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A Touch of Murder

Page 25

by Donna Raider


  The Cross family quietly slipped into the pew at the back of the church. Lucas had been watching for them and quickly moved to sit next to Rachel. Just before the service started, the two oldest Cross children and their spouses entered the church.

  Lucas smiled as he saw them join the family. He was glad they had set aside time to worship their God.

  As soon as the service ended, the Cross family loaded into their family van and drove back to Godly. Lucas and Rachel followed in Lucas’s truck, while the two newlywed couples shared a Jeep.

  “Rosa and Amanda have Sundays off,” Leah reminded her wife. “Do we dare expose the children to Lucile?”

  Mika laughed out loud. “I guarantee you Lucile will be much more surprised than our children.”


  They parked on the lot beside Lucile’s. Mika walked to the oldest of their children and briefly discussed the reaction of the ranch foreman when they had introduced their younger children. “For right now, we will simply say we are all related, but not say we are your parents. It will certainly cause an uproar in a town this small.”

  Adam and Sara agreed with Mika. “We were having this same conversation on our way here,” Adam said. “Why don’t you and Mom get the children settled and we will wait ten or fifteen minutes before we enter with Rachel and... Who is that with Rachel?” Adam frowned as he scrutinized Lucas Omen.


  “Well, if it isn’t Her Majesty and Mrs. Scrumptious.” Lucile grinned broadly as Leah and Mika walked through the door. Her grin turned to amazement as she watched nine of the most beautiful children she had ever seen follow the couple into the restaurant.

  There was no denying the children. They were either the exact image of Mika or Leah. “Oh my God!” Lucile exhaled, releasing the breath she had been holding.

  “May we pull some tables together?” Mika inquired as she and her sons began putting together a table with room enough for seventeen people. They set up the table as far to the back of the room as possible, so they wouldn’t disturb other diners.

  “Sure, baby cakes.” Lucile laughed. “You can do anything that makes you happy.

  “Obviously you have done that a lot,” she mumbled under her breath as she surveyed the children.

  “Others will be joining us shortly.” Leah smiled at the restaurant owner.

  By the time Lucile had placed silverware and water at seventeen settings, five more magnificent creatures joined the Cross family. Lucile was glad to see Lucas was one of them. Otherwise, she would have bet money she was hallucinating. “Damn Texas heat,” she muttered.

  “Lucas, it’s good to see you,” Lucile welcomed the young rancher. “Looks like you’re in good company.”

  “Yes.” Lucas smiled. “Lucile, this is Rachel, her brother Jacob and her other siblings. Don’t help me.” Lucas grinned at Rachel as he began to introduce her younger siblings. “Regina and Matt, Hannah and Mark, Eve and Paul, and Athena and Luke. You have already met their parents, Mika and Leah Cross.”

  He turned to the four blonde, celestial beings he had just met on the parking lot. “I am sorry; I don’t know how you fit in here.”

  “In-laws.” Jennifer smiled as she extended her hand to Lucile. “Dr. Jennifer Jordon and my wife, Dr. Sara Jordon, Drs. Adam and Amber Stone.”

  Adam and Sara stared at Jennifer for a few seconds. They had never been introduced as anything but Cross. It felt strange, but good too. They smiled at Lucile and took a seat at the family’s table.

  “Queen Mommy,” dark-haired Paul vied for his mother’s attention. “What is bread pudding?”

  “Queen Mommy,” blonde Hannah said quietly, “what is chicken fried steak?”

  “Can we have ice cream?” five-year-olds Athena and Luke chorused. “Please, Queen Mommy?”

  “Why don’t we let Miss Lucile start with Jennifer and Sara and go down the line,” Mika spoke softly. Conversation at the table instantly stopped as the children waited patiently for their turn to order. Leah and Mika helped their youngest twins decide what they wanted, then ordered chicken Caesar salads for themselves.

  “Lucas.” Adam eyed the handsome rancher curiously. “You own the ranch next to us?”

  “Yes.” Lucas shifted uneasily. He had the feeling he was about to be interrogated by a brother instead of an in-law.

  “You just met my, uh, Rachel last night?” Sara took up the questioning.

  “Yes, I delivered her horse to the ranch yesterday.” Lucas smiled faintly. “Your family was kind enough to invite me to dinner.”

  Rachel smiled as Lucas shifted uncomfortably under Adam and Sara’s gazes.

  “So how did you end up at lunch with us?” Amber joined the inquisition.

  “Okay, that is enough.” Rachel laughed. “You have made him extremely uncomfortable with your interrogation.”

  “Thank you,” Lucas mumbled to her.

  “Mika, how did you like Mass this morning?” Rachel moved the conversation away from Lucas.

  “I enjoyed everything.” Mika smiled.

  Lucile and her waitresses had placed the plates of food before the family members. The children joined hands and bowed their heads as Mika blessed their meal.

  The family laughed and talked softly, careful not to disturb other diners. The children tried Lucile’s bread pudding. They all agreed it might become their new favorite dessert.

  “We are going to take the horses out when we get home,” Leah informed her oldest children. “Would you like to join us?”

  “Yes,” Sara and Adam chimed together. They had grown up riding with their mother and thoroughly enjoyed it.

  “Why don’t you ride over to my ranch?” Lucas grinned. “I will have a Texas-style barbeque ready for you when you arrive.”

  “That sounds like fun.” Adam laughed. He was already beginning to like Lucas Omen.


  It was after two when the Cross family arrived home. They went in every direction to change into jeans and boots for their ride to Lucas’s ranch.

  “This must look like an ant bed to God.” Mika laughed at all the activity in her home. She followed Leah to their bedroom to change.

  Mika sat silently, watching her decide what to wear. She changed into several western outfits. “Somehow, you aren’t a cowboy boots kind of gal.” Mika laughed as she observed her with her jeans tucked into the top of a pair of cowboy boots.

  “What do you like best?” Leah huffed, tired of trying to find a look that didn’t make her look like a hayseed.

  “I like you best in nothing at all.” Mika grinned, pulling Leah down on her lap. Leah’s lips instantly found Mika’s.

  “I don’t suppose we could just send the children.” She nibbled at Mika’s lips.

  “I wish.” Mika kissed the tops of Leah’s breasts. “Why don’t you just wear what you usually wear when you ride? Those outfits are striking on you. I can’t keep my eyes off you in those form-fitting britches and knee boots. That riding crop is so hot!”

  “Why didn’t you say so sooner.” She giggled. “You could have saved me a lot of trouble.”

  “I thought you wanted to try something different,” Mika mumbled against her lips.

  “I do.” Leah grinned naughtily. “Only with you and in private.”

  Mika’s body trembled as she suppressed the thoughts of Leah’s suggestion.

  “Hear that low roar?” Mika smiled. “That would be our children coming for us.”

  She instantly dressed them appropriately for the ride.

  “Could you make these jeans not so tight?” Mika grimaced as she stood and stretched.

  “I rather like the way your derrière looks in tight jeans, dear.” Leah’s rich, throaty laugh made Mika want her badly.

  Mika pulled Leah into her arms. “Please don’t tease me like this all afternoon,” she whispered in Leah’s ear.

  “Oh, I’m not teasing, darling.” She placed her warm, soft lips against Mika’s ear. “I am very serious
.” Mika heard the lock on their door click as Leah kissed her passionately.

  As Leah released Mika, she flicked open the door, admitting their children. Mika bent down and scooped up their two youngest, thankful that Leah had relaxed the fit of her jeans so she could bend over.


  Jacob lifted his sister into the saddle of Mars. The black gelding stood patiently waiting for instructions from his rider. Rachel gathered the reins and signaled the big horse to move forward.

  Mika sat her wife on Zeus’s back and placed Athena in front of her. She mounted Hera and Adam handed her Luke.

  With everyone mounted on a horse, the sixteen members of the Cross family looked like a posse heading for Lucas’s ranch. Leah and Mika lead the way while the oldest children brought up the rear. The younger children were safely sandwiched between their parents and older siblings.

  In a resounding baritone voice, Jacob began to sing “Yippee Ti Yi Yo, Get Along Little Doggies.” The other children joined in gleefully. They sang songs and exclaimed over the wildlife that scurried out of their way as they rode the cleared trail to Lucas’s ranch.

  “Where in the world did they learn that?” Leah laughed aloud as she listened to the words of the old trail song.

  “I believe Lucas taught them that last night.” Mika laughed. She briefly wondered why the path to Lucas’s ranch was leveled and cleared. Everything around them was covered in tall grass, shrubs, trees, and an occasional patch of prickly pear cactus.


  The aroma of Lucas’s barbeque reached them long before they reached the ranch. “I can tell I am going to like whatever is cooking.” Jennifer grinned. “If it’s half as good as it smells, this is going to be my new favorite meal.”

  Ranch hands took their horses as they dismounted. “They will unsaddle them and give them water,” Lucas explained as the horses were led away.

  “I hope you’re hungry.” Lucas smiled as he greeted everyone. “Please, follow me to the patio.” Soft country music played through the patio speakers.

  As they walked toward the back of the house, Lucas pointed out restrooms off the patio. “There are two,” he informed them, “one for the ladies and one for the gentlemen. Please feel free to wash up before dinner.”

  Leah led the girls to the ladies’ room as Adam took the boys to the men’s room to wash their hands. The brunette beauty was thankful for Lucas’s thoughtfulness. During the horseback ride, the babies had decided to settle on her bladder, and she was very uncomfortable.

  “Are you okay, honey?” Mika asked apprehensively as Leah walked toward her, rubbing the small of her back.

  “I am fine.” She smiled. “I am just far enough along that the babies are vying for space with my internal organs. I have a slight backache.”

  Mika gently placed one hand on her stomach and the other on the small of her back. A glorious warmth and peacefulness washed over her. She felt incredible.

  “You need to tell me when you have even a moment’s discomfort.” Mika leaned down and kissed her softly.

  “I just did.” Leah grinned, catching Mika’s hand and leading her toward the group gathered around the brick barbeque pit.


  “Boot scooting!” Leah laughed as she watched Lucas give Mika dance lessons.

  “If you are going to fit in here,” Lucas said, grinning, “you have to pronounce it boot scootin’. Drop the G.”

  After about an hour, the entire Cross family was dancing to country music as if they had grown up with it. Lucas was amazed at how quickly they learned. Even five-year-old Luke and Athena were good.

  “It was very kind of you to invite us to your ranch,” Rachel said softly as Lucas danced her across the patio.

  “Honestly,” he admitted, “this is the most fun I’ve had since I moved here. It has been rather lonely.”

  Rachel nodded knowingly. “You have a lovely home. I like it very much.”

  Enough to share it with me? Lucas was surprised at how quickly the thought had entered his head. “Thank you,” he said.

  “I noticed you have a lot of heavy equipment,” Rachel commented. “Are you putting in roads and ponds?”

  “Yes,” Lucas answered, amazed that the beautiful woman was so observant.

  “Did you clear the trail from our stables to your home?” She smiled slightly as she watched his face.

  “Um, yes.” Lucas knew he was blushing. “I wanted to make certain you could get here easily.”

  “Did you do that before or after you invited us?” She smiled as he missed a few steps, almost stumbling.

  “Before.” He laughed. “I did it after I met your parents. I liked them and wanted to be friends with them.” He didn’t want to tell her that he and his men had worked all night clearing the trail just for her.


  Lucas Omen watched the Cross family ride away. He was glad they had thought to bring along flashlights. It was after midnight, and the only light visible was from the heavens. Out here, one could see the stars and constellations.

  He couldn’t get the face of Rachel Cross out of his mind. From the first moment he had touched her, she had filled his thoughts and dreams.

  Lucas had always lived a solitary life, never allowing himself to fall in love. Love was a distraction. Rachel Cross was most definitely a distraction. He wondered if he was worthy of a woman like Rachel Cross.

  His prayers that night were pleas for the love of Rachel Cross. He hoped, with all his heart, that she would grow to love him as he loved her.


  Leah took the younger children into the house so they could shower and get ready for bed. Mika and the older children unsaddled the horses and brushed them down before turning them out to pasture.

  Hannah and Mark put grain in each horse’s stall feeder then walked to the house with Mika.

  “So, Lucas.” Matt raised a questioning eyebrow at his older sister. They were putting the tack in the tack room.

  “Yeah, Rach,” Jacob joined into his brother’s teasing.

  “Lucas, what?” Rachel said haughtily.

  “You look just like Mom when you are haughty.” Jacob laughed.

  “Seriously, what do you think of Lucas?” Matt persisted.

  “I think he is very nice,” Rachel said, shrugging her shoulders, “but I have much more important things on my mind right now.”

  “Like discovering other worlds.” Jacob nodded approvingly. “You may be the salvation of the human race, after it destroys this planet.”

  “I believe our entire family will have a hand in saving the human race.” Matt grimaced, wondering how his teasing had led to the very serious discussion about mankind’s continued existence.

  “We seriously need to talk to Mom and Mika about our decision,” Regina joined the discussion. “You know Adam and Amber want to join us.”

  “I’m not certain Mom and Mika will be happy about what we want to do.”

  “Let’s talk to Mika first,” Rachel suggested. “You know how Mom can flare up if she perceives any danger for her children.”

  Everyone laughed at Rachel’s choice of words to describe their mother’s reactions when displeased.


  Mika propped herself up on her elbow as she massaged her wife’s back. “I think we should limit the hours you spend on horseback until the babies come.”

  “You may be right,” Leah whimpered. “What you are doing feels so good. A little to the right. Oh, yes, darling, right there.”

  “First thing in the morning we are going to locate the closest local hospital and find you the best obstetrician in the area. It will be good to have you with an OBGYN instead of a jack of all trades.”

  “Um, I don’t really need anyone but you, darling.” She drifted off to sleep, loving the feel of Mika’s gentle, powerful hands massaging her back.

  Soft kisses on Mika’s breast woke her at seven in the morning. “Good, you are awake.” Leah stretched out on top of Mika. “Thank you for last n
ight. You give wonderful massages. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

  “Um,” Mika hummed as Leah kissed the pulse point in her neck. “I am glad you did. I was concerned about you. Yesterday was very tiring for everyone. You’ve never experienced back pain before.”

  “I am fully rested now,” Leah murmured against Mika’s lips, “and ready to make love to you.” Soft, sweet kisses made Mika want to clasp Leah tighter against her.

  “Just calm down, Your Majesty.” Mika rolled Leah off her. “We’re not doing anything until you have seen an OBGYN. We need to see a complete workup on everything: blood tests…”

  “Darling, I am fine.” Leah kissed Mika deeply, trying to engage Mika in her suggested activity instead of Mika’s.

  “Leah, please,” she begged. “You are my life. Please do this for me. This is the first time you have conceived living outside of your town. This is the first time you will give birth in the real world. We don’t know how that will affect you.”

  “Okay,” Leah huffed, “but I don’t see why we can’t make love right now.”

  “Because I am not taking any chances with you or our babies.” Mika kissed her chastely, then wrapped around her to sleep.


  They sat in the waiting room of Dr. Cynthia Adams, an OBGYN whose offices were located right next to an excellent hospital in a town called Burleson.

  Leah huffed as she filled out the extensive questionnaire required of new patients. The questionnaire’s language was so indelicate.

  “These questions are intensely personal.” She snorted. “They don’t need to know the frequency of our activities.”

  Several waiting room patients stared at them openly.

  “Apparently they do,” Mika said softly, trying to quiet her. “Your former doctor asked us the same question.”

  “I thought he was just being his usual perverted self.” She smirked.

  Mika looked over her arm to read the questionnaire Leah was filling out. “It doesn’t say frequency of activity.” She grinned. “It says frequency of interco—”

  “I know the lowbred word they used,” Leah snapped. “That doesn’t mean I have to use it.”

  “I love you, Your Majesty,” Mika whispered in her ear.


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