Supernatural Syndicate: A Limited Edition Collection of Magical Mafia Stories

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Supernatural Syndicate: A Limited Edition Collection of Magical Mafia Stories Page 40

by Thea Atkinson

  “I’m sorry that they tore up your house.” I picked imaginary lint off my clothes.

  I wasn’t good at small talk. This girl probably wanted to shoot me in the face. After hearing that the Shadow King had come here and killed his own men in a rage, I don’t blame her.

  “Thanks, but I don’t give a damn about the house. I told you, it was dangerous for all of us to be together. Your boyfriend led them right to my house. I’ve lived here for eleven years. Now everything I worked for in order to keep safe has been destroyed.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.”

  She swung at me and I ducked. I bounced back on my feet, with my guard held high. I was an excellent boxer, and I didn’t mind messing up her pretty little face if she tried to punch me again.

  “I’m not trying to fight you, but I’ll kick your ass if I have to.”

  Nicenzio grabbed her arm and pushed her away from me. “It’s not her fault. It’s mine. Kick my ass. I was being careful so they wouldn’t follow me, but I guess the Shadow King had somehow cloaked their presence. I didn’t know they were here until they blew up my car.”

  I backed up and sat down. “It was not safe to be so far away from other royals. We have power together. After we are turned, we can unlock our power and the Shadow King won’t be able to kill us so easily.”

  Nolani turned her lips. She paced back and forth. “You’re a monster?”

  I shook my head no. “I’m human but once Nicenzio turns me into a vampire, I can unlock my powers.”

  “I’m not turning you. You’ve never mentioned that you wanted to be a vampire. You don’t have to be a vampire because your sister is.”

  Nolani laughed. “You should have discussed your grand plan with your boyfriend before fucking up my life. He isn’t even willing to turn you.”

  Ignoring her, I stared at him. “What do you mean no? You never asked me what I wanted.”

  Nicenzio shook his head. “No, we will handle the Shadow King, but I have no intentions of turning you.”

  “If your boyfriend had been willing, Mariyah might have gone back with you, but she isn’t going to risk her life when your boyfriend doesn’t even have faith in your plan.”

  Pushing Nicenzio out my way, I glared at her. “You know where she is? Tell me.”

  Nolani sighed. She leaned against the tunnel walls and closed her eyes. “She will never go along with you. Why should she? You’re as vulnerable as she is.”

  “I’ll turn her. I’m second in command of my kind and I can offer Mariyah safety just like the vampires can. My kind knows a lot about the Shadow King, and we will defeat him,” said Tobias.

  “You will not turn her. She doesn’t belong to you,” growled Nicenzio.

  “I don’t belong to you either, Nicenzio. You had your chance and you denied me. Tobias or his people can turn me, and I will do what I need to do to help protect my sister.”

  “You’re insane,” mumbled Nicenzio.

  “Nobody else dies for me. Nobody.”

  Tobias sat up. “I need to go to the Cullen Coven. They will be able to help me.”

  “I will get you there. Can you walk?”

  “I’m not sure,” said Tobias.

  He winced and shifted to the left attempting to walk. “I think so.”

  “Are you crazy? You have been unconscious this entire time, and the Shadow King might still be here,” said Nolani.

  “We can’t stay here,” said Nicenzio.

  “We should hurry. My strength is fading fast,” said Tobias.

  We arrived at the Cullen’s Coven and Tobias lost consciousness for a third time. Nicenzio carried him inside.

  A tall man rushed toward us. “What happened to him?”

  “We were attacked by the Shadow King and he shot him with silver bullets,” said Nolani.

  Nicenzio carried him to the couch. “Jorel, can you help him?”

  “Simeone get Nicholas.” They formed a circle around Tobias. Their deep baritone voices spoke in unison and their eyes rolled back, and the lights flickered. A gust of wind blew through the room, despite none of the windows being open.

  After ten minutes, the lights came on. “His body is too weak. We’ve done all we can,” said Jorel.

  Tears blinded me, and I shook my head. “You haven’t done enough. You’re warlocks. Do something else, damn it.”

  Nicenzio reached for me, but I stepped away from him. Glancing at Tobias, I clutched my chest as a sharp pain sliced through it.

  A tall woman with pink hair grabbed her forehead. “This can’t be happening. If the council kills Torin, we’ll be stuck with Matias,” she said.

  “We need Torin. Somebody has to do something.”

  “We’re doomed without Tobias and Torin.”

  Simeone paced back and forth. “

  Nolani shrieked. “You have, but I haven’t.” She pushed passed the sorcerers that stood around Tobias. Before anyone could stop her, she ripped her sleeve, grabbed her blade, cut her forearm, and dripped her blood over his wound.

  “Get her,” said Jorel. He lunged for her but Nicenzio grabbed him.

  He shook his head. “She has had plenty of time to kill him. Let her save him.”

  Simeone hissed. “She’s a royal.” He looked at Jorel and Nicholas.

  Maybe she was right. The more people that know about her makes her more of a target.

  He rubbed his hands together with a lopsided grin “She’s mine,” said Nicholas.

  Tobias shot right up. “She’s not a piece of property. Back off.” He stared at them, but his eyes were no longer green.

  Glancing at her, he cupped her cheek. “Thank you. Please tell me where Mariyah is.”

  Nolani turned away from him, but he grabbed her back. “Please.”

  “She’s in Franklinton but she might kill you.”

  Tobias bent his head and kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”



  “You think you’re a match for me, boy?” asked Valen. He disappeared and, when he reappeared, his hand was wrapped around my throat. Closing my eyes, I tried to ignore the pain and channel my powers, but my brain felt sluggish.

  The pressure around my neck was unbearable. He let go of my neck and thrust his hand inside my chest. He wrapped his claws around my heart and squeezed. Everything in my body ceased to work as he dug his claws into my heart, piercing it. Sharp pains surged through me from my jawline to my chest. My eyes twitched as intense pain racked my body. The pain brought me to my knees, and I blinked rapidly as water flooded into my eyes.

  “I can kill you now, but you and I are alike. Stop fighting me and join me.” Valen twisted his fingers and my body shook as he drained my life force.

  Blocking out the pain, I closed my eyes, and lifted my hands. An invisible power wrapped around his neck. I tightened my hand into a fist. His grip on me started to wane. I kept the pressure around his neck.

  “I don’t care if you end me.” I waved my hands and thrust him out of the window. Bending down, I struggled to catch my breath.

  Several black clouds surrounded me, and I felt sharp pricks as my body flew into the wall. There was an unseen force that impaled me against the wall. My air was cut off as something tightened around my neck. Dropping my hands, I focused on freeing myself.

  He smiled. I released him. “You don’t fear death, but you fear Tobias’s death. Don’t worry I’ll make his death quick.”

  “No.” Bucking and thrusting, I shifted from side to side, but I wasn’t able to free myself. Heat engulfed me from inside out as large crate size boils opened on my skin, and black silvery snakes slid inside me. Razor sharp fangs punctured my body everywhere as the serpent like creature bit. My heartbeat that pounded in my ear, slowed and my vision clouded.

  Valen smirked. “You act like Tobias is your heart, but you sacrificed your life for a woman. Don’t think for a second you are better than me. This is about more than me. What is it about for you?”

  I sighed
. “You wouldn’t understand.” Closing my eyes, my head lulled to the side.

  “I understand more than you know. I’ve lived this before. I, too, once loved a woman; unlike you, she loved me too. When she was taken from me, I vowed we’d never be apart. I keep my promises.” Valen and his Shadow Spirits disappeared. I fell to my knees gasping, as darkness engulfed me

  I’ve got to find Tobias.

  When I opened my eyes, it was still dark outside. The open boils on my body oozed an amber substance. Turning my arm over, I noticed the black substance that flowed through my veins. Struggling to my feet, I leaned against the wall, and gathered my strength. I needed to check on Tobias.

  My time was drawing near.

  Closing my eyes, I transported to the house. Running through the halls, I shouted his name. “Tobias, where are you?”

  “He’s not here. He was wounded but he left with a female,” she said.

  “Darlene, where is everyone? Where is my brother?”

  “I don’t know where he is, but he was here earlier but he had been mortally wounded. He had found a royal. Jorel took half of the men to protect the vampires, since he thought they have found a royal. Nicholas took a small army to try and kill Matias. Simeone went after Tobias to try to protect him.”

  “If Matias shows up here, do not confront him; he will kill you. If he asked you what happened, tell him everything except the part about the royal. Call me and I will deal with him.”



  Blinking, I sat up. The tart, bitter taste on my tongue felt slightly acidic. Narrowing my eyes, I stood and immediately fell down upon my bed. The ringing in my ears made my hair stand up. The last time my brain was this foggy, I had been afflicted with a spell of disorientation from a witch. There was no doubt in my mind, Micheline had drugged me. She had been the only one in my bathroom.

  Why had she drugged me? I should’ve known when she was being nice that she was up to something

  “Genziano and Bartolome` get in here.” I managed to stand up without falling on my ass again.

  “You look confused. Did mind-blowing sex muddle your brain?” asked Genziano.

  Bartolome` chuckled. “It’s about time he closed the deal. I was beginning to wonder if you had lost your touch. I’ve never seen a female resist you like she does.”

  I wish we did have mind-blowing sex. More and more I’m thinking of glamouring her. She isn’t being reasonable about her safety, and I’d love to erase how we met.

  “Micheline drugged me. I’m sure she’s gone after her sister.” Heading to the closet, I grabbed my sword. I wasn’t sure what we needed to do, but I knew it would be grimy. Pressing the hidden spot in the wall, an octagon shaped thumb print slid forth. Placing my thumb on it, a serrated blade nicked my finger, and my blood filled the cylinder-shaped tube underneath. After a few seconds, the wall separated, and I walked inside.

  “Do you know where she is?” asked Bartolome`.

  Inside the war room, I walked to the back wall and scrolled through the camera feeds in the house. This wasn’t our home, but we spent a lot of time at our bachelor pad, since it was strategically located in the middle of the witches’ and wolves’ territory; it allowed us to keep an eye on them.

  I pointed to two hours ago, when she stepped inside the bathroom. Our cameras had gone dark for five minutes. This was worse than I thought. How had the Shadow Spirits gained access to the bathroom, when I was less than three feet away?

  Why hadn’t she screamed for me? I’m missing something.

  “The only one that could do that is the Shadow King himself. Our systems are protected from the werewolves and witches,” said Bartolome`.

  “The council can’t be trusted so maybe they gave the witches a way to bypass our security,” said Genziano.

  The council was another huge problem, but I wasn’t sure the rest of the council had gotten wind that their members had been killed. Narrowing my eyes, I watched Jorel and a small army bang on the door.

  “I’m going to ask them.” Flying out the hidden room, I placed my hand on the secret spot and shut it behind us. Rushing to the door, I tossed it open, and stepped aside.

  I balled my fist. I was ready to battle them all, but I wanted answers first. “How convenient of you to come now.”

  Jorel held up his hand, staying his men that attempted to reach me. “We know that you found a royal. We are here to protect her and you. We are all in this together.”

  “Why would you want to protect us, when we would be more powerful than you guys?” asked Genziano.

  “Because you aren’t. We have a royal as well, and it makes sense for both of us to band together to protect our royals from all that would seek to harm us,” said Jorel.

  If they had found a royal that would make sense, but I didn’t think they had found one. If they had, they managed to hide their activities from my surveillance that would be disturbing.

  “I don’t believe you. If you found a royal, where is she?” asked Genziano.

  Jorel’s smile fell. “I was hoping Tobias and Nolani had come here. The Shadow King had severely wounded Tobias, and we were powerless in saving him. If it had not been for Nolani, he would be dead.”

  If Tobias and Madeleine had a royal, that explains why the Shadow King showed up here to get Micheline. I don’t know how to reach Torin, but they might be able to protect Tobias and his royal while I went after Micheline.

  “Reach out to Torin. He can protect Tobias and his female. My female has gone to the Dark Realm with the demon spirit himself.”

  “We haven’t been able to reach Torin. We have to assume he might have been eliminated by the Shadow Spirits.”

  “Denise, Torin isn’t that easy to kill. I would feel it if he were dead. He’s distant but not gone,” said Jorel.

  Denise was a petite female with red hair. Her green eyes were dark, and she looked out of place among the big burly men. I was pretty sure she was just as fierce as them.

  “Let’s just hope that Simeone can track Tobias and protect them,” said Denise.

  “Jorel, can you send us down to the Dark Realm?” I cracked my neck muscles and waited for an answer.

  “That is a death sentence. You need to wait on Axel and his pack, and we’ll all go together,” said Jorel.

  “No, I can’t wait. Denise said Torin might be dead. If the dark realm gets their hands on one royal, we are as good as doomed. We’ve had some run-ins with the Shadow Spirits and, trust me, they don’t need to be any more powerful than they already are.”

  Genziano grabbed my arm. “We need all the help we can get. You would be no good to her dead.”

  “I can’t wait all day to find Axel, and then go to her.” I rubbed my temple.

  Denise opened the door and Axel and his men stalked inside.

  There were more werewolves here than when we confronted the council. I’m relieved. We almost got our ass handed to us. The more reinforcements the better.

  Axel pointed a finger at Jorel then at me. “I’m here to save your ass, and the both of you will tell me where to find my royal. This fragile truce will go sideways if I’m not told where to find a royal for the Lavache clan.”

  Jorel nodded. “We only found out when the royal revealed herself to save Tobias. It seemed that the royal chooses her mate. Trust me, I want one too,” said Jorel.

  Axel shook his head. “Tobias has one and Domenico has his. My kind will not die out because you are holding out on us.”

  I held up my hand to ward off a brawl between Jorel and Axel. “Let’s save the royals and you can ask them for anything you want. We can kill each other in my entrance way or go save the women and you can obtain the answers you seek. We don’t know where they are, but I’m suspecting the royals themselves have the information.”

  Axel growled. “Jorel, don’t think the werewolves will be cut out of this prophecy.”

  “Let’s go meet with the devil. I can’t tolerate this mangy mutt for too long,”
said Jorel.

  Axel pulled back his fist but Jorel waved his hand and transported the werewolves. After he laughed, he sent us all there. Traveling realms felt like your insides were in a cheese grater. The travel scrambled your insides and drained some of your energy. When we arrived in a dark cave that felt like a sauna, I knew this must be what hell felt like.

  The best shot at winning this battle meant that we needed to be cunning like the Shadow Spirits. Looking around I knew that it would be a matter of time before our presence was discovered.

  “My men and I will go in first and start the battle. They will expect me to come. I need one of your sorcerers to come with us. We’ll signal so that you know what’s happening before revealing yourselves to the Shadow Spirits.”

  “What’s the signal?” asked Axel.

  “Genziano will coo. He makes these realistic sounds, and it will go unnoticed or ignored by the spirits but that will be your cue that we have eyes on the females.”

  Glancing at Bartolome`, I noticed that he was quietly observing Denise. “If he doesn’t coo, we don’t have eyes and you should split into small mixed teams to show a joint force.”

  Axel smirked at Jorel. “I like this plan. It means we are all visible to each other and trust isn’t an issue.”

  “Axel you don’t trust anybody. We aren’t the ones that betrayed the wolves. Stop punishing us for what others did,” said Denise.

  Rolling my eyes, I moved forward. “Try not to kill each other and focus on killing the enemy.” Jorel motioned for Clyde to follow me, and we moved forward through the tunnel. Genziano was quiet as he pointed down the narrow opening where fire blazed on both sides. There were legions of Shadow Spirits on either side and a ton of them standing behind the Shadow King. The walls were coated in blood with turquoise writing on them. The letters were written like calligraphy, but I was sure they didn’t have a positive meaning. Off to the side, there was a gigantic hole in the ground that looked like a bottomless pit.

  The Shadow King stood over Micheline. Looking around, I didn’t see Madeleine, but that was the only logical reason she would sacrifice herself like this. Micheline looked like she was prepared for impending demise. We stepped out from the shadows of the corridor and walked down toward Micheline.


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