No Good: A Standalone Enemies to Lovers Romance

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No Good: A Standalone Enemies to Lovers Romance Page 32

by Stevie J. Cole

  I rubbed at the growing tightness in my chest before I chucked my phone across the room.

  I fumed for a while, blasting Linkin Park.

  This was a shitshow of a mess I was going to have to try and untangle because I loved the irrational girl in a way I was sure I’d never love anyone else, and that made me fucking crazy. I knew it did.

  Halfway through Linkin Park’s album, Arlo came into my room with Spike clutched to his chest. He turned the music down, then crawled onto my bed. “Is tomorrow the day Daddy gets in trouble?”

  Tomorrow was the court date to determine what kind of jail time he’d serve for assaulting my mom. And I had to stop myself from smiling because the son-of-a-bitch deserved it. “Yeah, buddy.”

  He frowned, picking over the unicorn’s horn. “I don’t want him to go to jail, though.”

  Arlo didn’t understand. He’d grown up seeing the crap Dad did, thinking it was normal. It’s hard for someone to digest the notion that the person who was their hero is nothing more than a villain. Because no matter how shitty their Dad is, a six-year-old can’t see it.

  I wrapped an arm around him and held him against my chest. “I know. But he hurt Mom and that’s not right, you know?”

  “I know. But he said he was sorry.”

  “Yeah, and sorry isn’t enough sometimes, Arlo.”

  He gave a curt nod. “But they’ll feed him in jail and let him watch TV?”

  “Yeah. They’ll feed him.”


  The bang of pots and pans came from the kitchen before Grandpa shouted for Arlo to come help him make pancakes for dinner.

  Arlo’s face lit up and he pushed off the bed, sprinting out of the room so fast he dropped his stuffed animal.

  I got out of bed and picked the toy up. I never thought looking at a stupid stuffed unicorn would make me want to cry.

  The next day, I went with mom to court, standing between her and Dad to make her feel safe. I hated the man, and wanted to be nowhere near him. The evidence was lined up. Years of domestic violence calls to the cops, pictures of injuries, and police statements. When the judge gave him three years, I released the breath I’d been holding. While I wished it had been for longer, it was enough because it got her away from him. And that’s all I could ask for.

  She was quiet the entire drive home, silent tears streamed down her cheek. Even after everything, she still thought she loved him, and fuck if that didn’t make me livid.

  “Are you okay?” I asked when I pulled into the drive. I knew she wasn’t. I knew there wasn’t anything I could do, but it would be shit of me not to ask.

  “Yeah. I’m fine, baby.” Then she painted a watery smile on her face. “Tell the boys I said hi, would you?”

  “I’ll stay, Mom.”

  “No. Pops is here. Just...go have fun with your friends. Please.”

  She kissed my cheek. “You deserve to have some time to yourself, Bellamy.” Then she got out of the car.

  I hated to leave her, but I figured maybe she needed some time alone to process everything.

  Hendrix: I’m taking a shit at the Waffle Hut.

  Me: I don’t want to see a picture of your shit

  Hendrix: Too late

  A picture popped up and I immediately deleted it before backing out of the drive.

  The entire way to Waffle Hut, I played the conversation from last night over and over in my head. And I kept coming back to her saying she felt like she’d trapped me.

  Trapped me.

  I stopped at a red light, staring at the traffic crossing the intersection before I banged a fist over my steering wheel. Why did I have to fall for the crazy rich girl? A crazy poor girl would have gotten pissed and gone to a friend's house to bitch about it, because she wouldn't be able to afford to jet off to France to sulk and drown herself in Champagne on a yacht.

  I parked beside Wolf’s truck. Then shot off a text to Drew. I hadn’t texted her last night because I figured she was still drunk, plus I was annoyed as hell. But this was getting ridiculous.

  Me: Whenever you get done pitching your fit, come home.

  Me: I love you

  Me: Don’t fucking cry about it

  Hendrix and Wolf were already in a booth, and Hendrix had the Big Slammer Meal spread out in front of him.

  “Way to wait, asshole,” I said, sliding into the booth.

  Hendrix slurped back some of his milkshake. “I was hungry. Did you not see that shit I took. There was nothing left in there.”

  I snatched a menu up.

  “So,” he said. “I was telling Wolf, I think I could make money in amateur porn.”

  Of course he did.

  “This entire sappy music and porn thing has given me some ideas.”

  I stared across the Waffle Hut table at him. “No one wants to see your dick.”

  “Don’t come crying to me for a job when this blows up.” He pointed at his crotch.

  Wolf chuckled. “I can see this shitshow now. Next thing you know, he’ll be recruiting girls from revivals.”

  Hendrix slapped his arm on a grin. “Reading my mind, man. Reading my mind.”

  The bell over the door jingled. Hendrix glanced over my shoulder, the idiotic grin on his face falling to an angry frown. “Oh, hell to the fuck no!”

  Wolf’s gaze shifted, then he grabbed Hendrix by the shoulders and attempted to shove him out of the booth. “Let’s go.”

  “No way. This is bullshit.”

  “Out, Hendrix.” Wolf shoved him hard enough that he toppled to the floor.

  I turned in the booth, and the site of Drew standing a few feet behind me nearly knocked the wind out of me. She looked exhausted, in a t-shirt and pair of leggings, her hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun. How in the hell...

  A roller coaster of emotions rolled through me, peeking with relief and dipping down to anger.

  Hendrix passed by her and shook his head, mumbling, “bullshit” beneath his breath before Wolf got him outside.

  Drew walked down the aisle, then stopped at the end of the booth, hesitating. “Can I sit?”

  “You haven’t slept, have you?” I could tell she hadn’t.

  “No. The flight was shit.” She slid into the booth across from me, and took a deep breath like she was stealing herself.

  “You gonna tell me how you knew where I was?” Though I had a really good idea...

  Her lips twitched ever so slightly. “You’re not the only one who can use that app.”

  “You aggravate the absolute shit out of me.”

  “You’re the original stalker here, not me.”

  “And you’re the biggest drama queen I’ve ever met.” I reached across the table, threading my fingers through hers. Such a simple touch should not have been able to provide that kind of relief.

  “I was drunk!”

  I lifted a brow. “When you left for France?”

  She groaned. “Will you shut up? I came to tell you something, and you’re ruining it.”

  I fought a smile and leaned back in the booth, waving my free hand across the table to give her the floor.

  “Thank you.” She sucked in a breath. “I love you.”

  And that made me feel like the richest motherfucker in the world. “I know, baby girl.” I smirked, just to be a dick. “But I’m not gonna cry about it.”

  “You’re such a prick. I don’t even know why I like you, let alone love.”

  I got up from the booth, sliding in beside her. “I told you, because you crave this kind of chaos.” I gripped her chin and slammed my lips to hers, kissing her like my life depended on it. “You do realize you’re a nightmare though?”

  “Thought you didn’t want a princess?”

  “Nah, I only want you.”

  The girl had literally put me through hell since day one, but damn, was it worth it.



  4 days later

  I clasped Bellamy’s hand tightly in mine as we walked up t
he steps to my dad’s front porch.

  My father opened the door, standing there in his usual immaculate suit, the lines of his face unreadable.

  This was the price of my freedom this time.

  My mother had paid for my ticket back and reinstated all my credit cards, she’d even agreed that she would pay my tuition for Alabama State, and the price? I had to agree to visit her three times a year, and this, dinner with my father. And that threw me for a loop.

  I had no idea why she would try to rekindle our desecrated relationship.

  “William.” Bellamy was the first to speak, probably because I was frozen and mute.

  “Bellamy. Drucella.”

  God, this was so awkward. I wanted to crawl into a deep hole in the ground.

  “Come in,” he said, stepping to the side to allow us in.

  This house felt so alien to me now, like another life that I’d watched on television rather than lived. My father showed us into the dining room with the enormous ten-seater mahogany table. A table that would never be filled.

  For a second, I actually felt a trace of pity for the man. He lived in a self-made fortress of isolation with only his money for company. It was bitterly sad.

  I took a seat across from Bellamy. My father remained standing at the head of the table, clutching the back of the chair. The two men could not have been any more different. My father was perfectly polished while Bellamy was wild and rough.

  “You must be wondering why I invited you both here.”

  “Well, I’m here because Irina told me I had to be,” I said. Outside of that, I wouldn’t give him a second of my time.

  He nodded, the lines around his eyes sinking. “Yes, I’ve spoken at length with your mother, and she has shown me a few things.”

  With that, he took an envelope from the inside of his jacket pocket and slid it across the polished table, but not to me. It stopped in front of Bellamy.

  My dad cleared his throat, his attention aimed on my boyfriend. “I’ve thought long and hard about what you said the night you forced your way into my house.” His brows tugged together as he scowled at Bellamy who looked completely unfazed, as always.

  What the hell was Dad talking about? When did Bellamy force his way in here--outside of the two times he broke in...

  “And while I absolutely do not agree with your criminal history, I must believe, given the opportunity, you wouldn’t be involved in the activities you currently use to provide for yourself.” He swept a hand toward the letter.

  Bellamy’s confused gaze met mine before he grabbed the envelope and opened it. “What in the…” He shook his head, then his dark eyes met mine. “It’s a scholarship. To Alabama State.”

  I couldn’t help the little hiccup in my chest.

  “I provide a scholarship every year.” Dad smoothed a hand down his tie, looking distinctly uncomfortable. “This year, I’d like to extend it to you, Bellamy. As a thank you for making me realize there are some things money can’t buy.”

  “I…” Bellamy frowned at the letter. “I can’t take this.”

  “Bellamy…” I started.

  This might be his only shot. Regardless of our relationship or the issues with my dad, he should absolutely take this. I wouldn’t allow him to let pride, or loyalty to me, get in the way.

  “It’s in your name,” Dad said, finally taking a seat. “The funds are reserved only for you. So you can either use it or let it sit there.”

  The three of us fell into silence for a moment.

  “I hope this goes some way to making amends, Drucella. I…” He let out a hard breath. “I love you, and I’ve only ever wanted the best for you. After speaking to your mother, I realize I have gone about it wrong, and that perhaps you value different things in your life to us.”

  I literally had no idea what to say. None. A lump formed in my throat. Tears stung my eyes.

  “I only ever wanted you to love me,” I whispered.

  My dad dropped his chin to his chest. “And I’m sorry I made you feel that I didn’t.” He pushed up from his chair. “I’ll go and get dinner from the kitchen.”

  A man of few words and fewer emotions, but he did love me. In a heartbeat Bellamy was right beside me, lips brushing over my hair as he pulled me into his arms.

  “This is so fucking weird,” I choked, half crying and half laughing at what a mess I was. “You have to take that scholarship, Bellamy.”

  “Whatever you want, baby girl.”



  Drew- Four years later

  “Wet for me, baby girl?”

  The streetlights flashed through the curtained windows of the limo as we wound through the city streets. The glow was just enough that I could make out the perfection of Bellamy’s face. All dark hair and perfect jawline, a smirk that promised to make all my problems disappear—of which I had none.

  “You say that to all the girls?” I asked, then felt him smirk against my skin while he worked the strap of my dress from my shoulder.

  “Only you…” He pulled my panties to the side, and his finger slipped inside me. “Soaked, like always.”

  His teeth raked my neck, and that addictive buzz hummed through my veins the same way it always did for him. “I’m not fucking you,” I teased.

  “Not gonna fuck me, huh?” His finger worked deeper. “So what, you came all the way to France with me, and hopped in the back of a limo to play a game of ‘get to know you?’” His mouth moved from my throat to my breast, while he pushed my skirt above my hips.

  I let out a laugh that was half lost on a moan when his fingers pushed deeper.

  “So what, baby girl? You wanna know my favorite color?”

  “Your favorite color is black.”

  He glanced up, frowning. “That’s not how you role play, Drew.” Then he spread my legs and settled between them, locking eyes with me as he nipped at the inside of my thigh. “Or should I call you Genevieve?”

  It had been over four years and he still wouldn’t let me live that down. “Oh, fuck you, Bellamy.” I fisted his hair and yanked.

  “That’s more like it.” His teeth sank into my skin on a groan, then his hand went for my throat. “I like it when you get all angry.”

  Less than five minutes later, his dress slacks were undone and he was buried inside of me.

  There was something undeniable sexy about him in that tuxedo, going at me like a wildman. He might look civilized right now, but he wasn’t, and there was nothing civilized about the way he fucked me. Choking and biting between whispered, dirty words.

  The car rolled into the port just as that weightless feeling took hold, heating my body in a tidal wave of bliss. I had to bury my face in Bellamy’s chest to silence the moans.

  “Shit,” he huffed, picking up his pace until he stiffened, then let out a guttural groan I knew the driver had to have heard.

  “I swear to God, I could never get tired of this.” He pressed a kiss to my lips, sweeping a hand over my jaw then tugging my dress back in place.

  “Good.” I kissed him before we stumbled out of the car onto the harbor side.

  Mom’s yacht was docked further down, a floating ode to luxury and all things Bellamy and I had very little to do with these days. Even though they were at our full disposal.

  I took his hand, winding my fingers through his. I needed to tell him something before we stepped on that boat and someone offered me Champagne I couldn’t drink. My stomach clenched with nerves, and I chewed on my bottom lip.

  He turned to look at me and his brows knitted together. “Are you going to throw up or something?” And ironically, it wasn’t that far off the mark.

  “I have to tell you something,” I said.

  His expression fell, suspicion evident in the scowl now shaping his face.

  Panic settled in. “I uh…” I fidgeted with the top of my dress even though it was completely in place. “I know it’s not ideal...but…” Deep breath. “I’m pregnant.”

  His eyes slowly widened as his gaze dropped from my face to my stomach, then back. “You’re pregnant…” He swiped a hand over his jaw. “Okay. You’re pregnant. Shit. Okay. So... Right.”

  He paced the promenade for a second, dragging his hand through his hair and mumbling to himself.

  I knew what he must be thinking. We were twenty-two. This was ridiculous, but we were okay. Bellamy had just graduated with a business degree and was working for my dad, learning the ropes of the company. I’d just secured a job as a social worker.

  We weren’t rich, but we were fine.

  He came back over and grabbed my hand. “Okay. So, I have to ask you a question.” Then he dropped to one knee on the cobblestone pathway, the lights from the boats playing over his face. “Will you marry me, baby girl.”

  “Oh my God. This is so Dayton right now. You do not have to marry me just because you got me knocked up.”

  “I was gonna marry you anyway.” He glared up at me. “Stop ruining shit, and say you’ll marry me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine. Yes, I’ll marry you, but I’m not waddling down some aisle.”

  He straightened and kissed me in a way that said he’d never leave me. “You want to keep it Dayton, we’ll just go to the courthouse when we get back to the States.” He smirked, then pressed another kiss to my lips.

  I took his hand, starting towards the boat. “My dad always said you’d get me knocked up.”

  Good thing my dad liked him now. This was so cliché, the rich girl getting pregnant with the bad boy.

  “Guess I’m just no good, huh, baby girl?”

  But he was. Bellamy West was good just for me.


  Do you want to know what happens with Zepp and Monroe, and read more about the Dayton High Boys, Click here to read No Prince

  Do you want to know more about Black Mountain and why Drew REALLY got kicked out? Read Popular. Warning, this one is dark.

  If you’re in the mood for a another angsty high school romance, Click here to read The Sun by Stevie J Cole free in Kindle Unlimited.


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