A Touch of Murder

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A Touch of Murder Page 10

by Donna Raider

  Adam stood. “I have to go,” he announced. “It has been so good to see all of you and catch up on what is going on in your lives.”

  “Will you be able to summer with us?” Leah’s tone told him “yes” was the only acceptable answer.

  “I have already made arrangements, Queen Mommy.” He grinned. “I am looking forward to it.”

  As the family began to move away from the table, Leah’s voice rose above the chatter. “Matt and Regina, we need to visit with you in our chambers.”


  Regina and Matt clutched each other’s hands as they rode the elevator up to their parents’ apartment. They didn’t really know what to expect. They had never seen Mika slam her fist into a table before, and Queen Mommy was certainly unhappy with them.

  The elevator doors opened, spitting them into the fire of parental disapproval. Leah was seated in her favorite overstuffed chair. Mika was sitting on the chair arm, her arm draped across the back of Leah’s chair.

  “Mika, I am so sorry,” Matt started. Mika’s upheld hand stopped him.

  “I’m not angry with you two, Son.” Mika smiled. “I just needed to stop you in mid-sentence. We have all become so accustomed to having Dr. Jordon in our midst that we forget she doesn’t know what we are.”

  “Needless to say, you acted foolishly,” Leah continued the conversation. “Whatever possessed you to commandeer the Department of Defense’s weather satellite? You know how we distrust the governments of all countries. You had to know you were poking the ogre.”

  “We can’t emphasize often enough how dangerous it would be if others found out about us and our abilities.” Mika stood and poured all of them a glass of wine, serving Leah water.

  “What you did was careless and foolish.” Mika returned to her place beside Leah. “You put all of us in danger, your brothers and sisters, your mother and me.”

  “You must consider all the consequences of your actions,” Leah added. “New York is too close to the belly of the beast. That is why we’re moving to Texas. That and the fact that Texas is definitely God’s country.”


  “Oh my gosh, Leah is so terrifying when she is angry!” Jennifer exclaimed as she unlocked the door to her apartment.

  “You have no idea of what my mother is capable,” Sara said softly.

  They slipped into the coolness of the dark apartment. Sara locked the door then slipped her arms around the other woman as she pressed her lips to the softest lips in the world.

  “I love you,” Jennifer whispered as they broke their kiss.

  “I love you too.” Sara pulled Jennifer tighter against her, marveling at how soft and yet strong she felt, all at the same time.

  “Stay with me tonight.” Jennifer kissed her briefly, waiting for her reply.

  “I’d like that.” Sara smiled shyly as she moved Jennifer toward the sofa. “I’d like that a lot.”

  In the darkness, Jennifer studied the younger woman’s alluring face as the moonlight from the windows fell across it. “You are so beautiful.” She clutched Sara against her and lowered herself onto the sofa, pulling Sara on top of her.

  “What the hell? Get off me.” A cursing figure pushed the women away from the sofa.

  Jennifer sprung for the light switch and bathed the room in bright light.

  “Carlie!” Jennifer stared at the detective in disbelief. “What are you doing here? How did you get into my apartment?”

  “Well, well, well.” Carlie Carlyle circled the two women as if she had cornered a strange species of humans. “Does Queen Mommy know you are humping her little girl?”

  “What do you want?” Jennifer demanded angrily.

  “I wanted to talk, to see if we could work things out.” Carlie leered. “But I see you have moved on to younger, sweeter things. Didn’t take you long to replace me.”

  “I haven’t seen or heard from you in months,” Jennifer said wearily. “And yes, I have replaced you. I have replaced you with someone who loves me. You and I have nothing to discuss, so please leave.”

  “Karma is a bitch,” Carlie snarled. “I ruin my life lusting after Leah, and you bed her daughter. How ironic is that?”

  “No one has ever bedded me.” Sara drew herself up to her full height and stepped forward to face Detective Carlyle. “And even in your wildest fantasies, how could you ever think my mother would be unfaithful to Mika?”

  Carlie was speechless at both declarations. She backed slowly to the door, threw a parting glance at Jennifer, and left, slamming the door behind her.

  Jennifer ran her fingers through her hair, a gesture Sara always found endearing. It meant the beautiful doctor was at her wits’ end.

  “I better go,” Sara said softly. “I…” She was in Jennifer’s arms, kissing Jennifer’s lips, whispering Jennifer’s name. After some time, she pulled away from the doctor. “Let’s go to bed. I have an early meeting in the morning, and you have a surgery for which you need to be in top shape.”


  Jennifer rinsed her toothbrush and glanced out the bathroom doorway to where Sara was propped on pillows, reading her latest medical journal. She liked that Sara was interested in many of the same things as she.

  “What kind of sutures do you use when you do surgery?” Sara asked as she held up the sheet for Jennifer to slip into bed beside her.

  “It depends on whether or not I am doing endoscopic or open-heart surgery, and what strength and longevity is required of the sutures,” Jennifer replied, moving to slide her arm under Sara’s neck. “There are all types of sutures: absorbable, non-absorbable. What do you use?”

  “I suppose I could do surgery,” Sara said thoughtfully, “but I never have. I’m a research scientist, not a surgeon. I only work on dead people.”

  Jennifer pulled Sara into her arms. “So, that is what you want to discuss?” She chuckled. “Mika lost her cool, in the first time…ever, and slams her fist into the table. My ex practically became a threesome with us in the dark, and sutures are what you want to discuss?”

  “Umm.” Sara breathed softly as she snuggled into Jennifer’s arms.

  She’s asleep, Jennifer thought after several minutes. She is the strangest woman I have ever met. God, I love her.

  Jennifer awoke the next morning to the smell of fresh coffee brewing and a note on the breakfast bar. “Have a wonderful day. See you tonight. I love you. Sara.”


  Latimore Cruzar was bored. He had walked every inch of Times Square and Broadway. He had dined in the most expensive restaurants New York had to offer and he had run out of things to do.

  Lat had found out that Priest Cross was attached to the largest Catholic church in Manhattan. He had been unable to contact Priest Mika Cross. It was as if the woman didn’t exist. Cruzar knew she did. Cross was almost a fucking rock star in the church. Stories of her abounded. Her accomplishments were numerous, and yet she was so humble she didn’t even have her name on her office door. Cruzar had stealthily searched the halls of the church complex, trying to find a door with Cross written on it. All the other clergy had small offices with their names on the door in gold lettering.

  He hadn’t asked for directions to Priest Cross’s office for fear of being recognized later. Cruzar never resorted to disguises. He preferred killing any eyewitnesses. He had called the phone number he had been given for Cross, but only received a recorded message informing him that the priest was on vacation.

  He wanted to find Cross. He wanted to kill her and get her out of the way before the Pope arrived in October.

  He wished he knew where Sean had vacationed. He would join him. Sean was as close to a friend as he had ever come, and he missed him.

  A blonde woman, more accurately described as a Greek goddess, walked around the corner of the church. Cruzar watched her. Where did she come from? he thought. Perhaps she had cut through the shrubs at the side of the church, instead of walking around like any normal person.

  From the descriptions h
e had been given, Cruzar was certain the woman was Priest Cross. Cruzar ran through the many descriptions he had received of Cross. “Blonde and

  beautiful, a blonde goddess.” The most accurate had come from an altar boy. “She is tall, about six foot,” the boy had said. “Blonde and extremely beautiful.”

  The blonde woman carried herself with the self-confidence of an accomplished athlete. She moved fluidly, effortlessly, as if her limbs were eager to obey her commands. A nun approached the priest. The priest stopped to visit with her. The priest’s brilliant smile was visible even from across the street.

  After the priest entered the church, Cruzar quickly slipped into the sanctuary. He hoped the priest would be taking confession this morning.

  His phone rang. It was Sean. Cruzar silenced his cell and walked out of the church. He quickly played Sean’s message, then called his friend.

  “Hey,” he blurted out when Sean answered. “About time you got home. Want to meet me for lunch at O’Malley’s Grill? Twenty minutes sounds great.”


  Leah smiled when Mika materialized in their apartment. “I’ve been waiting for you, darling.” She was sitting on the sofa.

  Mika walked to Leah, never taking her eyes from Leah’s beautiful face. Mika shook her head, thinking she couldn’t believe such a marvelous creature loved her. Mika bent down and kissed Leah’s upturned face, then sat down beside her.

  “How were the children this morning?” Mika asked. “I had to leave before they awoke.”

  “They were a little subdued at breakfast.” Leah snuggled into Mika. “Regina and Matt called a sibling conference with our six oldest children before I arrived. Sara and Adam weren’t there. I listened from outside the room. They reiterated the seriousness of keeping who we are very secret. They understand that I am a witch, but there seems to be some confusion about what you are.”

  “We must get to Texas as soon as school ends,” Mika said worriedly. “This is no place to raise genius children. The church here is demanding too much of my time over frivolous things. I have completed the job I was sent here to do. You and I need to be spending more time with our children, teaching them about God and our goals.”

  She nodded. “I will finish all of my series commitments by the time school is out. I have already informed Marcus that I will not renew the contract.”

  “I bet that disappointed him.” Mika frowned.

  “He was happy,” Leah continued. “He said I have made him an extremely wealthy man and he is only working half days now, so he can spend more time with his children.”

  “That’s great.” Mika grinned.

  “I have a meeting with Stiles at two. I want to discuss ways the series can continue without me.”

  “I doubt it can,” Mika said as she nuzzled her face in Leah’s hair. The scent of her was intoxicating.

  “For the sake of the other actors and actresses, I hope it can.” Leah pulled her hair back for Mika to kiss her neck. “I have some ideas that I believe will work, for a couple of years anyway.”

  “I have an idea,” Mika whispered, her warm lips softly trailing down Leah’s neck.

  “Why, Priest,” Leah said, giggling, “I do believe you’re trying to seduce me.”

  “Is it working?” Mika asked as she kissed her way down to the top of Leah’s breasts.

  “It always does, darling.” Leah sighed as she kissed Mika’s firm, full lips. “It always does.”


  Sara was very aware of the reason Mika had slammed her fist into the table. She had been right to do so. Jennifer knew nothing about who or what they really were. On several occasions, Sara had tried to tell her, but the words never came out right.

  I will find a way tonight, she thought as she walked to Leah’s studio. She wanted to talk about several things with Leah and give her a heads-up on the situation with Carlie.

  As she approached Leah’s dressing room, she could hear angry voices. She looked around; no one else was on the set. Apparently, filming had finished early for the day.

  “My wife and your daughter,” Carlie was screaming. “How did that happen, Your Highness?”

  Leah overcame the urge to turn the detective into a parrot. She shook her head to rid her mind of the image of Carlie sitting in a cage, squawking. “This is between you and Jennifer. I have nothing to do with it. Carlie, you and I are friends. Why can’t you let it go at that? Are you going to keep on until you destroy that relationship too?”

  “Friends!” Carlie spit out the word as if it were offensive. “I want more than friendship from you. You know that.”

  “And you know that I love Mika,” Leah growled back. “I would never do anything to betray her or cause her to doubt my love for her. I have told you time after time to be good to Jennifer or you were going to lose her. No woman wants to feel like she is second best. You have no one to blame for your unhappiness but yourself. You treated her like dirt, and you know it.”

  A long silence followed Leah’s tirade. A scuffling sound and then a low growl that Sara knew was her mother. “Don’t touch me, Detective Carlyle. I’m warning you.”

  Sara threw open the door to her mother’s dressing room. “Mom, I thought we might… Oh, Detective Carlyle, I didn’t realize you were here.”

  “She was just leaving,” Leah hissed. The little vein in her forehead had popped out, and her eyes were so black, Sara could see her own reflection in them. A storm of fury danced all around her. Leah turned her back to them. Sara knew that she had probably saved Carlie from serious harm and her mother from exposure.

  Sara stepped back, allowing the detective to exit the room. She closed and locked the door.

  “Mom, I am so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. I didn’t plan to fall in love with Jennifer. It just happened.”

  “It is okay, dear,” Leah said softly, stilling the wind that was circling about her. “Thank you for saving me from myself. I don’t seem to have Mika’s patience with fools.”

  “It’s my fault,” Sara said.

  “No, darling, Carlie has been so wrong for so long.” Leah frowned. “When we first started working together, she teased about dating me. I told her it was a fantasy she should forget. She had no qualms about cheating on Jennifer and didn’t understand my loyalty to Mika. She didn’t understand the devotion we have for one another.”

  “It is something glorious to behold.” Sara smiled as she thought about how in love her parents were with each other.

  “Devotion and loyalty are perhaps the most fragile of all commitments,” her mother said as she smiled knowingly. “Just one little slip and everything is destroyed. Infidelity truly changes the heart of both parties. It kills trust and eventually love.”

  Sara stood silently. She knew her mother was right. She also knew she would never cheat on Jennifer. Jennifer was her life’s mate.

  “Mom, I need your guidance,” Sara almost whispered.

  Leah simply nodded.

  “I love Jennifer as you love Mika. I can’t find a way to tell her what I am, what we are. I’ve tried several times, but I just can’t bring myself to do it.”

  “Are you afraid she won’t keep our secret?” Leah asked.

  “Oh, no.” Sara gasped. “She loves me as deeply as I love her. She is so wonderful. I want to spend my life with her, or at least her life with me.”

  Sara looked down at the floor. “When you married Mika, did you know she was immortal?”

  “No, I had no idea what she was.” Leah smiled slightly. “I just knew I had to be with her, if only for a short time. After we married, the thought of life without her was unbearable.”

  “Did Mika know you were immortal?” Sara continued.

  “No. I couldn’t find a way to tell her. I was afraid of losing her.” Leah looked at the ring on her finger. “I knew she would be perfect for ten or fifteen years and then begin to diminish, but I wanted those years with her, no matter the heartache I knew would come. I wanted her

  “How did you finally tell each other?” Sara watched her mother’s eyes. They always twinkled when she spoke of Mika.

  “You know Mika is an angel,” Leah said. “One of the conditions of her marrying was that she had to make someone fall in love with her without them knowing what she was. Once we were married, she revealed who she was, and I told her I was also immortal.” Leah’s smile widened as she recalled how they had celebrated the knowledge that they would spend eternity together.

  “What if Mika hadn’t been immortal?” Sara grimaced. “What if you had been forced to watch her grow old, while you remained as young and beautiful as you are now?”

  “I would still love Mika till her dying breath.” Leah frowned. “Although the body might begin to fail, the essence of the person is still the same. The worst pain of all would be to continue living without her.”

  “That is what scares me the most.” Sara wiped a tear from her eye. “Being with Jennifer. Knowing what true love and absolute happiness is, then losing it. I almost think it would hurt less to never know love at all.”

  “If you love and trust Jennifer, you should talk to her and the two of you should make the decision together,” Leah advised her daughter. “The most important thing in our marriage is that we always discuss things. Except for one thing, I never decide without talking to Mika. She never makes a decision without discussing it with me.

  “You have let Jennifer fall in love with you. You owe it to her to let her decide her future for herself.”

  “What is the exception?” Sara asked curiously.

  “It may be more information than you want to know,” her mother admitted.

  “I’m pretty certain I want to know.” Sara smiled slightly.

  Leah bowed her head then looked into her daughter’s eyes. “Long ago, Mika and I made the decision to have a child every five years, but I alone decide when to conceive.

  “Mika is always as surprised and exuberant as she was when we found out we were expecting you and Adam.”


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