A Touch of Murder

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A Touch of Murder Page 32

by Donna Raider

  “Aren’t you the little mind reader?” She brushed her lips.


  They arrived early so they could dance before the dinner crowd started pouring in.

  She leaned her head against Mika’s shoulder as a slow dance set the pace for their movements. “Did I mention that Carlie and Scarlett are joining us?”

  “Oh!” Mika pulled back from her slightly. “I forgot to tell you that Sara and Jennifer are meeting us here. I am so sorry. Today was a busy day for me. It just slipped my mind.”

  “Oh, well.” She sighed. “If things get out of hand, you can just do that calming thingy you do.”

  Mika chuckled. “Or you could do that disappearing thingy you do.”

  “Too late,” Leah said with a sigh, “our daughter and daughter-in-law just walked in.”

  They joined their children at a table for six. “I am afraid that our failure to communicate may cause an unpleasant situation for all of us,” Mika explained as she waved Joe to bring more wine.

  “I forgot to tell your mother we were meeting you, and she accepted Carlie and Scarlett’s invitation to have dinner here tonight.”

  All eyes turned toward Jennifer. “No problem for me.” The beautiful doctor smiled. “I have what I want.” She gripped Sara’s hand and pulled it onto her leg.

  “As do I.” Sara smiled.

  “How was your first day back at work?” Sara asked her parents.

  “Busy,” they replied in unison. The smile that passed between them was filled with love.

  “How have things been for you, Jennifer?” Leah said.

  “Hectic!” Jennifer exclaimed. “I believe they saved all the truly difficult heart surgeries for me. I have barely been able to get my head up, but it is good to be back. I love what I do.”

  Sara nodded. “You are the most dedicated physician I have ever met. Very different from the doctor in our hometown. He spent more time chasing women than being a doctor.”

  Everyone laughed as they recalled their hometown doctor.

  “Where is your hometown?” Jennifer furrowed her brow. “I don’t believe I’ve ever heard you say where you’re from.”

  “I will take you there sometime.” Sara smiled. “It is in Maine. So small it isn’t even on the maps.”

  Carlie spotted the brunette long before she realized she was sitting with her wife and two other blondes. She and Scarlett were at the table before she realized Sara and Jennifer were there.

  Scarlett smiled and greeted everyone.

  “Mika had agreed to dinner with the children before I told her you would be joining us.” Leah smiled. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “The more the merrier.” Carlie smiled. “It is good to see all of you. New York isn’t quite the same without you.”

  The detective looked around the restaurant and was glad to see her security team was guarding the priest.

  “I trust you had no problems today?” She cocked an eyebrow at Mika.

  “Only theological,” she answered.

  “I thought you were in Geneva,” Scarlett addressed Sara.

  “I came home today.” The blonde-haired beauty smiled. “I’m just home for the weekend then back to trying to bring hope to the hopeless.”

  Carlie leaned across the table and spoke softly to Mika. “I need to meet with you as soon as possible to set up the security arrangements for your boss’s visit.”

  “Tomorrow, okay?” the priest suggested.

  “The sooner, the better,” Carlie advised. “This is a high-alert situation. Homeland Security is even getting involved. We have less than thirty days to coordinate everything.”


  “That was enjoyable.” Leah slipped on her pajamas and walked into the en-suite. “It was good to see everyone again.”

  Mika nodded as she watched her wife put toothpaste on her toothbrush. She loved watching her do even the most mundane things.

  “I admire Sara,” Mika voiced her thoughts. “I’m not certain I could sit down to dinner with one of your former lovers.”

  Leah rinsed her toothbrush then walked to Mika. She settled onto her lap and kissed her lovingly. “It hurts me that you even have such thoughts,” she said softly.

  “It hurts me that my past causes you pain.” She bit her lower lip as she gazed into Mika’s clear blue eyes.

  “I am being a baby,” she huffed. “I am sorry I said anything. It is just that sometimes I get a twinge of jealousy, when I think of someone else…holding you.”

  “I know, baby.” Leah kissed her again. “I do understand.”


  Latimore Cruzar grabbed his phone. He was glad to see Sean’s face on the screen. “Hey, buddy, are you back?”

  “Yeah.” Sean laughed at his friend’s obvious joy at his return. “How was your vacation?”

  “It was okay,” Lat grunted. “How was your tour?”

  “A lot of work,” Sean said. “Want to meet at our usual place for dinner?”

  “You bet,” Lat agreed.


  Jax walked beside his person as they entered the bar and grill. Lat was already at a table, finishing his first beer. He was with two Islamic jihadists. Lat introduced the men. Lat knew Hussein and Sahab were in the US to create as much chaos as possible, a fact he did not share with Sean. The two terrorists had easily entered the US in a group of Syrian refugees.

  Jax’s hackles stood on end, but he made no sound. He placed himself between the men and his person.

  “You left me alone all summer.” Lat grinned. “I had to make new friends.”

  The men shook hands then settled into easy conversation. They shared anecdotes about their vacations, each of them lying. Jax lay at Sean’s feet, never taking his eyes off Hussein and Sahab.

  “The ladies truly love you.” Sean shook his head. “You are such a rascal.”

  Lat laughed, pleased that his friend was impressed by his prowess with women.

  “Jax and I just worked,” Sean said sadly. “If I didn’t have him, I am afraid I wouldn’t have anyone.”

  “You are far too handsome to be alone.” Lat grinned. “Look, there are two hot gals just begging someone to fuck them.”

  Sean surveyed the two women Lat nodded toward. One was a bottle blonde and the other was sexy in a south-of-the-border way. They both wore short shorts with halter tops. Both sported tramp stamps at the top of their buttocks.

  “No thanks.” Sean chuckled. “I don’t go after women who should come with a penicillin shot.”

  “Yeah.” Lat grinned. “Been there, screwed that. If we want higher-class women, we need to frequent higher-class bars.”

  “Right now, I just want to relax and spend some time with Jax.” Sean smiled.

  The men turned their attention to the television as news of the Pope’s upcoming visit blared into the bar. There was detailed discussion of the security that would surround the Pope.

  Watcher wondered why officials always felt compelled to give out such important information. They practically provided Cruzar a road map to the places where security would be the weakest.

  “Looks like the Holy Father will be here next week.” Lat took a long pull on his beer. “I can’t wait to see him.”

  The terrorists narrowed their eyes. Killing the Pope during his tour of America would certainly create chaos. Since Lat seemed tremendously fond of Sean, the men assumed they were both involved in Lat’s plans.


  Latimore Cruzar had not left New York. He had gone crazy trying to locate Priest Mika Cross. He had to find the priest, but her entire family had simply disappeared without a trace.

  Lat had dated Alice, the Catholic church’s librarian, all summer, hoping to hear something about the priest. She knew nothing. He had been sleeping with Alice for the past month. On the surface, she was a timid little thing, but had proven to be most satisfying in bed.

  A knock at his door pulled him from his thoughts. This will be either the pizza delivery
guy or Alice coming to get laid, he thought.

  “Alice.” He smiled his most dazzling smile and kissed her hello. The pizza deliveryman was right behind her.

  “Timing doesn’t get any better than this.” He grinned as he pulled bills from his wallet and handed them to the deliveryman.

  “I got ham and pineapple,” he said as he turned to Alice, “your favorite.”

  She was immensely pleased that he remembered her favorite pizza. She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him again.

  “What would you like to drink?” He led her to the kitchen. “I made fresh tea and I have your favorite cold drink.”

  “Tea?” She giggled.

  “Or you could have a beer,” he teased as he poured her tea.

  “You know the church frowns on alcoholic beverages.” She scowled.

  However, it is okay for you to screw my brains out, he thought. It always amazed him how Christians could pick and choose which rules to follow.

  She placed their pizza on plates while he carried their drinks to the living room.

  “I have that chick flick you wanted to watch,” he said, smiling.

  She settled beside him on the sofa as he started the video.


  “Oh my God,” Alice screamed. “Please, Lat, no more.”

  They had made love for the last two hours. Sometimes she was on top and sometimes he was the aggressor. Either way, it was good. She wasn’t the best lay he had ever had, but she wasn’t the worst.

  He fell beside her, panting like a dog. He grinned as he realized she, too, was gasping for air. “I think our pizza has gotten cold,” he mumbled against her ear.

  “Microwave,” she groaned.

  As soon as he could breathe easily, he slipped on his jeans and carried the pizza into the kitchen. She was dressed by the time the microwave bell dinged, signaling the pizza was warm.


  “That was wonderful.” She smiled when the video ended. She snuggled closer to him then moved to sit on his lap. “So are you.” She kissed him. She tasted like pizza. He hoped she wouldn’t want to spend the night. He wanted to be alone.

  “Priest Mika returned from vacation yesterday,” she announced. “I know you wanted to talk with her.”

  He overcame the urge to slap her. “Why didn’t you let me know yesterday?”

  “You didn’t call me,” she said smugly.

  “So, everything is back to normal.” He nibbled at her earlobe.

  “Um, not really.” She kissed him. “She still has the bodyguards.”

  “Bodyguards?” Lat was not aware of bodyguards. “Why does she have bodyguards?”

  “Someone tried to kill her at her daughter’s wedding.” She wrinkled her nose, pleased to have information that interested him. “She has had bodyguards ever since.”

  Lat was disturbed that Cross knew she was being targeted. He had lost the element of surprise.


  Watcher walked Jax through the park. He read the latest text again. His initial instructions had been to frame Latimore Cruzar for the deaths of the priests in Iran. Then to plant enough evidence in the room of Monsignor Yiannis Abusir, the Pope's secretary, to connect him to Cruzar. His latest directive was simply to kill Abusir.

  He knew it would be difficult to get close to Abusir, as he was always with the Pope and security was impenetrable. He knew Cruzar had two directives: kill Priest Mika Cross and the Pope. Cross had been out of New York for the summer, stymieing Cruzar’s efforts to assassinate her. Suddenly the controversial priest had returned with her wife.

  The stupid slut from the library had informed Lat of the priest’s return. Watcher briefly considered killing her, but knew she wasn’t an approved target.


  Cruzar had staked out the home of Priest Mika for three days. He never saw her leave or return to Cross Towers. He changed his surveillance to the church. He knew Cross was in her office daily because her security team was at the church.

  After three days of waiting for Cross to come out of the church, Cruzar realized he had to formulate a different plan. He had to kill Cross before the Pope arrived in New York.


  “How was work today?” Mika kissed her wife softly as she handed her a cup of decaffeinated coffee. Mika settled beside her on the sofa.

  “Very tiring,” Leah said. “As you know, we worked all day without a break. The cast is wonderful. They are doing all they can to help finish filming the episodes that feature me.”

  Mika nodded. “They are extremely supportive of you.”

  “How was your day, darling?” Leah sipped her coffee.

  “Very productive. I spent most of the day with Carlie and that fellow from Homeland Security. They have a very elaborate security network set up to protect the Pope.”

  “If anyone can protect him, Carlie can,” Leah noted.

  “I think I am going take a long hot bath.” Leah yawned slightly. “Then I’ll go to bed.”

  “I need to finish writing down some information Carlie needs.” Mika leaned down and kissed her longingly. “I promised her I would email it to her tonight. I will be in as soon as I finish.”


  Sara walked from the shower. She bent over and kissed her wife. “Have I told you how sexy you look in those glasses?” She smiled.

  “Only about a million times.” Jennifer laughed. “But don’t ever stop. I love it.”

  “I have to leave at one a.m.,” Sara said. “Geneva is six hours ahead of our time, so I need to be there in time to mix and mingle before lunch. I have a big meeting after lunch.”

  Jennifer caught her wife’s hand and pulled her down to sit beside her on the bed. “I hate it when you leave in the middle of the night. I hate waking in the morning without you in my arms.”

  “I know.” Sara smiled sadly. “I hate it too.”

  Jennifer removed her glasses and laid them and her book on the nightstand. She pulled Sara into her arms. “Let’s make the most of the time we have.”


  It was almost midnight. Sara was lying still beside Jennifer. She didn’t want to wake her. They had made love for hours and she knew Jennifer was tired. The summer they had spent together had made her fall even deeper in love with the beautiful doctor.

  Jennifer had taken all her family’s revelations in stride and never once questioned their existence. Sara was certain that few mortals would be as accepting and supportive as Jennifer. She turned her head to watch her wife sleep. She couldn’t imagine her life without the young doctor.

  A pain pierced her heart as her mind betrayed her with thoughts of Jennifer’s mortality. Sara didn’t even want to think about that.

  The silence of the night was broken by the buzzing of Jennifer’s phone. Sara knew the sound signaled a call from the hospital. She groaned.

  Jennifer groggily reached for the cellphone. “Dr. Jordon. Yes, prep him. I will be right there.”

  Jennifer was out of the bed and into her clothes before Sara could speak.

  “What is wrong?” Sara gasped.

  “Father Darius. He has been shot. It’s serious. Can you transport me to the hospital? Time is crucial.”

  “Of course.” As she spoke, Sara dressed and materialized them in Jennifer’s office.

  Sara followed Jennifer as she ran to the operating room. Detective Carlyle was standing in the hallway outside the scrub station.

  “What happened?” Sara asked as Jennifer disappeared through the surgical room doors.

  “I don’t know,” Carlie growled. “I am called anytime something happens to a priest. I just arrived too.”

  A handsome young intern joined them in the hallway. “He is calling for Priest Mika Cross. He wants his last rites,” the man informed them.

  Sara called Mika.


  “Honey.” Mika knocked on the en-suite door before entering. “I have to go to the hospital. I need to perform the last rites for…”

  “I’ll go with you.�
� Leah sat up in the tub, water streaming from her long hair, down her shoulders.

  “No. It isn’t necessary. I won’t be long. You go to bed. I know you are exhausted. Your major concern for the next few weeks is our babies.” She leaned down and kissed Leah.

  Leah pulled her closer for a more intimate kiss. “I love you,” she said huskily.

  “I love you, too, darling.” Then Mika was gone.


  Sara heard Mika before she saw her. Few women had the long, easy stride of Mika Cross.

  “Mika, it’s Darius.” She sobbed. “He’s been shot. Jennifer is with him. He requested last rites.”

  Mika turned to a nurse headed into the operating room. “May I go in?” she asked.

  “Dr. Jordon is with him,” the nurse said. “Let her work her magic. If anyone can save him, she can. I will let you know if your services are needed.”

  Mika nodded and hugged her daughter.

  “Where is your security detail?” Carlie demanded.

  “I, uh, came so quickly. I must have lost them.” Mika frowned. “I’m sorry.”


  “He’s calling for you,” Jennifer spoke to the priest as she removed her surgical gloves. “He is going to be okay, but he wants to see you.”

  “Can he talk?” Carlie asked. “I need to know what happened.”

  Jennifer nodded. “If both of you will follow me, you can speak with him. You can’t talk to him long, so make it quick.”

  As they entered the intensive care unit, Mika nodded to the young intern who held open the door for them. Jennifer leaned over Father Darius and spoke to him. Darius’s eyes opened and he smiled as he saw Mika leaning over the doctor’s shoulder.

  A sudden flash of fire filled the room as a gunshot echoed through the halls. The young intern leveled the gun to fire again at Mika. A single shot from Carlie Carlyle’s Glock ripped off the gunman’s head.

  Mika stared in amazement at the blood pouring from her gunshot wound. Leah was right. It is more of an explosion than a bullet hole. Mika fell to her knees.


  Leah Cross shot straight up in her bed. The excruciating pain in her chest told her Mika was injured. In an instant, she was at her wife’s side. She was crumpled on the floor. Mika was covered in blood. Blood was everywhere. Rivers of the red life force flowed from all directions, disappearing down the drain in the center of the ICU floor. “God, no,” Leah screamed. “Don’t do this to me, please, God!”


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