The lady of the lake

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The lady of the lake Page 4

by Erika Walker

falling like snowflakes, silent, silent, sad and transparent like crystal, like a diamond. The beautiful woman wearing a simple evening dress, beautiful but dirty ground and blood. He smiled, a smile full of memories, a sad smile, a wry smile, but he was smiling. The long dress was wet at the tips of the cold water. The moon broke into many strips as reflected in the lake. She smiled again and she did as she wept, she wondered when he would ever stopped doing it. A slight breeze made her sway and her long straight hair blacks. Seemed to want to escape. In that sad night scene there was heard no noise, only the faint voice of the waves that kept crashing against the rocks. She was still smiling. She would smile forever. He began to walk towards the deeper waters. He felt now that the lake was cold "as my heart," he thought with bitter irony. He kept walking. He walked until he was not completely submerged in water. He smiled. He continued to smile even underwater. But his spirit still could not reach his beloved. The deal he made with the demon made her a prisoner in the realm of the undead. As soon as the demon knew what had melted in pain, the castle collapse. Not even a wall remained standing. Now I do not know for certain what happened to the demon that barks. There, it seems the spirit of the girl continues to live, if I may say so, in the dark waters of the lake. -. the story ended-what he finally said Alice sadly. -Grandmother believe it is possible that it actually happened? - I do not know, could be true, there are several testimonials from people who apparently view of the year, and on the shore of the lake there should be a grave if I remember bad--but enough is enough, do not fill your head with nonsense. - said the grandfather. Alice stood up,-I can stay and see a little 'TV before going to sleep? - Churches already going to sit on the couch. -Yes, that's fine. - Said her grandmother going to sit beside him.

  A mysterious tomb

  The next morning, Alice got up early, had breakfast. As usual, his grandparents were already awake. Cera still a question he wanted to do. What had happened to Cristian? - Grandmother, the night of the party, who rescued me? - She said seriously, leaning his cup of coffee and milk on the table. -A boy, I had never seen before. However, it was very nice. Congratulations you choose them well. - Alice felt her cheeks flare up. - You feel like you have something to say? In the end it's not her boyfriend. It is not, right? - Said the grandfather. If-if it does run it is cracked. - Continued grandmother - grandmother but, come on! Anyway, I is not so nice. - Said Alice, who felt the room temperature had suddenly risen. -Sorry, then why so much interest?. - Finally answered the grandmother raising an eyebrow looking mischievously. -Better go. - Alice said, getting up from the table - and where? - Asked his grandfather, - for a walk, now I remember the streets, at the end of each year are always the same, I mean, do not move mica, well it took a bit 'of time, but it is not that I have a great memory. It should be going. - Put on a white coat. That morning was wearing pants blacks, a pair of black patent leather shoes with wedge (he hated the fact that it is not just high), a white T-shirt with another wife-sleeved, tight up to her breast and then become much wider almost seem to be a dress that came up to my thighs.

  He left the house that day was colder than usual. He walked for a while 'without a goal. Then he decided to return to the lake. He went down the old steps. He walked to the shore of the lake. The cheek was beginning to burn. There was no one but a man on a boat in the middle of the lake, was too far away and Alice could not understand what he was doing, probably weighed. He began to walk, there was a chilling silence, she had not ever liked the quiet and isolated places. He noted that at one point the trees were thicker "From that day on, every evening she and the young man met secretly on the lake shore, hidden by the large number of trees that surrounded him." Words that her grandmother had told her the evening before the torment-that-sad story he told himself. With his hand he put a tuft behind the ears and walked toward it. Got there he noticed that there was a narrow path carved between the leaves. Through him until it came to a small gathers in all that vegetation, branches let in some sunshine that came to rest on .... something. Alice could not understand what it was. Approached, there came a branch of leaves that had been carefully placed by someone and watch carefully "Melissa 1892-1910, condemned by her beauty." What? No, this meant that the story he had told her grandmother was true? Hard to believe, but there was a grave. Alice shook her head quickly, it meant nothing. She did not know what it was called the girl's story, and they could be buried under anyone. Alice's face turned white. -A dead man? Under my feet now there's a dead man?! - Said in a hysterical voice. He walked away quickly, and fell to the ground sitting. The liveliness of flowers placed next to the plaque suddenly seized. not previously had not noticed ... they were so beautiful .... Gave off a sweet smell that reminded her of ... someone. Who? He stood up, his cheek was burning. Retraced the avenue out of the clearing and found himself back in front of the lake. There was a peace unnatural. He walked near the shore, taking care not to wet his shoes, climbed the steps and hateful was back in one of the small squares in the country.


  Alice, hoped to find Cristian, just to thank him, he kept saying.

  Across the country. He even to the library where they had met for the first time. No, he was not there. To hope meet him again in that place had begun to run. Now she was out of breath and was only there in front of that window. He sat down on the same rung of the day. -But why am I wasting time? In the end he did not care! - You said rubbing his eyes with his hands still slightly sleepy. Then put his face on his knees and stood in that position for a few seconds then stretched his legs and the support you back to the window, I wonder if he had waited and he passed through when there .... Would see him. He thought back to the day when they met for the first time, had seemed so obnoxious. But now something had changed, well maybe now it was nice, and ....... nice ..... and he forced himself to think. A smile across his face.

  After a few minutes the door of the cabinet opened quickly and she fell to the ground with the backs, usually would be angry, but at the time did nothing but smile, she was happy. Cristian looked as if he were crazy. -What are you doing lying on the ground? - He asked, handing her a hand to get her up-the world is so beautiful from this point of view-he said giving him a big smile and blushing slightly. He grabbed the boy's hand and stood up. -What are you doing here? - Asked Alice. -I do not know, do you? - She looked a bit 'lost, did not think to question the boy and his head was elsewhere-mmm, you're in a library, you buy a book? - I am pleased that you are equipped with a keen intelligence. - Left the shop, followed by Alice. -Look, I just wanted to thank you for the other day. - To no, I figured. But. In addition to having a very bad taste in the dress you're also too weak-he said - and ... and, for a moment, I do not have a bad taste in clothes and I'm not weak!. - Alice replied again on the verge of getting angry. -You do not even know what happened to me that night! - Alice insisted on seeing Cristian kept on walking as if she did not exist, then he stopped suddenly-a no? Then tell me what happened. - He told her looking seriously. Alice wondered if it was appropriate to tell him everything, but then thought it would take for crazy, or better, crazier than usual. -Nothing, nothing happened, I fainted. - She said at last - seen, I told you? You're weak girl. - And in any case it must be said that there really was a lot of people! - Alice went on, but Cristian continued to walk while reading a book. She continued to walk in silence behind him. He continued to read, and she followed him in silence. She did not care, he was happy to be near him, could even smell her. Alice's heart skipped a beat. That smell, so special and sweet, the same flowers. Well it could mean everything or nothing. Yes, but she had never heard smelled so good, it was unique and special, inimitable. -Cristian, in case you've recently went to the lake? - Why? - Alice I'll have an excuse as quickly as possible, made its mind among all the excuses that had ever invented, which would have been more useful on this occasion? -No, and I'd like to go. -. he stopped, closed the book he had continued to read,-well, then we're going. -

  The two went to the lake - and now you wa
nt to do? - Cristian churches,-nothing special - the she said, and went to sit on a bench. He followed her. Cristian looked at her for a while '-you know you're really strange, at least more than usual. Sure that before you do not hit your head. - Surely. Between the two fell a long silence that was broken by Alice - you know they say a strange story about the lake. - What's the story? - That of a girl who killed herself for love--drowning was not love! - The 'Scream Cristian it seemed almost a growl and terribly frightened. He obviously saw it, because expression changed immediately. -I mean, that's the way he went. - So how? I have not yet told the story. - Yours is the same as everybody knows, it went really well--and then tell me how that went-. Cristian look down and began her story.

  Story of an unhappy love

  A girl of about twenty-somethings living in a modest house in the village. It was sweet and cheerful, but because of her beauty caught the envy of many girl, and so they spoke her. A demon, as he was passing in front of the portal that combines the underworld to the

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