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Mend Page 16

by Chelle Bliss

  “What happened on the Fourth of July?” Jack asks, pulling me back to his side and tucking me under his arm.

  Jason laughs, holding his stomach. “You don’t want to know.”

  “Like fuck, I don’t,” Jack tells Jason. “Let’s hear it.”

  Jason picks up the chairs that have been knocked over and motions for the waitress. Within seconds, the music’s playing again, and there’s a woman making goo-goo eyes at Jason and standing at our table.

  The waitress leans over extra far in front of him and gives him a good look at her tits. Jason’s eyes twinkle, and the corner of his mouth tips up into a wicked grin. “Whatcha doin’ later, sweetheart?”

  “Anything you want, handsome,” she flirts.

  The woman is still bent over, and he runs his index finger down the seam of her breasts. “I plan to be doin’ you.”

  “I get off at two,” she says before licking her top lip slowly and teasingly dragging her tongue across the bottom one.

  “I plan to get off by three.” He winks at us, and I shake my head. He’s a terrible flirt.

  After he smacks her on the ass, sending her away, he finally says, “That’s Tracy…”

  “Yep. Saw her name tag,” Jack says.

  “She’s my girlfriend, you know. She’s a hot piece of ass,” he says, raising his glass to me. Tracy is a gorgeous woman. Good for Jason. It’s nice to see he still has his charm.

  “Some things never change.” Jack shakes his head with a chuckle, smiling at his friend.

  “What?” He gives Jack a shocked face, but he doesn’t know exactly what he’s talking about.

  “Nothing, man.”

  Jason always had girls falling all over him. Usually, he never even had time to memorize her name before he moved on to the next. The man had a little black book that rivaled the biggest phone books in the county. He was the male slut at Ridge Hollow High and wore that honor like a badge he earned in Boy Scouts.

  Renee had written to me and told me that Jack was quickly catching up with Jason in my absence. I remember being crushed when I read her letter. The thought of Jack being with anyone else and moving on so quickly had devastated me.

  But knowing what I know now, I wonder if her words were even true. It shouldn’t matter. Jack thought I had left him and turned my back on him. He was doing what the letter my father wrote to him had told him to…move on without me. That’s what Jack thought I wanted him to do even though it couldn’t have been further from the truth. I can’t hold the past against him. We are moving forward and working on the future we deserve.



  Jason convinced us to blow town for a few days to let the dust settle and for Jess and Renee to calm down. I couldn’t think of anything better than to take Evie back to Philly and show her my life and business.

  “I was here a few years ago,” Evie says, staring out the front window of my pickup truck as the buildings go by. “It’s a beautiful place to live. Are you sure you don’t want to stay here?”

  “I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life. This isn’t the place to raise a family.”

  That statement earns me the sideways glance, but she skates over it. “But it’s a great place to have a business.”

  “The city’s been good to me. I can’t deny that, but it’s not where I want to make a life.”

  “I get it,” she says and finally turns to me with a smile. “Ridge Hollow is lucky to have you.”

  “To have us,” I remind her. “We’re in this together, yeah?” I squeeze the top of her thigh, close to the apex where her hips meet her legs, and she blushes.

  “I’m all in, baby.”

  “I feel like we can make a real difference in Ridge Hollow.”

  Last night, I shared my vision with Jason and Evie. I’d split the parcel into four, ten-acre sites. Three would have homes—my mother’s current home, one for Evie and me, and then one for Myra when she’s ready to settle down. The last parcel will be for Dirty Deeds Designs new headquarters and a new recreation center for the kids in Ridge Hollow.

  “There’s nothing I want more than to leave a mark somewhere in the world and have something to leave my kids.”

  I can’t imagine life without children. She’s scared to do it again, especially with what happened with our daughter, Willow. I know more than anything that I want a tribe of blond-haired girls who are the spitting image of their mother, running around near the lake, playing and laughing without a care in the world.

  “We can practice, Jack,” she promises in a sultry whisper that makes me hot for her.

  “I like the sound of that.” I smirk because being in Evie’s bed every night and some days has been the best fucking time I’ve had in years.

  After everything was out in the open, we realized we were always meant to be together. We are taking everything one day at a time and living in the moment, just like Evie says she’s done for the last six years.

  “I’m not against a baby, Jack, but I don’t want to plan anything.”

  “No plans, it is,” I say, turning into the drive that leads to the underground parking garage of my building.

  “This is where you live?” she asks and stares up at the tall skyscraper, hunched down in the front seat so she can see the top.

  “Yeah, Dirty Deeds is in the building next door, so it works out perfectly.”

  “I thought you owned a tiny T-shirt shop,” she squawks.

  I can’t stop the laughter from bubbling out of me. Everyone seems to underestimate our T-shirt company, but we’re now one of the biggest T-shirt manufacturers in the Northeast. “Most of our sales come from online, but we do have more and more physical stores carrying our designs every day.”

  “I feel like such a failure,” she says as we’re waiting for the large garage door to open to the underground parking facility.

  “Don’t say that. You’re not a failure, Evie girl.”

  “I never even finished college. I spent years backpacking around Europe with Evan and waitressing to make ends meet. Right now, I’m living off the inheritance my parents left me. I’ve achieved nothing.”

  “We’re going to achieve a lot. I’m not in this alone anymore.”

  “I’m nervous.”

  I park the car in my reserved space and turn to face her, resting my hand on the back of her seat. “About what?”

  “What if Cameron hates me or if we don’t work out?”

  Cameron has never hated anyone. Well, that’s not entirely true. He hates the crazy-ass bitch he dated last year who ended up posting a fake wedding announcement in every Philadelphia newspaper because she was just a little unstable.

  “Those are two different things, sweetheart. Cameron will love you just as much as I do. And we’re going to work out. Have some faith. I believe in you and in us.”

  She twists her hands in her lap, looking down at them like they hold the answers, and rests her back against the door. “How are you so sure?” she asks, staring at me.

  I scoot across the front seat and place my fingers under her chin, forcing her eyes to mine. “Because after all these years, you came back to me, and this time, no one and nothing will tear us apart. We were always meant to be together, Evie. It’s just life took us on different paths, but we ended up at the same place at the same time for a reason.”

  “I love you.”

  I never get tired of hearing her say that, and I don’t think I ever will. I lean forward, gazing into her eyes, and whisper, “I love you too, Evie.” I kiss the freckles under her eye and move down her jaw to her mouth.

  My lips touch hers as her hands slide over my shoulders, tangling in my hair with a delicious sting. I cradle her face in my hands and kiss her deeply, wanting more of her.

  “Jack,” someone says outside of the truck and knocks on the window. I know who it is and want to punch him in the face for his timing.

  Evie pulls away and glances over my shoulder. “Guess we’ll have to finish t
his later.” She smiles.

  I peer back at Cameron and glower. “He can wait until we’re done.” I turn back to Evie and start to move in for another kiss. “Where were we?”

  “Come on. I’m excited to see what you’ve been up to,” she says, moving quickly to evade my kiss. She opens the door and climbs out, while I’m left with a raging erection.

  I’d hoped Cameron would’ve given us a little bit of time to settle in, but the bastard missed me so much he just couldn’t wait another hour to interrupt. I watch through the window as he comes around the truck and wraps Evie in his arms like he’s known her forever. He smiles over her shoulder, waggling his eyebrows at me as he presses her chest against his in the biggest bear hug. The man has no shame.

  “Cameron,” I say, climbing out of the truck and adjusting myself. “Hands off my woman.”

  “But she’s just so…” His voice trails off, and Evie laughs as he lifts her off the ground.

  I snap my fingers and point at the ground. “Put her down.”

  “Oh, Jack, get a sense of humor,” Evie says when her feet touch the cement and she stands at Cameron’s side.

  I walk around the truck and pull Evie to my side. “I’ve got one, but you don’t know him like I do. He’s a cad.” I goad him.

  “Come on, man.” He punches me in the shoulder. “I’m not trying to steal your girl.”

  I know that much about Cameron. He’d never try to take Evie from me. Plus, I know she’d never go for him. I just don’t like him copping a feel of the woman I love. “I know you wouldn’t, Cam. I’ve missed you, you dirty bastard.” I reach an arm out and pull Cameron under my arm like he is my kid brother, completely fucking up his hair, which always pisses him off. “Been busy without me?”

  He rubs his fingers through his hair, smoothing it out and growling a little at me while he does it. “Let’s walk to the office. There’s a few things I need you to look over regarding the property in Ridge Hollow.”

  “Oh. Like what?” I say, following him out of the garage with Evie firmly at my side and Cameron walking in front of us.

  “Just some zoning bullshit, and I have a draft of the blueprints for the recreation center.”

  “They drew them up quick.”

  “Yep. Should be done in about eleven months depending on weather, city council, and construction.”

  “Whoa,” Evie says, coming to a sudden stop and pointing at the corporate offices of Dirty Deeds Designs. “This is your company?”

  “Yeah, why?” I glance at the building and then back to her. “What’s wrong?”

  “You made it seem like it was a tiny operation. This isn’t a shitty warehouse. Wow, Jack. I’m in awe.”

  Cameron laughs. “We do nothing small, Evie.”

  I try to look at it through her eyes and understand why it surprises her. I guess I wasn’t completely honest about the success of my business. I’m not much of a braggart. I told her that we were pretty big and even showed her our website, but it’s hard to grasp an online business until you’re standing right in front of it.

  “I see that,” she says and swallows hard. Her gaze wanders to mine. “I’m really impressed and proud of you.”

  Her compliment makes my chest swell with pride. All the money in the world couldn’t make me as happy as seeing Evie’s excitement over my success. “Thanks, love.”

  “I still feel like a loser.” She laughs softly and rests her head on my shoulder as she stares at the office building again. “I’ve put everything off to enjoy life a little. You’re going to make me want to up my game, Jack.”

  “Life is more important than things,” I tell her.

  Cameron groans as he opens the double doors. “You two are making me ill. Seriously, I don’t know if I can put up with you every day if you’re going to be like this.”

  I lift Evie into my arms, much to her surprise, and carry her over the threshold. I twirl in a circle and kiss her just to annoy Cameron. If he can’t handle what he’s seen so far, he’s in for a rude awakening back in Ridge Hollow.

  “Still making me sick,” Cameron says, almost singing the sentence.

  Evie giggles as I release my hold, and she slides down the front of my body. “Cameron, we’re going to have to find you a girlfriend.”

  “Oh, no.” He waves his arms wildly and backs away from us. “I’m not settling down. I like playing the field. My single life suits me just fine.” He holds his fingers up in a mock cross.


  Evie laughs harder, and I join in. He doesn’t know it yet, but there isn’t much of a field in Ridge Hollow. In under three months, he’ll blow through the entire single female population within a ten-mile radius.

  “We’ll see how long that lasts,” she says, bumping him in the shoulder playfully before he stalks off toward the offices.

  I sling my arm over her shoulder and kiss her forehead. “Don’t freak him out too much. He’s kind of testy.”

  She smiles up at me. “He’s going to be in trouble back home. He’s in for some slim pickins. Does he know how small Ridge Hollow is?”

  “No.” I laugh softly. “Don’t tell him either. Let’s keep that our little secret,” I whisper in her ear and inhale the strawberry shampoo she still uses like when we were kids.

  “It’s going to be an interesting year, baby,” she whispers back, and she wraps her arm around my back. “So, this office of yours…” She looks around the bustling office area where employees are hard at work as we walk through. “Is it private?”

  “Very.” I waggle my eyebrows. “Want to christen my desk?”

  She gawks at me. “Come on, babe, don’t play me for a fool.”

  I jerk my head backward and stare down at her. “What are you talking about?”

  “You’ve never done it with someone here?” She purses her lips, and we’re back to the sideways glance.

  Fuck. She’s jealous.

  It’s kind of cute, but I don’t want her to be jealous. She has nothing to be envious of. Evie is the only woman I have eyes for and who has ever truly mattered to me—other than my mom and my sister.

  “I’ve never brought anyone here, Evie. I never cared about anyone enough to share this much of my life with them.”

  Her cheeks turn the brightest shade of pink, and she bites down on her bottom lip, hiding her smile. “I don’t know if I believe that, but I love you for it.”

  “Cameron!” I yell down the hallway toward his office, waiting for him to pop his head out.

  “Yep,” he says, peeking around the corner.

  “I need an hour alone with my girl. Understand?”

  A smile slowly spreads across Cameron’s face as he looks at both of us. “Finally going to christen the place, huh?”

  “I told you.” I bop the tip of her nose with my finger.

  Her mouth drops open.

  “Don’t bother us until I open the door. Got me?” I ask him, making sure I’m perfectly clear since he already interrupted us once.

  “I won’t knock, but I may listen,” he says and disappears into his office before I can say anything back. He better not even think about it. Evie’s moans are reserved for my ears only.

  Lifting Evie back into my arms, I carry her into my office, locking the door behind me before setting her on the couch and covering her with my body. “I’ve waited forever for you,” I whisper as I stare down at her.

  She gazes up at me and wraps her arms around my neck. “I want an eternity with you, Jack. You’re my forever. Always have been, and always will be.”

  I don’t reply. There’s nothing else left to say. Evie and I are right where we left off before she moved away. The love we have for each other has only grown, changing and evolving into something more. With age comes wisdom, and the separation brought us to this moment, this place, and this love.


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