Trust me, wh
en you grab hold of the perfect club, you’ll know it.”

  Daphne stifled a laugh, but Renee laughed so hard she choked.

  “Mom!” Renee said between coughs. “You should never talk about holes again.”

  “Oh dear. That didn’t sound right, did it?” Their mother covered her mouth, eyes wide, cheeks pinking up as quickly as Daphne’s did.

  “It’s okay, Mom,” Daphne said, tingly with thoughts of playing golf with Jock. “I get it.”

  “Apparently you’re getting it good, based on that glow,” Renee teased, making them all laugh.

  As their mother wrapped an arm around each of them, Hadley toddled over and climbed onto Daphne’s lap, bringing her reality front and center. This thing between her and Jock was much more dangerous than a game of golf. There weren’t just two hearts at stake. There were three, and they’d all been hurt before, even if the littlest of them didn’t realize it.

  JOCK WALKED ALONG Wellfleet Pier with Daphne and Hadley, each of them eating an ice-cream cone, and felt like he was on top of the world. After enjoying the most glorious morning with Daphne, followed by his first day of productive writing in forever, he felt like a new man. He’d been astonished when he’d sat down at his laptop and the words had finally come. He had written only two chapters, but they were good chapters, even if he didn’t quite understand the story they were beginning to form. That was the funny thing about writing. One idea could spark ten more, and the direction of the story could change with each one, until finally the perfect one clicked. But Jock had been elated to have written at all, and he knew that when the words flowed, it was best to let them continue and make sense of them later.

  The pier was crowded with families enjoying the unusually warm evening. Teens rode skateboards, and couples meandered along the wharf going to and from Mac’s Seafood, the Pearl restaurant, the Frying Pan Gallery, and other local shops. Daphne held Hadley’s hand as they walked in the opposite direction of the crowds, toward the stage at the far end of the wharf. The setting sun cast a romantic glow over the bay, making their time together feel even more special. Surrounded by boats, the scent of the sea, and the familiar clank of metal against tall masts, Jock was reminded of home. It had been a long time since he’d let his mind wander in that direction without ghosts pushing it away. But Daphne’s comment about making an effort with Archer had struck a chord, and he wondered if she was right. He’d also gotten a call from Levi and Joey earlier, and another from Sutton, both of which he was sure were made at Jules’s prompting. Jules was still trying her best to wrangle him into going to their grandmother’s birthday party. Talking to Joey had almost done the trick. That little girl had him wrapped around her finger, just as Hadley was starting to.


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