Twisted Secrets: A Dark High School Romance (Twisted Pine Academy Book 3)

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Twisted Secrets: A Dark High School Romance (Twisted Pine Academy Book 3) Page 18

by Kai Juniper

  The bell goes off.

  "Fuck, I'm not done," Dante says, shoveling food in his mouth.

  Barron stops by the table. "Any word on Braden?"

  "Nothing," Miles says. "Coach said he might have an update at practice."

  "He better fucking play tomorrow," Barron says before taking off.

  For the rest of the afternoon people ask me about Braden but I still don't have answers. I haven't heard anything from Brock, and Trystan hasn't either.

  "What if they don't let him out?" Trystan asks as he's driving me home. I waited at his car today so he wouldn't drive off without me.

  "They will. You're innocent until proven guilty. And it's not like Braden's a flight risk."

  "Sure he is. He has money. A car. He could drive down to Mexico and disappear."

  "And hide out for the rest of his life? I don't see that happening. Braden's had a cushy life. I can't see him living on the streets. He'd never survive."

  Trystan laughs. "I can totally picture it. He'd be on the street, begging people for protein bars and spring water."

  I turn to him. "Hey, does Braden use hookers for sex?"

  "Yeah. Why?"

  "And your dad allows it?"

  "He doesn't care, as long as he's careful."

  "Have you done it? Used one?"

  "I've thought about it but decided I don't need it. I can get girls. I don't need to pay for it."

  "But you never go on dates."

  "Yeah, I do. I went on one a few weeks ago." He smiles as he rounds the corner. "Actually, that wasn't really a date. It was more of a hook-up."

  "With who?"

  He glances at me. "Promise you won't tell?"

  I nod. "Who was it?"

  Chapter Twenty

  "Peyton." Trystan laughs. "The girl's bat-shit crazy but she knows what the fuck she's doing."

  "You slept with Peyton?" I stare at him. "You don't even like her."

  He shrugs. "Doesn't mean we can't do it. We didn't go to dinner or sit around talking all night. I just went to her house, we had sex, and I left."

  "How did that even happen? You don't even talk to each other at school."

  "She sent me a text during class. Said she was in the mood for someone younger and thought I was hot. I'd heard rumors she was good in bed so I thought what the hell? I needed it and she was offering."

  "And that was it? You only did it one time?"

  "Yeah, but I was thinking of texting her. Seeing if she wants to do it again."

  "I don't think she will. She has a boyfriend now."


  "Some old guy her dad works with."

  "He doesn't count. She's been with that guy for months. She just uses him for money. She cheats on him all the time."

  "Still, I'd avoid her. The way she sleeps around, she probably has a disease."

  Trystan's phone dings and he checks it. "It's Dad. He said he's at the lawyer's office and won't be home until late."

  "No update on when Braden's getting out?"

  "Not yet, but from what Dad told me I'm guessing tomorrow."

  "We're still going this weekend, right?"

  "I don't know." He slams on the brakes as we come to a stop sign.

  "What do you mean? You changed your mind about going? We had a deal."

  "Yeah, I just don't know if I want to do this to Braden."

  "Do what?"

  "Find out shit that could get him in more trouble." Trystan slams on the gas pedal, lurching me forward.

  "We're not getting him in trouble. We're just trying to find out the truth."

  "But if we do, and it's something that could hurt Braden, what do we do?"

  "We'll figure it out later. For now, we just need to go to that town and find my dad."

  "I want to know what you're planning. I don't trust you. Why are you even doing this? Why do you care what happened that night?"

  "Because I'd like to know if I'm living with a killer. But the main reason I'm doing this is because I want to see my dad." I look at Trystan as he pulls in the driveway. "I just want to see him one last time. To say goodbye."

  "Why didn't you just tell me that? I would've taken you to see him."

  "Really? I didn't think you would."

  He turns the car off and gets out. He's already in the house by the time I make it to the door. I guess we're done talking. I hope he doesn't change his mind about Sunday but I'm worried he will. He's already feeling like he's betraying Braden by going. If he keeps thinking that way he'll cancel our trip.

  I run inside to my room, grab some clothes, and head to Jackson's place. He smiles when he sees I'm wearing my uniform. He knows that what means.

  We end up in his bed. His dad isn't around, so after some amazing sex, we remain in bed to study. I stay overnight, and in the morning, we have breakfast before I head home.

  "Where have you been?" Brock demands when he greets me at the door.

  "I stayed at Jackson's."

  "I don't want you doing that anymore. You need to spend your nights here, in your room."

  "Did you decide you don't want to be in Roman's movie?" I say with a smug smile, leaning against the door frame.

  "The casting's been delayed. I may not even get the chance to audition with everything going on."

  "Maybe I could talk to Roman. If you let me stay with Jackson."

  "Enough with the deal-making." He pulls me inside the house and shuts the door. "This is about your future. People are watching us. The neighbors. The police. Going to see Jackson every day, spending the night there, is making you look guilty. I wouldn't be surprised if the police are building a case against you right now, before you've even been charged with anything."

  "I'm not going to stop seeing Jackson."

  "Then you're giving up your innocence. Your freedom. Is that what you want?"

  "No, but they can't charge me with a crime because I'm hanging out with Jackson. That's like saying you, me, and Trystan should be charged for hanging out with Braden. By the way, when's he getting out?"

  Brock sighs. "I don't know yet. The lawyers are doing all they can but the judge won't see him until Monday. And until he goes before a judge, I'm unable to get him out."

  "Have you talked to him?"

  "Yes. He's not handling it well. When Braden does get home I'd advise you to leave him alone. He'll need some time to calm down."

  Trystan runs down the stairs, stopping when he sees Brock and me at the door. "What's this? Family meeting? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

  Brock straightens up. "I was just telling her what I told you about Braden."

  "He's gonna fuck lose it if he's there all weekend," Trystan says.

  "There's nothing I can do," Brock says. "Are you leaving for school?"

  "Yeah." He goes past me out the door.

  "Wait!" I yell as he continues to his car. "I'm not ready!"

  "Ten seconds!" he yells back.

  "I need more time! I have to change clothes."

  "Trystan!" Brock yells. "You wait for her or the car is mine!"

  He turns back. "Two minutes and I'm leaving."

  I run to my room, put on a clean uniform, grab a tie for my hair, a tube of mascara, and go.

  "That was fast," Brock says, watching as I run past him to the driveway.

  I jump in Trystan's car and slam the door, huffing and puffing as he drives off.

  "Didn't think you could do it," he says.

  "I'm used to getting ready fast." I pull my hair up in a ponytail and wrap the hair elastic around it. "I value sleep over getting ready. I was always late to school."

  "Did you get in trouble?"

  "Sometimes. It was such a big school, half the time they didn't even notice I was late." I fold down my visor and look in the mirror as I apply my mascara.

  "Why do you wear that shit? You don't need it."

  "It makes me look more awake. If I had more time, I would've put other stuff on but at least now I won't look like I'm sleeping."
r />   "You stayed at Jackson's last night?"

  "Yeah, and don't lecture me about it. Your dad already did."

  "What'd he say about Braden getting arrested?"

  "Not much. We didn't really talk about it." I go to apply another layer of mascara just as Trystan slams on his brakes. "Hey! I almost poked my eye out!"

  "Didn't want to hit a squirrel."

  "Since when do you care about squirrels?"

  "I don't. I just didn't want him damaging my car."

  I put the mascara away, not willing to go blind for thick eyelashes. "What are you doing tonight?"

  "Going to the game. Aren't you?"

  "I wasn't planning to."

  "You should. You'll look guilty if you stay home, like you're trying to hide out or something."

  "I don't know why anyone cares. It shouldn't matter what I do."

  "It shouldn't, but it does. You need to hang out with people other than Jackson. Just go to the game." He glances at me with a hint of a smile. "I might even let you sit in my section."

  "I already got an invite to sit with Alyssa. She's not cheering and your girlfriend isn't going to be there to sit with her."


  "Peyton. She's not going to the game."

  "Shut-up about that," he says, getting angry.

  "About what?”

  "Peyton. She's not my girlfriend. She's a girl I fucked and nobody's supposed to know. I told you to keep your mouth shut."

  "I will, but it's just the two of us in the car."

  "Don't be talking about that shit, even when we're alone. I don't want people knowing, and that includes Braden. And Jackson."

  "If you didn't want people to know, why'd you tell me?"

  "Because I thought you could keep your mouth shut but I guess I was wrong."

  "Trystan, relax. I won't tell anyone."

  "I'm surprised Peyton didn't tell you. She thinks you two are best friends."

  "That changes by the day. Or the minute. One minute I'm her bestie and the next minute she's telling me to get lost."

  "That's just how she is. The girl needs some serious therapy." He pulls up to the school and parks. "If you go tonight, I'll give you a ride."

  "Alyssa offered to pick me up."

  "What's with you and Alyssa? Since when are you friends?"

  "We're not. She just doesn't want to sit alone at the game."

  "Trystan!" a guy yells. It's one of his soccer friends.

  Trystan jumps out of the car and meets up with his friend.

  I go in the school and see Alyssa coming over to me. She doesn't look sick, not even a little. Her skin has color, her eyes are bright, and she's walking fast like she has energy.

  "Rumor, what'd you decide about tonight?" she asks, following me to my locker.

  "I guess I could go. But Trystan can take me. You don't have to pick me up."

  "I don't mind. Why don't I come over early and bring pizza? There's a really good place by my house."

  "Yeah, I guess we could do that." I open my locker and drop off the books I don't need.

  Alyssa leans against the locker next to mine. "Did you hear about Ms. Pruitt?"

  "No, what about her?"

  "She might not come back."

  "Why? What's wrong?"

  "Something about a nervous breakdown. She's past retirement age so she might as well just retire."

  "Nervous breakdown? Did something happen to her?"

  Alyssa shrugs. "Not sure. I just know I won't have to work so hard to get an A in that class if she doesn't come back."

  I close my locker. "I was kind of starting to like her."

  "I didn't mind her but I'd rather have someone who doesn't make us work so hard. I have enough hard classes. I could use a break." The warning bell rings. "See you at lunch."

  She walks off, a bounce in her step. She's not sick. She made it up. I wonder why.

  "Hey, bestie," Peyton says, coming up beside me, wrapping her arm around mine. "Going to the game tonight?"

  "Yeah. With Alyssa. Why aren't you going?"

  She leans down to my ear. "Getting down and dirty with the old guy."

  I rear back. "I'm sorry I asked."

  She laughs. "You're such a prude."

  "Not at all. I just like guys my own age."

  She comes around in front of me. "What's it like doing it with a murderer?" she asks with excitement in her voice.

  "He didn't murder anyone." I go around her. "We're going to be late to class."

  She follows beside me. "Don't be mad. It's just a question, and he IS charged with murder."

  "Innocent until proven guilty. So he's innocent."

  Principal Edwards approaches us. "Good morning, girls."

  He stops right in front of us, smiling more than he should be after the death of his stepdaughter.

  "Good morning, Principal Edwards," Peyton says, in the same sweet tone she uses with her parents. "I'm so very sorry about Kristen."

  "Thank you," he says, his smile turning to a frown. "It's been a very difficult time for her mother and me." His eyes wander to mine, like he's waiting for me to say something.

  Peyton nudges me.

  "Sorry," I say. "About Kristen."

  I really am sorry she's dead but it's hard to express sympathy, or say anything nice, to the man who's trying to put my boyfriend in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

  "We should be going," Peyton says. "We don't want to be late to class."

  "Yes. Go ahead." Principal Edwards holds my gaze a second longer before continuing down the hall.

  "What is wrong with you?" Peyton whispers.

  "What? I told him I was sorry."

  "Sarcastically. What did I teach you?"

  "I'm not putting on a phony smile and acting all sweet to the guy who called Jackson a murderer and named me as his accomplice."

  "He wouldn't say those things if you did what I taught you."

  "I can't do it. I'm not sucking up to that asshole."

  The bell rings again.

  "Now we're late. I'm going." I hurry past her down the hall to Lit class.

  At lunch, Alyssa actually talks to me, which she never does. Even the guys notice. They don't say anything but they keep giving each other looks like they're trying to figure out what's going on. I don't know why they're so surprised. Alyssa and I could be friends. She's way smarter than me and a rule follower, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends.

  In the afternoon, during the last class of the day, Principal Edwards' voice booms from the speakers.

  "Attention, students, this is your principal. As you all know, Kristen's service is tomorrow at eleven. While many of you will be attending, I know some of you are unable to. For that reason, we have decided to put the service online so you're able to view it from wherever you are. We hope this will give those who cannot attend in person closure and peace as you say goodbye to your friend and classmate. It will be a live broadcast but also recorded to view later. Details will be on the Twisted Pine website. Thank you, and I'll see you all at the game tonight."

  He's going to the game? The night before Kristen's funeral?

  The bell rings and I hurry out of class, wanting to get home and see Jackson before I have to leave for the game. But as usual, Trystan is the last to leave.

  "What takes you so long?" I ask as we walk to the car.

  "Why do you care? You in a hurry?"

  "Yeah, actually I am."

  We get in the car. Trystan checks his phone, and then his hair.

  "Come on," I say impatiently. "Let's go."

  "So you ARE in a hurry."

  "I just told you I was."

  "Okay." He starts the car and takes off so fast my seatbelt tightens, digging into my chest.

  "Slow down!" I yell at him as he takes the corner so fast the tires squeal.

  He laughs. "You said you're in a hurry."

  "Not THAT much of a hurry."

  "Why do you need so much time? Does Jackson tak
e forever to get it up?"

  "No! And stop talking about that. That's not why I'm hurrying."

  "Yeah, it is," he says, smiling at me. "You do this every day. Run down there as soon as you get home. Are you that horny?"

  I feel my face heating up and turn away from him. "Just drive. Stop talking."

  "What's the deal with the uniform? Is that his thing? Girls in school uniforms?"

  "What part of stop talking do you not understand?"

  He laughs. "I love giving you shit. So what's the plan for tonight? Am I giving you a ride to the game?"

  "No. Alyssa's coming over. We're having pizza and then she'll take me to the game."

  "I still don't get this thing with you and Alyssa. No offense but I don't see you two being friends."

  "Why not?"

  "She's obsessed with getting good grades. Teacher's pet. Cheerleader. Doesn't sound like someone you'd want to hang out with."

  "She's okay. She's better than Peyton. And it's not like we're best friends. We're just going to the game together."

  "She's hooking up with Kade after the game. How are you getting home?"

  "Getting a ride from my favorite cousin?" I say with a smile.

  "Can't. I'm going out to eat with the guys."

  "You can't drop me off?"

  "Car is full. They're riding with me to the restaurant."

  "Maybe your dad will come get me."

  "Doubt it. He's stressed, and when he's stressed he calls up Ana."

  "For sex?" I say, rolling my eyes.

  "They'll be going in his room." He glances at me. "The one I showed you."

  "Okay, I don't need to know."

  He laughs. "It's even worse when he's your dad. I don't want to think about my dad doing that shit."

  If he only knew Brock IS my dad. But I can't tell Trystan that.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  When we're home, I race inside to call Jackson but see a text he left me saying he's at his lawyer's office. I was really hoping I'd see him before the game but now I won't have time.

  Alyssa shows up at five-thirty with two pizzas and a six-pack of soda.

  "What do I owe you?" I ask, taking the pizza from her.

  "Don't worry about it. It's on me."

  We go in the kitchen and I set the pizzas down.


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