Twisted Secrets: A Dark High School Romance (Twisted Pine Academy Book 3)

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Twisted Secrets: A Dark High School Romance (Twisted Pine Academy Book 3) Page 4

by Kai Juniper

  "What do you plan to do?" Roman asks.

  "I have my lawyers dealing with it, like last time. I'm sure it'll all work out. The police just need to satisfy Andrea's parents. They're still choosing to believe their little princess would never get drunk enough to fall over a railing. They feel better when they can blame someone. How about you? Have you hired lawyers for Jackson?"

  "In the Reynolds' case, yes. For the Andrea case, he hired them himself. But the police still haven't questioned him about that." Roman checks his phone. "It's almost ten. I need to go."

  "Yes, of course." Brock smiles. "Will you be staying in town?"

  "For the time being, yes."

  "Perhaps we could meet for dinner one night."

  "Brock, I know you want the part but now is not the time. I've halted casting until I have this under control."

  Brock nods really fast. "Yes. I completely understand. I'll tell Gunnar to stop pestering you," he says with a laugh. "We'll see you later!"

  Roman goes out to the driveway and gets in his car, a shiny silver Mercedes. He pulls out of the driveway and speeds off.

  "What do you think?" Brock asks as he closes the door.

  "He seems okay. I thought he'd be worse. Who gives up their kid like that?"

  As I say it, I realize Brock did. He gave me up. Made me think my dad was someone else. He wasn't even a good uncle. He could've come to see me in New York all the times he was there but he never did.

  "I wasn't asking what you thought of him. I was asking if you thought he'd give me the part?"

  I should've known that's what he was thinking. His son and niece/daughter might be linked to a murder and all Brock cares about is getting a part in a movie.

  "I don't know," I say. "I'm not sure how that Hollywood stuff works."

  He grasps my arm, looking at me with eager eyes. "Would you be willing to put in a good word for me? He seemed to like you. And you're dating his son. Perhaps you could just mention me next time you talk to him. Nothing too obvious. Maybe just ask him about the movie, then casually drop in something about how I'd be perfect for the detective role."

  "I'd never say that. He'd know you put me up to it." I walk off, heading to my room.

  Brock follows me. "He wouldn't care. It's how the business works. It's all who you know."

  We stop at my door.

  "My boyfriend's in jail," I say, staring at him. "Getting you a job is not exactly my priority right now."

  "Then keeping you out of jail will no longer be MY priority." He leans down to me. "I don't have to help you. I want to, because you're my niece, but I can choose not to."

  "Then don't. I don't need your help. I didn't do anything wrong." I go in my room and shut the door, locking it.

  My phone rings. It's Shayla.

  "Hey," I answer.

  "Rumor, what the hell is going on? Is Kristen really dead?"

  "Yeah. I guess it happened this morning. Or late last night. I'm not really sure."

  "And Jackson—"

  "Didn't do it. He's innocent. I don't care what people say. He didn't do this."

  "I'm not accusing him. I don't think he did it either. He couldn't. You guys were together last night. I assumed you spent the night with him."

  "I didn't. I was tired and stressing out. I just wanted to get home and go to bed."

  "Stressing out? About what?"

  "I forgot I didn't tell you. So much has happened, last night feels like it was weeks ago."

  "What happened?"

  "After you left, I found Jackson and we were heading to his car when we ran into some guys from Twisted Pine. Braden's football friends."

  Shayla gasps. "What happened? Did they fight?"

  "Almost, but they took another look at Jackson and changed their minds. We left and continued with our date but all I could think about is the shit I'd have to deal with when I got home. I assumed Brock would try to ban me from seeing Jackson ever again."

  "Did he?"

  "No. But Braden did. He was a freaking psycho last night. He was waiting for me in the dark. Scared the crap out of me. I didn't know what he was going to do. I grabbed this really heavy bookend and was prepared to smack him in the head with it if he got close to me."

  "But he didn't?"

  "Brock walked in and asked what was going on. Braden told him about Jackson and me and that's when Brock told him to stay out of it. Braden about lost it. He couldn't believe his dad would let me keep seeing Jackson."

  "I can't either. Why would Brock be okay with it, knowing how much Braden hates Jackson?"

  "Because Brock wants a role in a movie Jackson's dad is directing. Jackson's dad showed up here to talk to me and Brock was practically begging him for a part in the movie. It was really pathetic. I've never seen him act that way."

  "Why did Jackson's dad want to talk to you?"

  "To see if I could give him anything he could use to get Jackson out of jail. I told him what I know but it's not enough to get him out of there." I take a breath. "I'm so scared for him, Shayla. What if they convict him? He'll be in prison the rest of his life."

  "Okay, slow down. They're not even close to convicting him. All they've done is arrest him. And I'm sure he has really good lawyers who can get him out of jail fast, maybe even this week."

  "His dad's hoping to get him out today."

  "Even better. See? It'll all work out. The cops just needed to arrest someone so people wouldn't freak out and think a murderer is out wandering around."

  "If that's true, if they let him go, they'll have to blame someone else." I pause. "Like me."

  "You?" She laughs. "You were in your room all night. You didn't kill her."

  "They think I was involved. Didn't you see the news this morning?"

  "No. Why? What happened?"

  I fill her in with the details.

  "I thought Principal Edwards thought you were a lesbian," Shayla says. "Weren't you my girlfriend just a few days ago?"

  "Apparently he's changed his mind. Now I'm Jackson's girlfriend. And according to Principal Edwards, Jackson was cheating on me with Kristen."

  "He wasn't cheating on you."

  "I didn't think so either but what if I'm wrong? What if Jackson lied to me? Axl did. I never even suspected he was cheating. Maybe I just don't pick up on that stuff."

  "Jackson wasn't cheating. There's no way. If you heard the way he talked about you when he was begging me to help him get you back, you'd know there was no way he'd cheat on you. The guy's totally in love with you. You know that, right?"

  "Yeah. He told me. But Axl told me that too."

  "Axl didn't mean it. He made that clear with the way he treated you. With Jackson it's different. He isn't just pretending to love you. He really does. I didn't want to believe it, but hearing him go on and on about how great you are and how much he wanted you back convinced me he's legit. He wasn't putting on an act. He really does love you."

  "And now he's gone."

  "He'll get out. His dad is rich and powerful. Those people always go free, even if they're guilty, which I know Jackson isn't but you know what I mean."

  "I'm surprised his dad is even helping him. Jackson made it sound like they have a bad relationship."

  "They probably do, but when something like this happens, parents usually step in and help. His dad was here when the whole Andrea thing happened."

  "He was?"

  "Not for long. He just showed up to talk to the lawyers and police, but at least he was here."

  "Was his mom?"

  "I don't know. I never saw her. I only saw his dad. I'd see him going into Jackson's house when I was over at Brock's, helping my mom clean." She pauses. "Shit. My mom's calling me. I forgot I was supposed to pick her up. I dropped her off because I needed the car. Can I call you later?"

  "Yeah. Bye."

  I set my phone down and get my laptop. I start it up and search how to get someone out of jail. I know nothing about any of this. Getting arrested. Getting charged. How t
o get out of jail. I've never even thought about it before. My dad, or the guy I thought was my dad, has been arrested a few times for drug possession but he always got off. He never served time in prison.

  Two hours later I'm still searching when Brock knocks on my door.

  "Rumor, would you like something to eat? Ana's here. She made some lunch if you're interested."

  "I'm not hungry."

  He opens my door. "You should try to eat something. It's going to be a long afternoon. The lawyers will be over to talk to Braden. I'm going to have them talk with you as well."

  "I thought you weren't going to help me."

  He sighs and walks over to me. "I'm sorry about earlier. I was feeling a lot of stress with everything going on with you and Braden." He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Of course I'm going to help you. I've already spoken to the lawyers about what's going on and they're working up a response."

  "Response to what?"

  "To the questions the police will ask. You'll need to prepare what you're going to say. The lawyers have come up with a draft. When you meet with them, you can modify it as needed."

  "Why can't I just answer them? Why do I need a script?"

  "The detectives will dissect everything you say. Using one or two wrong words could set them down a path of believing you had something to do with this. You need to use wording that implies your innocence."

  "I don't need to imply it. I AM innocent."

  "Rumor, would you please just cooperate on this? I've already been through this with Braden. I know what I'm doing."

  "When will the lawyers be here?" I say with a sigh.

  "At two. Why don't you go get something to eat? It might make you feel better."

  Making my way to the kitchen, I see Braden coming toward me.

  "Traitor," he mutters, shoving me as we pass.

  "Asshole," I say as I continue to the kitchen.

  Ana looks up as I walk in. "Would you like some lunch?"

  "Not really, but Brock thinks I need to eat." I sit on the metal stool next to the island and watch her stir something on the stove. "What are you making?"

  "More bone broth for Braden. His knee is bothering him again after the game last night." She turns to me. "How about a sandwich?"

  "Grilled cheese?"

  She nods and goes to the fridge.

  "Did you hear what happened?" I ask.

  "I saw something on the news," she says, getting a skillet out. "What would you like with your sandwich?"

  "Chips, but I'll get them." I go over to the drawer where she keeps my junk food.

  Braden walks in. "Ana, what the hell's taking so long?"

  "It needs to simmer," she says.

  "Fuck that." He goes to the stove. "Just give it to me now." He points to the skillet where Ana is making my sandwich. "Is that for her?" He glances at me.

  "Yes. It won't take long, and then I'll get your broth."

  "You'll get it now," he says in a low growl, his mouth lowering to her ear. "I don't wait, especially for that bitch."

  I toss the chip bag aside and storm up to Braden. "Get away from her."

  He slowly smiles. "Standing up for the help again? You dating Ana now? You ditched Shelby?"

  "You're disgusting." I turn to Ana. "Ignore him. And don't do what he tells you. He's not your boss."

  "I sure as hell am," he says. "If she works for my dad, she works for me."

  "That's not how it works. Your dad's paying her. You're not."

  Ana moves back to the stockpot, stirring the bone broth. "I'll have it ready in a few minutes."

  "I want it now!" Braden barks, his eyes locked on mine.

  "Don't listen to him," I say to Ana. "He's not your boss."

  Braden goes around me and stands behind Ana as she ladles the broth into a bowl.

  "Good girl," Braden says in her ear as he grabs her ass.

  Her body stiffens and she sucks in a breath.

  "Stop it!" I shove his hand off her.

  Braden whips toward me. "Don't fucking tell me what to do."

  "I'll put it on the table," Ana says in shaky voice.

  "I'll take it to my room," Braden says, glaring at me. He takes the bowl, grabs a spoon from the drawer, and leaves.

  Ana hurries back to the skillet and flips my sandwich.

  "Why do you let him do that?" I say, standing next to her.

  "It'll be ready in a few minutes," she says. "You can go sit down."

  "Ana, answer me. Why do you let Braden treat you like that?"

  "He's my boss," she whispers. "Just let it go."

  "Brock is your boss. Not his son."

  "It's just easier this way." She goes to the cabinet and takes out a plate and a glass. "What would you like to drink?"

  I take the glass from her. "Has Braden ever...done anything to you? Physically?"

  "No, but he—" She stops and shakes her head as she returns to the skillet.

  I race up to her. "What did he do? Tell me."

  Chapter Five

  Ana puts the sandwich on a plate and hands it to me. "Would you like anything else?"

  "Ana, tell me. I promise I won't tell anyone."

  She hesitates, then says in a low voice, "He makes up stories."

  "About you?"

  She nods. "When he's angry with me. He tells his father things that aren't true."

  "Like what?"

  "Things to get me in trouble. It hasn't happened a lot but I'm worried he could get me fired. I really need this job." She glances around the kitchen. "I shouldn't be talking about this."

  She races to the sink and starts scrubbing dishes.

  I set my plate down and walk over to her. "Do you tell Brock it's not true?"

  "I've tried but he doesn't believe me. He always takes Braden's side."

  "Still, I don't think he'd fire you. Aren't you and Brock..." I don't know how to word it so I wait for her to fill in the rest.

  "Brock is good to me," she whispers. "But if Braden told him something...something he didn't's possible he'd let me go."

  "Then go. You could find other jobs."

  "It's not that easy."

  "Why? I'm sure a lot of people around here would hire a personal chef. Or you could work at a restaurant."

  "I can't." She shakes her head. "Just let it go." She looks me in the eye. "Please. Stop asking questions, and don't tell Brock about Braden. I can handle him." She turns and takes off her apron. "It's time for my break. I'll be outside."

  When she's gone, I take my sandwich to the counter and sit down. I check my phone for the millionth time, hoping to see a message from Jackson. How did I miss his messages last night? I always hear my phone going off, even if I'm sound asleep.

  "He's not gonna text you," Trystan says as he comes in the kitchen. "They took his phone."

  "I might have other messages. Like from his dad."

  "His dad's not gonna text you." Trystan opens the fridge. "You're just some stupid girl his son was banging."

  "Thanks. That's really nice," I say sarcastically.

  He shuts the fridge. "I'm just saying that's how the guy thinks." Trystan opens my drawer of junk food. "Can I have some of this?"

  "I thought you only ate healthy stuff."

  "I do, but I don't feel like it today." He takes out a bag of chips.

  "I didn't say you could have it."

  "Nope." He tears open the bag and shoves a handful of chips in his mouth.

  I just roll my eyes.

  "You know who he is, right?" Trystan says, his mouth full of chips.


  "Roman Novak. Jackson's dad."

  "A movie director?"

  "More like the biggest director in Hollywood. He's the guy they go to for all the big movies. The ones that make all the money. He's fucking richer than shit."

  "Richer than Kristen's mom?"

  Trystan shrugs. "Maybe. I don't know." He opens the fridge again and takes out one of my sodas.

  "Can you get me
one too?"

  "Get it yourself." He hops up on the counter across from me and opens his soda.

  "Why can't you just do something nice for me?" I get up and go to the fridge.

  "I'm already nicer to you than I should be." He guzzles his soda, then burps as he sets the can down. "Shit, that hurt. I'm not used to carbonated stuff."

  "How exactly are you nice to me?" I ask, sitting back down with my soda.

  "I talk to you, for one." He chomps on his chips. "Like ask you shit. Nobody else does that. Nobody cares."

  "Jackson does."

  "Yeah, but you're fucking him. He has to listen to you." He sets the bag of chips down and picks up his soda. "Why him? Why Jackson? Just to get back at Braden?"

  "No! Braden had nothing to do with it."

  "Then why? Why start something with Novak when you know he's an enemy of our family?"

  "I didn't know that when I met him. And he's not the enemy. Just because Braden hates him doesn't make him the enemy."

  Trystan jumps off the counter. "You have no fucking clue."

  "About what?"

  "About the shit he's done." Trystan returns to my junk drawer, rifling through it and taking out a candy bar.

  "You mean how Jackson dated Braden's ex? Andrea went after Jackson. He didn't try to date her. Same with Kristen."

  "And then he flaunted it in Braden's face. Took them wherever Braden hangs out just to piss him off."

  "Seriously? Braden's mad because Jackson just happened to show up at the same place Braden was?"

  "With his EX," he says, like I'm not getting the point.

  "Yeah, I get it, but that's not enough to make him the enemy. And you can't prove he purposely went there to piss off Braden."

  "That's just one thing. The Andrea thing is even worse." Trystan rips open the candy bar wrapper and takes a bite. "Novak made Braden look like a killer to the cops. He made up all this shit about Braden getting pissed and hitting girls. Leaving them with bruises. Strangling marks."

  "Wait—strangling marks? Like on their neck?"

  "Where else do you strangle someone?" He takes another bite of the candy bar. "This is fucking good. I haven't had chocolate forever. I see why you like this shit."

  I slide my empty plate aside and focus on Trystan. "Were the marks really there? Did he have proof?"

  "No. He made it up. That's why he's the enemy and why you shouldn't be fucking him."


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