Twelve Worlds, One Book

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Twelve Worlds, One Book Page 12

by Buffy Hamilton

  4.Position yourself: Try to find a good position on the horse and remember that if you get your legs in the right position will be easier to feel safe and comfortable on the horse. The writer Laura Martlock gave some examples about right position of the leg, “The legs are the connection between the rider’s seat and ankles, and as such are one of the most important elements of attaining true relaxation and suppleness on a horse. Together with the ankles, they are the base of a rider’s position. When you find your knees creeping up and your lower legs and feet creeping out in front of you, stop the horse. Take your feet out of you stirrups, and, one leg at a time, move your entire leg out away from the horse, so that no part of your leg is touching the horse. Bring your knees down and underneath you, as they would be if you were standing, then let your legs gently fall back against the horse’s ribs. Remember to mentally place your body's weight down into your legs” (Martlock). A good position on your horse make all the difference, with a good position you can avoid several accidents, and this will make your ride more comfortable and enjoyable, also will help you feel the moment with your horse.

  5.Feel the moment and respect your horse: “Love. Respect. Understanding are three powerful words” (Twinney), that we have to add in our moment with the horse because the mostly important thing is feel the moment and enjoy your ride, but some people forgot that make it a good and fun moment so don't create a bound with the horse.


  Five Ways to Better Sleep

  Alen Kiyanovski

  1.Sleep and Get Up at the Same Times- Peoples schedules change every day. Most of the people can’t follow a regular schedule and usually go to sleep at different times. That distracts your internal body which can’t get used to the same sleep hours. As written at, “Sticking to a consistent sleep-wake schedule helps set your body’s internal clock and optimize the quality of your sleep. Start by setting a realistic bedtime that will work with your lifestyle” (Smith). Following a regular sleep schedule makes the body get used to an exact number of sleeping hours and makes us feel better. Make a schedule every day to organize the time so you can go to sleep at the same time.

  2.Don’t Smoke! - Lots of people nowadays are smoking, smoking is unhealthy habit and hurts your body. But smoking don’t hurt only your body, it also hurts your sleep written at Prevention site, “Smokers are 4 times more likely not to feel as well rested after a night's sleep than nonsmokers, studies show, and smoking exacerbates sleep apnea and other breathing disorders, which can also stop you from getting a good night's rest” (Dumain). Smoking limits your breathing and causes breathe disorders which influences badly not only your sleep but also your health.

  3.Don’t be Exposed to Light Before Bad as Early as Possible- Most of us using the phone or watching TV and using other electronic devices that makes lots of light and disturbs your internal body clock and makes it feel that it isn’t night. As noted at WikiHow, “Eliminate all sources of light in your bedroom. This includes windows, LED clocks, computer lights, cable boxes, and other devices with lights (unless they're very dim). You can cover them with heavy paper, cloth covers, masking tape, or just unplug them. Not only will you get a good night's sleep, you'll save electricity” (How to Sleep Better). Try also to turn off the lights at your house as earlier as you can so your internal body won’t be disturbed because of any lights.

  4.Avoid Naps- Sometimes, naps are fun and can get you more energy for the rest of the day. But, long naps can make your body sleep problems. As written at Mayo Clinic website, “Long daytime naps can interfere with nighttime sleep — especially if you're struggling with insomnia or poor sleep quality at night. If you choose to nap during the day, limit yourself to about 10 to 30 minutes and make it during the midafternoon” (Clinic). Limit your nap time for maximum of 30 minutes, and also do it at the midafternoon so you’ll be able to fall asleep easier.

  5.Exercise More- Exercise is the key for healthy body and a good sleep. Exercise helps fall asleep faster and easier. But, don’t exercise too late, because it’s also makes your body more active and makes problems with falling asleep. As written at Healthy Sleep website, “Exercise stimulates the body to secrete the stress hormone cortisol, which helps activate the alerting mechanism in the brain. This is fine, unless you're trying to fall asleep. Try to finish exercising at least three hours before bed or work out earlier in the day” ("Twelve Simple Tips to Improve Your Sleep"). Exercising at suitable times will make you be healthier and sleep better.


  "First Snow"

  Briana Kang

  Everyone would have something that really special to their life. Something that make one happy. Something reminds of special moment. Sue has special meaning of the first snow of 2015.

  When late fall, Sue and her boyfriend’s Joe fight. “Are you seeing another person?” says Sue. “No! I just play with her” says Sue’s boyfriend. Sue is angry and says “I think we should stay apart and never see each other ever again” her boyfriend seeing another person is not first time. He is very dejected when she broke up with him. Because everyone likes Sue and she is kind and pretty. Her mind gets puzzled. Then her decision is forgetting about past and go to the France to rest her mind. After she goes back to home and turns on the computer and buys the air plane ticket to Paris.

  Henry is second year associate at the firm. He got a reward vacation. He has friends in France. His friend invites him for a week. “John, please entertain me” says Henry. “Sorry, I’m fully occupied with office work” say john. “Ok, I’m going outside”. He goes to get some presents and look around France, Pairs.

  Sue arrives at hotel in front of Eiffel Tower. She doesn’t want to waste her time so she hurries out of hotel and just walks around. Sue walks in very small souvenir shop and bumps into a tall guy. Sue says, “Oops, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you”. Sue doesn’t speak French so she apologizes without looking. “Oh, it’s okay. I didn’t give attention neither” Says Henry. Sue is glad to hear the guy’s English. Sue says, “I’m glad you speak English. I just got in France and have no idea about French” Henry smiles at her. He makes room for her because a bunch of people get in the shop. Henry says, “I hope you enjoy Paris as much as I do. It’s really lovely city” Sue smiles back to him. Henry buys a small jewelry box for his sister and Sue buys a miniature Eiffel Tower. They goes out of the shop together. Henry asks, “Would you like a cup of coffee with me if you don’t have any other plan?” Sue hesitates to answer. It’s too soon to meet other guy. Sue says, “I would like to. But I have to go back to hotel” Which is a lie. Henry says, “Okay then have a very nice trip” And he walks to the food market. He thinks she is very pretty and has a nice voice. Sue thinks he is kind nice but it’s not good time to have a man in her life.

  About a week later, Sue is packing to leave hotel. She spent quality times to look around Pairs. She enjoyed in Louvre Museum and Montmartre Hill. She loved the street painters and the small of a cup of coffee. She sat in a little café and watched others. Everybody looked so happy. She thought her life will go without Joe even she felt little lonely right now. She wants to leave her memory with Joe. This trip made her throw out bad memories and recharge her energy. Her mind was ocean calm after a storm passed. There were no Joe anywhere. On the way to airport, she thinks she will come back Paris with a good man. Henry is in a cap to airport. He spent nice weekend with John. They had a crazy party with John’s French friends. Henry didn’t understand what they were saying but drink and loud music solve every problems. They were drinking and dancing all night. He had a bad hangover but he never had fun like it before. Henry scanned the beautiful Paris scenery in his eyes and heart.

  Sue checked in airplane little early and sits on her business class. She didn’t bother to have expensive ticket after her heart breaking. As matter a fact, she credited herself. She closes her eyes and remembers what she did in France. Henry is surprised when he found out who is sitting next to him. It was her. The pretty wo
man from the souvenir shop. Henry can’t say anything because she closes her eyes and seems like fall asleep. He sits quietly and tries to wait until she awakes. When the plane is in the air, Sue opens her eyes. She tries to grab her blanket and feels someone is staring at her. She feels uncomfortable. She turns her face at the guy. “Oh my God, it’s you. I’m sorry I didn’t ask your name last time. My name is Sue” Henry smiles at her, “I’m Henry. I’m waiting until you awake. I’m glad see you again” Sue feels weird. Sue feels something meant to be happen. They are talking each other’s journey all the way to NY.

  After they get their luggage, Henry asks Sue’s phones number. Sue doesn’t hesitate this time. Henry works at Wall Street as a stock broker. Sue works at SoHo gallery. Henry says, “Is it okay to give you a call this weekend? Let’s meet at our hometown” Sue implies, “That’s sounds good. Have a safe drive” Sue thinks that they are working nearby and she believes it means something. Something very special.

  Henry thinks where he would take her this weekend. He is so excited and can’t wait to see her again. It is heart pounding feeling for long time. His last love was 3 years ago. He feels like he is back to his first date. He searches internet to find very romantic place. He thinks he will buy a dozen of red roses and have a candlelight dinner. It will be very romantic.

  It’s Friday night. Henry gave a call last night that they will meet on Empire State Building at 7. Henry is there a half an hour early. He buys the two tickets to observatory and waits outside of the building. His eyes are busy to find Sue. Henry’s eyes wide opens. Sue is walking toward him. She is in white tight dress with black Burberry coat. She is so beautiful. Henry kisses her cheek to welcome. Sue’s face turns red like an apple. They don’t say any words until they get into the observatory. Henry leads her the best spot to see NY night view. He holds her waist and whispers her ear, “You look fantastic tonight” Sue’s face gets red and gives a soft laugh. “You look good too, Henry” says Sue. They just hold each other for a while to see night view. It is a magical place to a couple. Because of the beautiful view. Because of the fresh breeze. No one can deny to fall in love.

  Henry takes Sue’s hands and walk to the restaurant nearby. As he planned, their table has a romantic candle light. With a soft jazz music, they have great dinner. They are holding their hands and keep laughing. Love makes people laugh. They don’t know what they are talking. It doesn’t matter. As long as they are together, they are happy. Sue doesn’t eat much but she feels she is full. Her cheeks are shining red. Henry keeps his eyes on her. He even hums the jazz melody. Everything is perfect. They just feel each other without words.

  When they are out of restaurant, white flakes of snow started to fall. It’s the first snow of this winter. “Look, don’t you think the heaven gives us a surprise?” Sue says. Henry looks at her lovely and says, “Yes, God bless us. I knew when I see you in the plane. We are meant to be in love. It’s our destiny” Their love just start.



  Ren Araki

  Takuma wakes up in unknown room. Takuma just remembers only his name, Takuma. Takuma looks carefully in the room. Takuma finds a clock, flowers, a mirror, a computer, a bed and a table. Takuma feels strange because Takuma does not remember this room, but he knows this room. Takuma notices there is a card on the table. The card was written,

  Takuma is miserable.

  He is chased by true phantom in the imaginary house.

  Will he gets after losing? Or, will he lose after getting?

  In either case, he is miserable.

  “What is this? I don’t know this card writing.”

  Takuma says. He looks at around him, but he cannot find anything.

  “I should go out from this room. Anything are not happened if I stay here. Maybe I should exit from this house.” Takuma says.

  Takuma goes out from the room to a corridor. Takuma looks the inner part of the corridor. There is one woman stood. Takuma goes near the woman. The woman is little strange. Takuma cannot sees her face because she looks downward. Her skin is pathologic white. Her heir is very long. She wears a white dress. Takuma says, “Excuse me. Do you know where is here?”

  “…aa….uu……aa?” Woman says.

  “What’s? What do you say?” Takuma says.

  Woman looks up Takuma’s face and shouts,


  Takuma is surprised because the woman’s eyes and lip are black, and her voice is not human’s one. Takuma notices she is not human. She is a GHOST!

  Takuma runs away from the ghost. The ghost chases to him. However, the ghost’s speed is like walking, so Takuma runs down near the stair and hides next to the room. He holds his breath and waits to go away the ghost.

  The ghost’s voice goes away. Takuma sit on the floor after he cannot listen it. He confuses because he is in not remembering house and meets the ghost. However, he understands one thing. It is he must leave from this house for alive.

  Takuma begins to search in the house. He goes out from hidden room. The room is under the stairs. He looks left side. There is an entrance. He grabs door knobs and turn it, but it is locked.

  “Damn it! I can’t use this door.” Takuma says. He goes to another room. There is a living room. Takuma finds many things.

  “There is a TV, a sofa, a table, a telephone, a shelf, three pictures….. Wait, pictures?” Takuma looks the pictures. There are row of the pictures. There is Takuma in the left picture. There is an unknown woman in the right picture. There are Takuma and the unknown woman in the middle picture. Takuma takes the right picture and says,

  “Who is this woman? I don’t know her. But, I feel nostalgia.” Takuma takes the middle picture. There are Takuma wore a tuxedo and the woman ware a wedding dress.

  “Why? Did I marry with this woman? I don’t know. I don’t remember.” Takuma says. Takuma confuses, but he knows dangerous to stay same place for long time. So he goes out from living room. Takuma is in a bathroom. Takuma finds two tooth brushes. One of them is blue. It is written ‘Takuma’. Another one is red. It is written ‘Mika’.

  “….. Maybe the photo’s woman is ‘Mika’. I lived with her in this house.” Takuma says. It is Takuma’s guess, but he knows it is true. Why does he know it? Anyone don’t know. He thinks about himself, ‘Mika’, this house, and the ghost. He has many hints. However, he does not know the answer. He wants one more piece of the answer. He goes into deep thought, then,

  “Ring!! Ring!! Ring!!”

  The telephone sound rings by loud sounds. Takuma is surprised. Takuma freezes during ringing the telephone. Some seconds later, the telephone stops ringing. Takuma becomes calm, and he thinks about the telephone. He knows one telephone in this house. It is in the living room. However, he does not know who, how to, and why call to this house. He decides to go to check the telephone.

  In the living room, Takuma arrive front of telephone. Few minutes later, the telephone rings. Takuma answers it.


  “Are you Takuma!?”

  “Yes, I am. Who are you?

  “I am Kazuto. Takuma, listen carefully.”

  “Wait! I don’t know you. I lost my memories.”

  “What’s!? ….. OK. I’m Kazuto I am your best friend. I tell you how to go out from the house.”

  “Why? Why do you know how to go out from this house?”

  “Because it is written on the book.”

  “Book? What’s book?”

  “I show you after you go out from the house. Please listen to me!”

  “OK. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s OK. Listen carefully. It is easy. You can leave from the door of entrance.”

  “What’s? It’s wrong. I tried it, but I could not open the door.”

  “….. No. It is not locked. You know it….. But you don’t want to notice it. You should go to the entrance, and please come back from the sad dream.”

  Kazuto hangs up. Takuma confuses the Kazuto’s saying.

  “What is ‘the sad dream’? This house? Or, the ghost? I don’t know.” Takuma decides to allow Kazuto. He goes to the entrance.

  Takuma arrives entrance. He also grabs door knob and turn it. It is not locked. Kazuto is true. However, something is on Takuma’s mind, so he cannot go out from this house.


  Takuma hears the ghost’s voice. Takuma looks back at the depth of the corridor. There is the ghost. It comes to Takuma slowly. Takuma tries to go out from the house, but then he hears the ghost’s voice.


  Taaaguuaaaa… Daaakuumaaa…”

  “What’s?” Takuma is surprised. He thought that the ghost roars to me, but then it says like ‘Takuma’.

  “You try to call my name?” Takuma asks, but of course the ghost does not answer. Takuma thinks the ghost looks like to implore somebody for help. Takuma cannot decide between going out from this house and accepting the ghost, whether to do. The ghost comes to him little by little. Takuma decides…..


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