Renegades And Revenge: Daughters 0f HBH (Half Breed Haven Book 8)

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Renegades And Revenge: Daughters 0f HBH (Half Breed Haven Book 8) Page 14

by A. M. Van Dorn

  None of the family held it against her, none but Lijuan. Somehow, she was the only one who could see her brother's involvement with that woman would end in some type of disaster. Lijuan had told herself this repeatedly until she almost believed it herself. It was easier than…it was easier than admitting the painful truth.

  The sounds of shouts as they rode into town was a thankful interruption to Lijuan's introspection. It was a road she hated going down and didn't want to think about all the hurt, shame and the rage that it brought inside of her. Digging in she brought her horse, so it came up next to Cassandra's where the group had come to a stop on the main street.

  A crowd had gathered, and there were angry shouts and cries of terrified women. Catalina put her flirtations aside and was surprised to see men with guns drawn and rifles as well. Her eyes and those of her sisters followed in the direction that they were pointing towards...Wildberry Hill.

  Atop the leveled off hill in the twilight was a stunning sight that filled the young Mexican with dread. Glancing at her sisters, she saw the same surprise mirrored in their eyes as well. Immediately they all hopped off their horses and raced to the crowd of people. By chance they found themselves standing next to the sheriff, the undertaker and the woman Cassandra had manhandled into the mud that morning in what seemed to Catalina to be a lifetime ago. The woman was holding her hand to her forehead theatrically as if she were going to swoon again but managed to pause long enough to shoot the Wildes a look of complete disdain.

  Catalina watched as Cassie grabbed the sheriff’s arm and he whirled about from the spectacle on top of Wildberry Hill. He blinked in surprise.

  “You again?!”

  “Me again. When did this happen?”

  “The sun always sets beyond Wildberry Hill, so no one saw when they arrived because the rays tend to blind ya, but once the sun was gone, there they were for all to see!" he told her and turned his head back to looking up at the top of the hill, raising his pistol once more.

  Tilting her hat back on her head Catalina looked on at the grim situation unfolding. Dixon DeVries stood lashed to the flagpole. His face was bloodied and battered. Next, to him, Swift Elk stood with a pistol pressed against the side of Dixon's head and in his other hand he held a bottle. Rising from the ground was some type of long torch Swift Elk had fashioned burning brightly in the fading light. The Omega brave was looking skyward engaged in a loud chant.

  “What are we waiting for?! We need to blast that red savage before he kills that white man!” the undertaker cried out, a Henry rifle swaying unsteadily in his hand.

  “Don’t anybody fire! We’d only hit the hostage!” the sheriff cried out to quell the murmuring in the crowd.

  “You even know how to use that thing?” Catalina asked the undertaker with one eyebrow cocked.

  “Point and shoot! What’s to know?”

  Catalina looked at him askance, the amount of dust on the barrel and the way he was holding it told her he probably never had used it once. Derisively she thought the man had all the signs of a greenhorn easterner who probably came west hoping to make a fortune undertaking given the violent nature of the sprawling western portion of the continent.

  In a move so fast that made everyone who was not watching the hostage drama on the hilltop gasp, Catalina snatched it out of his hands and cocked the rifle. “Just as I thought you didn’t even have it cocked!”

  The man didn’t have a chance to protest and demand its return as the crowd fell silent when Swift Elk ceased his chanting and looked downward at the townspeople below. Far up on the hilltop beyond Catalina and the other’s hearing, DeVries whispered through swollen lips.

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  "Because of you, I have no choice white eyes. Stalking Wolf must now go back and tell Black Hawk of this failure. It will bring shame on him, but at least he will be able to tell our leader that I who started this by bringing your plan to the war council have paid for what I have done. That I gave my life to strike fear into the hearts of all who dare whisper the name, Black Hawk. I should have killed you that day on the bridge, and now today I meet the Great Spirit as reward for my failure." He said lowly, even though none could hear.

  Listlessly DeVries watched as Swift Elk raised the open bottle of liquor that had once been in his saddlebag, an intended gift for the Omegas. He raised it up and held it over DeVries’s head before, eliciting a wave of murmurs from the crowd at the base of the hill that rose to their ears, accompanied by the sound of hammers being drawn back and rifles being cocked. It was then that Swift Elk began to shout.

  “Hear me white eyes! You have invaded our lands, stolen what is not yours! You call this land Arizona, but that is not what it is. We call it home! You call us Omegas, and we will live up to that name! We will fight, and we will fight to the last man if we must, to see everyone one of you pale devils are driven from our hunting grounds never to return. So, say the Omegas! So says Black Hawk! Do you hear me, white men! Black Hawk is coming! He will kill you. All will die starting with this man! He will burn with your flag invaders!"

  The crowd watched dumbfounded as Swift Elk emptied the contents of the bottle over DeVries head and onto his clothing.

  "Sheriff, what do we do?!" a rail thin, wide-eyed young deputy with sandy hair called out, but no answer came as all the men looked towards the sheriff for guidance, even as Swift Elk smashed the bottle on the ground and was reaching for the torch.

  "Consarn it!" was all the sheriff could mutter as now all the crowd's eyes fell on him, all except the Wildes, Catalina had brought the rifle up and was steadying it when suddenly Lijuan grabbed the barrel and shouted.

  “There’s no saving him now!”

  "I know Lijuan, but I won't let him suffer either!" from high atop the gully earlier they had seen the stakes being erected by the Omegas and knew what that meant…a horrifying death being burned alive. Cassie laid a soft hand on Lijuan's shoulder, and Lijuan looked at her. "DeVries was going to let that happen to us!" she protested indignantly.

  Softly Cassandra said, "That's the difference between men like that pair up on the hill and us. They're monsters, and we're not." Lijuan slowly let go of the barrel as Swift Elk made a final cry from the hilltop.

  “For Black Hawk!!”

  Women fainted, and men cursed as Swift Elk touched the torch to DeVries body which burst into flames from the high proof liquor he had been boasting about only hours earlier.

  “I got this," Catalina said firmly as she squinted and pulled the trigger. DeVries didn’t even have a chance to scream in agony as Catalina’s aim was true and a bullet plowed through his brain, sparing him.

  Lijuan shrieked at the stunned crowd, “What are you waiting for! He’s dead! Blast him!”

  Clayton's Hollow echoed with the cacophony of gunfire that sounded like a Fourth of July celebration, but it wasn't fireworks but a dozen or so guns going off at the same moment. Round after round hit Swift Elk where he stood. His body jerked under the fuselage of bullets before it pitched forward crashing through the barrier of wild berries that ringed the top of the hill, tumbling downwards as some of the townspeople continued to fire at the lifeless, moving target.

  “You…you killed that man!” Catalina heard the woman say next to her. “Sheriff she killed that man! We all saw it! Arrest this Mexican murderer!”

  “I did him a mercy.” Catalina said quietly as she handed the gun back to the undertaker, but the woman wouldn’t’ be mollified.

  “You’re a killer! You’re a- “

  Lijuan had her fill with the woman, all the Wildes had, and Cassandra merely stepped out of the way as Lijuan approached her and delivered a quick chop to her neck and for the second time that day the woman wound up face down in the mud, and this time several cheers could be heard.

  "Come on girls. I don't know about the rest of you, but I could use a drink at the saloon right about now. Last I knew this was supposed to be our vacation." Lijuan said her voice as dry and nonchalant
as ever.

  Cassie stepped up between Lijuan and Catalina and locked arms with the pair while nodding to the Stones to follow and with a grin she spoke.

  “Lead the way!”


  Some hours later after much merriment in the saloon where a far more accepting crowd of people, than they had been in the morning, had gathered around to listen to the Wilde's regale them with the events on the mountain. This time even Lijuan couldn't' resist a bit of bravado, disregarding her own demand, as she described her escape from through the chimney and the dispatching of Bull Stevens with the weather vane turned spear, though she did leave out the business about having to strip nude and be greased slick from head to toe to make it happen. Through it all Sarah Stone stuck close by Catalina's side mesmerized by the lovely Latina.

  What happened if anything between them Cassandra could not say because she had excused herself earlier leaving her two younger sisters to hold court. She had asked if Sampson might escort her to the local hotel, so she could get a room for the girls.

  The man had been perplexed when she had taken, a roll of bills out of her pocket and paid for two rooms. Cassandra was thankful it hadn’t been in their travel bags because they had managed to lose everything but what was on them. Demurely she asked if Sampson would be a gentleman and escort her to the door. Of course, she had no intention whatsoever of parting ways with the dashing man when they did indeed get to the door.

  Once they were stopped in the hallway outside two sets of doors, Cassandra inserted a key into one of them and turned to the gunsmith.

  “In case you are wondering why I got two rooms when one would do…well, I wanted to have some privacy."


  "I know when we met this morning you had promised me a picnic up on that there Wildberry Hill, but with everything that's happened once we purchase some horses in the morning, we're going to be heading back to Cedar Ledge. Now I'm really grateful for you coming to get us on the trail, and since I'm not going to be around for long so, I want to show you how we say thanks in Alamieda."

  She slipped her hands behind his head and drew him into a long kiss. There was a moment when his body tensed in surprise but then gleefully accepted what was going to happen. Cassandra lowered one hand to the skeleton key, and as she continued to kiss him, she twisted it in her hand unlocking the hotel room door. Seconds later they were inside, and Cassie gave the door a hard shove.

  As soon as the door slammed shut and Cassie moved up close to him once more and gently maneuvered him, so his back was against the door. She looked up at his perfectly molded face and marveled at the depth of his green eyes, jade-like and alive. Admiring his similar golden blonde hair, she slowly ran her hand through it.

  Sampson smiled and held her close to him. Her skin was soft against him, and her hair fell over her face. They were, in that state, a perfect reflection of each other.

  "Kiss me," Cassie said in a soft sensual voice, one that was honey-like in its softness. She needed him and just by looking at him the need increased.

  Sampson placed his hand on the back of her head and pulled her even closer so that their bodies were plastered against each other.

  His eyes were open as he kissed her. Their lips melded together into one perfect lock of passion. Her green eyes reflected on him, and he watched as they got blurry and then closed. He also closed his eyes, reveling in the softness of her lips against his.

  Sampson sucked on her delicious lips and felt her nibble slightly on his. He pulled away and looked down at her, smiling again. Cassie eyed him all over, aware of his muscular biceps and perfect skin. She ran her fingers softly along the length of his arm; his skin was hard but in an exciting way. His hand was around her waist, and she could feel his fingers moving along her back.

  She was guided to the bed after Sampson grabbed her hand and began moving her. Cassandra followed him without any hesitation. They were both silent except for their increased breathing, but they perfectly understood each other. It felt like their minds were linked or they had a secret language which only they could understand.

  He sat gently on the bed and brought Cassie close to him, making her stand right in front of him, he ran his hands along her back and helped her remove her top. Reaching behind her he worked her corset's laces, freeing her perfect mounds then Sampson let out a soft groan as he watched her perfectly shaped breasts bounce in front of him. Sampson held her back and propelled her towards him. Her breasts were right in his face now, silky smooth and warm. He placed his lips on her left nipple and began to circle his tongue around it.

  Cassie sighed and moaned as she felt his mouth cover her nipple. She placed her arms over his shoulders, falling slightly forward so that he was 'buried' in her soft breasts. His tongue had a certain magical effect on her. He puffed on her nipple and pulled on it, making a smacking sound. Pulling his head backward, he admired her and then held on to her breasts. With deliberate slowness, Cassandra undid the buttons of his shirt and ripped it off his shoulders. She squatted on her knees and placed her hand flat on his solid chest.

  She felt the hairs on his chest and traced her fingers through them. She pushed him back so that his back was on the bed and then she slowly got up.

  Sampson watched as she removed the rest of her clothing. He was growing hard in anticipation. A small smile spread across her face as she crawled up to the bed and spread her legs astride his waist.

  He held onto her waist as she began to kiss him again. She moaned into his mouth as she sucked hard on his lips. Sampson groaned and closed his eyes. He could feel her blonde hair fall over his face. He held onto her back, feeling the smoothness and tracing the depth of her backbone and then coming across a slight roughness like scars. He thought about this for a second and then ignored it.

  His hands fell on her ass, firm and round and he let them rest there. She quivered slightly as he massaged her butt, grabbing and squeezing and rubbing it softly to her liking.

  Breaking the kiss, Cassie moved down and held on to his pants. She tugged on them and then pulled them off along with his underwear, chuckling sensually as she licked her lips when she saw his erect and throbbing penis. She slid down her hands and held onto his hardness. It twitched from the contact with her soft hands, and Sampson let out a mild groan and then laughed lightly.

  Cassie grabbed onto his cock, a firm, rigid member that was one of the largest she'd ever seen, and she had seen plenty in her time. "You're big!" She cooed at him. Sampson smiled and relaxed his head back on the bed while the words echoed in his ears.

  Concentrating back on it, Cassie lowered her lips and kissed the tip leaving Sampson quivering. She kissed it again and then slowly covered it with her lips.

  Sampson felt the hotness of her breath around his cock, and he waited in anticipation for what he knew would be an ecstatic pleasure. It came alright. Her lips engulfed his cock, the wetness of her tongue coating the shaft. He closed his eyes as he felt a coolness around his now wet cock. She slid it down her throat until he could feel a blocking; she gagged a bit and then came back up followed with strings of saliva connecting her lips with his cock.

  She giggled and then sucked back on his cock. She didn't go too far this time; she stopped midway bringing her head back up again. She kept up with the movement, sucking him and stroking the shaft with her soft hands.

  Sampson's body wriggled from the pleasure as he dug his fingers into her golden hair and followed her head as it rose and fell. Her breasts gyrated just as she sucked on him, a sight that nearly drove him mad. He grabbed the pair and squeezed them tweaking the nipples and massaging the mounds.

  Cassie breathed out and smiled at him, leaning towards him with a kiss. Her lips felt hot and moist, puffy and sensual as Sampson grabbed her and laid her on her back. She could sense his urgency now, ready to bring the foreplay to an end and get down to the business at hand.

  Cassie looked at him alluringly as he admired her, taking in her beauty. She watched
as his eyes feasted on the trims of golden hair just above her moist triangle. He kissed her on her thighs and between her legs, taking in her womanly scent and her arousal.

  Taking hold of both legs, he spread them apart and moved closer in between them. With Cassie liking what she was looking at, the lively glow in his eyes excited her. She spread her legs even farther, waiting for his move.

  Sampson fell gently on her and then lined his rigid member against her wet entrance. He teased her but just a bit because he, also, couldn't handle the wait.

  Leaning forward, he slid into her. She let out a soft moan as he kept going in all the way slowly; he was huge. Adjusting himself and steadying his weight, he moved his waist up and then entered her filling her pussy.

  His movement was slow at first as steady as his grunts. Then he gradually increased his pace, driven by her moans. Sampson’s eyes were fixed on hers as he pounded her faster. The connection was magical, and they felt like it could go on forever.

  Sampson suddenly paused and slid out of her.

  "Sit up." He said softly to her, and she did. He grabbed her and laid her face down and began pumping away heartily, occasionally giving her slap across her ass that made her moan in appreciation. His hands roamed her back as well, again feeling the roughness here and there. Sampson frowned at the various scars in different spots on her body unable to ignore them this time. He placed his hand on one of the biggest and felt it.

  "You want to tell me about these?" He asked.

  Cassie went silent for a moment and then turned her head to the side partially facing him.


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