Jordan's Desires [Brac Village 9] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Jordan's Desires [Brac Village 9] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 4

by Lynn Hagen

  Travis’s eyebrows shot up high on his forehead. “You shot your mate?” he asked in a voice that sounded shocked. “Why in the hell would you do that?”

  Bailey cracked. “He killed a man in my backyard. And then someone just came and took the body away. Jordan left. Another man came and tried to break into my house. Then another man came and killed the burglar. He changed into a wolf. Jordan showed up and I shot him, and then he changed into a cat.”

  “Whoa,” Travis said as he stood and moved toward Bailey. “Slow down before you pass out.”

  “Why are you being so damn calm!” Bailey shouted as he swiped his hands over his hair. “Did you hear what I just said to you?”

  “I think the next county heard you.”

  “What am I going to do?” Bailey asked desperately. “I. Shot. A. Man.”

  “No. Shit,” Travis replied sarcastically. “I can see that. I still can’t believe you shot Jordan.” The man shook his head. “He is going to be pissed when he wakes up.”

  “What about the guy Jordan killed?” Bailey asked a he threw his hands out in front of him. “Are we just going to pretend he didn’t rip someone’s throat out with his bare hands?” God, the images just kept playing over and over in his mind.

  “He really did that?” Travis asked. “I’m impressed.”

  “What!” The guy was making absolutely no sense. Why would he— “Oh hell, please don’t tell me you are one of them.” Bailey glanced to the floor where he had dropped his gun, wondering if he could get to it in time. He had known Travis for a few years. Wouldn’t he know if the man could change into an animal?

  “Don’t even think about shooting me,” Travis warned as he took a step closer to Bailey. “Jordan won’t kick your ass, but I will.”

  “I just don’t get what is going on here,” he said as he lifted a shaky hand to his mouth. “Nothing makes any sense.”

  Bailey watched as Travis retrieved the gun, shoving it in the waistband of his pants before going over to Jordan, kneeling in front of the black cat. “He’s healing right now. You better be damn glad you didn’t kill him.”

  “Are you—” Bailey expelled a heavy breath, telling himself to calm down and listen to his friend. “Are you one of them?”

  “I’m a grey wolf.” Travis’s answer was clipped. “If you can’t accept what’s going on, you need to tell me now, before Jordan wakes up.”

  Bailey studied the black cat. It was a very strange feeling knowing that Jordan was inside the animal somewhere. Jordan was the animal. Now his friend was telling Bailey that he could change into a wolf?

  Bailey took a seat on the couch, rubbing his temples as he studied the floor. “You’re asking me if I accept this, but you haven’t even told me what this is. I am totally lost here.”

  Travis turned and sat on the floor next to Jordan. “You live in a town full of nonhumans.”

  “And?” There better be more to it than this. Bailey had surmised that much already. He needed Travis to fill in the rest of the blanks.

  His friend watched him intently for a long moment before he finally spoke. “Mayor Maverick Brac is the alpha who runs this town. We all had to ask for permission before moving here—even me. There are many different mixtures of breeds that make up the shifter population.”

  Bailey tried his best to absorb what Travis was telling him without freaking out. He had seen two people shift—one into a wolf and one into a cat. The initial shock was starting to wear off, allowing Bailey to look at the situation from every angle. “You said something about Jordan being my mate. What does that mean?”

  Travis gave him a rueful smile. “I know you have gone through hell dealing with Harley and what he’d done to you. You told me you weren’t ready to date again.”

  Bailey didn’t like where this was going.

  “Jordan is your mate, partner for life, husband. However you want to look at it, but he knew he moment he laid eyes on you what you were to him.”

  Jumping to his feet, Bailey quickly walked into the kitchen. He was once again hyperventilating, unable to suck in enough air into his lungs. He didn’t think there was enough air in the world to help him right now. Mate? Partner for life? Husband?

  Bailey placed his arms on the counter and then rested his head on his arms. He rocked back and forth slowly as his mind tried to take everything in and make sense of it. Why the hell was this happening to him? He didn’t want a husband. Hadn’t Harley proved to him that a man could place the world at his feet and then rip everything away?

  He couldn’t do this.

  “It’s a lot to take in,” Travis said he leaned his shoulder into the door frame, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Get out,” Bailey said bitterly. All he could think about was how Harley had said all the right things, done all the right things, and the entire time he had been playing Bailey for a fool. He couldn’t go through that again. He wasn’t sure how things played out in the nonhuman world, but in his world a broken heart was a broken heart.

  Travis straightened, giving Bailey a firm nod. “Am I taking Jordan with me?”

  Bailey wanted to shout yes. He wanted to tell Travis to take Jordan and get the fuck out. So why did the guilt begin to eat away at him? Bailey wanted Jordan gone and he didn’t want him to leave. He was so damn confused right now that he was getting a migraine. “Yes.”

  Travis didn’t say another word as he turned and walked into the living room. Bailey took a seat at the kitchen table, wrapping his arms around his stomach as the old, familiar pain of having his heart ripped out began to resurface once again.

  Why couldn’t anyone understand that he was scared to love again? He was bone-deep terrified of trusting someone else with his heart. He laid his forehead on the table and sighed deeply, wondering if he was doing the right thing.

  It didn’t matter because Bailey was through being another man’s sucker.

  * * * *

  Standing in the kitchen of the fire station, Bailey watched as Travis sat in one of the lounging chairs, scarfing down a plate of pasta and watching TV. He looked so damn normal. If Bailey hadn’t known that Travis could change into a wolf, he never would have guessed it.

  “In my office,” the chief said as he stood in the hallway by the kitchen. As Bailey followed behind Bear, he wondered why the chief was in such a pissy mood. He wracked his brain but couldn’t think of anything he had done wrong.

  As soon as he cleared the doorway, Bear pointed to the chair in front of his desk. Bailey immediately sat down.

  Bear leaned against his desk, crossing his large arms over his chest. “I’m told that you know about shifters.”

  Bailey’s heart immediately began to pound in his chest. The only way the chief would know was if he was a shifter himself. That knowledge made Bailey feel as if he didn’t know his friends at all. He nodded as he tried to bring his racing heart under control.

  “I’m also told that Jordan is your mate.”

  “I don’t want a husband,” Bailey thoughtlessly snapped at Bear. It mattered that the guy was his chief, and normally Bailey respected his superiors. But if Bear was taking this to a personal level, then Bailey felt as if he could speak his mind—attitude and all.

  “Let me guess,” Bear’s tone was cutting. “Because of Harley, you’ve sworn off all men.”

  “Pretty much,” Bailey said in a flippant tone. “I don’t expect you to understand.”

  Bear stood to his full height, glowering down at Bailey. “Oh, I understand. I know what it’s like to have my heart ripped out. Spencer isn’t my first love.”

  Bailey stood and moved a few steps away, needing the room. “Then you should know what I’m going through. Are you here to speak up for Jordan? Did he put you up to this?”

  “Hardly. But I know you can’t shut yourself off. Harley was an idiot, and he was human. Things work differently in the shifter world. A mate means something totally different than what you had with that asshole.”

  Bailey d
idn’t want to hear it. He didn’t care how different things were. “Can you guarantee that I won’t be hurt again?” he asked, knowing Bear couldn’t.

  “I can guarantee that Jordan would rather cut off his own arm than hurt you.”

  Bailey snorted. “You don’t even know him. How can you make that claim?”

  “He’s a shifter. That’s all I need to know.” Bear took a step closer. “If you refuse him, you’ll be throwing away the best thing to ever happen to you.”

  Angry beyond belief, Bailey stormed from Bear’s office, slamming the door behind him as he walked outside. How could Bear know this? Jordan may be able to shift into a black panther, but he was still a guy who had the capability to destroy Bailey.

  What was worse was the fact that Bailey couldn’t stop thinking about the guy. He had spent the better part of last night tossing and turning, images of Jordan’s handsome face haunting him while awake, and following him into his dreams.

  “Just give him a chance,” Bear said as he stepped outside. “I’m not saying you have to give him your heart, but at least get to know him.”

  “Fine,” Bailey grumbled. He knew he was agreeing because some part of him was anxious to see Jordan again. He couldn’t explain it and he didn’t know why, but it was a hard fact. Everything about Jordan’s physical appearance appealed to him. Bailey had never seen anyone with amber eyes and they simply fascinated him. He just hoped the guy’s personality matched.

  “You can have the rest of the afternoon off. Go by the garage and see him.”

  Bailey threw his hands up, disgusted with everything. Fuck it. He was going over to the garage to see Jordan. Bear might be able to talk him into doing this, but he couldn’t make Bailey like the mechanic.

  Besides, his car was at Mark’s Garage getting looked at. Bailey could use that as an excuse to come by. He didn’t want to seem desperate. But he wasn’t going to apologize to Jordan for shooting the man. Not until he found out why Jordan killed a guy in his backyard.

  He walked to Mark’s Garage and then hesitated outside. Bailey’s nerves were beginning to wind tight. He could hear pneumatic tools and smell the oil as soon as he stepped into the bay. He spotted someone looking under the hood of a car and wondered—yep, it was Jordan. He stood up straight, wiping his hands on a shop rag.

  Bailey cleared his throat.

  Jordan glanced his way, but didn’t say anything. He stuffed the rag into his back pocket and went back to work. Bailey had the distinct impression the man was pissed at him. Was it for shooting him or making Travis take him away? Both?

  He was about to turn around and leave until Mark walked out of his office, smiling at Bailey. “Come to check on your car?”

  Bailey latched onto that excuse. “Yeah, have you fixed it?”

  Mark gave him a knowing grin. Bailey glanced over to where Jordan was working, but the man was acting as if Bailey wasn’t even there. “Jordan was on it as soon as your car hit bay two. It’s ready, I just haven’t had a chance to call you yet.”

  Bailey was stunned. He had treated Jordan like shit and the guy still made sure his car was taken care of. Letting out a deep sigh, Bailey knew the least he could do was take Bear’s advice and give the guy a chance. If nothing else, they could become friends.

  “Is it okay if I go over there and talk to him for a minute?”

  Mark nodded. “It’s more than okay.” He said it like he knew that Jordan was supposed to be his mate. Bailey was beginning to wonder if he was the only one in town who hadn’t known that shifters existed. It seemed everyone he talked to knew about the nonhumans.

  He approached Jordan, watching him work for a very long moment. Neither said anything and he was just about to give up hope when Jordan moved around him to get a tool, touching the small of Bailey’s back. If the black panther hated Bailey, he wouldn’t be touching him.

  “I’m sorry about last night,” he began.

  Jordan didn’t say a word. The guy sank back under the hood, leaving Bailey standing there feeling as if he should just get lost. Jordan had every right to be mad about Bailey for shooting him. He still wanted an explanation about the guy killing a man in his backyard, but he was starting to see that more was going on in Brac Village than met the eye.

  “Thanks for fixing my car.”

  Jordan glanced over his shoulder and gave Bailey a curt nod. Okay, he was willing to give this a try, but there was no way he could carry on a one-sided conversation. Bailey didn’t care how hot Jordan looked with the bandana wrapped around his raven hair, or how good he smelled even though he was covered in grease.

  He pivoted and began to walk away.

  “You missed breakfast.”

  Bailey stopped walking and turned, gazing at the muscular man. “I thought—”

  “You agreed to meet me.”

  The guy hadn’t said anything about Bailey putting a bullet in him, but he was angry that Bailey missed their breakfast date? “Uh, sorry about that.”

  “Don’t ever stand me up again,” he said as he dipped back down under the hood. “I’ll see you over there for dinner.”

  Bailey walked back over to Mark who was standing there with a clipboard in his hand. “Damn, that’s the most I’ve heard him talk since he started working here,” Mark said as he gave Bailey the paperwork to sign.

  Grabbing his keys from Mark, Bailey strode out of the garage, heading over to the diner to wait for Jordan.

  Chapter Four

  Maverick sat at his desk looking over business proposals. Skyler was sitting on the black couch, playing with her dolls. The two had a dinner date at the diner. Murdock had just dropped her off and Maverick was ready to head out when his cell phone rang.

  “This better be important. I have a very pretty lady waiting on me.”

  “Ah, another dinner date with Skyler?” Christian asked.

  Maverick relaxed in his chair. “You know, I’m good looking enough to attract the ladies.”

  “Yes, but you would have no interest in the ladies once you caught them. Besides, I wouldn’t say that too loud when your mate is working down the hall from you.”

  Maverick glanced at the door, hating that Christian was right. “He doesn’t have me on a yoke.” He couldn’t let the vampire know that he really didn’t want Cecil to hear him.

  The bastard laughed, unfortunately knowing Maverick a little too well when it came to his mate. That only aggravated him. Christian was the same way with Yasuko and Minsheng. The man had no room to talk. “Did you call to harass me or was there something you actually needed to talk to me about?”

  “One of my coven members captured a Vampire Hunter. He had some very interesting things to say by the time Christo was finished interrogating him.”

  This got his attention. “Shi—shoot.” He glanced at Skyler, giving her a wide smile. She slipped from the couch and walked over, handing Maverick one of her dolls.

  “I’m hungry.”

  “We are about to head out, princess.” Thankful that no one could see him, Maverick played dress up dolls with Skyler while he talked to the prince. He still sucked at doing the dolls’ hair, but he was getting better at it.

  “It seems Kenyon is rallying his men to come and investigate Brac Village. My second-in-command caught the Vampire Hunter in my club, snooping around.”

  Maverick snarled into the phone. “Let him come. I’ll”—he glanced down at Sklyer—“put them in time-out.”

  Christian burst out laughing on the other end. “It is amazing the way we speak when our children are around. But yes, we will kill them all if they mess with our families or the people we protect.”

  “Dang right.” Maverick was five seconds away from sending Sklyer to Cecil so he could talk freely when his mate walked in. Maverick immediately set the doll down, but not before Cecil busted him. His mate grinned from ear to ear. He ignored Cecil as he pointed to Sklyer and then the door.

  Cecil understood. “Come on, little lady. You can play dolls with Uncle Mav
erick later.”

  Making sure Skyler’s back was turned, Maverick flipped the man off. Cecil wiggled a doll at Maverick, teasing him before he shut the door behind him.

  “Did the Hunter say when this intrusion was supposed to happen?” Maverick asked.

  “It’s already begun.”

  * * * *

  Jordan had just cleaned up and was ready to head to the diner when someone pulled a car close to one of the open bays. He groaned. He knew he should have closed that bay door. There was nothing worse than last minute requests.

  “Can I help you?”

  The stranger closed his car door and walked over to Jordan. “Do you have any windshield washer fluid?”

  “They sell it at the gas station,” Jordan replied. He had finished for the day and was ready to get over to the diner where Bailey was waiting on him. He knew they had a lot to talk about and Jordan wanted to set a few things straight.

  “I’ll have to remember that,” the stranger said. “But I’m already here.”

  Jordan really wanted to tell the guy to go to the gas station, but decided to save himself an argument. He would get out of here a lot quicker if he just grabbed a gallon of washer fluid and took care of the guy.

  Walking back inside, Jordan snagged the plastic container containing the blue liquid. He turned, ready to hand it to the stranger when he saw that the human had followed him inside, holding a gun in front of him.

  What was with humans holding guns at him lately?

  “I have a file on you, Jordan Sommers. It says that you are a black panther.”

  Jordan burst out laughing. “Do you know how stupid that sounds?” Who in the hell was this guy and how did he know about Jordan’s cat? There was no doubt in Jordan’s mind that the stranger was human.

  His heart began to beat a little faster when the stranger smiled maliciously at him. “I don’t think it sounds stupid at all. Not when I witnessed you killing a vampire last night. No human could have done that. And then you came back later and shifted into a black panther.” Jordan watched as the guy reached into his back pocket and pulled out some pictures. He tossed them at Jordan. “There’s your proof.”


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