Shoot Your Shot

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by Vernon Brundage Jr

  Taking care of yourself is the ultimate expression of love and a necessary daily exercise. No one can take better care of you than you.



  Maintain An Attitude Of


  If we magnified blessings as much as we magnified disappointments, we would all be much happier.


  10-time NCAA men’s basketball champion as coach, 5-time Associated Press College Coach of the Year, and a 2-time (as a player and coach) Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame inductee

  When professional athletes win awards and championships, or receive contract extensions and endorsement deals, something that the majority of them do is give thanks. In 2014, Kevin Durant won the NBA’s Most Valuable Player Award. During his acceptance speech, Durant thanked God, his teammates, coaches, family members, and organizational staff, among others.

  Most notably, it was when Durant deemed his mother “The Real MVP” that he was unofficially inducted into the social media hall of fame. But something got lost in the meme-mania and hashtag-craze surrounding Durant’s emotional tribute to his mother: his genuine display of gratitude.

  Even though it was solely Durant’s performance on the court that earned him the MVP honor, he acknowledged that without the role others played in his life, he would not be standing at that podium accepting the award.

  The importance of being grateful for what we have, how far we have come, and the help that we have received along the way is often overlooked. Which makes sense; we live in a society where a person can never have enough of anything. We take what we have for granted. We focus on what we do not have and covet what others have instead of appreciating the things already in our possession.

  Maintaining an attitude of gratitude is key if you want to live the life you’ve always envisioned for yourself. By genuinely being grateful for what you have, you are preparing yourself for the abundance of blessings that are destined to come your way.

  For gratitude draws you closer to the source from which all blessings flow—God.

  Be thankful for the job you have that may not necessarily be the one you want, but it pays the bills. Be thankful for the roof over your head even if you desire a bigger and better space. Be thankful for the clean clothes on your back and the reliable shoes on your feet even if they aren’t popular name brands. Be thankful for the food you eat. For your friends, family, and loved ones. For being blessed with another day of life. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. You cannot have an expectation to receive more if you are not appreciative for what you already have. The two just don’t go together.

  On a daily basis, I reflect on my life and what I am thankful for. I either write down in a journal what I am grateful for or I silently thank God for the multitude of things and people that I have been blessed with.

  I also make it a priority to take time during my day (especially during times of high stress or discouragement) to just be still and reflect again on the blessings in my life. Before I go to bed, I reflect back on my day, highlighting the positive events that took place and the tasks I was able to successfully complete.

  By doing this, I am constantly reminded of how blessed I am. Regularly acknowledging my blessings puts me in a better space for the current day and the following day, as I am making the conscious decision to focus on the positive aspects of my life.

  Even when I was at my lowest point in life (literally at my lowest because I was living underground in a basement apartment), I still made it a priority to reflect on the things that I had been blessed with and to do affirmations. I had a job to go to. I had a great support system that helped me in my times of need. I was living on my own and actively pursuing my dreams. Before I could ever fix my mouth up to complain about my circumstances or what I didn’t have, there was so much more I had to be thankful for.

  It does not matter if things are going well for you or you feel like they are going bad. Regardless of your circumstances, you have so many things to be thankful for. So, in every situation you find yourself in, give thanks.

  Besides, focusing on what you do not have is counterproductive. When you do so, you are essentially projecting negative energy. When you are not thankful for what you have, you are, in turn, focusing on a lack thereof of certain things. What you focus on manifests and multiplies. When you focus on lack, you attract more lack into your life. Yet, when you focus on your blessings, you attract more blessings into your life.

  There is nothing wrong with continually setting higher goals for yourself and trying to accomplish more with your life. You should aspire to reach a higher level in your career, earn multiple degrees, pursue your passion, or start a business. God requires us to strive to be the best versions of ourselves. However, you can aspire to be greater than you currently are, while being thankful for what you have presently. Being thankful despite your circumstances not only affects you, but can also serve as encouragement for others to be thankful for all the things they have in their lives.

  Those around you, personally or professionally, will look at your consistent attitude of gratitude and see that despite your circumstances, you are still thankful for what you currently have. Good vibes rub off. As do positive and assertive actions. You can be the inspiration behind your counterparts’ applying an attitude of gratitude in their own lives.

  Lead by example in all that you do. Including being thankful. By continually holding a position of gratitude, you are serving as an example to others to be thankful for all the things they have in their lives and to recognize they are blessed and better off than most. The example you are setting will help others change their lives for the better.

  What you currently have and where you currently are in life essentially prepares you for what will soon come. Even if you aspire to achieve more, be thankful for what you already have. You can either focus on what you do have or what you do not have. Whichever option you choose to focus on, will multiply. So choose wisely.

  When you lead with a grateful heart and focus on the positive aspects of your life, you are establishing a closer relationship with God. A closer connection with God allows us to be more in tune with the creative powers within us. With a stronger realization of our creative powers, we are able to manifest into our lives whatever it is that we want.


  Pay It Forward

  Giving back to the community is where my heart is so if I can help even a couple of people then I’m doing my job. I’m blessed to be able to do this work.


  10-time NBA All-Star

  NBA Cares is the league’s platform for addressing social issues and provides the opportunity for teams and players to be involved in the global community through service and advocacy. It is a requirement for every player in the NBA to participate in community service outreach events. At the same time, there are players who go above and beyond to serve their communities and give back outside of their requirement as employees of the National Basketball Association.

  Many NBA players have started their own foundations or have partnered up with local and national organizations that address issues they are interested in. For instance, in 2016 Chris Paul was named ESPN’s Sports Humanitarian of the Year for his work in the community. The Chris Paul Family Foundation serves and provides resources to underprivileged communities. He and the foundation have pledged over $1 million to Boys & Girls Clubs across the country. He established a scholarship fund to students at Wake Forest University—his undergraduate institution. Paul hosts a variety of yearly fundraising events to raise money to provide children with resources that can assist them in succeeding in life. He has also made it a priority to build computer labs and place updated technology in underprivileged schools across the country.

  As an extension of his foundation and in partnership with Akron Public Schools, LeBron James opened the I Promise School on July 30, 2018. The school serves at-risk children in Akron, Ohio with a focus on accelerated learning in
order to bring kids up to speed who otherwise might be lagging and on combating factors outside the classroom that could cause children to struggle. Through the LeBron James Family Foundation, James has also pledged to pay for more than 1,000 kids to attend college. Students who complete the I Promise School’s program will get tuition paid for by James to the University of Akron beginning in 2021.

  Many other former and current players in the league have causes of their own or work with other organizations addressing issues that resonate with them including Jalen Rose, Carmelo Anthony, Russell Westbrook, Joakim Noah, Derrick Rose, Kevin Durant, Luol Deng, and Pau Gasol, among numerous others. While their job is to play basketball, these players understand that their purpose is much bigger than solely performing on the court. They recognize they are in a position to help others succeed, hence they dedicate their time, energy, resources, money, and voice to initiatives that help others who are in need. They have used their platform to reach back and make an impact.

  The accumulation of material possessions is the byproduct of you finding yourself, putting in the necessary work, and having faith that what you want is coming to you. When you go throughout life operating in purpose, abundance has no choice but to be attracted to you. As we just discussed, for all that we receive, we should maintain an attitude of gratitude.

  The act of giving is a socially responsible expression of gratitude. Through giving, we are communicating to God that we are thankful for all the blessings we have received, and grateful to be in a position to help others in their time of need. Giving is a means for us to show our appreciation for our standing in life.

  You don’t have to break the bank or give what you don’t have. Giving back does not always have to be monetary. You can give back through your time, your words, and your actions. You can mentor students. You can speak to youth groups. You can volunteer at shelters and community centers. You can coach sports teams. You can donate old clothing or canned goods. You can refer people to job opportunities.

  2 Corinthians 9:12 (NIV) states, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every work.” When you receive, give. And when you give, you will be blessed with more.

  One of the most fulfilling experiences a person can ever have is helping others. When we give, we are essentially communicating to God and ourselves that we have more than enough. You will not only feel as though you are living in abundance, but you will also feel better about yourself for assisting others. Through giving, you are also acknowledging your duty to mankind and fulfilling your social obligation to help others when they need it most. We have been blessed in so many ways that we often overlook our blessings on a daily basis. And we often try to hold on to what we have out of fear that we may lose it. That which you cling to, you will eventually lose. You cannot take anything with you when you die, so why hold on to it when there is someone out there who could use what you have?

  Be a blessing to others. If you sow sparingly, you reap sparingly. But if you sow generously, you reap generously. Not only does giving provide a boost to your own moral, but it also boosts the moral of those you are helping. Your actions may even inspire those who you have helped and motivate them to give back when they are in a position to do so.

  Once you get into the habit of contributing to the well-being and the betterment of others, the quality of your own life will continually increase. Through giving, we are pleasing God and positioning ourselves to be receptive to more blessings.


  The “game” is over, now what? Well, now the real work begins. It’s always easy to apply the things that we’ve learned while we are working our way through a book or immediately after we’ve finished it. The hard part is to keep applying what we’ve learned after some time has passed so that we do not start reverting back to our old habits.

  With that being said, I charge you to make the commitment to do something every day—starting right now—that sets in motion the process of you attaining the life you aspire to live. It can be as simple as sending an email, making a phone call, or looking up information about an endeavor. Paraphrasing slightly what the guy from those old Everest College commercials used to say, “Why don’t you [do something today] that’s going to help you in your future?” Shoot your shot and keep shooting it. Continue to build upon your initial efforts day after day until you get to where you want to be.

  If you enjoyed Shoot Your Shot and you took something of value from it, I ask of you to do me two HUGE favors: 1) Please rate the book and write a review for it on and 2) Please refer this book to your network, your family members, your friends, your teammates, your colleagues, and your social media following—pretty much everyone you know.

  Reviews and referrals are the primary means that word about this book will spread, resulting in it reaching as many people as possible—which is the goal. Your support in this way is much needed in order for this book to have its’ intended impact. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I really appreciate you for taking the time to read this book. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.


  First, and foremost, I would like to thank God, the Source of all of my blessings. Thank you Lord for assigning me this task and for giving me the strength, wisdom, and fervor to finish this book.

  Courteney—thank you for your love, patience, understanding, and continual support during the long process of completing this book, as well as with all of the other endeavors I pursue. You are amazing and your support is everything. I love you and I am eternally grateful to the Lord for bringing you into my life.

  To my mother—thank you for putting the pen in my hand, for making me read when I didn’t want to, and for stressing the importance of embracing my creativity and individuality. This would not be possible had it not been for all the sacrifices you made and for the lessons you have taught me. I love you.

  Terrell, Michelle, Kaiesha, Umar, Ryan, Steve, Marcus, Karyn, Lonnie, Nate, Vic, Jared, Darrel, Jeff, Mike, Mitch—thank you for being a part of my “Team.” I appreciate you all for always having my back, for supporting me, for believing in me, for speaking life into me, and for helping me to become the man I am today. I couldn’t ask for a better squad.

  Coach Thompson, Uncle Ed, Uncle Steve, Mr. Shawn, Ms. Jackie (RIP), Dr. Jozefowicz, Dr. Asamoah, Dr. Walford—thank you for taking on the task of serving as my mentors and for seeing something in me that I couldn’t yet see in myself. Thank you for believing in me and for investing in me. Your advocacy and your support mean the world.

  Emy—thank you for all of your feedback, resources, and encouragement during this process and for helping me step-by-step through this book. I am truly appreciative for everything you have done.

  Family, extended family, friends, and loved ones—thank you for all of your words of encouragement, your prayers, and your continual support.

  And last, but certainly not least, thank YOU, the reader, for supporting me by purchasing and reading this book. Words cannot express how grateful I am to you for seeing value in this work. You are the reason for this book. I truly hope you are able to take something from this book that will help you in your personal walk. Thank you.

  About The Author

  An emerging voice for the millennial generation, VERNON BRUNDAGE JR. uses fresh and innovative approaches to inspire and motivate others to become their greatest selves.

  Receiving formal training in the economics discipline, Vernon is currently employed as an Economist for the United States federal government. He is also the founder and Executive Director of investED Enrichment Services, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that serves at-risk youth in low-income communities. Additionally, Vernon is a youth and young adult speaker as well as the founder and principle writer of the ‘Shoot Your Shot’ blog.<
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  Vernon hails from the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania region and currently resides in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. For more information about Vernon, visit


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  [ii] 60 Minutes. “Giannis Antetokounmpo, the Milwaukee Bucks’ ‘Greek Freak.” Corresponded by Steve Kroft. CBS News. March 27, 2018.

  [iii] Pollakoff, B. (2013). Gregg Popovich says Bruce Bowen ‘couldn’t dribble and couldn’t pass.’ Accessed November 8, 2017 through

  [iv] Haefner, J. (2008). Mental Rehearsal & Visualization: The Secret to Improving Your Game Without Touching a Basketball! Accessed February 23, 2017 through

  [v] Coelho, P. The Alchemist. 1993. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

  [vi] MacMullan, J. (2016). Kobe’s final hour: How advice from the King of Pop shaped one of the NBA’s most legendary careers. Accessed May 12, 2018 through


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