A Touch of Murder

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A Touch of Murder Page 24

by Donna Raider

  “Why don’t you get settled into your rooms first?” Mika suggested. “Then we all will swim.”

  “Gather your things,” Leah instructed as her children began picking up the items they had brought with them.

  They spent the next two hours settling the youngest children closest to their parents along with the nannies. The older children staked their claim on their rooms.

  Sara, Jennifer, Adam, and Amber helped everyone get settled, then returned to the great room.

  “Queen Mommy, why don’t you show Sara and Jennifer to their home and I will take Adam and Amber.” Mika pulled two sets of keys from the drawer of a beautiful Bombay chest.

  The children were amazed at the vast courtyard that covered the area in front of the hacienda. “This is beautiful,” Jennifer gasped.

  “This may be our most beautiful home yet,” Adam added.

  “Jeeps, we have Jeeps,” Sara squealed as her mother settled herself into the driver’s seat and motioned for them to join her.

  “I love Jeeps.” Adam laughed as he and Amber followed Mika.

  “We probably should drive everywhere we go,” Mika explained. “Transport only in emergencies and never out in the open.”

  Mika walked to her wife and kissed her lightly. “See you back here soon.”


  “Oh, Adam, this is beautiful.” Amber smiled as she examined the rooms of their new home.

  Adam watched his wife as she walked from room to room, smiling at each new and different design or a piece of art on the walls.

  He had loved her for as long as he could remember. When he was small, hers was the hand he clung to when the family went somewhere or walked around town. As a ten-year-old, he lived for the next time he would get to see her. He hugged her often just to feel the soft warmth of her.

  When he had hit puberty, he was embarrassed by the way his teenage body started reacting to her hugs. By the time he was sixteen, he was certain he was irrevocably in love with her.

  He knew she was much older than he was and was certain Mika would pull him aside for a talk when he found out Adam was in love with Aunt Amber.

  She wasn’t really his aunt. At first, he had believed her to be Mika’s sister. She looked so much like her. They both looked as if they had stepped down from Mount Olympus: two goddesses. As he lamented over the fact that he was in love with his aunt, his sister Sara had informed him that Aunt Amber wasn’t really related to them. She was just a very old friend of Mika’s. Adam had always told Sara everything.

  He recalled how devastated he had been when his older brother had declared his undying love for Amber. He silently moved aside to allow his brother to court the woman Adam dreamed about night and day. When his brother graduated from high school, Amber had gently informed him that she loved him like a nephew but would never love him as a woman would love a husband.

  His brother had moped around all summer but had quickly rebounded when he discovered the pretty girls in college.

  Adam’s heart had soared when his brother told him he had found the girl of his dreams at college.

  When Adam graduated from high school, Amber was the one with whom he had celebrated. She had been the one to share his joy of college graduation. He was always careful not to declare his feelings for her. He didn’t want to elicit the same reaction his brother had. He was content just to be with her.

  When she bid on him the night of the charity ball, his heart almost burst. When she flirted with him, it astounded him. For the first time, he thought she might love him too.

  “You look so serious, darling.” Amber stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is perfect.” He smiled as he pulled her slowly into his arms, savoring the feel of the heat building between them. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too, Adam,” Amber murmured against his lips. “Come, I saved our bedroom for last. We really should see how it works for us.”


  Leah pulled the Jeep into the drive of the sprawling ranch house.

  “Mom, this is gorgeous,” Sara whispered. Jennifer nodded in agreement.

  Leah dropped the keys into her daughter-in-law’s hand then hugged them both. “I have to go. Mika is waiting for me.” She disappeared.

  “Wow!” Jennifer exclaimed. “Your parents are incredible.”

  She unlocked the door, then swept Sara into her arms and carried her over the threshold of their new home. “I would carry you straight to bed,” she said with a grin, “but I have no idea where our bedroom is.” She gently placed Sara’s feet on the floor.

  “Let’s explore the house,” Sara suggested. “I bet we find our bedroom sooner or later.”

  “Sooner would be nice.” Jennifer kissed her gently before releasing her.

  “Oh my gosh, a hot tub!” Sara exclaimed as they walked onto the covered patio. “I wonder if Adam got a hot tub. We have never had our very own hot tub before.”

  They loved the living room and dining room. In the hall leading from the kitchen to another part of the house, Jennifer noticed a door. “What is this?”

  “Let’s see.” Sara opened the door. Automatic lights came on as they descended the stairs that led into a state-of-the-art research facility.

  “Oh my gosh,” Sara gasped. “They did it. They actually did it.”

  “Did what?” Jennifer scowled. “What is this place?”

  “My new research facility.” Sara scurried around the cavernous room. “They have installed everything I specified.

  My parents are incredible.” She laughed and hummed her approval as she ran her hands over the sleek, high-tech machines her parents had placed in the research center.

  “This place is enormous.” Jennifer frowned as she stepped into the hallway outside the main room. “It goes on forever.”

  “There is a research section for Rachel too,” Sara said as she caught her wife’s hand and pulled her back toward the stairs. “As excited as I am about this,” she said huskily, “I am even more excited about being with my wife in our first home. We can explore this later. Right now, I want to find—”

  Firm, demanding lips cut off her speech as Jennifer slowly pulled Sara tight against her. “Exploring rooms is way overrated anyway,” Sara mumbled. They climbed the stairs quickly and made their way toward the kitchen, still looking for their bedroom.

  As they entered the kitchen, Jennifer checked the contents of the refrigerator. A freshly made plate of finger sandwiches and fruit were on the top shelf.

  “Oh, I’m starving.” Jennifer sighed as she removed the cover from the plate and carried it to the breakfast bar. “Your mom thinks of everything.”


  “You are my horsey now, Mika.” Athena tugged at Mika’s leg as Luke climbed onto Matt’s back. “We explore.”

  The youngest twins had already worn out their older siblings, riding them through the many rooms of the hacienda.

  “You know we have real horses in Texas,” Leah informed them as she entered the room carrying freshly made lemonade.

  “Oh, bless you, my love,” Mika moaned from the floor where she had collapsed amid Athena’s squeals and laughter. “This horsey has been ridden into the ground.”

  “Where are Adam and Sara?” Rachel asked. “They will want to ride. They are our equestrians. Adam promised to give me a few lessons.”

  “You ride beautifully, sweetheart.” Leah smiled.

  “I can’t quite overcome my fear of horses,” Rachel admitted. “Were you ever afraid, Mom?”

  “Of horses? No,” Leah answered honestly. “In the beginning, they were my escape. Now they are just pure joy.

  “Everyone finish your drinks and we will go to the stables. You can pick out your horse. Rachel, yours was supposed to be delivered today. I think you will love him.”


  “Aren’t Adam and Aunt Amber and Sara and Jennifer joining us?” Jacob reiterated his sister’s earlier question.

sp; “I doubt we will see them for a few days.” Mika smiled. She recalled how she and Leah had disappeared for ten days after they were married.

  “They are getting settled into their new homes too,” Leah explained.


  A gorgeous black stallion trumpeted a shrill scream as he caught sight of Leah. He galloped from the pasture to the stables, kicking up rolling clouds of dust.

  Rachel clutched her mother’s arm for protection. The beautiful animal slowed to a walk as it approached the two women.

  “That’s a good boy, Zeus.” The older beauty held out her hand to stroke the glistening coat of the horse. He trembled slightly at her touch.

  I know how he feels, Mika thought. Although it hadn’t been twelve hours since she last held her wife, she longed for her touch.

  “Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Cross.” A tall, slender man in his mid-thirties emerged from the stables and strode toward the group. “I didn’t realize you had arrived.”

  “Mr. Raine.” Leah smiled. “Yes, we arrived early this morning. These are our children.”

  Almost as if on command to a drill they had practiced many times, the children lined up according to age.

  “Children,” Leah continued. “This is the ranch foreman, Howdy Raine. Mr. Raine, our children: Rachel and Jacob, Regina and Matt, Hannah and Mark, Eve and Paul, and Athena and Luke.”

  Howdy shook hands with each one as they were introduced. He briefly recalled an old cult film called Children of the Corn. Everyone was so beautiful and even the parents were young.

  I could fall hopelessly in love with any of these women, he thought involuntarily.

  “Our children would like to see their horses.” Mika grinned as she surveyed her offspring. “We won’t ride today, but probably will in the morning after breakfast.”

  “Obviously, Zeus is your mother’s horse.” Howdy smiled as he led the parade into the stables. “This is Hera, Mika’s horse.”

  “Mr. Raines,” Paul called, “do you have a dog?”

  “Please, everyone call me Howdy,” the foreman requested. “Yes, I have a Heinz fifty-seven.”

  “I’m not familiar with that breed.” Leah frowned as if something was missing from her education.

  “A mutt.” Howdy laughed. “A mixed breed.”

  The arrival of a silver horse trailer interrupted the tour. Lucas Omen stepped from the silver pickup pulling the trailer. His ranch dog jumped out behind him.

  “Leah, Mika.” He bowed slightly. “I’m sorry I am a little late getting the Frisian here. I wanted to put him through his paces one last time. I believe you will find him perfectly trained for your daughter.”

  Lucas led the black gelding from the trailer. He was stately. He surveyed his new surroundings calmly. His fine nostrils flared toward a figure approaching him.

  “Mom, Mika, I want this one,” Rachel said quietly as she walked toward the horse.

  She turned to face Lucas. “What is his name?”

  Lucas was spellbound. He was standing face to face with the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was even more beautiful than her mother. He had not expected the glacial blue eyes of the brunette. She was breathtaking. He was standing close enough to touch her.

  “Does he have a name?” Rachel raised her eyebrows, waiting for Lucas to answer her. “Can you speak?”

  Lucas knew he had a tongue, but he couldn’t make it work. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the face of the young woman before him. He had never been so close to a woman as beautiful as she. He simply shook his head.

  “He has no name,” Rachel said, laughing slightly, “or you can’t speak?”

  Lucas swept the hat from his head and bowed low. “He has no name.”

  “Then I shall name him Mars,” Rachel said, “after the Greek god of war. He looks like a warhorse that has appeared in many stories I have heard.

  “He is huge.” She walked around the horse then stopped in front of him. She slowly reached out her hand for him to smell her. He whinnied softly then nuzzled her hand. She stroked his neck, talking softly to him. “He likes me,” she said breathlessly.

  “Who wouldn’t?” Lucas sighed.

  “We were just about to show the children their horses,” Mika informed Lucas. “Would you like to join us?”

  “Yes, of course.” Lucas offered the reins of Mars to Rachel.

  As they walked through the barn, Lucas told an anecdote about each horse. Some were funny. Some were suspenseful. He related how one horse was accosted by a mountain lion. Another had fallen into a swollen creek as a foal and another had saved the life of a squirrel by picking it up by its tail and removing it from a water tank. He was a fascinating storyteller. He made them laugh and gasp as he delivered his stories.

  By the time the stable tour ended, everyone had selected a horse and had fallen in love with their amiable storyteller.

  The violent ringing of a dinner bell reminded everyone they had not eaten since breakfast.

  “You have to join us for dinner, Lucas,” ten-year-old Paul invited him. Lucas was his new hero.

  Lucas looked questioningly at Mika. “Yes, we would love to have you join us,” the priest insisted.

  Lucas watered his ranch dog and pulled a packet of dog food from his pickup. He always took care of his animals first.

  During dinner, Lucas told the family about the Saturday-night street dances held every weekend in their town.

  “You just close down the streets and hold a community dance?” Rachel asked in disbelief.

  “Sure.” Lucas smiled at her. “It is a common occurrence in smaller Texas towns. It is a great way to get to know people and a lot of fun. Would you like to go tonight?”

  “I don’t think so,” Rachel replied hesitantly. “This is our first night here. We need to get settled and spend time with the younger children, so they are comfortable with their new surroundings.”

  “Of course.” Lucas lowered his eyes. “I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Perhaps next Saturday,” Rachel suggested hopefully.

  The light in Lucas’s eyes answered her question long before he said, “That would be wonderful.

  “All of you should come.” He smiled, including the rest of the family.

  The family visited with Lucas and discussed their plans for the next day. “The closest Catholic church is in a town named Burleson, about thirty minutes from here,” Lucas informed them. “I wish we had one in Godly.”


  Mika and Leah gathered their children around them to read a bedtime story. “I will walk Lucas out.” Rachel smiled at her mother.

  “If it wouldn’t be too much of an intrusion,” Lucas said, lowering his eyes, “I’d like to hear the bedtime story too.”

  “Of course you can, dear.” Leah smiled a knowing smile. She knew Lucas missed his family.


  “Wow! What a day!” Mika exclaimed as she settled into bed beside her wonderful wife.

  Without warning, Leah threw herself into Mika’s arms and began crying uncontrollably.

  “Honey, what’s wrong?” She soothed Leah, gently stroking her back as she sobbed. “Don’t you like it here?”

  “I am so happy.” Leah sniffed, trying to control her tears.

  “Remind me not to make you unhappy,” Mika teased.

  “I’ve been so scared since the wedding,” Leah sobbed softly. “I have been so worried about you. So terrified that something would happen to you.”

  “Leah,” Mika said, kissing the top of her head, “I’m not that easy to kill. I haven’t survived two thousand years by being careless.”

  “Everything was so perfect today.” Leah dried her eyes with the tissue Mika handed her. “Arriving in our new home. The children are so excited. All of you playing horsey while I was in the kitchen with the cooks. Seeing real live horses. All of us gathered around the dining table. Everyone loves Texas.

  “This is the first time I’ve relaxed since the wedding. I am so thankful for you an
d our children and the wonderful life God has given us.”

  “We are truly blessed,” Mika whispered.

  Leah pulled herself up to reach Mika’s lips. She kissed Leah slowly, enjoying the salty taste of Leah’s tears on her tongue. Being in Leah’s arms made Mika deliriously happy.

  A moan originated from Mika’s core and escaped her lips as Leah increased the pressure of her lips. Leah’s full, sensuous lips always evoked a flaming desire deep within Mika. She felt sorry for those who weren’t married to women with full lips. They had no idea what they were missing.

  Leah straddled Mika and a low hum of energy encompassed Mika’s body. Magic Leah was in her bed. Mika stopped thinking and let Leah take her wherever she wanted.

  “Be my angel, darling,” she whispered into Mika’s ear. Her warm breath made Mika tremble.

  “Invisible,” Leah gasped as she continued to stroke Mika and kiss her. Mika rose until they were floating in the universe. Earth wasn’t even visible.

  They made slow, passionate love all night, calling on one another to satisfy their desires. There weren’t enough words in any language to describe how much they loved each other. As the early morning dawned, Mika laid Leah down on their bed and curled around her. Sleep came quickly to the sated couple.



  “Darling, did you notice the curious way Howdy looked at our family when we introduced them?” Leah tilted her head slightly as she fastened her earrings into place.

  Mika smiled as she watched Leah make one of the many moves that excited her. Mika moved toward Leah. She looked up at her from under perfectly shaped brows and shook her head, effectively stopping Mika’s advance. “Are you listening to me?”

  “Yes, honey.” Mika grinned. “I did notice. It is probably a good thing Adam, Sara, and our daughters-in-law weren’t with us. We definitely look their age.”

  “I think the time has come for us to stop introducing our older children as our offspring.” Leah grimaced. “We will call too much attention to ourselves.”

  Mika frowned and nodded her agreement.


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