Gilmreth the Awakening

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Gilmreth the Awakening Page 50

by Raymond L. Weil

  The very foundation of the temple itself seemed to tremble. Massive stones cracked and rocked from the onslaught. Another of the stone dragons broke loose and fell upon the tables of food far below, crushing everything. It seemed as if the temple was about to cave in upon itself. Not since the Worldfire had such powerful forces been unleashed!

  “This is your last chance; join with me, or die!” Adam growled, his face looking strained as he focused all his energy through the Stone of Loraine.

  “I will never join you, Adam. It ends here and now!” responded Lynol, feeling her crystal grow fiery hot in the palm of her hand.

  Her concentration and determination grew. She wouldn’t let her mother down! Lynol’s mother had believed she could defeat Grayson. Now she would prove her right! Lynol summoned up all of her inner strength, all of her will, all of her abilities. She focused her mind on her brightly glowing amulet, giving it everything she had. She took deep breaths trying to control her pounding heart.

  On Adam’s face, a look of intense concentration and then doubt appeared. He hadn’t expected such powerful resistance from this woman’s crystal. The blue crystal was undoubtedly Loraine’s handiwork, perhaps even stronger than the Stone of Loraine. Adam’s thoughts raced, searching desperately for a weakness.

  This last spell he’d flung at this young woman should have been unstoppable, but her crystal had stopped it cold! Adam focused on the Stone of Loraine, feeding all of his energy into it. He wouldn’t be defeated, not when he was so close to achieving all of his goals, not after all these years of careful, meticulous planning!

  The glow from the Stone of Loraine intensified, becoming almost blinding. Lynol’s blue crystal became steadily brighter and brighter, pulsing in tune with her heartbeat. Another of the stone dragons atop the temple exploded in a shower of blue and red energy, shattered by the forces of the two crystals, sending stone fragments into the screaming, fleeing crowd below. Lynol’s blue light slowly began to push back Adam’s red. She could feel her crystal growing even hotter in her hand.

  “You can’t be this strong,” Adam grunted through tight lips, his face a mirror of hard concentration, an appearance of uncertainty showing as he called forth all the power he could muster. “Nothing and no one should be able to resist this spell. I am the most powerful sorcerer ever to be born!”

  “It must end, Adam,” Lynol spoke clearly, her face showing the strain. “Surrender and I'll put you back into stasis to await future judgment. You don’t have to die!” Lynol could feel the strain. The crystal was sapping her strength. She knew Adam had to be weakening also.

  “Never!” growled Adam, his eyes taking on a wild look of desperation, seeing his plans shatter. The years of careful planning, the culminations of his dreams were becoming unraveled before his very eyes. There was no way he would return to stasis!

  His thoughts turned to escape. He must get away from this girl and the amulet she wielded. That it had been designed to defeat him there could be no doubt. Adam knew if he remained much longer, he might very well be facing his own death! Judgment from the past was reaching out its ancient hand to touch him, to take away his long awaited victory. Damn you, Jason Sylvar, he thought angrily, glaring at the young woman standing before him.

  A sudden loud crashing noise, a brilliant burst of blue light, and the Stone of Loraine died, its fiery red glow fading away. For a brief moment, Adam stared at the darkened stone in horrified shock. How could this have happened? Then it dawned on Adam; Loraine had specifically designed the other crystal to neutralize the Stone of Loraine!

  At that instant, the full force of the blue crystal’s energy struck the unprotected sorcerer, covering his body in a bright blue radiance. A hollow angry, defiant scream echoed through the air. His eyes narrowed, fiercely gazing in desperation at Cathy Matheson’s daughter, a last desperate attempt at a new spell dying upon his fast moving fingertips.

  With a bright flash of energy, Adam vanished. A final black scream, sounding almost inhuman, tore from Adam’s throat and echoed hauntingly across the platform. All that remained of the sorcerer from the Golden Age were blackened ashes floating down gently in the night air. They came to rest upon the temple platform, only to be blown away and dispersed by the cold night wind. The Stone of Loraine lay quiescently upon the cold stone of the temple platform where it had fallen, its ruby crystal extinguished, its intricate matrix once again shattered.

  “It’s over,” Aldin breathed, his eyes wide, getting up from the stone floor of the platform where he had been knocked down, still not believing what he had just witnessed. With a sudden cry, he rushed over to Dresdia, who lay nearly unconscious upon the cold, unforgiving stone.

  “Who was Cathy Matheson?” Damon asked, confused, standing up and walking over to his daughter putting his arms protectively around her shoulders, still in awe over what had just occurred. “Who was this man you just fought?” There was much here he didn’t understand.

  Damon suspected part of it involved his long dead wife, but how was that possible? Nothing had gone as he had imagined it might. This night had taken on a strange turn of events, and Lynol had a lot of explaining to do. It was obvious some important secrets had been kept from him.

  “I’ll explain on the way home,” Lynol replied wearily, feeling weak and nauseous from the energy her crystal had drained from her. She felt a wave of dizziness sweep over her, but she steadied herself and took several deep breaths. Lynol still had a few more things that had to be done before she could rest.

  She couldn’t believe she’d won, that it was actually over! Jalene was gone, Adam Grayson destroyed, and Gilmreth driven back to his lair. Lynol watched as Aldin freed a trembling Dresdia from the manacles and chains that held her. Dresdia held on to her father tightly, sobbing on his shoulder, finally allowing her emotions to come out.

  The priests still conscious upon the temple platform looked at this new sorceress with growing fear in their eyes. Here was a young woman who had defeated the dragon and vanquished Daes. What was now in store for them? They waited nervously for her instructions. Was she to be their new ruler?

  Dresdia freed herself from her father and rushed over to Lynol, hugging her in a tight embrace. “I knew you would come!” she cried tearfully, her body shaking. The two held each other tightly for a long moment, their friendship stronger than ever. Their lives forever cemented in an unbreakable bond.

  “Whatever possessed you to pose as me?” admonished Lynol, stepping back. “You should never have done such a thing. If you would have been hurt, I would never have forgiven myself!”

  “It was the only thing I could think of to stop them from searching for you,” replied Dresdia, recalling the incident with Sikes. With Lynol here there was no doubt Sikes would soon pay for his crimes, especially when she told her what he’d tried to do. “I just didn’t realize they would drag me off to Draydon!”

  “I’m just glad you’re all right,” continued Lynol, feeling relieved that her friend had survived. “You were very brave; Kalvin will be so proud of you!”

  Lynol stepped over to the edge of the temple platform looking down at the myriads of people looking up in confusion and with a dawning glimmer of hope in their eyes. They knew the dragon was gone, driven away by this mysterious woman, that Jalene was dead, sacrificed to Gilmreth by the High Priest, and now Daes was gone as well. Word was rapidly spreading by mouth about what this young woman had done to defeat the High Priest.

  “People of Draydon,” Lynol’s voice rang out clearly, “I am Lynol Sylvar, and today you are free! The temple guards and priests will be disbanded immediately. Anyone that committed any crimes against the people of Draydon will be brought to justice and put on trial. This temple will be torn down! You no longer have anything to fear. Your nightmare is over!”

  The crowd below was quiet for several long moments, then voices began to be heard, and finally the crowd erupted into cheers. Some still held disbelief in their faces as they looked at one another. Was it a
ctually over, could they return to their old lives? Lynol Sylvar had freed them. The Sylvars truly were capable of legendary feats just as the old stories foretold. Excited and relieved voices could be heard talking throughout the remaining crowd as hope returned to Draydon.

  Lynol looked out over the city. Many of the torches and braziers had been extinguished in the battle. Much of the town lay in darkness. Someone would have to be put in charge here, she thought, the temple torn down and Jalene’s priests and temple guards put on trial for their horrible crimes. With Jalene and Adam dead, there was no one who could threaten the sleepers in their hidden crypt deep beneath Firestorm Mountain. Someday, a new Golden Age would indeed arrive with their awakening. Lynol held her still warm crystal in her left hand, thinking of her mother, wishing Cathy could know of her triumph.

  Her mother’s and Jason Sylvar’s dreams of a marvelous and bright future had taken a giant step forward today. Her thoughts turned to Kalvin. For just a moment, she allowed herself to dream of a future together, but then she remembered Gilmreth. The dragon still waited and still had to be dealt with! He could ruin everything. When Gilmreth became hungry, he would rise to feed. She had to stop him from ever leaving his lair again!

  Chapter Nineteen

  Lynol and Kalvin stood shivering before the dark tunnel entrance that led down to Gilmreth’s lair, high on Firestorm Mountain. They were both dressed warmly, for it was bitter cold this high up on the mountain. Even through their heavy cloaks the biting cold penetrated. Under her cloak, Lynol was dressed as a sorceress, her blue crystal lying prominently between the gentle swell of her breasts. A moderate dusting of snow covered the steep slope around them as they stared at the dark, beckoning entrance.

  The chill wind swirled upon the mountain’s slope, moaning ominously amongst the high crags above them. Firestorm Mountain’s summit was already covered in deep snow, and soon the entire mountain would be buried beneath the powdery white stuff making a journey to Gilmreth’s lair impossible. It had been difficult enough as it was.

  “Is this really necessary, Lynol?” Kalvin asked once more, his brown eyes pleading, not wanting Lynol to enter the tunnel. She’d been through so much recently. Now she wanted to face Gilmreth! Kalvin couldn’t bear the thought of losing her.

  “It must be done, Kalvin. We can’t wait any longer,” responded Lynol, her light blue eyes looking into Kalvin’s brown ones. “We can’t allow Gilmreth to rise and feed again. Too many people would die. I have no other choice.”

  “But you just got back from Draydon,” Kalvin spoke with a worried look crossing his face. “Have you recovered enough to face the dragon? You used a lot of energy in your battle with Gilmreth and the High Priest!”

  “I was very tired afterward, Kalvin,” admitted Lynol, recalling how she had collapsed into her father’s arms after they had descended from the top of the temple. She’d spent nearly two days sleeping in a comfortable bed at one of the inns in Draydon before she managed to recover enough to get up and walk around. Dresdia had stayed at her side the entire time.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” asked Kalvin, wishing there was some other way. It just didn’t seem fair, not after everything Lynol had gone through.

  Lynol was thankful they were gone from Draydon. The memories of what happened on top of the temple would haunt her for years. Many of the temple guards and priests had been arrested and would soon be facing trial for their crimes. Dalden Sikes was among them, and from the temperament of the people in Draydon many of Jalene’s cohorts would be confronting very dim futures. When Dresdia finally told Lynol what Sikes had tried, it was all Lynol could do to control her anger toward the man.

  Lynol was confident they had left responsible people in charge. The new leaders in Draydon also knew that she would be returning in the spring to check up on them. She had no real desire to return to Draydon, but it would be necessary to ensure that Jalene’s temple theocracy had been eliminated. It would take awhile, but life in Draydon would eventually return to normal, or as close to normal as could be expected. The memories and pain from everything Jalene and Adam had done to the city and its people would last for quite some time.

  “Is this the only way?” Kalvin asked, anxiously. “Isn’t there anything else we can do?” This confrontation with Gilmreth frightened him more than when Lynol had gone off to Draydon.

  “You know it is, Kalvin,” Lynol replied softly, responding to Kalvin’s question and taking his hands firmly in hers. “It took us nearly two weeks to get everything straightened out in Draydon. All that time I was fearful Gilmreth might rise to feed, but he has stayed asleep.”

  “Malcon and I were very worried that it was taking so long,” responded Kalvin, recalling the constant fear and worry while Lynol, Dresdia, Damon, and his father were in Draydon. They had no way of knowing what was happening.

  “We placed responsible people in charge and banished many of the men who had served in the temple as guards and priests,” replied Lynol, understanding the concern and worry Kalvin had felt. But there had been no way she could contact either Kalvin or Malcon to let them know everything was all right.

  “I still wish that I could’ve gone to Draydon with you,” Kalvin said.

  “It was important that you stayed behind, Kalvin,” spoke Lynol, squeezing his hands. She wished she could have spent more time with Kalvin since she’d returned from Draydon, but she couldn’t delay coming to the mountain any longer. “There are so many people living in Draydon now. We can’t risk Gilmreth going there!”

  “So the people who were brought to Draydon by force are going to stay?” Kalvin asked with some surprise. He’d thought they might return to their own villages and homes.

  “Some of them will,” replied Lynol, nodding her head. “There will be a few that will return to their homes, but Jalene and Adam did make Draydon and the surrounding countryside a very good place to live. They had to in order to accomplish what they wanted. A city where they could rule all of mankind as they saw fit, living a life of luxury, and getting everything they desired.”

  “There are so many people living in Draydon,” said Kalvin, trying to imagine that many people in one place.

  “That’s why Gilmreth has to be stopped. The dragon could do terrible harm to the city and its people,” continued Lynol, gazing into Kalvin’s eyes, hoping he understood.

  “Gilmreth, it’s always been Gilmreth!” Kalvin’s brow furrowed and he gazed at the ground, slowly shaking his head. “It’s just not fair after all we’ve been through.”

  The expression of anguish that crossed Kalvin’s face said more than mere words could. He’d spent many heart wrenching days waiting for Lynol’s return, then had listened spellbound as she told him all that had transpired in Draydon. He still found it hard to believe that Lynol had actually defeated Grayson. She had defeated a sorcerer from the Golden Age itself! Now she had to face Gilmreth, a threat probably greater than everything she’d faced before combined. Why did fate seem to be so stacked against them?

  No immediate answer was forthcoming. They both knew that Lynol had no choice in this matter. Fate and prophecy had decided everything ages before. The final piece of the ancient prophecy upon the painted wall of the sacrificial altar was about to be played out.

  Kalvin held Lynol’s hands breathing deeply, wishing there was something else he could say. This was the woman that he loved so deeply and who had accomplished so much! How could he let her face Gilmreth alone? The cold wind blowing upon the mountain made him shiver and he pulled Lynol close, placing his arms protectively around her.

  Kalvin knew what she was about to attempt was extremely dangerous, and the last sorcerer to try had sacrificed his life putting Gilmreth to sleep. Even Malcon’s simulacrum in the underground crypt had been unsure if Lynol had the power to survive the deadly invocation of the powerful sleeping spell.

  “I’m a Sylvar, and this is my destiny, Kalvin,” Lynol spoke softly, taking her right hand, placing it on Kalvin’
s cheek, and looking into his eyes. “The ancient prophecy predicted this.”

  “I still think I should go inside with you,” Kalvin persisted, looking down into her light blue eyes. “I don’t have to enter Gilmreth’s lair. I could go as far as the other tunnel entrance, the smaller one, and wait there for you!”

  “No, Kalvin; I don’t want to worry about protecting you while I’m dealing with the dragon. You’ll be safer out here!”

  Lynol wished Kalvin could go in with her, but she knew that wouldn’t be wise. Her heart yearned for a future with Kalvin, but Gilmreth stood in the way as the dragon always had.

  Dresdia and she had talked long and in depth about Kalvin and Gilmreth. Dresdia had made it very clear to Lynol how Kalvin felt. Dresdia didn’t know how they would survive if anything happened to Lynol and had told her that.

  Lynol felt the same way about Kalvin and Dresdia, but Gilmreth had always been there her entire life, haunting the back of her mind. Even as a child when they were playing games in the old hay barn, Gilmreth had always been a part of their childhood imaginations. Now the dragon was a reality!

  Kalvin held Lynol, wishing this wasn’t happening. He’d been so afraid of losing her when she’d gone to face Jalene and rescue Dresdia. To have her return safely and then go off immediately to face Gilmreth was almost more than he could stand. Why did it have to be this way? Hadn’t Lynol already done enough? Damn the ancient prophecy anyway!

  “It’s time, Kalvin,” Lynol whispered, stepping back out of his arms and removing her heavy cloak to stand before him in her sorceress clothes. She looked gently up into his face. The next moment, they were both lost in a deep, passionate kiss, their hearts fluttering on dreams of what still might be.


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