Broken Hill Hurt: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 3)

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Broken Hill Hurt: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 3) Page 2

by Sheridan Anne

  “But it will,” he beams with pride. He bought his new Mustang two weekends ago and since his dad has been packing all his things, all the boxes have gone straight into the garage leaving no room for Nate to start working on the car. He’s been moping around like someone stole his puppy. It’s sad really, but now that his dad is gone, that’s going to change. I can already see that it’s changing. “Come on,” he says, taking my free hand. “We have to go.”

  “What?” I grunt. “Can’t I finish my French fries?”

  “Bring ‘em with you,” he says, walking to the table and grabbing my phone and bag.

  “Where are you going?” Jesse says.

  “Where do you think?” Nate says. “This Mustang ain’t going to build itself.”

  Jesse rolls his eyes but grabs his phone off the table. “Alright. I’m in.”

  “Yeah, I’m down,” says Puck as he also grabs his things. Max and Tyson follow as the girls start looking around, wondering what the hell is going on.

  “This isn’t a group project,” Nate scoffs with an amused grin.

  “It is now,” Puck grins as he walks towards the door. “I’m thinking red.”

  Nate starts shaking his head, horrified by the idea even though it’s blatantly obvious that Puck’s teasing him. I mean, everyone knows black is Nate’s color. His clothes. His car. His heart. Well, at least his heart used to be. I like to think it’s all fluffy and warm now. He’s like winter - cold as fuck on the outside, but the second you step inside it’s toasty warm.

  Nate follows Puck out the door with me in tow and before I know it, we’re all out the front of Carter’s Coffee House, watching Jesse try his hardest not to allow Nate to steal his car keys, though, we all know he’s going to fail. Nate can’t stand not driving.

  We drive down the long driveway to find Trish standing out the front, waiting for her boys.

  I smile as I look at her. I’ve never seen her so… carefree. She’s in a dress, but not her usual type of country club dress, this is flowy and floral. Her hair is down and she wearing pink lip gloss, and man, does it look good on her.

  I look to Nate as he watches her. His eyes are hard but I know he sees it, and I know he’s happy. Who wouldn’t be? His mom has put up with so much BS from Caden Ryder and now she’s finally free. And what better time to be free? She has two perfect boys who are going to show her that her best years are still ahead of her.

  Nate brings Jesse’s Range Rover to a stop and presses the remote control for the garage. As it raises, we all get a good look at the new family member. An old Mustang sits before us, desperately begging Nate to bring it back to life; which I have no doubt he will do in a big way.

  Nate gets out of the car and with an excited grin on his ridiculously handsome face, he walks straight for it.

  Chapter 2

  As I drive into the parking lot of Broken Hill High on Monday morning, I find nearly the whole school crowded around the front of Jesse’s Range Rover. I drive as quickly as I can without hurting anyone and bring my R8 to a stop beside his car. Even this close, I still can’t see what the hell is going on, all I know is the second I open the door, the noise instantly assaults me.

  I grab my bag off the passenger’s seat as Brooke pulls her car in on the other side. I get out of my car as she does and our eyes lock over the top. “What’s going on?” she calls over the sound of the crowd.

  Hurrying, I shrug my shoulders and barge my way into the throng of people. I don’t have a good feeling about this. Especially as Nate was with Jesse this morning.

  People push and shove as they try to get a look at what’s happening in the middle. Though, when someone cheers for a fight, it becomes pretty damn clear. My stomach drops and I shoulder my way past a few more people.

  I break into the middle to find Nate and Jackson, face to face, with a circle of footballers around them. I scan the faces and find Jesse barricaded behind them as he desperately tries to break through their circle. Jackson hasn’t been back to school since Nate blew up his car two weeks ago, and what I also found out by accident last week, he also knocked him out too. I thought he’d just beat him up a little, turns out it was a bit more than that.

  Today must be his first day back and he’s not happy about everything that went down. But like Nate said; an eye for an eye. Jackson caused the accident which destroyed Nate’s Camaro that he worked his ass off on, so Nate simply repaid the favor. This shit should be over, but from the look in Jackson’s eye, it’s only just begun.

  Anger fires up within me. How dare they do this to him? Jesse is screaming as Nate’s fists begin to clench. I know he’s only moments away from throwing a punch, the only problem is that Nate is on his last warning and Jackson knows it. It won’t take much for Nate be expelled for violence and I’m guessing that’s Jackson’s game here.

  I desperately look around. I have to do something to help him. Max, Ty, and Puck aren’t here so it’s up to me, but how the hell am I going to break through this circle of football players? They’re three times the size of me. I’d have a better chance of convincing Jesse to shove a pole up his ass than break through this wall.

  An idea strikes and I roll with it without thinking. I grab the bottom of the shorts of the footballer in front of me and with one quick tug, I rip them down his legs and expose his white ass. He shrieks and instantly dives for them as people around us begin to laugh at his expense.

  I’d love nothing more than to stay and laugh with them, but I have another ass to save.

  As the footballer bends to grab his shorts, I make a break for it.

  I run and half jump/half squish through the bodies of packed muscle and tear my way into the circle. Someone reaches for me, but I don’t let him get his fingers around my arm.

  Nate and Jackson are too caught up with their desperate need to kick the other’s ass that they don’t even notice me until I race forward two steps and push myself between them. I bring my hands up and slam them into Jackson’s big chest, forcing him back a step. “What the fuck is this?” I demand as I scowl at the hothead.

  I expect Nate to wind an arm around my waist and haul me out of the way but when he doesn’t, I realize he needs me here to diffuse the situation, otherwise, he’ll be walking out of here with an expulsion that he can’t possibly worm his way out of.

  Jackson scoffs as a pleased smirk sets itself across his face. “Are you fighting your boyfriend’s fights now? What’s wrong? You don’t think he can take me?”

  I scoff right back at him. “You and I both know that’s not my problem,” I remind him. “Nate can kick your ass with his eyes closed. In fact, isn’t that what he did only two weeks ago?” I grin, airing his little secret that has somehow managed to stay quiet. “I wonder, is that why you haven’t been around for the last two weeks?”

  Murmurs start to rise through the crowd as a deep anger sets itself in Jackson’s eyes. Nate hooks his finger through a belt loop on the back of my jeans and pulls me back into him. Jackson’s eyes narrow on me before he somehow manages to get closer without taking an actual step. “Watch it,” he warns.

  Nate yanks me back even harder. “You threatening Tora now?” he demands, a clear challenge in his voice.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” he says. “But remember, whatever shit she wants to start is going to come down on you.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I yell, trying to get into his face but Nate’s hold on me is far too strong, especially as his hands ball into fists while his fingers are still looped through my belt loops. “What are you going to do? You had to bring…” I quickly glance around. “Seven others to come and confront Nate. Not to mention, you bombarded him first thing in the morning before his friends were here. You don’t have the balls, Jackson. You’re nothing. You paid off Haven Falls guys to beat the shit out of Puck instead of facing him yourself.”

  Jackson’s jaw clenches as his hands ball into fists. To anyone else, he’d be terrifying, but I see him for what he is; a cowar
d. I step into him and this time, Nate lets me, but he doesn’t remove his hold from my jeans for even a second. “You’re chicken shit,” I tell him. “Nate and the boys scare the shit out of you and that pisses you off.”

  Jackson gets into my face. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I do,” I tell him. “I know that you put this elaborate plan into place knowing that Nate has no choice but to back down. He’d look weak in front of all these people, and even if he tried to swing at you, these guys would have stopped him within seconds. You would have walked away the hero. But you’re not. You’re a fraud.”

  “You think I’m a fraud?” he scoffs.

  “How many examples do you need?” His eyes narrow and I start listing them off. “You switched schools halfway through the season to be on the winning team. You rammed Nate’s car because you knew you couldn’t beat him. You paid off some losers to beat up Puck rather than do it yourself. And now this. Every single time you have lost. Now isn’t going to be any different. Back off while you still can.”

  “You about done?” he spits. I raise an eyebrow as my mouth pulls into a straight, unimpressed line as I feel Nate at my back, shaking with anger. “Get out of my way.” When I don’t move, he turns to one of the football guys. “Move her.”

  The guy looks to me and then up to Nate with hesitation. I don’t move my eyes from Jackson. “You forget where you are,” I tell him. “Look around. While you may go here, this is still our school. Outside your circle of football players, every single person here would have Nate’s back. Every single time. Hell, most of the football players would probably have Nate’s back too. This isn’t a fight you’re going to win.”

  “Fuck this,” Nate sighs as his patience runs out. He hauls me behind him before throwing himself at Jackson. His shoulder rams into Jackson's stomach and they fly back into a wall of football muscle.

  Everyone goes fucking nuts.

  People cheer. People shove. Girls scream. Phones are pulled out.

  I look round, frantically trying to find some way to stop this. I see Jesse desperately trying to break his way through the circle. He’s my only choice. Apart from the fact that a teacher is bound to come down here eventually and hopefully the boys will be here soon, but until then, this shit needs to be put to rest before Nate causes any damage.

  Jesse’s eyes catch mine for a fleeting second and I race forward. There are two guys holding him back and if I can at least distract one for a second, Jesse can handle the other and get to Nate.

  So, I do what any other desperate woman in my situation would do. I knee the fucker in the junk. The guy goes down with a cry of pain and I briefly feel bad for him before remembering that Nate is in trouble.

  Jesse shoves the other guy hard and instantly races forward, making all the football players go after him.

  Shit. This is not a place I want to be. The circle quickly grows smaller and just as I predicted, everyone else jumps in, having Nate and Jesse’s back. People are prying footballers off my boys while Jesse tries to get Nate away from Jackson, though, I’m pretty certain I see Jesse throwing a punch too.

  It’s turning into a freaking brawl and all I know is that I can’t be here, but with so many bodies around; I’m trapped.

  I’m pushed from side to side as I try to scramble my way around. I hear other girls screaming, terrified of being hit while some, a little more brazen, try to get in on the action. “Tora?” I hear Brooke’s voice screaming out over the brawl.

  “Brooke?” I yell back. I spin around, desperately searching her out and instantly get an elbow slammed back into my cheekbone. I cry out in pain. Immediate tears sting my eyes as my hand slaps across my face, trying to take the pain away.

  Fuck. My face feels broken.

  An arm wraps around my waist and I’m pulled against a hard body before the guy starts barging his way out of the crowd. I look back for Nate and find Jesse on top of him while Puck has a go at Jackson, though, with his arm still in a cast, I’m not sure much is happening, but it will go a long way in making Puck feel better.

  I look up at the guy pulling me out of the fray and realize it’s Tyson. The boys must have gotten here just in time. Actually, scrap that. They should have gotten here ten minutes ago when all of this bullshit started. I mean, that would have saved us all a shitty start to a Monday morning.

  Tyson breaks free of all the bodies and releases me before diving straight back in. Another body slams into me. “Fuck,” Brooke cries. “Are you ok?” She grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me back before gasping in horror. “Your face.”

  I put my hand up to where it’s still stinging and bring it back to find it covered in blood. “Shit,” I groan. “Someone got me with an elbow.”

  Her eyes well with tears and she goes to say something as a bunch of teachers and coaches come rushing in to break it all up. The coaches start blowing whistles and tearing kids off other kids. The assistant principal comes tearing down the hill with a hose and Brooke and I watch on with wide eyes.


  The entire senior and junior classes sit in the hall in complete silence. The school nurse moves from one student to another checking over injuries as teachers go around interrogating kids on their involvement.

  I sit beside Brooke who hasn’t left my side with an ice pack over my face. I was lucky. I got away with a Band-Aid, though any worse and it would have needed stitches.

  I saw Nate for about three seconds. He was being held by Principal Watkins and lead away. His eyes locked on mine before they moved down to my cheek. His eyes widened and he broke away from Watkins before racing over to me.

  Nate pulled me in and gave my cheek a closer look, but from the fury pouring out of Watkins, I had no choice but to push him away. I didn’t want him getting in any more trouble than he was already in.

  I haven’t seen him since and it’s killing me. I need an update. I need to know that he’s ok. Hell, I just need to check his knuckles aren’t cracked and bleeding as I know, there’s no way he’ll bother getting them looked at.

  I haven’t seen Jackson either which tells me he’s getting his ass handed to him by Watkins or he’s on his way to the hospital. I hate seeing people hurt, but just this one time, I’ll make an exception. I mean, who does he think he is trying to do that to Nate? The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

  I spy Jesse sitting across the room, looking as miserable as ever. He lifts his eyes to mine and pulls his lips into a tight smile. I think he’s trying to appear encouraging, but let’s face it, it’s not working.

  One of the teachers calls out for another and soon enough, five of them have hovered around a phone. The room is in silence so when the teacher hits play on a video, it’s as clear as day they’re watching the footage from the fight.

  I cringe as I listen to what came out of my mouth, then cringe again when all five teachers turn to look at me as one. Great. Hopefully, they can see that I was trying to diffuse the situation, and hopefully, they can see that it was Jackson who started it all. Though, if they can see those two things, then they can certainly see that it was Nate who threw the first punch.


  I listen to the way the confrontation started before I got there. I listen to the way Jackson tries to challenge him, tries to force his hand. I listen to how Nate was calmly shutting him down, but the tone in his voice was begging to feel his fists in Jackson’s face. I listen to the crowd chanting to fight. I listen to Jesse in the background, trying to break the footballers’ barriers. I listen to me defending my boyfriend. I listen to the way it all came crumbling down when Jackson told the guy to move me.

  I listen to how Nate completely had it under control before I stormed my way in and tried to fix a fight that wasn’t mine. Shit. This is all my fault. Well, partially. It’s definitely all on Jackson, but Nate could have dissolved the situation had I just left it alone. Instead, I stormed in there like a raging bull.

  I look away from the te
achers’ stares as they start discussing what to do and pull out my phone to quickly check up on Nate.

  Tora – I’m so sorry. Are you ok? I should have left it alone. The teachers have footage of the fight and you had it under control. I stormed in there and ruined it.

  I lock my phone but stare down at it, willing it to light up with a reply from Nate, but it never comes. All I need is something from him letting me know he forgives me or at least an acknowledgment that he knows I’m sorry. Instead, I feel like I’m left out in the dark.

  “What’s wrong?” Brooke mumbles from beside me as she watches me flip my phone around between my fingers, over and over again.

  “You heard it,” I say. “Nate had it under control. He only snapped when he thought I was about to be touched. I should have stayed out of it.”

  “Don’t do that to yourself,” she whispers in the quiet room with her eyes flicking around, making sure no one is listening in on our conversation. “Shit,” she mumbles under her breath beside me. “They’re coming.”

  My eyes flick up to see Mrs. Kingsley and Mr. Miller walking this way. I groan to myself, watching as they put on a performance, trying to appear intimidating, hoping I’ll crack under the pressure, but I’m not the same girl I was just a few months ago. If nothing else, living with those boys taught me how to be tough.

  “Tora,” Mrs. Kingsley, the drama teacher says. “You failed to mention you had such a central role in this… riot,” she says, being her usual dramatic self.

  Mr. Miller rolls his eyes and steps forward, deciding to take point on this one. “What happened, Tora?” he questions, sternly.

  “You saw the footage,” I remind him. “You know what happened.”

  “True,” he says. “But I want your account. Jackson is a good student. Why is he getting involved with a kid like Nate?”

  My mouth pops open and I fly to my feet before him. “You’re kidding me, right? Jackson Millington is not a good guy. Nate is.”


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