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We Just Clicked: Fall in love with the most hilarious and heart-warming rom-com of the year!

Page 28

by Anna Bell

  ‘Yeah, I’ll be right down.’

  ‘Great, and don’t forget the swimming costume.’

  I groan.

  ‘I thought you were kidding.’

  ‘Deadly serious – go and get it and I’ll wait for you in the car, it’s freezing.’

  I’m trying not to let my mind run away too much, worrying about all the horrible things he might have planned which would explain why I need a swimming costume in January when we’re going for a walk in the great outdoors. But I pick it up anyway and stuff it in my overnight bag and hurry down to the car.

  ‘Hey, you,’ he says as I climb into his Ford Focus.

  ‘Hey, yourself.’

  I lean over and give him a kiss before I turn to give Barney a pat through the dog guard but he’s not there.

  ‘Aren’t we taking Barney?’

  ‘Nope, he’s with my parents.’

  ‘Oh God,’ I say, screwing my face up.

  ‘I’m beginning to get a bit of a complex. Is it that bad that it’s only me?’

  ‘No, I just thought with Barney with us then we couldn’t be doing anything too horrific like canyoning or caving.’

  ‘In January?’ he says, laughing. ‘Are you mad?’

  ‘But then why do I need a swimming costume?’

  ‘I’m taking you away for a romantic night away. Just us.’

  ‘Just us?’

  ‘Yeah. We haven’t really been out on many dates; we always seem to stay in or take Barney out for walks so I figured this was overdue.’

  It’s a really sweet sentiment and whilst I didn’t really want to be out and about in public with Aidan properly until after I ended things with Luke, holed up in a hotel room ordering room service isn’t the end of the world. In fact, it sounds pretty damn perfect.

  ‘Let’s do it,’ I say, and Aidan grins and pulls away from the kerb.

  Tears of laughter run down my face. Aidan’s been telling me a story of taking Barney to the vet’s for the past half hour.

  ‘And you didn’t tell him about the humping?’ I say, wiping my cheeks.

  ‘I didn’t dare. Funny enough, we haven’t been back to that vet’s since.’

  My ribs are aching from laughing so hard.

  ‘I think we’re nearly there,’ says Aidan.

  I look out of the window – I haven’t been paying an awful lot of attention to the drive. We turned off the main road a long time ago and since then we’ve been driving through tree-lined countryside.

  ‘Are you going to tell me where we are?’

  ‘No,’ says Aidan, staring straight ahead.

  We turn down a road and we pass a cute chocolate-box cottage set back from the road. It looks familiar but I can’t quite place where I’ve seen it before. The car rattles on and I see a thick wood. My skin starts to prickle as I hope that I’m wrong but this seems awfully like the route that Luke and I took to Ingleford Manor.

  I’m starting to overheat and I unwrap the scarf from my neck.

  ‘You OK?’ asks Aidan, turning down the thermostat.

  ‘Yes, fine. Just a hot flush, or something. Are we nearly there?’ I ask, looking out of desperation for anywhere else we could be staying.

  I see a sign for Ingleford Manor and I start to feel sick. We can’t be. We just can’t.

  Aidan slows down and starts to indicate up the long drive.

  ‘This is where we’re staying?’ I squeak. ‘It looks really expensive – did you want to find somewhere cheaper?’

  Aidan laughs.

  ‘Not that it’s about the money, but I managed to get an amazing deal on this place. I was talking to my brother about it and he’d seen it promoted online, so you don’t have to worry that I’m bankrupting myself.’

  I swallow hard and it hurts. My mouth’s gone completely dry. I thought I felt sick last time I came here, but the churning that’s going on in my stomach right now has nothing to do with food poisoning.

  I can feel myself getting panicky. Surely someone’s going to recognise me? The hotel are always featuring photos of us from our stay and Grant’s always liking my posts and watching my stories.

  Aidan winds the car round the turning circle and into the car park.

  ‘Here we are,’ he says, opening his door and climbing straight out.

  I pull down the sun visor and flip open the mirror and inspect myself. Luckily I let my hair dry naturally this morning so it’s big and curly and I didn’t bother to put much make-up on, thinking we were just going for a casual walk.

  ‘Are you coming?’ he asks, opening my car door.

  He’s already unloaded our bags.

  ‘Yes, of course,’ I say, rewrapping my scarf tightly round my neck and trying to obscure as much of my face as possible. ‘Hang on a sec.’

  I dig into the front pouch of my suitcase and pull out a big woolly hat.


  ‘Weren’t you just having a hot flush?’

  ‘Yes and now I’m freezing. This is just what women have to deal with,’ I say as we head towards the entrance.

  We walk into the lobby and I spot the receptionist from my last stay looking earnestly at her computer whilst she helps a couple at the front desk. ‘Do you want to check us in and I’ll nip to the loo?’

  ‘Sure,’ he says.

  I look around before pointing at the toilet as if I’ve just found it and I dash inside.

  I hide in the safety of a cubicle, sighing with relief that I’ve made it over the threshold. I monitor Aidan’s progress by opening the main door a sliver and when he’s finished I come back out.

  ‘Good timing,’ he says. ‘We’re on the third floor.’

  ‘Lead on,’ I say, gesturing towards the stairs.

  I see the back office door opening – the one where Grant usually springs from – and I start to hurry up the stairs two at a time, overtaking Aidan.

  ‘What’s the rush?’

  ‘I’m excited to get in the room with you,’ I purr over my shoulder.

  Aidan gets a sudden spring in his step and we quickly find our room.

  He flings open the door and he goes to kiss me but I turn and push him onto the bed which is right in front of us. Our room might be as tastefully decorated as the honeymoon suite but it’s nowhere near the size. Typical: this weekend when I want to cocoon us in the room, it’s barely big enough to swing a cat. But it does at least have a solid wall between the bedroom and the bathroom, thank goodness.

  I start to walk towards Aidan, unbuttoning my coat whilst maintaining eye contact.

  ‘I’ve arranged us a surprise for later on this afternoon, but we’ve got a little bit of time,’ says Aidan.

  ‘That’s lucky, as I’m not in the mood to go fast.’

  I slip my fleece over the top of my head, followed by my long-sleeved T-shirt, then I bend down and start unlacing my walking boots, that of course are stuck in a knot. I eventually pull them off and I start hopping on one leg, trying to tug at my woolly socks. By the time I slip off my vest and finally reveal my matching sexy undies, I’m worried that Aidan will have fallen asleep. Winter layers aren’t really conducive for a sexy striptease.

  He’s clearly had enough and he leans forward and drags me onto the bed.

  ‘When I said we had time, we don’t have that much time,’ he says, throwing me on my back.

  Right now I’m not stressed about being recognised and I’m starting to enjoy myself, which means all I need to do is use all of my feminine charms to keep him in the room for the rest of our trip.

  I move my head off Aidan’s chest and reach over for a bottle of water on the desk.

  He takes the opportunity to sit up.

  ‘Hey, don’t move. I’m coming back,’ I say, having a quick drink.

  ‘We can’t stay here all day,’ says Aidan.

  ‘Can’t we?’

  Even if I wasn’t trying to avoid all the hotel staff, I couldn’t think of a better place to spend a Saturday afternoon.

we could do this at home. I’ve got a surprise for us booked. We’re off to the spa.’

  ‘Sounds…’ my heart starts to race until I calm myself thinking of all the places I can hide – steam room, sauna, under the big waterfall jets around the pool, ‘lovely.’

  ‘Come on, put your swimming costume on.’

  A few minutes later we’re dressed in matching fluffy hotel robes and heading towards the spa. Aidan’s got his arm around me and when I hear Grant’s larger-than-life voice echoing down the corridor I bury my head further into the crook of his arm. I’m practically nuzzling his armpits. He squeezes me tighter and despite feeling ridiculous, at least he doesn’t seem to think my behaviour is strange.

  We pass Grant and make it to the spa, but despite the chilled dolphin music I still can’t relax. I’ve still got to avoid the rest of the staff.

  ‘You look so tense,’ says Aidan, rubbing at my arms. ‘Which is why it’s perfect I’ve booked us in for a mud session. It’s what this hotel is famous for.’

  I freeze.

  ‘Mud session?’

  My voice has gone all squeaky.

  ‘Uh-huh, doesn’t that sound good?’

  He winks at me and pulls me towards the reception desk. The receptionist books us in and leads us through into the room where the therapist has her back to us. I sigh with relief when I see the long platinum white hair meaning it can’t be Jacinda, until she turns round and I’m standing face to face with Heidi the Swedish masseuse.

  ‘Hello, welcome to the mud experience. Have either of you done a mud bath before?’

  ‘No,’ says Aidan.

  ‘No, never, uh-uh,’ I say, shaking my head.

  ‘OK,’ says Heidi looking at me and I wonder if it’s out of recognition or just because I’m acting strangely. She goes on to give the same spiel that Jacinda gave me in November. ‘Have you got a hairband for your hair?’

  ‘Oh no, I don’t.’

  She pulls one out of her pocket and hands it across to me before she smiles and leaves the room. Once she’s gone I tie my hair up in a high bun.

  I drop my robe and slip off my bikini. It’s totally different being here with Aidan instead of Luke – the electricity is crackling between us as we get naked.

  ‘How do you think we get in?’ says Aidan.

  ‘I think we just sit on the side and go for it,’ I say, almost expertly demonstrating.

  I slide into the soft oozy mud and this time I’m prepared for the odd sensation.

  Aidan stumbles in and I have to jump up to try and steady him.

  ‘Bloody hell, this stuff is weird,’ he says.

  I pop some mud on my face, hoping to disguise myself from Heidi for when she comes back.

  ‘Bugger, I’ve got an itch on my nose. I’m worried I’m going to get mud in my eye. Will you scratch it?’ says Aidan.

  ‘Um, I’ve got just as much mud on my hands as you have.’

  Aidan sits there fidgeting. It looks like neither of us are finding this to be the relaxing experience it should be.

  ‘Shit, it’s driving me crazy,’ he says a couple of minutes later. ‘Come closer, you can do it with your nose.’

  ‘My nose? I don’t think that’s going to work.’

  ‘Trust me, anything’s better than the itch.’

  I lean over and rub my nose gently against him just as Heidi walks in.

  ‘Oh, um, shall I come back?’ she says.

  ‘No, it’s not like that,’ says Aidan, laughing. ‘I had an itch, but I think Izzy got it.’

  ‘Great, so I’m just going to put some mud on your face.’

  ‘Thank you,’ sighs Aidan.

  ‘Oh, I see you’ve already done yours,’ she says, turning to me.

  ‘Couldn’t resist,’ I say.

  ‘Right, I’ll leave you in here for fifteen minutes then I’ll come in with hot towels,’ she says, walking out.

  ‘My nose is itching again,’ says Aidan, turning around.

  ‘Oh really,’ I say, turning and leaning closer with my nose. I give it the best rub I can before giving him a quick kiss.

  ‘Now, are you starting to feel relaxed?’ asks Aidan.

  Now that Heidi is out of the way, I am.

  ‘A little. Perhaps you can tell me another story about Barney and the vet’s.’

  ‘Oh, I’ve got plenty of those,’ he says, launching into one.

  Fifteen minutes later, Heidi comes in and places hot towels on our faces. ‘Do you think you’ll need me to help you out and into the showers?’

  ‘I reckon we can get ourselves out,’ says Aidan, much to my relief. ‘I’m pretty much an expert with mud after dealing with my Labrador.’

  ‘No problem,’ she says. ‘The showers are located just behind you and they’re very straightforward to work. Then the nap room is on your right.’

  ‘Great, thanks,’ I say as she slips out again.

  ‘I’m so ready to get out of here,’ says Aidan, trying to slide himself free of the mud. He manages to get out and props himself up on the edge.

  I surprise myself by making it too and I confidently turn around and put my foot on the floor only to slide the moment I stand up.

  Aidan goes to catch me but we’re both so slippery that he practically has to rugby tackle me to keep me upright and we end up sliding back into the bath.

  ‘That didn’t go quite to plan,’ I say, laughing.

  He’s got a lump of mud on the top of his head and I go to wipe it off but with my muddy hands I make it ten times worse.

  ‘I think we’re going to be stuck in here forever,’ he says, leaning over and kissing me.

  ‘Or at least until Heidi comes back. I thought you were an expert with mud?’

  ‘I am. This mud will not beat me.’

  He scrambles over the side and gingerly places his feet on the floor.

  ‘I made it,’ he says, before leaning over and holding onto me as I try and do the same.

  ‘I feel like we’re at Glastonbury,’ I say, clinging onto him for dear life. We’re slipping and sliding all over the mud floor we’ve created.

  ‘Hurrah,’ I say, punching the air in triumph when we reach the showers.

  The cool water’s a welcome relief after the hot mud and I notice that Aidan’s showering with his back next to me.

  ‘What’s with you? Since when have you been shy?’

  ‘Since you’re all covered in mud and in a shower and we’re naked. Do you have any idea how sexy that is?’

  ‘And you’re not looking because?’

  ‘We’re in a spa where Heidi could walk in on us at any moment.’

  ‘Hmm,’ I say, ‘how about we ditch the relax room after and head straight back to our room?’

  ‘Sounds bloody marvellous,’ he says, shutting off the shower and we hastily put our robes back on.

  It’s not long before Heidi knocks on the door and I feign a sore tummy and tell her we’re heading back out.

  She gives me a small smile and wishes me well and we hurry out.

  ‘I’m so glad we took this trip,’ he says, sliding the key card into the door lock.

  ‘Me too,’ I say honestly.

  ‘And we’ve still got the fancy dinner in the restaurant tonight to go.’

  I feel all the tension that I just got rid of in the mud come flooding back. The thought of sitting in a restaurant where Grant or one of the staff could recognise me at any moment terrifies me.

  Not that I can think about that right now. No sooner has Aidan opened the door than he’s undone my robe and he’s guiding me to the shower. I think he might do his best to try and give my mind a temporary respite and make me forget about my other life.

  Chapter 31

  When I wake up I roll over to find the bed empty.

  ‘Hey, sleepyhead, I was just going to wake you so that we can go for breakfast,’ says Aidan, slipping a T-shirt over his head. ‘It’s 10.30 so we better get a wriggle on. They only serve food until 11.’

  He gr
abs my hands to help me out of bed and I instead pull him towards me.

  ‘Hey, we can’t be doing that,’ he says, wriggling away. ‘We’ll start something that’ll mean we’ll miss the breakfast and I love hash browns.’

  ‘Are you saying I can’t compete with them?’

  ‘It’s a close call and on the average day you probably would win hands down, but not when it’s an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet which means unlimited hash browns.’

  ‘Can’t we order room service?’ I say, sitting up to remind him I’m still naked.

  ‘Breakfast is included in the room rate, so…’

  ‘OK, I’ll get dressed,’ I say, sighing.

  I climb out of bed and start to get ready. My curls are stuck up in every direction making it looks like I was electrocuted. Usually I’d scrape it right back into a tiny bun getting it as flat as I could, but the curls are my best disguise at the moment. I pull bits back from the sides and tie them up in a hairband. I look like I’m going to an Eighties party.

  ‘Ready?’ asks Aidan.

  ‘I think so.’

  We make it down to the dining room and it’s busier than I thought it would be with only twenty minutes to go.

  We sit down at an empty table and I’ve just caught the eye of a waitress to take our drinks order when I see Grant walking into the dining room with the head chef. The one that came out and met us personally after mine and Luke’s tasting dinner. I shudder at the memory; the last thing I fancied after a severe bout of food poisoning was an eight-course gourmet tasting dinner.

  ‘Are you OK?’ asks Aidan.

  ‘Yes, fine,’ I say, picking up the drinks menu and burying my head in it. ‘Just can’t decide what to order.’

  I try to pretend that I’m reading options. Luckily there are all different types of teas, coffees, juices and smoothies on offer so I can pretend until Grant and the chef leave the room.

  ‘So what are you going for then?’ asks Aidan.


  ‘Wow, that was worth all that time studying.’

  ‘Yes, well, for a minute there I thought I might go for a tuttifrutti smoothie but I think I’d prefer a caffeine fix. You kept me up pretty late last night.’

  ‘It was worth it, though, wasn’t it?’

  ‘Absolutely,’ I say, my cheeks flushing at the memory.


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