Bending Iron (Fallen Saints MC Book 5)

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Bending Iron (Fallen Saints MC Book 5) Page 4

by Winter Sloane

  Iron tried to remember who the heck Carl was. “Like Devil said, we have no idea what happened to Skull’s brother.”

  Sting scoffed. “You think we’re stupid?”

  “Yeah, especially for coming here,” Iron said. His mind worked furiously. Had Sting and Rat been snooping in the area for hours? How had they managed to avoid detection? Iron tried a more civil route. The last thing he wanted was for tonight to end in more bodies. “Talk to us using the proper channels. You never know. We might be happy to help.”

  Rat laughed, telling Iron he didn’t think much of that area. Saint wouldn’t be happy to know that scum like Rat and Sting were sniffing around their territory. Iron had to let his club President or VP know about this development. Pronto.

  “Let’s go, Sting,” Rat said, getting on his bike.

  “What? We’re done? We can take him. Get us a juicy prize in return,” Sting said, licking his lips.

  Iron fired at his feet, stirring dead leaves from their ground. Sting cursed, jumping back.

  “Oops, my finger slipped on the trigger,” Iron said.

  Sting narrowed his eyes at him.

  “Sting, we’re leaving,” Rat said. “We can’t have the entire Fallen Saints MC after our hides.”

  “You’ll regret that,” Sting told him.

  “Like I said, it was an accident,” Iron said with a shrug. He didn’t lower his gun hand until he could no longer hear the rumble of Sting’s and Rat’s motorcycle engines. He tucked his weapon away and finally turned to Amber. “Sorry about that.”

  She looked sheet white. Spooked. She stared at the ground and wrapped her arms around herself. “Take me home. Please.”

  “Sure, I can do that,” he agreed. Damn it all. Rat and Sting’s arrival had ruined a perfectly good evening. He was even beginning to think Amber had begun softening up to him. Now, it felt like he was on ground zero. He drove her back to the inn. She hadn’t said a single word since the incident.

  Iron decided to speak up. “Amber, what happened earlier—”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone,” she said, finally meeting his gaze.

  “That’s not what I want to ask you.”

  “Okay. What?” She sounded terrifyingly calm. Like she already made up her mind about him. That he wasn’t the right man for her after all.

  “You weren’t in any real danger. I would’ve protected you from harm,” he told her.

  “I know. That’s not the issue here.”

  “Then what is? Talk to me, baby.”

  “I’m not your baby. I’m not your anything,” she said.

  “Yeah. I get it. Wrong choice of words.”

  “I came here to get away from the mess my life had become, and you’re trouble with a capital T, Iron. I don’t need this,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.”

  Before he could try to convince her to change her mind, she walked away from him and entered the inn. Disappointment weighed him down as he got on his bike and drove back to the clubhouse. How could everything go so right tonight, only to end up so wrong? Once Iron parked his bike, he headed inside the noisy clubhouse. He tracked Saint in his office. Devil was in there. Iron didn’t care if the VP and President were having a discussion.

  “Iron, something happened?” Saint asked him.

  “Yeah. Saw our old buddy Rat tonight. He’s now with the Skull Riders MC and he had another biker with him. Sting.”

  Devil frowned. “What did they want?”

  “They were snooping in our woods. Skull apparently sent them here to investigate Carl’s death.”

  Devil swore.

  “Tank was supposed to patrol that area, but that bastard probably got drunk too early and forgot he had a job,” Saint said, sounding pissed. “Thanks for letting us know, Iron.”

  “What are you planning to do about this?” he asked.

  “You’re not your usual calm self. Something else happened?” Devil asked.

  “These fuckers interrupted my date with my future old lady,” he said.

  “Your what? I didn’t even know you were seeing someone seriously,” Saint said.

  “Answer the question, Saint.” Making demands out of Saint wasn’t wise. Iron explained himself. “Amber’s not part of this. Until tonight, she thought I was just a guy with a bike who happened to be interested in her.”

  “Then she doesn’t know you at all,” Devil said.

  Iron stared daggers at him. He and the VP usually got along great. They were the same age, after all, and they’d seen through plenty of dangerous scenarios. However, this was Devil’s fault. Devil had to kill Carl despite knowing how important the slime ball was to the president of a rival MC.

  “Was it worth it?” he asked Devil. “Killing Carl?”

  “Yeah. I’d do it all over again if it means keeping Destiny safe,” Devil answered without hesitation. “If this woman means that much to you, then I know you’d also do anything for her. Even break a few laws.”

  “Let’s get back to the main topic at hand,” Saint interrupted. “Tomorrow, I’ll call a club meeting. We’ll tighten our patrols. I don’t like the idea of rival MC members thinking they can come and go as they please.”

  “I’ll send a message to Skull. Tell him we don’t take kindly to his MC members snooping around our land without permission,” Devil said.

  “Wait,” Iron said. He finally cooled off. The club always came first to him, but now that Amber had entered his life, his priorities were about to change. The club could always rely on him being even-tempered. To think out of the box and come up with different solutions. “Let’s dig up Carl’s body. It’s probably decomposing by now, but we should have the remains incinerated.”

  “Then what?” Devil asked.

  “We officially invite Skull over here. Show him we really have nothing to hide,” Iron said. “If we send him a warning now, then his suspicions would only grow.”

  Saint drummed his fingers on his desk for a few moments. “We’ll bring up this idea to the rest of the club at the meeting tomorrow, but I like it.”

  “It’ll be a pain in the ass to dig up that bastard’s corpse, but you made an excellent suggestion,” Devil told him.

  Iron left the office and went straight to his room. His thoughts returned to Amber. If she thought he was giving up so quickly, then she didn’t know him at all. Devil also made an excellent point. Iron had been living this lifestyle for as long as he could remember. He lived and breathed the MC life. If Amber wanted him as much as he wanted her, then she’d have to accept this was who he was.

  Chapter Six

  Amber dreamed of the two bikers Iron and she met in the woods hours ago, except one of them wore a helmet. They dragged her to the woods, out of Iron’s reach. The one looming over her finally took off his helmet, revealing David’s leering face. That was when Amber finally woke up, her entire body drenched in sweat.

  It was unfair. Up until they saw those two bikers, last night had been perfect. Knowing she wouldn’t be getting any more sleep, Amber walked to the closest window. She left it open last night because she wanted to let some cool air in. The sky was still dark although it was only a few minutes until sunrise.

  The rumble of a motorcycle engine made her look down at the road. Her heart leaped in her throat as she spotted Iron’s figure appearing down the road. It was him. It had to be. She knew his profile anywhere. Iron stopped in front of the inn. He took off his helmet. As if he knew she watched him, he looked up, saw her, and gave her a smile that instantly melted her panties.

  Amber ducked her head back, heart beating fast.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Amber whispered to herself. Hadn’t she made it clear last night that she couldn’t be with a man like him? She hadn’t imagined the tension last night or the look on those bikers’ faces. If Iron hadn’t planted himself in front of her like some white knight, those two bikers wouldn’t have hesitated to do whatever they wanted with her.

  Laws didn’t apply to men like th
em. Men like Iron.

  “No, they’re different.” Amber nearly jumped out of her skin when someone knocked on her door.

  “Go away,” she yelled, feeling a little childish.

  “You’re awake? Good,” Iron said from behind the door. “I thought you’d still be sleeping.”

  Didn’t he get the memo? She didn’t want to see him or wanted anything to do with him. Lies. Amber felt a connection to him she never experienced with anyone before. Iron saw right through her. He didn’t seem to find anything wrong with her and liked what he saw.

  David, in comparison, seemed to enjoy pointing out her flaws and making constant suggestions on how to fix her. Speaking of David, she’d received two missed calls and texts last night after Iron dropped her off. Usually, she’d read them, but last night, she simply deleted his messages and blocked his number. Just one night with Iron, and the big biker had helped her stop caring about David. Wasn’t that something?

  “Amber? I’ll stay right here all day if I have to,” Iron said. “Aren’t you worried I’ll bother the other guests?”

  Fuming, she strode to the door and yanked it open. Iron flashed her a sexy smile. He came bearing gifts. He handed her a bouquet of roses and also had a brown paper bag with him.

  “Is that waffles I smell?” she asked. Her stomach rumbled.

  Iron looked good in his dusty work boots and faded jeans. He wore a plain shirt under his riding leathers. Amber, on the other hand, looked like a frightful mess in her bathrobe. She hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. Her hair hadn’t seen a comb this morning, and she didn’t need a mirror to know she had bags under her eyes.

  “Can I come in?” he asked.

  “Yes. Fine.” Telling him to leave her alone seemed cruel, especially after he brought her roses and waffles. This man knew his way to her heart. Dangerous man. She’d let him stay a little while, then politely ask him to go, she decided. She invited him to her room only to tell him off.

  Feeling a little better, she accepted his roses and placed them inside an empty vase. “These are beautiful,” she murmured. “I’ve never received roses before.”

  “No?” Iron started bringing out the food from the paper bag. He seemed to think they were eating for four, because he bought everything. Stacks of waffles, pancakes, eggs, bacon, and ham. He practically laid out an entire buffet for her.

  “David used to bring me carnations—which I hated. They were his mom’s favorite flowers. I should’ve known back then that something wasn’t right with him.” Dang it. It was too early in the morning to talk about her ex. She already spent the entirety of last night telling Iron about David. The biker hadn’t complained one bit. He turned out to be a great listener.

  “Anyway,” she blurted, wanting to change the topic. “This is too much food.”

  “I didn’t know what you might be in the mood for, so I got us everything. Besides, I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

  Amber grabbed a little of everything and took a seat on the two-seater sofa facing the TV. Iron took off his jacket and soon joined her, his big frame taking up most of the space.

  “You know, there’s an armchair next to the sofa,” Amber pointed out. She had no intention of moving. Neither did Iron, it seemed. He started on his food. She nibbled on a piece of bacon.

  “I’m fine right here,” he said between bites.

  “Just so you know, I only let you in because you brought me roses and breakfast,” she said. “My decision still remains the same.”

  “Things were going great last night. Admit it,” he said. “We click, don’t we?”

  “Doesn’t matter if we do.”

  “Amber, last night was an anomaly.” He set his takeout box down and took her free hand. His touch was warm and soothing. Gentle. Whenever she was around David, she was always jumpy and jittery. Terrified when David’s mood would change.

  “Yeah, so dangerous unknown bikers don’t threaten you on a regular basis?” Amber said. “I also didn’t know you own a gun.”

  “I carry a gun for protection,” he answered. “I’m sorry I surprised you last night.”

  “I saw the expression on your face. You were ready to shoot that guy,” she argued.

  “Because I know men like that. If he had his way…” He trailed off, then shook his head. “I’ll never let anything happen to you.”

  “Why? I’m not anything to you. We hardly know each other.”

  Iron leaned closer, and the bastard had the balls to kiss her. Amber could’ve retreated, to tell him to stop and he would. He was a gentleman that way, but she didn’t want him to stop. The kiss, the taste of him felt so good. Amber wanted it to go on forever. She set her food down and clutched at his bulging biceps. His skin felt feverish hot, just like hers. Her heart went a hundred miles per second. She found herself sliding into his lap and circling her arms around his neck.

  “Hi,” he said.

  She wanted to wipe that cocky smile off his lips or kiss him again. “I don’t know why I’m like this when I’m with you. It defies any logical explanation.”

  “There’s nothing complicated about mutual attraction.” Iron ran his finger down her throat, her collarbones. She shivered in anticipation when his finger lingered on the opening of her robe. Amber wanted him to rip the robe open. To throw her on the bed and have his way with her, but he didn’t. He captured her gaze and settled his hands on her waist.

  “Give me another chance, Amber. Let me fix this,” he said.

  “This town is dangerous. You’re dangerous,” she answered. “I should pack my bags, leave, and never look back.”

  “You don’t want to do that.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do. I’m sick of men giving me orders.”

  “I’m not David, and that wasn’t an order. Something’s keeping you from leaving,” Iron said.

  He pressed a kiss to her pulse point. She felt his teeth on her skin, then he slipped a hand under her robe. He moved it up her belly, her ribs, his touch intoxicating. When he gave her bare left breast a squeeze, she moaned.

  At the same time, he bit her neck, leaving a hickey there for her to remember. Iron thumbed her nipple back and forth, then gave it a pinch. She nearly came right there and then, but she managed to control herself. Good thing he wore jeans. Otherwise, he would’ve felt the moisture in her panties. Her reaction to this man was so visceral. So raw. She never felt this way with anyone else.

  Iron was right.

  She couldn’t let him go just yet, couldn’t allow him to slip through her fingers. If she wanted to start anything with this man, she had to try to understand his world at the very least. The MC life was part and parcel of who he was.

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Okay?” he repeated. He wanted her to say the words out loud, didn’t he? Fine. She was no coward.

  “Let’s give this a go and see where it leads,” she said.

  “Good. I knew you’d say that,” he said with a grin. “My momma always said waffles are the best way to a woman’s heart.”


  Amber fired up her laptop for the first time since her miscarriage. While she initially planned to stay in Redemption for only a couple of days after learning an MC controlled this town, she had been here for eight days. She’d been spending most of her time with Iron because she would either stop by the auto repair store during lunchtime or they’d meet for dinner. Some nights, they’d hang out at her motel room, order take-out, and watch movies until it was time for him to leave.

  Iron was as good as his word. He wasn’t pushy or demanding. They took things slow and easy, although Amber sometimes wished he was less of a gentleman.

  Hundreds of emails awaited her. She sighed. Sooner or later, she had to wade through all of them. She’d left many of her clients hanging. Once she became depressed, even getting up from bed seemed like a difficult task.

  Iron seemed to be able to chase all her storm clouds away. Amber answered a few emails. When noon rolled a
round, her phone pinged. Iron and she constantly exchanged texts throughout the day. She picked her phone up and she opened the text message she recently received. A colossal mistake.

  Unknown number: I miss you so badly, baby. Stop blocking my numbers. I hired someone to track you down. I’ll find you eventually.

  Numbed, Amber didn’t realize she put her finger on the call button. David answered immediately.

  “Amber? Hello? You there?” he asked.

  She fumbled for her phone and ended the call, then blocked the new number he was using and stared at her laptop screen for a few moments, stunned. This wasn’t the first time he’d contacted her. She hadn’t told Iron, but David had become relentless in texting her. No matter how many times she blocked him, he found a way to contact her again.

  She refused to change her number. That would mean David won, and she was sick of letting him have his way. The knock on her door made her jump in her chair. She padded to the door.

  “Who is it?” she asked tentatively.

  “It’s me. You mentioned you were busy today, so I brought lunch over,” came Iron’s deep and familiar voice.

  Amber opened the door, relieved to see him. She stepped aside so he could enter. Iron looked her up and down, then frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Why would you automatically assume something’s wrong?” she asked lightly, but it was no use. Iron could read her like an open book.

  “You don’t want to talk about it? Where should I set up? In front of our usual spot?” he asked.

  Iron meant the sofa. She nodded. Damn David for ruining the new life she’d tried to build. A few days ago, she woke up and realized she’d had enough vacation time. Amber wanted to start working again. Hell, during her free time, she even started looking at apartments for rent in Redemption. Sooner or later, her savings would dry up.

  Amber couldn’t believe she was even considering staying here for the foreseeable future. It was all Iron’s fault. Thanks to him, she’d started falling in love with this town. She even met some of his MC brothers, and while they seemed rough on the outside, they were good men. Just like Iron.


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