Broken Hill Hurt: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 3)

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Broken Hill Hurt: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 3) Page 5

by Sheridan Anne

“Shut up,” she laughs as we step back inside. “What are your plans for Christmas break?”

  I think it over and realize I actually have no damn clue. This year is going to be different without dad so we’ll have to make some changes. “I don’t really have any,” I tell her as my excitement begins to grow. I mean, there’s only a week left of school and then we get a week to ourselves. It’s going to be incredible.

  “You mean, apart from drowning in a sea of Nate?” she laughs.

  “Now you’re just pointing out the obvious,” I tell her.

  She rolls her eyes and leads me into the cafeteria. “Well, I demand you spend at least three of those days solely on me.”

  “Ok,” I laugh. “You’ve got yourself a deal, but you have to clear it with Nate first. He’s not going to be too happy about sharing his prized possession.”

  “Tough shit,” she laughs. “I might even cause a little trouble and stay the night.”

  Well, this is going to be one hell of an exciting Christmas break.

  Chapter 5

  I get home after a long day of doing absolutely nothing and cut my engine outside my house. The first thing I notice is that mom’s car is nowhere to be seen.

  I grab my bag off the passenger’s side and run in through the big double doors. “Mom?” I call out before unlocking the internal door to the garage. I throw it open and confirm that mom’s car is definitely not here.

  My mood instantly picks up. “Mom?” I call again just to make sure.

  I dash upstairs and throw open every single door in the house just to be certain before flying back out to my car and starting it up. With mom missing in action, that gives me just a little time to go and see Nate, though, I need to be careful about this. I pull out my phone and send her a text.

  Tora – I’m at home. You’re not here?

  Mom – Sorry love. I got caught up with the girls. I’ll be home for dinner. How was your suspension?

  A massive grin rips across my face. I’ll have the whole afternoon to spend with Nate.

  Tora – Boring!

  Mom – Get your homework done!

  With that, I throw my phone down on the passenger’s side and peel back out of the driveway. Within the space of seven minutes, I’m driving through the massive gates of Nate’s home.

  As I drive down to the house, I spot Nate immediately, working away on his Mustang in the open garage. He looks up as he hears my tires on the drive and puts down whatever he’s holding.

  He walks forward as I bring my car to a stop and opens the door for me. “Day one of your suspension and you’re already breaking mommy’s rules,” he grins as he draws me into his arms.

  I tilt my chin up to him. “I’ve been a very naughty girl. Are you going to punish me?”

  He studies me for a second. “I’ll bend you over the hood of your car right now if only you were serious.”

  I scrunch my face up. “Can you save that for later?” I question. “I have to get my homework done or risk facing the wrath of my mother again.”

  “Ok,” he laughs as he leads me into the garage. “Wait here,” he tells me.

  “Where are you going?” I demand as he heads for the internal door.

  “You’ll see,” he throws over his shoulder before stalking inside.

  While he’s gone, I walk around his Mustang and take it all in. I have absolutely no idea what I’m looking at but I know in the past few days he’s already done so much.

  He returns a few minutes later with Jesse, each of them holding either end of the big wooden desk from Nate’s bedroom. “What the hell is this?” I question as Jesse groans and grunts when his hand gets caught between the desk and the doorway.

  “It’s your new desk,” Nate says as they put it down against the wall in the garage. “I’m not done with the Mustang yet and you have homework. It’s a win/win situation,” he tells me before grinning and producing a pen from his pocket. He hands it over like my knight in shining armor. “I want you here with me. I haven’t seen you all day.”

  I look back at the desk as Jesse finds a bucket and turns it upside down as a chair. He stands back and looks at his handiwork with pride before winking and disappearing. “You know, if you’re going to be working, I’m going to be awfully distracted.”

  Nate grins and pulls me in. “I’m willing to take that risk,” he tells me before kissing me deeply.

  I melt into him and after a few minutes, I somehow manage to find myself. I pull back and step out of his arms. “Let me get my homework done,” I reprimand him. “As soon as I’m done, I’m all yours.”

  “Alright,” he says, sending me on my way with a good ass spanking. “You better hurry up though, I have plans for you.”

  All my girly bits clench. I can’t freaking wait.

  I drop down onto my bucket and get started on my English essay, but just as I had predicted, my eyes can’t stop turning and watching Nate as he pulls apart the old engine. I put my pen down and briefly give up on the essay. I mean, at this rate it’s not going to make much sense. “Hey,” I say as I watch him lean over the open hood of the car. “Do you know what’s going on with Max? Brooke said he’s been lying to her.”

  He continues doing something that makes his muscles bulge from his arms. “What do you mean?” he grunts. “The kid is madly in love with that girl.”

  “That’s what I thought,” I muse. “But he keeps making up excuses not to see her.”

  “I don’t know, babe. Do you want me to talk to him?”

  I think it over for a second. “Nah,” I say. “This is between him and Brooke. I don’t want to get involved and cause problems if it’s nothing.”

  “Good plan,” he grunts, distracted by his work.

  “Can you keep an eye on him though? Make sure that he’s not playing up on her.”

  “Ok,” he says, finally straightening up and looking at me. “And if he is?”

  “Then he better watch out because I’m going to rip his balls out through his throat.”

  “Damn,” he grunts. “You’re brutal.”

  “Be that a lesson to you, Nathaniel Ryder.”

  He scoffs as he walks over to me. “Do you seriously think I’d ever do that to you?”

  “No, never,” I say, hooking my arms around his neck. “I trust you completely.”

  “And so you should,” he tells me, dropping his lips to mine and devouring me.

  I pull back when I hear a noise coming from inside and hope to god it’s not Trish, as she’s sure to tell my mom I snuck out. “Now, tell me,” I say as the noise moves away from the garage door. “How’d this whole rivalry with Jackson start in the first place?”

  Nate shakes his head and walks back over to his Mustang, dragging me along with him. “We don’t need to get into that shit.”

  “Well, if I’m going down because of it then I think I should at least know why.”

  He lets out a low groan and leans forward onto the open hood. “Really? It’s stupid.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “It started as a bet.”

  “A bet?” I scoff in disbelief. I mean, how could all this bullshit come from a stupid little bet?

  “Yep,” Nate grunts. “Two years ago, Puck bet me to crash a Haven Falls party, and well, I wasn’t going to say no. I shut off all the electricity and locked every door and window. The only way for them to get out was to break their way out or wait for the cops to come and help,” he explains with a fond chuckle. “Girls were screaming and crying. It was like a scene from a horror movie.”

  “Ok,” I say slowly. “How does this tie in with Jackson?”

  “It was his party,” he says. “He got payback by spray painting a dick on the windscreen of my Camaro. It only got worse from there.”

  “Are you serious right now?” I laugh.

  “I wish I wasn’t.”

  I shake my head. “I swear, you probably could have avoided all this shit by apologizing.”

  He scoffs as he dives ba
ck into the old engine. “Have you ever known me to apologize, especially to a douche like Jackson?”

  “No,” I sigh. “I realized how silly that sounded as I said it.”

  He shakes his head but the smile across his face is unmistakable. “Go get your homework done,” he tells me. “I’m nearly done here and the second I am, I want to do you too.”

  Excitement bubbles up within me. The way he says these things gets me so damn hot. “I have to be home before dinner,” I remind him.

  “Well then, you better hurry up because I plan on taking my time.”

  Holy cow. I’m definitely not going to be able to concentrate on that stupid essay now. I walk over to the internal garage door and flick the lock before pressing the button to bring down the garage door. “What are you doing?” he questions with his attention still on the engine.

  I walk forward and start unbuttoning my shirt. “You don’t think you can say those things to a woman and expect her to wait, do you?”

  He straightens up as he turns to watch me stalk forward. His eyes lock onto my body as I revel in the joy of watching his eyes flame with excitement. His tongue shoots out and runs over his bottom lip and I watch as a bulge begins to appear in the front of his jeans. “Now, didn’t you say something about bending me over the hood?”

  A wicked grin takes over as I come to a stop before him. “I had other plans, but this seems so much better.” He reaches out and pulls my body hard into his. My shirt is stripped from my body and he takes a second to appreciate my black bra. His fingers run down the skin of my waist and I suck in a breath, loving the way his skin feels against mine. “Touch me,” I beg, needing so much more.

  He shakes his head as his eyes continue to flame. “I told you, babe. I’m taking my time with this. I want to enjoy every little second.”

  Fuck me.

  I swallow back as his fingers reach the top of my jeans and I watch as he flicks the button before slowly peeling them down my legs. I stand before him in my black, lacy underwear, but not for long as he soon rids my body of them too.

  He reaches around me and releases the hood of the Mustang before grabbing my ass and sitting me on top, bare as the day I was born.

  Nate is still completely dressed and I feel extremely exposed. In any other situation, I’d be embarrassed, but not here, not with him. He takes my knees and spreads them wide as he sucks my nipple into his mouth. I want to cry out with pleasure but I don’t dare risk anyone coming and putting a stop to this. That would be criminal.

  He shocks me a second later as a grin comes to his lips and he drops to his knees before me. I bite my lip in anticipation and gasp as his tongue runs over that little bundle of nerves. “Holy shit,” I groan under my breath as I watch the show.

  This is easily the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed. I twine my fingers through his hair and watch as he sets my body on fire.

  Up. Down. In. Out. Repeat.

  He works me until I think I could pass out from the pleasure and just when I think my body is utterly spent, he starts all over again.

  He gets up from his knees and I reach for his jeans as he reaches for me. I pull him out as he hoists me forward on the hood. We barely have a second to slide the condom on before he’s buried deep inside me.

  “Fuck,” he groans. “I’ll never be done with you.”

  His lips come down on mine, swallowing whatever my fuzzy mind was going to try to say, and I realize that without a doubt, it will never get better than this. Being with Nate is an adventure. One that I never want to end.

  After the high of my third orgasm, he holds me up against him and rests his head in the curve of my neck. We both struggle to catch our breaths and I’m pretty sure that when I get off his car, there’s going to be a sweaty ass print telling the world exactly what went down here.

  When we can finally breathe, he pulls back but I slide my fingers around the back of his neck and bring him back to me. I kiss his lips as softly as I can possibly manage then look up into those dark, dreamy eyes. “I love you so much,” I tell him quietly. “I’ve never been so happy in my life.”

  His eyes soften as the corners of his mouth lift. “This is only just the beginning, Tora. I’m going to give you the fucking wold.” He leans back in and kisses me again. “But just so you know, you have about twenty minutes to get your ass home.”

  My eyes widen in shock. “What?” I shriek as a grin cuts across his handsome face. I scramble off the hood and dive for his phone on the workbench. Sure enough, he’s right. I need to get home.

  I spin around to start searching out my clothes to find them dangling from his fingers. “Thanks,” I grunt before pulling them on. I kiss him again, open the garage, and grab my things off my new desk. “Love you,” I call over my shoulder before I dive into my R8. I don’t bother saying goodbye as I have a feeling I’ll see him in just a few hours.

  “I love you, too,” he chuckles from the mouth of the garage as I start up my engine.

  I peel out of the driveway like a pro and look up in my rear view mirror to see him heading back to his Mustang, hopefully, to wipe off my ass print.

  I look at the clock and try to work out where all my time went, but remember Nate got me off three times, so, I guess that explains it.

  I pray to whatever God there is above that mom hasn’t beaten me home and thank my lucky stars when I pull in and find she hasn’t. I cut the engine and run inside before bolting for my bedroom.

  I drop my bag, throw my books on my desk and lay back on my bed with my Kindle, after all, my homework is supposed to be done by now. But I’m not worried. If tomorrow is as boring as today was, I can get it all done then.

  Literally, three minutes after laying down on my bed, I hear the front door open and close. A moment later, mom’s heels on the stairs. She knocks at my door and pushes it open before peeking her head through the gap. “Hi, honey. How’s your afternoon been?”

  “Good,” I lie as my afternoon was so much better than just good.

  “I ordered Chinese in the car. It should be here in ten minutes.”

  “Ok,” I smile. “I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

  She nods her head, still trying to be a little stern with me and closes the door. The second I hear her walk away, the smile on my face grows as the adrenaline in my system begins to fade. I can’t believe I just got away with that.

  Chapter 6

  “Five, four, three, two, one. HAPPY NEW YEAR!”

  The fireworks go nuts as Nate’s lips come down on mine. I feel his smile against my lips and I soak it in. I’ve always wanted to know what it was like to have a New Year’s kiss, and I’m proud to report, it is amazing.

  This is easily one of my favorite nights. Champagne is flowing, the music is playing, and every single one of my friends is here, bringing in the New Year with me.

  “Happy New Year,” he murmurs against my lips.

  “Happy New Year to you too, you big buffoon,” I laugh.

  Nate shakes his head but can’t help laughing right back at me. He spins me in his arms and wraps me up so I can watch the fireworks from the most incredible spot.

  We’re on Maxen’s property and for once, it’s a party his parents actually know about and have thrown quite a bit of money at. They wanted us to bring in the New Year in a big way and that’s exactly what we’re doing.

  There are bonfires all over the property with decorations, a dance floor, a DJ, seating all over the place, and lanterns hanging from trees. It’s incredible.

  I’ve never been to such a good New Year’s Eve party before. Well, to be honest, this is only my second one. Before that, mom and dad thought I was too young so I was shipped off to some lame babysitter while they partied the night away. As a kid, I had a few New Year’s Eve parties with Nate and Jesse and they were always great, you know, as great as an eight year old would think.

  But this is on a completely different level. Tonight is nothing short of amazing. I’ve got ‘the feels’ big time

  I look across at Brooke, expecting Maxen’s tongue to be so far down her throat she’d be choking on it, though, she likes to brag that she doesn’t have much of a gag reflex so maybe the choking won’t be happening. Only, as my eyes meet hers, I find her all alone and instead of looking up at the fireworks, she’s looking around searching out the one guy she’s been desperate to spend this moment with.

  “Shit,” I sigh.

  Nate squeezes me and bends his head to mine. “What’s wrong?” I nod towards Brooke and he follows my gaze. “Fuck,” he grunts, dropping his arms from around me. “I’m going to kick his fucking ass.”

  “You and me both,” I seethe.

  “Go cheer her up. I’ll go find him.”

  “Are you sure?” I question, hating that we’re going to ruin this special moment.

  He puts his hand against my cheek and leans in, giving me the softest kiss. “Yeah, go,” he tells me. “I’ll make it up to you later.”

  I give him a grateful smile and turn away as he does the same. I make my way over to Brooke and wrap her in my arms as we both look up at the colorful sky. “You ok?” I murmur.

  I feel her shoulders bounce up and down. “I don’t know,” she says. “I had this big plan to kiss him at midnight and watch the fireworks together, you know like you and Nate were doing, but I guess that’s not going to happen.”

  “It ok,” I tell her. “I can kiss you if you’d like?”

  A small smile plays on her lips as she continues watching the show. “With all his secrets and lies, I convinced myself that maybe he was organizing some kind of surprise for Christmas, but when that didn’t happen, I thought there was still New Year’s. Joke’s on me, right?”

  She lets out a sigh and drops her head to my shoulder. “Don’t,” I tell her. “Have you actually talked to him?”

  She shakes her head.

  “Well, maybe something’s going on with him. You know, something he doesn’t want to share just yet.”

  “Come on, Tora,” she scoffs. “You can’t possibly believe that, right? This is Maxen we’re talking about. I knew what kind of guy he was when we first got together. You were the one who kept reminding me, remember?”


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