A Touch of Murder

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A Touch of Murder Page 18

by Donna Raider

  “You do know that what they really got on board with was you,” Mika observed. Her wife seemed distracted as she removed her makeup. “Are you okay, darling?” she inquired.

  “I can’t help but worry about Carlie.” Leah frowned. “I know she is still trying to tie you to the Catholic Murders. Sometimes I fear we fly too close to the sun. We seem to live a charmed life.”

  “As long as we obey God’s directives, we will always be okay,” Mika assured her. “I feel so blessed in my life with you and our children.”


  Latimore Cruzar was beginning to get restless. His efforts to devise a plan to kill Priest Mika Cross encountered obstructions at every turn. The flurry of activity around the priest was endless. Cruzar silently searched for information on Cross, trying to find out what was going on in the priest’s life.

  Cross was tireless. She worked in the church. She counseled young priests entering the priesthood. She heard confessions. She visited the sick and elderly. She gave the last rites more than any other priest in the church. Apparently, dying parishioners wanted Mika Cross to be the one at their side when they crossed over. Cross took her wife and children out often. She was a dedicated family person.

  Cruzar wondered why the church wanted the priest murdered, but he really didn’t care about the reason. He just wanted to get the job done.

  He jumped as his phone rang. Sean Bonner’s phone number popped up. He arranged to meet his friend in thirty minutes for dinner.

  Sean was his only friend. He wondered if the man would be open to traveling with him to see the world. He knew Sean was wealthy in his own right but was certain the man would never see as much money in his lifetime as Cruzar would make when he killed Cross and the Pope.


  They ordered their usual burgers and beer and were discussing the NFL drafts. They were amiably arguing over the best new quarterbacks when one of the A&E shows came on.

  “Yes, we are thrilled,” Rose Jordon was saying. “Our daughter is marrying the daughter of Marked for Murder star Leah Redman on May first.”

  Watcher watched the telecast with great concern. He glanced at Cruzar and was not at all surprised to see the evil grin that spread across the man’s face. Cruzar jotted down something on a napkin and slipped it into his jacket pocket.

  Stupid fool, Watcher thought as he listened to Rose Jordon. She exposed all the plans and lives of the extremely private Cross family. I should just kill her and put her out of their misery. He knew the woman had just handed Cruzar the opportunity for which he had been waiting. The opportunity to kill Priest Mika Cross.

  Across town, Leah was raging. Mika watched as her wife threw vases and books against the walls. “How could the Almighty make such a stupid creature?” she railed against Rose Jordon. “She has just handed every crazy, every paparazzi, every stalker, every news team, every…”

  “Honey,” Mika tried to pull Leah into her arms, but the whirling electrical storm around her caused Mika to back away. “It will be okay. She has no idea what it is like to live in New York.”

  “Rose has no idea what it is like to protect one’s children.” Leah’s anger continued to build. “Only an idiot would call attention to all the brilliant, beautiful minds that will be attending the wedding, our children and hers. Not to mention you and me. She just went on national television and tied all the greatest minds of the century to one family.”

  Mika saw her shimmer slightly and knew she was about to transport away from her. Mika braved the storm to grab her wrist. “Let me go,” Leah screamed.

  “Not until you calm down,” Mika growled. “You can’t show up at Rose Jordon’s interview and give her a piece of your mind, or worse.”

  “Or worse?” Leah raised her perfectly arched eyebrows as if insulted. “If I wanted to do worse, I am quite capable of turning her into a lizard from right here.” Her dark, menacing voice told Mika Rose Jordon’s life would never be the same if something happened to one of their children.

  “Don’t,” Mika groaned, desperately trying to get her under control.

  Mika had never seen Leah like this. Her fury was indescribable. The vein running down her forehead, from her hair to her brows, looked as if it would burst. Her eyes were reflective pools of black fury. Mika released her and she began pacing the floor, her black nightgown flowing out behind her, then whipping around her body with each turn. She stayed out of Leah’s way, giving her time to regain her composure. This must be what the Evil Queen was like. She was beautiful. Terrifying, but beautiful and so desirable, Mika thought.

  “On national TV, the woman has just tied all of our brilliant children together with you and me.” Her eyes narrowed as if she could melt the entire television network. Her destructive rage blew transformers outside their penthouse and plunged the entire block into darkness. Mika knew Leah was capable of extreme violence in her present state. She was aware she could destroy the nation’s power grid if she wished.

  “We can fix this,” Mika assured her. “Just calm down and help me.” She mentally repaired the transformer and anything else Leah had destroyed. The lights came back on.

  Leah stopped suddenly, standing motionless. “Yes.” She grinned evilly. “We can fix this.”

  “No, no,” Mika begged. “We can fix it in a good way.” She dreaded to think of the resolution Leah had concocted in her intense anger.

  Mika bowed her head. When she looked up, Rose Jordon was contentedly washing dishes at her sink, and the A&E interview was being conducted with the latest rocker/ drug addict. The entire world had forgotten the foolish words of Jennifer’s mother.

  Leah whirled on Mika. The air around her crackled with electricity. A crooked smile twisted her lips as her eyes raked Mika from head to toe. Leah stomped her foot repeatedly like a spoiled child having a temper tantrum. The problem was resolved, but she was still angry that anyone could be as stupid as Rose Jordon.

  “I just…I just need to hit something,” she cried. Mika smiled shyly. “I am a pretty good whipping girl, Your Majesty.” Mika suddenly found herself naked, in total darkness. At least Leah had the good sense to bring us here, she thought.

  “You know I am going to use you mercilessly to dispel my anger,” she warned Mika. Leah’s deep, sensuous voice echoed throughout the cave.

  “I had hoped you would,” Mika mumbled against Leah’s lips, her body shaking in anticipation.


  Latimore Cruzar looked at the napkin he had pulled from his jacket pocket. He frowned, trying to recall what the date meant, May first. The napkin was from the sports tavern he and Sean had visited last night. May first, for some reason he knew it was an important date. He just couldn’t remember why.

  He had moved closer to the peripheral people around Mika Cross. He was looking for someone who might find him attractive. He didn’t care if it was a man or a woman. Would-be lovers were always quick to share anything they thought might impress their dates.

  A plain young woman had caught his attention. She worked in the church library. He visited the library daily for two weeks, always smiling and nodding cordially to her. At first, she had timidly returned his smile. After two weeks, she smiled openly at him and wished him a good day.

  He handed her the book he had checked out two days ago and smiled his sweetest smile. “My name is Latimore Cruzar,” he said shyly. “I see by your name tag that you are Alice.” She nodded and smiled, openly pleased that he had made the effort to learn her name.

  The next day, he brought her an early morning latte. “I noticed you like this beverage.” He had forced himself to blush as if embarrassed by his own actions. She giggled and accepted the offered coffee.

  On Friday, he asked her out. “My sister gave me two tickets to Phantom of the Opera.” He smiled hesitantly. “I know this is short notice and you probably have plans for tonight. It being Friday and all…”

  “I would love to go with you.” Alice smiled.

  “Would you, really?” He fei
gned surprise. “That would be wonderful. I don’t want to push my good fortune, but may I also take you to dinner?”

  She thought about the new offer for a few seconds.

  “We could meet at a restaurant of your choice,” he added hurriedly, trying to ease her mind about dating someone she barely knew.

  “That would be nice,” Alice agreed. “There is a small restaurant close to the theatre.” She wrote down the name for him. “Six should give us plenty of time to eat and visit before the musical.”

  Cruzar nodded. “I am looking forward to tonight.”

  As he left the library, his phone rang.

  “Hey,” Sean said happily, “want to catch drinks and dinner tonight?”

  “I can’t tonight,” Cruzar informed him. “I have a date.”

  “A date,” Sean said, surprise in his voice. “Is my little bird spreading his wings?”

  “Not exactly,” Cruzar chuckled. “It is work related. How about tomorrow night?”

  “Tomorrow sounds great,” Sean said, laughing, “and I will expect to hear all the details. Where are you taking the lucky lady?”

  “Dinner and then the theatre.” Cruzar was pleased that his friend was happy for him, even if it wasn’t a real date. “Do you know where Sammy’s Bistro is located?”

  “Yeah.” Sean kept his voice light as he gave Cruzar directions to the restaurant.

  “They have pretty good Italian food,” he added.


  Watcher found a shadowy alley across from Sammy’s and started his vigil. He saw a cab pull up in front of the restaurant and a nondescript woman got out. It wasn’t long before Cruzar joined the young woman. Watcher had never seen her before and wondered what Lat wanted with her. After dinner, he followed them to the theatre where he waited until they exited the building and started walking. Since the woman had arrived in a taxi, Watcher suspected she didn’t live within walking distance of the theatre.

  After all the theatregoers had dispersed in different directions, a single cab sat in front of the theatre. Watcher leaned into the driver’s window as if to speak with him. The proper pressure applied to his neck made the driver black out. Watcher immediately shoved the man over and moved into the driver’s seat. He drove into the alley, where he dumped the driver after taking his cap.

  He drove slowly down the street Lat and the woman had been on. He didn’t see them. Where could they be? He inched along the street. He was about to make a U-turn and resume his search when a corner streetlight illuminated his prey.

  He pulled up to the curb where Lat stood talking with the woman. Lat opened the back door and settled the woman into the taxi. “Where to, ma’am?” Watcher asked respectfully.

  She gave him an address in Queens and then settled back for the ride.

  “Did you go to the theatre tonight?” he asked conversationally.

  “Yes,” she answered. “Phantom of the Opera.”

  “That is my all-time favorite musical.” Watcher smiled, watching her in the mirror.

  By the time he opened the door for her to leave the taxi, he had learned that she worked in the library at the Catholic Church and she knew Priest Mika.

  “She is the most delightful priest,” the woman had said as she smiled. “She is always so respectful and courteous. She genuinely cares about everyone.

  “Everyone seems to know her or of her,” she’d added. “My date tonight seemed to be enthralled with Priest Mika. Priest Mika is probably the most controversial priest we have had in a long time. Lat was most interested in the fact that Priest Mika’s oldest daughter is marrying Dr. Jordon, you know, the heart surgeon.”

  “Really?” Watcher had smiled. “I haven’t seen an announcement or anything.”

  “You probably won’t,” the woman had continued, eager to talk about the beautiful priest who sometimes played a leading role in her fantasies. “Priest Mika is very private. Did you know she is married to Leah Redman?”

  “No,” Watcher had gasped as if shocked that a priest would be married to the gorgeous actress.

  “Yes.” She’d giggled. “They have twelve children and twins on the way.”

  “Wow! My hat is off to them.” He had laughed. “So, expecting twins and a daughter getting married… When did you say?”

  “May first,” the woman had informed him.

  He had refused her attempt to pay for the cab ride, explaining that she was his last fare of the night and he always gave that ride away. “Just my way of paying tribute to the Lord for letting me make it through the day.” He smiled as he tipped his cap to her.

  He drove the cab back to the theatre and left it so the driver could find it when he came to.


  Mika lay silently beside her wife. She listened to Leah’s soft slumber. Mika loved the silky, warm softness of Leah pressed against her as she slept. Mika’s thoughts went back to the last time they had made love in the cave.

  Leah had made love to her until they both were exhausted. True to her word, Leah had been merciless, driving Mika to her knees and using her unconscionably to diffuse Leah’s anger and satisfy her lustful fury. Her magic had driven them to new heights of pleasure. On more than one occasion, she had breathed air into Mika’s lungs after Mika had collapsed beside her. She had let Mika catch her breath and slow her heartbeat to almost normal, then driven Mika to the pinnacle of desire she’d never experienced before. Mika had taken the fury Leah had unleashed on her in their lovemaking and returned it gently, lovingly, drawing the anger and fear from Leah’s body and mind. As Leah’s anger had dissipated, she’d made love to Mika gentler, sweeter, and intensely satisfying. An uncontrollable shiver went through her body as she recalled the things Leah had done to her.

  “You are awake,” she murmured.

  “Umm,” Mika answered.

  “Your heart is beating fast.” Leah’s rich, sultry voice made it beat faster.

  “Umm,” she breathed softly.

  “What are you thinking about?” Leah asked, already knowing the answer.

  “The cave,” Mika whispered loudly, her vocal cords abandoning her.

  “Yes.” Leah breathed against Mika’s chest, sending another shiver through her body. “I owe you an apology for how I abused you. I would have killed a lesser person. I have been too embarrassed to even speak of it.”

  “I knew you were a witch when I married you,” Mika said softly. “I’ve never encountered you in full Evil Queen mode. It was electrifying and exhilarating to ride out the storm. It was like nothing I have ever experienced.”

  “It is not something of which I am proud.” Leah gently kissed Mika’s breast. Her warm, soft lips felt wonderful on Mika’s skin. “I am afraid I lose control, when I am in that state. Fortunately, it doesn’t happen often.”

  “Once in thirty-five years. Your anger was something to behold.” Mika chuckled, pulling the softness of Leah tighter against her. “I’m glad I could save poor Rose Jordon from your fury.”

  “I just worry about our children.” She put her arm across Mika’s breast and hugged Mika to her. “I can’t stand the thought of something happening to them. I’m still not over losing our oldest son.”

  “I know, darling.” Mika stroked her back gently, thinking of the child they had both loved so dearly. “Do you need to talk about it?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  Mika continued to stroke Leah’s back gently, until her soft slumber told Mika she had fallen asleep. Mika held her protectively until the first light of day invaded their bedroom.


  Archbishop Cantrell leaned back and looked at Priest Mika. “Sara wants to marry Dr. Jennifer Jordon, the heart surgeon. The female heart surgeon! Isn’t she divorced from that police detective Carlie Carlyle? You know the church considers that adultery.”

  “Yes, Your Excellency,” Mika nodded.

  “You know the church will frown on this?” Lawrence Cantrell didn’t want to make things difficult for Priest Mika. The young prie
st had helped him in many ways.

  “They are marrying with my and Leah’s blessings.”

  “Who would perform the ceremony?” Cantrell asked. “You?”

  “No, I would like to give my daughter away.” Mika smiled. “Also, my oldest son, Sara’s twin, is getting married at the same time. It is to be a double wedding.”

  “Adam, is he marrying a woman?” Cantrell frowned.

  “Yes.” Mika laughed. “He’s marrying Amber Stone.”

  “She is a wonderful young woman.” Cantrell nodded. “She has been most supportive of the church and works tirelessly in our Outward-Bound program.” Amber had caught Cantrell’s eye and he had thought about asking her out when he felt he could move on from losing Janet.

  “Father Darius or Father Halcyon would be willing to perform the ceremony, if it meets with your approval,” Mika explained. “I have already asked them.”

  “Let’s really shake things up, Priest Mika.” The archbishop smiled. “May I perform the double ceremony?”

  “You, Your Excellency!” Mika was speechless. “I didn’t ask you because I was afraid it might tarnish your career in the church. Are you certain?”

  “I would be honored if you would allow me to do this.” Cantrell smiled sincerely. “You have done so much for priests, for the church, and most of the time you and your wife have fought the battles alone. Let me stand beside you in this storm.”

  “So, you do think it will cause a controversy in the church?” Mika frowned. “A storm?”

  The archbishop nodded. “Nothing we can’t handle.” He smiled more confidently than he felt.


  Detective Carlie Carlyle had been playing paper basketball with her trashcan for over an hour, trying to clear her mind. She needed a fresh perspective on the Catholic Murders. Leah had refused to ride with her after the scene she had caused in front of Jennifer’s parents. Carlie really couldn’t blame her.

  The detective looked at her crime board. She had placed the sketches of Bryon Welch and Martin Tate next to several photos of Marshall Lincoln Crockett, captured from the airplane videos. They looked nothing alike. Welch was handsome, tall, with the build of a runner, jet-black hair reaching his collar, and dark eyes. Crockett was bald, round-faced, slightly overweight, and about three inches taller than Welch. There was no way they could be the same person. One of her famous gut feelings told her the man who was responsible for all the murders was Martin Tate: gimpy-legged, nearsighted, scrawny, sixty-something Martin Tate. Like Welch and Crockett, Tate had disappeared into thin air. Maybe there was more than one killer.


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