A Touch of Murder

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A Touch of Murder Page 8

by Donna Raider

  “Will we ever be able to quench this aching desire we have for one another?” Leah wondered aloud.

  “I certainly hope not.” Mika laughed. “I seem to get worse every day.”

  “As do I, darling.” Leah took the water and drained it as if she hadn’t tasted water in days. “Every time after we make love, I think about how wonderful your hands felt on me, and I want to feel them again.”

  “I know.” Mika nodded in agreement.

  Mika took her cellphone from their nightstand and turned it on. She exhaled sharply as she realized what day it was. “We have been in bed for the past three days.” Mika grinned, raising her eyebrows at Leah.

  Leah pulled the phone from Mika’s hand to see for herself. “It seemed like minutes.” She frowned.

  “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Mika marveled at the truth in the age-old axiom.


  They were five days into their two-week vacation and still had several things to do to get the ranch ready for the children’s arrival.

  They had decided Mika could take a vacation too. Mika had not put on her priest attire. Until the church was built, she would be just Mika Cross, rancher.

  Lucas had delivered their horses with a note that he had the perfect Friesian gelding for a novice rider, if they had need for such a horse.

  “Sounds like the perfect horse for Rachel.” Leah tilted her head. “She hasn’t taken to riding like the other children. She’s actually afraid of horses.”

  “She’s too busy discovering new planets.” Mika smiled. “She may be the one to save mankind.”


  It was early afternoon when Leah awoke. Looking around, she found the Henley that Mika had so deftly removed from her earlier. Slipping it over her head, she padded into the kitchen. Mika was nowhere to be seen. Leah moved into the family room and looked out the glass wall to the patio and swimming pool outside. She saw Mika standing on the diving board. Mika’s black swimsuit highlighted her slim hips and flat stomach. Mika bounced twice on the board then shot herself high into the air. Mika was graceful like a hawk. She reached the apex of her ascent, perfectly arched her body, and began her descent into the clear blue water. Mika sliced into the water silently, cleanly. Is there anything Mika can’t do? Leah thought as she watched her beautiful wife surface, shaking her head free of the water.

  Leah walked out to the pool. Everything about this area of their yard was breathtaking. The lush greenery was immaculately trimmed and shaped. The infinity pool was large, fifty by one hundred feet. The far edge of it seemed to disappear into the thick green grass surrounding it.

  “Join me, please,” Mika encouraged her.

  “I don’t have a swimsuit.” Leah laughed.

  “You don’t need one,” Mika encouraged. “I will be the only one to see you.”

  Leah dropped her shirt on a lounge chair as she walked to the entry end of the pool. It sloped gently into the center of the pool. Mika watched her as she waded deeper into the pool. She looked like a goddess. The clear water hid nothing from Mika. Mika licked her lips as the thought of touching Leah burned through her mind. Leah dropped completely beneath the pool’s surface then sprang up, tossing her wet hair away from her face. She dog paddled the last few feet to reach Mika. Mika caught Leah and pulled her against her breast. Leah slid her arms around Mika’s neck and wrapped her legs around Mika’s waist. Mika kissed her, gently moving her lips against Leah’s. As Leah responded, Mika’s kiss became more urgent. “I need you, so much,” Mika whispered into her ear.

  They swam, made love, and then swam some more in the pool until the Texas sun began to slip behind the trees. “This pool is enormous.” Leah noted.

  “It has to be.” Mika laughed. “I’m certain there will be times all fourteen of our children and their significant others will be in it. Add you and me, and we will have a pretty crowded pool.”

  Leah nodded, looking thoughtful. “I can’t wait for the children to see their new home. They will love it just as I do.”

  “I am glad you like it here.” Mika kissed her briefly.

  “What are God’s plans for us here?” Leah inquired.

  “I am not certain,” Mika said, smiling at her wife, “but I am sure it will be exciting.”

  They walked hand in hand from the pool and sat on the lounge chairs, the water dripping from their bodies. Mika toweled Leah off and then dried herself. Mika located her swimsuit on the side of the pool and squeezed the water from it before walking toward the house.

  “What is that wonderful smell?” Leah sniffed the air. “I just realized I’m famished.”

  “Good.” Mika smiled. “Let’s slip into some clothes and I’ll put the finishing touches on my famous barbequed ribs.”

  “Um, my mouth is watering.” Leah laughed, pulling Mika’s Henley back over her head.

  Mika slipped on a pair of jeans and a light gray Henley, then located the wine opener. “Let’s eat out here,” she suggested. Leah found a thick, comfortable lounger that was to become her favorite seating on the patio. Leah sipped her wine and lusted after Mika as she quietly moved about preparing their dinner.

  Mika carried fresh fruit and potato salad, along with plates and flatware to the smaller table on the patio. She opened the grill and filled the entire area with the most mouthwatering aroma Leah had ever smelled.

  Mika did something that filled the area with soft music. Taking Leah’s hand, she led her to the table. “Now, Your Majesty,” she said, smiling, “this is one of those dishes you may eat with your cutlery or with your fingers.” Mika picked up a rib and bit some of the meat from the bone. Her fingers were covered with barbeque sauce. Mika started to suck the sauce from her fingers.

  Leah stilled Mika’s hands. “Let me,” she said seductively.

  Mika watched mesmerized as Leah placed Mika’s index finger in her mouth and slowly sucked the sauce from it. Leah proceeded to give each finger similar treatment. Her lips were so beautiful, so perfect.

  “The sauce is wonderful.” Leah smiled sensuously as she picked up a rib from her plate and began to nibble it. “Oh, this meat is delicious. It practically melts in my mouth.”

  Leah began to lick the sauce from her fingers. “This is a little messy, isn’t it?” Her smile was tantalizing.

  “Allow me, my queen.” Mika caught Leah’s hands and began to suck the sauce from each delicate finger.

  “I think we should use our forks,” Leah suggested. “Otherwise we will miss out on this wonderful meal.”

  “I think you’re right.” Mika leaned forward and kissed Leah gently, her tongue licking the barbeque sauce from Leah’s lips.


  They spent the next two days interviewing for a cook and a woman to manage the hacienda. “We need one good manager who can select her staff herself,” Leah said thoughtfully.

  After interviewing many women from varying ethnic backgrounds, Leah settled on a woman named Rosie Ramos, a third-generation Hispanic lady as the cook. Amanda Hampton, a robust first-generation Englishwoman, was selected as hacienda manager.

  “Thank the good Lord,” Amanda had said softly as she appraised the décor of the hacienda. “At last someone in Texas with taste.” That statement alone got her the job as far as Leah was concerned. The fact that she had managed the estates of dukes and earls in England prompted Mika to agree.

  Attorney Johnathan Jenkins, who handled the overall management of the hacienda, quickly informed the Crosses that both women had impeccable backgrounds.

  Leah gave Amanda and Rosie detailed instructions on actions needed before the children arrived the first part of June. Mika went over everything with Johnathan and Howdy, the ranch foreman.

  “We will leave in two days,” Leah informed the women. “Our children will be out of school the first of June. That is when we will return here. I believe both of you will want to hire a staff to help you. We have only two requirements: they must be kind and honest. Do you have any questions?�

  “A staff,” Amanda scoffed. “I believe one other person and I will be able to keep the place immaculate.”

  “I don’t believe I will need a staff to feed you,” Rosa agreed.

  Leah smiled patiently. “I am sorry. Somewhere along the way, I believe we forgot to mention that we have twelve children and twins on the way. They come with three nannies.”

  “They also have friends who visit frequently,” Mika added. “Trust me, you will need a staff.”

  Both employees blanched at the information. “Yes.” They both nodded, dumbfounded that the gorgeous brunette had twelve children and twins on the way.

  Leah gave the women keys and codes to the alarm system. “We will call you to let you know our exact day of arrival.” She walked them to the door.

  Mika looked around their large family room. “I can’t wait to play horsey with the children in here.” She grinned at the thought of her children all over the room.

  Leah caught Mika’s hand and started to lead her through the kitchen to their side of the house. “You can play horsey with Mommy, right now.” She winked mischievously.

  Mika stopped Leah and slowly pulled her into her arms. Leah tilted her head for the kiss she knew Mika wanted. Mika’s kiss was soft and gentle.

  “I have an appointment in half an hour with the real estate woman,” Mika whispered into Leah’s ear as she nuzzled Leah’s hair.

  “Cancel,” Leah commanded, leaning into Mika.

  “Go with me.” Mika kissed the vein that always popped out on Leah’s forehead when she wasn’t getting her way.

  “Mika,” she whined. “Please, cancel.”

  “I have to take care of this today.” Mika frowned. “The owners are leaving town tonight. They are signing the papers then catching a plane. It won’t take long, honey.”

  “Go! Just go,” Leah huffed. “I’ll find something to do while you are gone.”

  “Come with me.” Mika smiled her sweetest smile, “Please.”

  Leah’s heart skipped a beat, but her stubbornness won. “No, I don’t want to be holed up in a stuffy real estate office on our last two days here. Go buy your land or lot or whatever it is you want. I’ll be here.”

  “You are angry with me.” Mika frowned.

  “Of course I am.” Leah shrugged. “We have been married over thirty years and this is the first time you have ever refused me.”

  “I would never refuse you, darling.” Mika held Leah tighter. “I am just postponing. Okay?”

  Leah realized she was being a brat. “I am being the Evil Queen, aren’t I?” She smiled sheepishly. “I just love you so much.”

  “And I love you.” Mika kissed her briefly. “Let’s go.”

  “I believe we are here,” Leah said.

  Mika looked around to find they were standing behind Lucile’s Restaurant.

  “You go transact your business and I will have a piece of Lucile’s homemade pie,” Leah instructed her. She tiptoed to press her lips firmly against Mika’s.

  “Good afternoon, Your Majesty.” Lucile stepped back. She had shocked even herself with that greeting, but the woman looked like a queen.

  “Good afternoon.” Leah smiled, pleased that Lucile had sensed her royalty.

  “Where is that delectable wife of yours?” Lucile grinned affably.

  “Mika is handling some business.” Leah nodded across the street where Mika stood talking to the real estate woman and another couple.

  “Rumor has it Mika is purchasing an entire city block.” Lucile grinned knowingly.

  Leah had forgotten how impossible it was to keep secrets in a small town.

  “Really?” She shrugged. Mika was purchasing a hundred acres at the end of Main Street. The perfect place for a new church, hospital, and research center.

  A pang of guilt shot through her as she recalled how childish she had been about keeping the meeting with the sellers and the real estate woman. I will make it up to Mika, she thought.

  “We’re having a street dance, Saturday night,” Lucile informed her, shoving a flyer in front of Leah, along with her pie and a cup of coffee. “You and your scrumptious wife should come.”

  “Lucile.” Leah fixed the woman with a glare that would have sent a lesser woman scurrying for cover. “I do wish you would stop referring to my wife as something to eat.”

  “Don’t be so greedy,” Lucile admonished her. “Women like you have spouses like that. The least you can do is let women like me fantasize about them.”

  Leah regarded her for several seconds then nodded in agreement. “Have a dream on me.” She smiled graciously.

  Lucile bowed again. She liked this gorgeous, dark-haired beauty. Perhaps I’ll fantasize about her too, she thought.

  “Here comes Mrs. Yummy now.” Lucile grinned at Leah then went back to watching Mika cross the street.

  “All done.” Mika smiled at Leah as she entered the diner. “We can move on to the important things you were suggesting earlier.”

  “Try a piece of the pecan pie, darling.” Leah smiled wickedly. Mika knew Leah had overcome her earlier lust for her. Now, Mika was going to pay for not complying immediately with Leah’s demands. Mika whimpered as she bent to kiss Leah, hoping Leah would have pity on her.

  On cue, Lucile placed pie and a cup of coffee in front of Mika. “A very tasty morsel.” She smiled at Leah then giggled.

  Mika was certain she had missed the punch line of a joke between the two women.

  “Did you resolve everything to your satisfaction?” Leah asked, slipping a bite of pie from her fork with her perfect lips.

  “Yes,” Mika said solemnly. How does she make that look so sexy? Mika thought, taking a bite of her own pie.

  “Why so glum?” Leah placed her hand on top of Mika’s. A quick jolt of electricity went through Mika. “You should be happy.”

  “You’re going to be bad to me, aren’t you?” Mika bowed her head then looked up at Leah through her long lashes. Try as she might, Mika couldn’t stop the smile that was playing on her lips.

  Leah leaned across the table and whispered, “S-o-o-o bad.”

  Mika inhaled sharply. An ecstatic smile lit her beautiful face. She grabbed the check and strode to the counter.

  “How’d you like the dessert, sweet cheeks?” Lucile grinned exuberantly.

  “It gets better every time.” Mika smiled back, just as exuberant.

  Somehow, Lucile had a feeling they weren’t talking about the same thing.


  Soft kisses and tiny nibbles on Mika’s neck woke her from a deep sleep. Mika didn’t open her eyes. She just luxuriated in the feel of Leah touching her.

  Mika could feel Leah’s soft, warm breath against her ear as Leah’s lips touched it. “Was I bad enough to you last night?” Leah’s intimate whisper sent a shiver throughout Mika’s entire body.

  Mika lay still, thinking about the things Leah had done to her in the hours after midnight. Just as Mika knew she would, Leah had made Mika wait for her. Leah had insisted that they go for a ride on their new horses. “I haven’t even had a chance to see our ranch.” She had smiled demurely. They had ridden for hours, arriving back at the stables after dark.

  Since Leah had dismissed the stable boys, when they left the stables, Mika had unsaddled the horses and put away the tack. Leah had insisted Mika wash and brush the sweaty animals.

  Mika pulled Leah roughly to her. “I am dying,” she hissed.

  Leah pushed Mika away. “Then I will help you walk the horses while they cool down,” Leah had said as she grinned evilly.

  After walking them, Mika turned the two black beauties out into the pasture and caught Leah’s hand as they walked back to the house. “What do you want to watch on TV?” Leah had asked Mika innocently.

  Mika turned Leah to face her, holding Leah by the shoulders. “Two can play this game,” Mika growled before pulling Leah into her arms and kissing her passionately. Mika moaned as Leah slowly moved her full, soft lips against her
s. Leah’s tongue slipped between Mika’s lips and danced with her own. Instantly they were in their bedroom. Their clothes were on the floor. “Shower,” Leah insisted.

  The rest of the night was a blur. A panorama of Leah’s beauty; her lips on Mika’s; her hands stroking Mika’s body, taking her to the point of no return. A crescendo of sounds; whispered declarations of love and devotion; Mika’s name whimpered and screamed. Leah overwhelmed all of Mika’s senses. Mika was nothing but a person enslaved to a queen. Her Queen.

  “I know you’re awake,” Leah said as she gently kissed Mika.

  “I was just thinking about how bad you were to me last night.” Mika smiled without opening her eyes. “You were absolutely perfect, my queen.”


  They made love, then Leah cooked pancakes for breakfast. “I love to cook,” she commented as she placed Mika’s food on the breakfast bar.

  “I love to watch you cook.” Mika smiled, pulling Leah to stand between her knees. Mika slid her hands underneath her shirt Leah wore. Mika knew the shirt was all Leah was wearing. Mika loved how soft and smooth Leah’s skin felt against her hands.

  Leah kissed Mika sweetly. “I really do want to ride down to the river today,” Leah mumbled against Mika’s lips.

  Mika kissed her once more then slowly pushed Leah away from her. “I have already asked the stable boys to saddle our horses.” Mika smiled. “But first, pancakes.”


  They rode through trees and thick underbrush, following a little-used trail. After riding for three hours, they heard it before they reached it. The horses sniffed the air and nickered softly, anxious for a drink.

  The trail came out where a natural waterfall created a huge pool. The water was crystal clear, and they could see fish darting around in the basin. Natural springs bubbled in the sand at the bottom of the pool. “This is beautiful.” Leah exhaled as she took in the nature around her.

  “I am glad you like it.” Mika beamed. She dismounted and moved quickly to lift Leah down from her horse. As Mika held her, Leah wrapped her arms around Mika’s neck and lowered her lips to Mika’s, letting her know how happy she was.


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