The Bachelor Towers: Books 1-3

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The Bachelor Towers: Books 1-3 Page 25

by Cardello, Ruth

  “She packed you a bag.” I repeat the words more slowly as if that’s what she required. I can’t help but grin at her growl.

  “I already told you I’m not going to sleep with you.”

  “Sex. Sex. Sex. I have a mind too. You might try to pretend you’re interested in that as well.”

  “You crack yourself up, don’t you?”

  “Seriously.” I change my expression so she knows I mean it. “There is no pressure. I have something planned I think you’ll enjoy. Where it goes from there is up to you.” When she sucks in her bottom lip and her eyes dart away, my cock takes that as a yes and drains the blood from my brain. This is where the battle begins for a man. If allowed, that little bastard will reduce me to blubbering and begging. I imagine an error in a long chunk of code and all the ways it could elude me. Slowly, I regain control.

  Take that, Mr. Closure.

  I slept with a programmer once and tried to explain the name to her, but she confused the term with anonymous function which took all the humor out of the term. A named closure is not anonymous. I chose it to imply it works best in one environment. When a closure is exposed to too many variables, it can lead to messy garbage data. Any good coder would know that.

  “I can’t believe Penny packed a bag for me. What sister does that?”

  “She likes me.”

  “She’s probably picturing us double dating with her and Dalton.”

  “Would that be so bad?”

  She still has those arms folded across her chest—about as tense as a person can get. I wonder if she’s like that for her pilot then regret letting my mind go there. I’m not a jealous man by nature, but the idea of Kylie with anyone else has me clenching my hands on the steering wheel.

  “Penny and I have always been opposites. I want to have more common ground with her, but I don’t know if that’s possible.”

  “Anything is possible. You look close whenever I see you together. Have you considered that you’re too hard on yourself? She loves you. You love her. With siblings that’s all that’s required.”

  She sighs. “I wish I could see things the way you do. When I look at us all I see are the things that are still wrong.”

  “I can understand that. My passion is hunting down errors and correcting them.”

  “Is that why you’re with me? Do you see something wrong that needs to be corrected?”

  This is when I like Kylie the most. She’s lowering her wall and letting me in. “Is that how you see yourself?”

  “I’ve been called mean, inflexible, obsessed . . .”

  I take one of her hands in mine and simply hold it. “That’s not the woman I see.”

  She doesn’t pull away. “Well, you haven’t known me that long.”

  “It’s not how Penny sees you, either.”

  Her hand tightens on mine. “Ben, if I could, I would—”

  “You can, Kylie. That’s what you don’t see yet. You can trust me. You can let me in, and I won’t disappoint you.”

  We ride along in silence for several minutes, hands laced, with only the sounds of light jazz and our breathing.

  “Why do you sound so sure?”

  “I analyze things for a living, look at them from every angle.” I toss her a smile to lighten the mood. “I’m not all muscles and good looks. I’m also fucking brilliant.”

  She does smile now. “So sweet—such a big ego.”

  “Bigger is better.” I wink.

  She chuckles. “Is that supposed to turn me on?”

  I bring her hand to my thigh, placing it just below the pulsing edge of my rock-hard dick. “Is it working? Because you have some angles I’d like to analyze.”

  She laughs, and I get that buzz that only comes from making her happy. “You’re too nice for me, Ben, but you’ve been warned.”

  “You can keep pushing me away, Kylie. But I’m not going anywhere. Save your energy for something more fun.”

  “Like this?” Her eyebrows raise high as she slides her hand ever so slightly farther up my thigh. I swallow hard and sweat begins to bead on my forehead. I want to swerve this car to the side of the road and take her right here. She might be game for it, but then what? I don’t want to be the next man she talks about, without bothering to mention his name. I want more of her than that.

  I take her hand and lace my fingers with hers. Down, Mr. Closure—we’re in this for the long haul. “It’s a long drive. Do you have any questions you’re dying to ask me?”

  “Not really.” She smiles when she says it. Oh, she’s bad. She knows what she’s doing.

  I sigh. “That’s a shame. Some people would want to hear about my life, my career, how I see technology changing over the next ten years—but if you’d rather just listen to music.” I reach to turn up the radio.

  She stops me by laying a hand over mine. “Okay. I’m curious.”

  “My life. My career. My ambitions. I’m a fascinating man. Ask away.” I lace my fingers back through hers. Come on, Kylie. Meet me halfway.

  She’s quiet for a moment then says, “I would like to know your story. How did you get your first break? How do you choose your projects?”

  My heart swells with pride for her. Some people open up to complete strangers while in line at the supermarket. It’s easy, but not as meaningful as each step Kylie takes with me. “When I was little I used to take everything apart. Everything. I got in trouble a lot because I didn’t always know how to put things back together. I took a coding class in high school, and something clicked—I finally found something I could take apart and put back together without getting grounded. And it made sense. I could see the code executing in my mind when I ran a program, and if I couldn’t I wanted to.”

  “That’s amazing.”

  “I scored a full scholarship to MIT, and then the real fun began. Suddenly I was learning from people who knew as much if not more than I did. I liked being challenged. As a course project, I came up with a search algorithm my professor thought was marketable. I didn’t have the resources to take it from concept to market, but I patented the idea and found a buyer who could. The money was insane. The people I met were amazing. A whole new world opened for me, and I just kind of stepped into it. One project led to another. I was offered more jobs than any man deserves, but I like the freedom of choosing my own path.”

  “Do you ever see your work out there, making billions for someone else and wonder if you should have kept it for yourself?”

  “Never.” I meet her eyes briefly. “I have more money than I know what to do with. How about you? You’re highly successful. How much more do you need?”

  She attempts to withdraw her hand, but I hold on to it. “It’s not about the money.”

  I keep talking, hoping it’ll show her I’m not here to judge her. “For me, it’s about the journey and the people I meet along the way. I’ve been incredibly lucky. I have friends in almost every industry and that keeps things fun.”

  “Fun.” She repeats the word as if it’s not one she would associate with work.

  “How about you? How did you get your start?”

  The flash of sadness in her expression takes me by surprise. “Not the same way you did. Could we talk about something else?”

  “Sure.” I ask her what she likes about living in Boston. The conversation turns to an easy chat about the vibe of the city and our favorite haunts.

  She traces one of my knuckles with her thumb. “When I graduated from college I used to go to the Museum of Fine Arts and order a bottle of wine and a cheese plate. I thought I was being incredibly sophisticated.”

  “I totally get that. I hung out in coffee shops with my laptop and a latte imagining I was the epitome of coolness.”

  “I miss those days.”

  “So let’s do it. Let’s go to the museum when we get back. You can get me drunk and explain why a black dot on a white piece of paper is art.”

  She shakes her head. “It’s not all like that.”

rove it when we get back.”

  “You’re on.”

  The rest of the ride we chat easily. The farther we get from the city the more relaxed she becomes. By the time we pull up to our destination her shoes are off and her feet are resting comfortably on the dashboard as she taps them to the beat of the music on the radio.

  “Where are we?”

  “In the winter it’s a ski resort.”

  “And this time of year?”

  “A buddy of mine bought some of the property on this side of the mountain. He’s made some upgrades. He gave me the keys to the kingdom today.”

  “Interesting.” As we step out I hand her the bag Penny packed, and I love that she opens it immediately. I bet Christmas at her house tested her patience each year. I hope she brings the same impatience to our bed.

  “We’ll change in the bathrooms and then we can start climbing.”

  “A hike?”

  “A journey with a destination.”


  “Like me.”

  She rolls her eyes but chuckles. “Sure.”

  I can’t wait a moment longer. I pull her to me and kiss her smiling lips. I tell myself to keep it light, but as soon as her body fits to mine I’m on fire for her. Her mouth opens for mine and I’m lost.

  Her hands dig into my hair. I can’t get enough of her. Oh, God, one more minute of this and I’ll fuck her right here. I raise my head. She looks as dazed as I feel. “We should go change,” I say in a strangled voice.

  She nods and looks around for the bag she dropped to the ground. I hand it to her and wave toward the building with the bathrooms.

  After a quick change, a splash of water on my face, and a stern inner lecture, I’m back outside waiting for Kylie. She steps out in a tight-fitting pair of jeans and a low V-neck sweater that shows just enough cleavage to make me sad she won’t be facing me during my surprise for her. Why the hell did I think we should wait?

  “Are we honestly going for a hike? Do you have supplies? A compass? I have hardly any phone service up here. Do you know how many horror movies start this way?”

  “I love horror movies. See, we have something else in common.”

  Her brows crease, and it’s my clue she’s had enough. This is where people don’t get her. She’s not annoyed, she’s worried. She’s a planner. She needs questions answered before she can relax and breathe. I don’t want to change her—just show her how we fit together.

  “I have supplies, and I know this path like the back of my hand. I promise you have nothing to worry about. Our cell phones won’t work, but I have this fully charged walkie talkie should we need to get in contact with anyone. You can trust me to get you there and back just fine.”

  “Trust you?”

  “Have I let you down yet?”

  “Yet being the operative word.”

  “It’ll be fine, Kylie. I’ve got you.” I extend my hand, and though it takes a few extra beats, she takes it.

  “Water. A compass. High protein food? Water proof blanket? You have those kinds of supplies? I don’t like camping but I like dying in the woods because I’m unprepared even less.”

  “We’re not sleeping outside.”

  “A cabin?” She lights a little with relief.

  “Have a little faith in me.”

  “I’m trying.” She’s smiling as we head up the path toward what I hope will be something special. “It’s really serene here.”

  “I’d suggest this as a place to meditate, but I doubt we’d keep our clothes on long.” I kick a hot glance her way and love the desire I see in her eyes. I might be suffering, but she’s right there with me.

  “I don’t have the right shoes if we’re going to rock climb.”

  “The suspense is killing you isn’t it?”

  “A little.”

  “The wait is over.” I point to a clearing on a ledge as we approach. “You’re about to get one hell of a view.”

  “A zip line?” Her hand flies to her mouth in excitement. “I’ve always wanted to try one.”

  “There are five. They weave their way back down the other side of the mountain, nearly to the bottom. We’ll take them together, and then I have something special waiting for us. You game?”

  “What made you pick this?” She’s looking over the expansive landscape and drawing in a deep breath.

  “Flying through the sky at breakneck speeds and conquering gravity is the only thing I could think of that would come close to how you make me feel.”

  She frowns at me—then smiles. “I like that.”

  “Plus if you get scared, you can hold on to me.” I flex to make her laugh. “I’ll protect you.”

  “What you mean is I’ll cushion your crash.” She chuckles.

  “Either way it’s a win-win for me.” This time she doesn’t laugh.

  “And for me?” Her tone is surprisingly serious.

  I’m tempted to joke that since it’s a day spent with me she’s already won, but that isn’t what she needs. I’m asking her to take a leap of faith—literally. “Trusting me is a risk, but life is about more than being safe—or it should be.” I cup her face and kiss her. She tastes like cautious yearning and fire. She didn’t get where she is in business by being timid. If I can bring that side of her to us—I’ll have the partner I’ve always wanted.

  Her hands slide between us, exploring my chest, and I’m in heaven. Her tongue is bold—her caress confident. I want her so badly I forget where we are. There is only her and how she makes me feel.

  God, a kiss shouldn’t feel as good as any fuck ever has, but hers does. I raise my head because I’m too close to taking her right here. I’m not the guy who fucks and walks away. Kylie matters to me.

  Proving that to her is excruciatingly frustrating, but it’s also exciting as hell. “Ready?”

  She looks up at me in bemused confusion. “For?”

  I kiss the tip of her nose. “Zip lining?”

  After blinking a few times quickly, she nods.

  A moment later she’s tight to my lap, and I loop a hand around her waist. It’s not a safety measure, but I need to hold her. Need. It’s beyond want. Every moment we’re not touching feels a little like death. Every place our bodies connect is blissfully alive—and blatantly hard. “Here we go.”

  “If this doesn’t kill me, I may love it.”

  “That’s a pretty good motto to live by.”

  I release the brake and she lets out a sexy nervous yelp as we start our first decent.

  “Are you all right?”

  She only answers with a small nod as her eyes rove over the landscape below. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Gorgeous.” I’m leaning forward and whisper into her ear.

  She smiles over her shoulder at me then exclaims, “Look, there’s deer.” She points like an excited child. “This is amazing.”

  “Yes, it is. I knew you’d like it.” I pull her in a little closer and breathe in the sweet smell of her shampoo.

  “I do, but how could you be so sure?”

  “Wild. Dangerous, but not deadly. Private. Breathtaking and bold. That’s all very you.” I don’t expect her to gush something similar. I’d be disappointed if she did. Not to brag, but women often see me as a good catch. I’m good-looking, funny, and successful. If my ego needs stroking, I can choose any of the women my sisters have sent my way. Some of them are so quick with the compliments they could have written PR release packets for me. I like having to try a little harder.

  She leans her head back on my chest as we close in on the second platform. The sun is starting to sink low, turning the clouds varying shades of pink and red. I could not have bought a more romantic scene. We unclip. How can I not kiss her again? She meets me halfway, which makes Mr. Closure sure we can survive fucking right here on the platform. I am not as sure, so I tear my mouth from hers, hold her for a moment, then begin to clip her into the next harness.

  While I’m doing up my own, she mutters, “Ben?”

  I look up. “Yes?”

  The caution is gone from her gaze. In its place is the same hot desire burning through me. She shakes her head. “Forget it.”

  I grin. In my fantasy she was about to ask me to do what I just convinced myself we shouldn’t attempt. I’m all about dabbling in danger, but the full body cast I’d wear after falling from our perch would delay fucking her a second time, and I have a feeling once will not be enough.

  I kiss her sweet lips one last time and spin her around to clip us together again. It’s one amazing ride, another toe curling kiss after the next until we finally reach the bottom. I try to summon work-related code issues, but Mr. Closure is temporarily in control. He’s filling my brain with vivid images of all the ways Kylie and I could be enjoying ourselves if we shed some of this clothing.

  She’s talking but I can’t concentrate on much beyond the excitement in her eyes and the touch of her hand on my arm. Holy shit, I hope I brought enough condoms.

  “That was exhilarating!” She’s breathless in the sexiest kind of way.

  That’s one word for it.

  “Hungry?” I ask. I’m not, not for food at least, but there’s something to be said to planning for stamina.

  She looks around and her face lights up when she spots the surprise I arranged for us. The sun has set and the twinkling lights strung up in the tree branches look like stars. A beautifully set table, worthy of any fine restaurant, waits for us beneath the lights. If the staff is as good as my friend claims, that silver bucket of ice contains a bottle of Kylie’s favorite champagne. There are definite perks to having Penny on my side.

  “You did all this?”

  I shrug. “This isn’t how all ziplines end?”

  With impeccable timing, soft music, activated by a motion detector, kicks on. I’ve never gone to this length to impress a woman. Will it work? “You like it?”

  She steps away from me and to the table. “Is this how you treat all your dates?”

  I turn her toward me. “What do you think?”

  “I don’t need a man to sweep me off my feet. Romance is wasted on me. I don’t believe in it.”

  I hold out a chair for her. She sits. I brush my lips over her ear and growl softly, “Really? Then humor me, because I do.”


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